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Famous Poles die - your memories

mafketis  38 | 11167
25 Sep 2022   #31
CULT role

kultowy =/= cult

"The term cult film itself was first used in the 1970s to describe the culture that surrounded underground films and midnight movies, though cult was in common use in film analysis for decades prior to that.

Cult films trace their origin back to controversial and suppressed films kept alive by dedicated fans"

Pieczka was iconic. A month or so ago I watched the tv-series version of Ziemia Obiecana (sort of again) and his was one of my favorite characters (along with his daughter, Bożena Dykiel in another iconic role)
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Sep 2022   #32
Pieczka was iconic

You didn`t answer my previous question. Again: do you mean he was never a cult actor in his career???
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
25 Sep 2022   #33
ever a cult actor in his career?

You are a cult follower of PO and other traitors scumbacks. I wonder why are you broken.
mafketis  38 | 11167
25 Sep 2022   #34
do you mean he was never a cult actor in his career???

Hydrozagadka might be a cult film... did he do more weird, non-mainstream movies that people enjoy for weird reasons? Maybe Jańcio Wodnik???

But overall he's an iconic actor (the role in czterej pancerzy sounds more iconic... it was a mainstream production enjoyed by a mainstream international audience.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Sep 2022   #35
follower of PO

Yes, coz they are decent, intelligent and reliable. Complete opposite of PiS and naziopolacken. Ha!

the role in czterej pancerzy sounds more iconic..

Ok, let it be. :))

Pancernych. :):)
mafketis  38 | 11167
25 Sep 2022   #36
Pancernych. :):)

never saw more than short bits and pieces... is it worth checking out in full?
OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Sep 2022   #37
Well, the series was quite gripping 50 years ago but today it suits kids and teenagers rather than adults. It is an action war flick in which one tank crew solely wins the war for Poland and the USSR against hordes of nasty Germans.
Alien  25 | 6430
25 Sep 2022   #38
"Vier Panzersoldaten und ein Hund" - 93% of watching Germans liked it.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
26 Sep 2022   #39
Adventure based series, very moralistic with regard how to treat your enemy at times, which is when the crew is at odds with one another.

Having "Janek Kos" as the central character of the series, with two women flirting/interested in him. While leaving room for other characters to romantisize as well.

+the dog filling the role of something very similar as Lessie or Rex movies/series.

It had propaganda hidden in it carefully to work subcounciously on viewers mind. (Especially Soviet-Polish friendship)

Yet everyone watched it to enjoy it tho
OP pawian  226 | 27558
26 Sep 2022   #40
Yet everyone watched it to enjoy it tho

Yes, coz there was nothing better at the time - the choice was heavily limited. The Dirty Dozen film with Lee Marvin from 1967 was shown in Polish cinemas about 12 years later.
Alien  25 | 6430
3 Oct 2022   #41
Jerzy Urban is dead. Famous for his protruding ears... or something else?
mafketis  38 | 11167
3 Oct 2022   #42
Famous for his protruding ears...

On the one hand one of the most widely loathed people in the PRL due to his position as spokesman(?) though a bunch of people told me individually they kind of liked him....

Then he published NIE for years (is that still around?)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Oct 2022   #43
Jerzy Urban is dead

A Good opportunity to clear this up. Was he a Pole or was he a Jew?
mafketis  38 | 11167
3 Oct 2022   #44
Pole or was he a Jew?

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Oct 2022   #45
Kind of nosense. In today contex if he would have been shot for being a traitor to Poland they could say it is anti-semitism. Both doesn't cut it. It is OK if the times are good in the times of strife that casue problems.
mafketis  38 | 11167
3 Oct 2022   #46
Kind of nosense

No... russian distinguishes between "ethnic russian" (russkij) and "citizen of the russian federation" (rosjanin).
Poland never made such a distinction that I know of so Polak means "ethnic Pole" (whether a citizen of Poland or not) or "citizen of Poland" (including those who aren't ethnic Poles). Saying someone born in Poland and whose first language was Polish and who was a Polish citizen isn't Polish is kind of a.... logical non-starter.

The question of whether he was a traitor or not is totally unrelated.

russian also distinguishes between "ethnic Jew" and "follower of Judaism" which is also handy distinction as Urban might have been the former but he wasn't the latter.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Oct 2022   #47
Was he a Pole or was he a Jew?

