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A Polish Feminist Found in a Forest

johnny reb  49 | 7954
3 Aug 2024   #31
as Flannery O'Connor noticed a long time ago, a good man is hard to find. :)

Or as Sophie Tucker misspoke while live on the Ed Sullivan show when she was going to sing the song, "Some of these days" and said on live T.V., "A hard man is good to find."
The crowd roared and innocent Sophie says, "did I say something wrong" and Ed Sullivan said, "No Sophie, go ahead and sing your song.
This was way back before most of you were even born but I am sure you can google it.
Was she naked when find? Was her vagina exposed to elements?

Crow I swear, if you ever fell down hard and cracked your head open, little pussies would fall out of it.
Paulina  19 | 4473
3 Aug 2024   #32
I did neither.

You did both. I don't care what your supposed intentions were (hell is paved with "good intentions" - remember?), because it looks to me like you're not going to be honest about them. The facts are that you wrote untrue things about this woman and you made it look like it was serious info.
How about you learn a lesson from this? Or your crown would fall from your head? 🙄

The only thing you can accuse me of is not mentioning in the original post (because I did it a couple of posts later)

You mentioned this only because I asked you about it.

Oh, and I used "feminist" for alliteration rather than a "woman" in the thread title.

No, you didn't use it for alliteration, you liar. You used it because it fit the "choosing the bear" context. In other words - you were sh1tting on feminists on purpose and not for "poetic" reasons. 🤦

Sad... really, quite sad. The frustration emanating from you is staggering.

Yes, it is sad, because the reason for my frustration is you and other men like you. I have honestly enough of the unfair crap that men write about women on the internet. PF is a good example of this. Did you notice the amount of hate and prejudice posted by Novichok and some other men on this forum towards women (it's really hard not to notice)? Did you notice that the same isn't coming from any PF women about men, even though we would have good reasons to reciprocate? Well, it's the same all over the internet. PF is the microcosm of the internet and the real world in this regard. And I'm getting increasingly tired of this.

as Johnny said - obviously trying to pick a fight over the most trifling of things.

Johnny_reb is one of the biggest messed up trolls and liars on this forum, so if you're listening to him - that doesn't show you in good light. And I "don't pick fights" - I debunk bullsh1t. It may turn into a fight, because bullshitters usually don't like it when they are being called out on their bullsh1t and so they claim that "I'm looking for an argument" :))) And if I decide to comment on something - that usually means it's not "the most trifling of things" for me.
OP Torq  8 | 1041
3 Aug 2024   #33
Not everything is a f*cking joke.

Not everything indeed.

However, thanks to feminazis (not to be confused with feminists), woke weirdos, and other neo-marxists, a lot of things in the modern world were successfully turned into a huge joke. A healthy reaction of any sane person is to make fun of this galactic nonsense.

No, you didn't use it for alliteration

That's precisely what I used it for.

As for the rest of frustrated, self-indignant, self-righteous vomit posted above - yaaaaaaawn.
Paulina  19 | 4473
3 Aug 2024   #34
A healthy reaction of any sane person is to make fun of this galactic nonsense.

I wonder if you make fun of the men's "red pill" movement too? Because I haven't noticed any of the right-wing, conservative men doing that. Women "choosing the bear" are simply the female equivalent of male "red pillers".

That's precisely what I used it for.

You're lying. You could pick the word "female" instead of a "feminist". And even if you're not lying (which I doubt) you shouldn't be lying in the thread title. People can't read your mind and noone knew that you picked this word of all the words available for "poetic" reasons. It was misleading. If I didn't "pick a fight" over this with the "poor, innocent" you, noone would know that you posted false info about this woman.

As for the rest of frustrated, self-indignant, self-righteous vomit posted above - yaaaaaaawn.

Yeah, yeah - as I wrote before - don't post bullsh1t and you won't have problems with me.

Was she naked when find? Was her vagina exposed to elements?

