PO (Civic Plaftform) party, and the rest of the current ******** government that came out from goats ass relies on ignorance of their followers who are behind times and have not realised that the world runs on economy not emotion. All you have to do today is **** out some fakup article in the social media abt how being Polish is unEuropean or oldfashioned and it works like an electric current on dickheads who are petrified of not being accepted by the "world" community of superior beings like Western Europeans or Americans.
Polish Government of runs on 2 engines: Bribery from EU and Polish inferiority complex about being Polish
superior beings like Western Europeans or Americans.
PO (Civic Plaftform) party
So, you finally decided to open your second account on PF, Iron. :)
Not really, as time flies by more people are starting to see things the way they are.
The Polish government is an incompetent corrupted entity, supported sorry to say it by political morons.
The Polish government is an incompetent corrupted entity, supported sorry to say it by political morons.
your second account
Third. Iron already operated as Cojest here.
But I don`t suppose it is his account. A different style.
more people are starting to see things the way they are.
Exactly! That is why rightists have lost recent elections.
sorry to say it by political morons.
Wow!!! Amassingly delicate you are.
A different style.
but the same wording.
The Polish government is an incompetent corrupted entity.
If only, it is worse than that.
BS. Bit*ching about the government in China, NK, or Cuba makes sense. In a democratic Poland, people elect their government.
The second you drop the ballot or press enter to elect the ruling mob you forfeit the right to complain.
It's like saying "I hate you" after "I do".
The second you drop the ballot or press enter to elect the ruling mob you forfeit the right to complain.
It's like saying "I hate you" after "I do".
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2134
31 May 2024 #9
Hear hear, I have personally seen an awakening of this reality when working in Poland. General image of a country being "modern, not old fashioned and future oriented" only to come downing on them when visiting the country. Seeing the size of the population, technology and architecture.
A lot of westerners still see Poland as fully eastern bloc country and are shocked over the transformation when experiencing it.
It will take many more years but, more and more Poles will see that actually Poland is very much future oriented despite many Poles grievances with village mentality or prejudice of non-city inhabitants.
I walked village to village in Poland, there isn't much to complain about really except a few oddballs that only a strong headed local village mayor they know can handle. Otherwise it's only a matter of economical difference (other countries do have their share of village pumpkins, yet far more hostile to change then in Poland).
Just within energy, transportation and whatnot Poland is climbing forward. Yet others are cosy mosey stuck with what they are used to.
I noticed innovative Poles even in PiS, village landscape. (pawian being more rural then urban sure can attest to that himself)
Hear hear, I have personally seen an awakening of this reality when working in Poland. General image of a country being "modern, not old fashioned and future oriented" only to come downing on them when visiting the country. Seeing the size of the population, technology and architecture.
A lot of westerners still see Poland as fully eastern bloc country and are shocked over the transformation when experiencing it.
It will take many more years but, more and more Poles will see that actually Poland is very much future oriented despite many Poles grievances with village mentality or prejudice of non-city inhabitants.
I walked village to village in Poland, there isn't much to complain about really except a few oddballs that only a strong headed local village mayor they know can handle. Otherwise it's only a matter of economical difference (other countries do have their share of village pumpkins, yet far more hostile to change then in Poland).
Just within energy, transportation and whatnot Poland is climbing forward. Yet others are cosy mosey stuck with what they are used to.
I noticed innovative Poles even in PiS, village landscape. (pawian being more rural then urban sure can attest to that himself)
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11961
31 May 2024 #10
....I see the day coming Germans go over the border and steal polish cars....I do!
, I personally seen reality when working in Poland. General image of a country "modern, not old fashioned and future oriented" only to come downing on them when visiting the country.
What are you talking about? You have seen nothing and on top of it you are off topic, but I will comment nevertheless. Firstly, what transformation you mean? The shops? The cars? The buildings? In the 80s when in Poland we rebuilt a lot of what Germans destroyed we had normal buildings, cars , shops, roads, sexshops and guess what , even video cameras and other ****, just not tthe quality that westerns enoyed. Yet Americans thought that we wallow in mud, hourses walk around everywhere and that we never seen a tv screen. So really, not much has changed Mr Gruunwald , just your perception , but Poland is not hat different to what it was before. Your ignorance is what has painted a false image of Poland. And to me Europe is not modern, it is old , faking old and mostly ugly and restrictive. You want modern, go to Asia or USA.