What kind of meaning does that have for a peasant like you?
Alien  25 | 6430
3 Oct 2022   #48
Urban was born 1933 to a Jewish family in Łódź.
Lyzko  44 | 9717
3 Oct 2022   #49
It is possible to be of Polish birth and nationality, yet Jewish by religion:-)

Ask any assimilated Jew! Were you to ask Roman Polanski, Julian Tuwim or even half-Jews such as Jan Brzechwa (author of the best-known tongue twister in the Polish language), they would all declare themselves proud Poles of Jewish heritage.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Oct 2022   #50
The question of whether he was a traitor or not is totally unrelated.

Sure, but in the context of all that going on about. Like certain Americans (Jewish) have issue with Poles having issues with other Poles(Polish citizens). Like Isreal that have issues and even brazen claims with what were Polish citizens doing (or not) to other Polish ctizens.

So my question is what the hell is going on and how to make a sense out of it.
So far seems like a magical trick played on people to get them conned - now you see us, now you don't. In the context where I can gain something I'm a Jew if I stand to loose I'm not. If you go after me for reasons I can hide behind a sheld by claiming anti-semities are after me, and so on.

That is BS, you can get away with it in the USA where Jews are not that many and well off.

What kind of meaning does that have for a peasant like you?

To me it means nothing. In a historical perpective Jews and aritsocunts like you were in cahoots to enslave and con peasants. If anything you and Jews should pay me a compensation. If one belive in such things and seems to me you and some Jews do think that Jews should get money out of Poles majority of which are of peasant stock and had been exploited by a team of nobles and Jews.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
21 Nov 2022   #51
A few days ago a famous pop singer J. Połomski died. He specialised in romantic pop ballads. Not my fave kind of music but I didn`t change the station when i heard his songs on the radio. He became popular in 1960s and died at about 90.

Here is a collection of his best songs:

OP pawian  226 | 27558
2 Feb 2023   #52
Famous actor Leonard Pietraszak died at 86. As a boy, I loved watching him in the TV series Black Clouds and 40 Year Old Man, then in Vabank 1 and 2 as a young adult. And other cult productions, too. Amazing actor. Thank you for all this entertainment you gave us.

Leonard Pietraszak as a corrupt banker , suspected by the police of robbing his own bank, is doing his best to find alibi and prove he`s innocent. This scene has English subtitles but contains words like Murzyn so watch out. .

Vabank 1

  • leonardpietraszak.j.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27558
2 Feb 2023   #53
but contains words like Murzyn so watch out.

Murzyn! Murzyn! This will be the best alibi, I wouldn`t like to be in your shoes, mr chief of police! Let`s go!

Mr chief of police, I swear, I saw a dog with Murzyn going out of that door! I swear!!!
Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Feb 2023   #54
In Polish it somehow sounds more funny to me:

"jak Boga kocham, ja widziałem jak tu wczoraj wychodził pies z Murzynem"

;D ;D
OP pawian  226 | 27558
2 Feb 2023   #55
They don`t make such films anymore today due to political correctness. Pity. :):)
Bobko  27 | 2107
12 Jun 2023   #56
Today, a famous Polish-American mathematician - Ted Kaczynski - took his own life while being hospitalized at the federal prison medical center in Butner, North Carolina. Yet another victim of the brutal conditions rampant in the American correctional system.

Wikipedia tells us, that: "Theodore John Kaczynski was born in Chicago on May 22, 1942, to working-class parents Wanda Theresa (née Dombek) and Theodore Richard Kaczynski, a sausage maker. The two were Polish Americans who were raised as Roman Catholics but later became atheists."

He went on to become one of the best high school students in the country, earning him a National Merit Scholarship to Harvard University at the tender age of 15. At Harvard he studied mathematics, which he continued then to pursue at the University of Michigan as a masters student. Focusing on complex analysis, specifically geometric function theory.

After leaving academia, he became a wilderness survival expert, living out of a modest cabin in Montana. Finally, in the closing chapters of his life he became a civic activist, campaigning around issues close to ecology and technologic progress.
jon357  72 | 23492
12 Jun 2023   #57
mathematician - Ted Kaczynski - took his own life

Good riddance.

He's mentioned already in the thread about Pol-Am criminals.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
12 Jun 2023   #58
Today, a famous Polish-American mathematician - Ted Kaczynski

Famous only for being the Unabomber......he was a paranoid Schizophrenic.....and murderer.....

And just another example of how weird some Pole Ams can be....we have several examples of weird Pole Ams on this forum.....
Alien  25 | 6430
13 Jun 2023   #59
have several examples of weird Pole Ams on this forum.....

several?, whom?
OP pawian  226 | 27558
24 Jun 2023   #60
At Harvard he studied mathematics,

Exactly. I always claimed too much maths is bad for people. I knew two maths teachers who went crazy and had to undergo therapy due to excessive mental strain they put on themselves by trying to work out hard math problems.

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