Another clown.
OP Torq  8 | 1041
3 Aug 2024   #35
I wonder if you make fun of the men's "red pill" movement too?

Even on this very forum I mentioned how sick and detrimental to society the "red pill" movement is.

Somehow you missed it, haven't you? You only notice (and create huge gównoburza) when I say something you don't like. Typical.

You could pick the word "female" instead of a "feminist".

Indeed I could! I simply didn't think of this particular word. Perhaps you're a better poet than I am? :)
Paulina  19 | 4473
3 Aug 2024   #36
Somehow you missed it, haven't you?

Yes, I have. I don't read all the posts on this forum - imagine that. You must've been mentioning it really rarely though, because I would have noticed it. You and other men like you seem to prefer to focus on the extremes on the female side.

Indeed I could! I simply didn't think of this particular word. Perhaps you're a better poet than I am? :)

No, it simply didn't fit your agenda.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
3 Aug 2024   #37
(hell is paved with "good intentions" - remember?),

Let me correct you again, it is "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
- you were sh1tting on feminists on purpose

Deservingly as they have ruined men
Did you notice that the same isn't coming from any PF women about men,

May I quote you, liar
Johnny_reb is one of the biggest messed up trolls and liars on this forum

I "don't pick fights"

Yes you do, you love to fight
they claim that "I'm looking for an argument"

You could argue with an empty room all day, Karen.
And I'm getting increasingly tired of this.

You bring it on yourself, Stupid.
Did it ever cross your mind that we are getting tired of your camping on how all men are rapists and don't help with the raising of their children.
Your problem is that you are a Control Freak and think you can brow beat us guys to march to your beat.
You may get away with it with your little Polish buddies but I assure you that you will be told where to go stack your bottles when you try it with us.
Notice how Ms. Atch has earned our respect and doesn't have the problems that you do ?
Pay attention, take a hint and start acting like a lady like Ms. Atch instead of a Bull Dyke Karen.
If you wish to be a stiff, nitpicking wet blanket, constantly looking for an argument, then knock yourself out, but forgive me if I yawn.

I concur.
OP Torq  8 | 1041
3 Aug 2024   #38
other men like you


You don't know me. You have no idea who I am, and yet you see fit to write "men like you". Sometimes it's difficult to guess whether you are 80 (with all the grumpiness, moaning and complaining) or 14 (with all the pouting and immaturity).

No, it simply didn't fit your agenda.

You see? You think you know better than I do why I do things, what I think, and what my intentions are. :) Don't you see how ridiculous that is? As I said, you have this awful tendency to ascribe ill will and malice to people. If you do that not only online but also to people in the real life, then you must be a very difficult person to be around.
Paulina  19 | 4473
3 Aug 2024   #39
You don't know me. You have no idea who I am, and yet you see fit to write "men like you".

Really? So you're not a conservative right-winger? Based on your posts - you do strike me as such. I'm not saying that you're a woman-hater, but I can't say I've noticed you disagreeing with Novichok and others like him when they write their crap about women either. Among men only pawian seems to be doing that from time to time. Lately BB spoke out. And that's pretty much it.

(with all the pouting and immaturity).

That actually sounds like you lol :)

You see? You think you know better than I do why I do things, what I think and what my intentions are. :)

Sorry, but judging by your views, attitude and the "choosing the bear" theme in your post it was really obvious why you picked the word "feminist". That's why it looks like you're trying to save your face and weasel out of this by claiming that the only reason why you chose that word was alliteration.
Maybe it is possible that you were so fixated on your anti-feminist agenda that you didn't even think of the most obvious word in this context, but I wouldn't say that shows you in a good light either... 🤨

Btw, you don't know me either, but you make all kinds of assumptions about me and my intentions too. 🤷
OP Torq  8 | 1041
3 Aug 2024   #40

Sorry, I can't do it anymore. I've way too much testosterone for that. You will have to find someone with your level of estrogen to continue.
johnny reb  49 | 7954
3 Aug 2024   #41
you must be a very difficult person to be around.