If by modern you mean McDonalds and Hungry Jacks, cannabis in chocolate and cars everywhere then wow , so cool
Frankly, Polish government is only Polish speaking government, as said one Polish youtuber that I greatly respect.
Some of them don't even know Polish
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2134
31 May 2024 #14
You have seen nothing
So I have not seen solar power on Polish rooftops? Nicely new built houses in old neighbourhoods? Cars after cars outside cities?
I am on topic, you claimed PO is controlling Poles brains in Poland. I wrote that yeah, but it's basically of little consequence. A Pole only needs to travel abroad to see the truth.
What transformation? I used to play a game of counting Maluchs in 90's. Now it's basically impossible
My post was not about my ignorance, but that of westerners and Poles themselves.
And it's Mr Grunwald, not Grünewalt, Von Grünewalt or Von Grunwald or Greenwood. Mind you
So I have not seen solar power on Polish rooftops?
So what?It means that Poles have not bought into the "Green Philosophy".... what's wrong with that?
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2134
1 Jun 2024 #16
I am sorry? What?!
I did see solar panels on rooftops in Poland. I was merely jesting with him since he clearly doesn't know that I have seen them. As he blazingly claimed I have not!
I am sorry? What?!
I did see solar panels on rooftops in Poland. I was merely jesting with him since he clearly doesn't know that I have seen them. As he blazingly claimed I have not!
So I have not seen solar power on Polish rooftops? Nicely new built houses in old neighbourhoods?
How is that a sign of modern living? We always built new housing in Poland, and nice too, and you know what, the materials that we used to use mainly for bulding big blocks, were cancer causing żelbeton (a reinforced concrete) made in Germany - from your "modern/progressive" world. Cars after cars, so facking what? We used to have our own car industry , back when your western folk thought we ride pigs to work. Our car industry was completely ceased in 2001 when last Polonez left the fabric, a follow up to a new "wonderful" era of Poland's revival . Today, we drive foreign, second hand cars. Solar power on Polish rooftops - you call that super technology or progressive living or maybe you meant to say **** idea? That is your idea of Poland being new and modern now, but that is your idea. Solar power only works in a country like Poland if he panels cover the roof completely , and even then the energy collected is very scarce, in winter it is like big facking zero. So much for your modern world that we in Poland can safely do without. Modern living in Europe is coming to an end. And yes, I repeat what I wrote before, you haven't seen anything, you are looking at Poland through whoop dee do , and you think western or western european anything is so good for the world and so progressive. so exciting makes me giggle
Today, we drive foreign, second hand cars.
Because people prefer them.
Some of them don't even know Polish
I am sorry? What?!
I did see solar panels on rooftops in Poland.
I did see solar panels on rooftops in Poland.
So what?Do you really think that means Poles have bought into the green agenda?? HaHaHaHa!
Because people prefer them.
prefer them to what? new foreing cars?
Prefer foreign cars of the same time.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2134
2 Jun 2024 #23
and you think western or western european anything is so good for the world and so progressive. so exciting makes me giggle
I'll forgive you that statement, since it is based on ignorance
So what?Do you really think
I am sure people buy what's cheaper in the long run and not what's binds them to Russian energy. It boggled my mind that ordinary people did not care or see the risk of buying gas. Even if it was cheapest
And to me
Seems like you have some beef and are ranting. Is not a fair and general description of reality but your particular angle. So tell us how Poland disappointed our poor little wslipach?
If You want modern, go to Asia or the USA.
lol! It all has its good and bad sides and no country and not the US is 'modernized' all the way through. Unless you mean commercialized.
Yet Americans thought that we wallow in mud,
Who cares what others think?
@ Lenka
You missed the point, Grun tried to paint a picture of wonderful , happy Poland as new europe , so I made a point that it is bullshit , we (not me) continue to have a inferiority syndrome because it is economically beneficial for others , we dont have our own car industry, but we have many faking cars on the road , carsa sold mostly by Asians and Western Europeans , they cash in , not us, we fill up their pockets, we are just consumers, that is the point , we dont develop in that regard .
You missed the point, Grun tried to paint a picture of wonderful , happy Poland as new europe , so I made a point that it is bullshit , we (not me) continue to have a inferiority syndrome because it is economically beneficial for others , we dont have our own car industry, but we have many faking cars on the road , carsa sold mostly by Asians and Western Europeans , they cash in , not us, we fill up their pockets, we are just consumers, that is the point , we dont develop in that regard .