Do ya think ?
Why do you think she is still single being middle aged.
She is just downright miserable person which is such a typical trait of feminist women.
According to her, we are all psycho's and we must be dumbed down to think like her or else.
I am really surprised that she hasn't called one of her feminist friends to circle the wagons and attack you Torq.
Name one man here that would want to live with a woman like her........NONE is the correct answer.
Ironside  50 | 12952
3 Aug 2024   #42
She is nagging and yapping about nothing it is boring.
She is nobody to me I don't have to take it.
I wish she had a boyfriend or somebody in real life so she would be less bitter and hopefully moan less here.
OP Torq  8 | 1041
3 Aug 2024   #43
Why do you think she is still single being middle aged.

I don't know her age, I don't know her marital status, and I don't care about either.

*off to grab a beer and watch Ekstraklasa*
Paulina  19 | 4473
3 Aug 2024   #44
Sorry, I can't do it anymore.

That's what usually happens when you have no counterarguments left :)))

I've way too much testosterone for that. You will have to find someone with your level of estrogen to continue.

And you see - this is what I mean when I write "men like you". This jab at women in general was unnecessary and unfair. I don't do that when I discuss with men - I don't put down or attack their sex. I focus on them as individuals. So, in other words - you just behaved like a sexist a-hole. There are men on PF who often do that when discussing with women here and unfortunately it looks like you're part of this group...
pawian  226 | 27546
3 Aug 2024   #45
I don't care

Yes, it is obvious that you don`t care about the forum being closed down due to your low misogynist threads about miserable women lost in the forest. Thanks to your diminishing input, some posters publicly declare they won`t pay a cent for the upkeep of the forum. And others who read it also may take a similar decision.

Why do you hate this forum so much that you want to have it closed???
OP Torq  8 | 1041
3 Aug 2024   #46
Why do you hate this forum so much that you want to have it closed???

Yes... how could I have been so blind? I can see it clearly now - it is either me or PF! What should I do?

What drama! What tension! What suspense!

*makes the only right decision*

Yes, I have to go. I have to leave the green digital pastures of PF. It's for the greater good of the board.

So, goodbye feminist hags, sons of Brits, bitter pensioners, and you my conservative right-wing brothers (Slavic and of lesser ethnicities). I shall keep you all in my heart forever.

Fare-thee-wells and sigh-shrilled adieus! Away I wander...

*rides off into the sunset*
pawian  226 | 27546
3 Aug 2024   #47
I have to leave the green digital pastures of PF.

Not literally, of course. You should stay and write about Poland. Just stop posting those idiotic misogynist texts. You were once considered a decent person towards women, but recently you started imitating those American maniacal rightists.

*rides off into the sunset*

Wrong! The horse should be white!
pawian  226 | 27546
3 Aug 2024   #48
better than I do why I do things, what I think, and what my intentions are.

We don`t care about your intentions, low or deep. The fact is that you diminish women in your posts far too often. And when rebuked for it, you break down and cry we we don`t understand you and assume other melodramatic tones. Get a grip. You are much more intelligent than other women haters here so why are you doing it???
johnny reb  49 | 7954
4 Aug 2024   #49
You are much more intelligent than other women haters here

There are no woman haters here, only feminist haters that stand their ground against the feminist's brow beaters.
Only pussy whipped men bow to them.
Get a grip and grow a pair.
See how Paulina just ran another good member out of here with her feminist meltdown.
Novichok  4 | 8538
4 Aug 2024   #50
Feminist (def.) - a moron who says "Women don't need men".
A nut (def.) - a part that can do the job without the screw.
pawian  226 | 27546
4 Aug 2024   #51
a grip

I got a grip decades ago when I decided to become a feminist male. Try it out and you will feel much better than now when you are so lost in life which shows in the forum. :):):):)

  • il_570xN.2572384816_.jpg
Poloniusz  5 | 969
4 Aug 2024   #52
I decided to become a feminist male

pawian  226 | 27546
4 Aug 2024   #53
I decided

You decided to become an incel after your marriage ended with a disaster. And it was a bad choice coz you are hopelessly frustrated. Ha!!!
johnny reb  49 | 7954
4 Aug 2024   #54
Get a grip and grow a pair.

I got a grip decades ago when I decided to become a feminist male.

No, I said grow a pair and become a real man, not a weak man.
So you were indoctrinate with feminist brow beating decades ago and became a Mangina.
(P.S. Real men don't wear pink shirts)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 877
4 Aug 2024   #55
@johnny reb
Real men are not feminists, and they do not use terms like incel to denegrate people. The people on PF that claim to take the high ground on issues, and yet use terms like this is funny. So high and mighty on the issues. lmao
pawian  226 | 27546
4 Aug 2024   #56
The people on PF that claim

Exactly! You are so right.
The problem is that I am not people and your human theories break down on the edge of my pink ass. hahahaha

No, I said

Why are you still on at 4 am??? Are you anxious/worried and can`t sleep??? You see? I was right. You are lost and frustrated. Become a feminist male and you will sleep easily.

don't wear pink shirts

Give up the rules which were practised 50 years ago. We are living in the 21st century. ):):)


So true.... :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 7954
4 Aug 2024   #57
they do not use terms like incel to denegrate people.

Pawian and Paulina always resorts to personal character attacks to diminish and shame to attack the person and not the post when they are losing the debate just like the Piehole Milo does.
Feminism has destroyed White men and that is why there are so many broken families today with children without fathers.
Real men like Torq after taking enough just throw up their hands and walk away from a losing cause. (smart)
Then there are the Mangina that have caved to Woke feminism because it is a cop out and much easier than being a real man standing our ground.
I am so glad that I am past the age of being influenced by the power of the pussy (feminism) as life is so much more peaceful without all that drama.
Paulina's demanding meltdown yesterday that ran Torq out of here is a prime example of it.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 877
4 Aug 2024   #58
You have zero credibility on arguments with the way you communicate. A few others have the same problem.

@johnny reb
Whats funny, is that in Poland, more people than not support traditional values and roles for men and women. This is just a fact that voting numbers prove out. Even those who beat PiS to form the current government do not wholely support woke or feminist ideology. Poland is really one of the last strongholds of family values and beliefs. I had no idea I would appreciate that fact as much as I do now when looking at how fvcked up the western woke countries have become.
Novichok  4 | 8538
4 Aug 2024   #59
at how fvcked up the western woke countries have become.

In a matriarchal society "no" is hate speech. Everything is OK no matter how idiotic because a "no" may hurt some creep's feelings.
Do you want to assault a woman in Paris? No problem...Just say you are one...If she's fine but we at least we didn't say no to the POS who killed her...

BTW...If "real men" are feminists, what are real women?
Paulina  19 | 4473
4 Aug 2024   #60
Feminist (def.) - a moron who says "Women don't need men".

Yet another of your numerous lies. That's not what feminism is about.

Feminists can make a point that a woman without a husband isn't worthless and she can have a fulfilling life and that getting married doesn't have to be the most important or only life goal for a woman. We don't claim that humanity in general doesn't need men, which for some strange reason anti-feminist men like to accuse feminists of. I don't know where you get such ideas - maybe it's some kind of insecurity. 🤨

You decided to become an incel after your marriage ended with a disaster.

I doubt he ever got close to getting married. Poloniusz is scary lol

and they do not use terms (...) to denegrate people.

Plenty of right-wing men on PF aren't "real men" then :)))

In a matriarchal society "no" is hate speech. Everything is OK no matter how idiotic because a "no" may hurt some creep's feelings.

Another bullsh1t. Polish families are often matriarchal and I can't say that caring about people's feelings is the main priority in those families lol

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