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Famous Poles die - your memories

pawian  226 | 27817
6 Oct 2019   #1
Kornel Morawiecki was buried yesterday.

A confirmed anticommunist in 1970/80s, an editor and publisher of antisystem underground publications, he set up Fighting Solidarity in 1982. Their programme was simple - abolish communism and retrieve independence. I remember they were tough guys, very militant. When they went to antigovernment demonstrations in 1980s, it was obvious there would be street riots and serious clashes with communist militia.

While eventually all these things did in fact come to pass, at the time this program was seen as quite radical and unrealistic, even in dissident circles.

The Polish secret police found it extremely hard to infiltrate the organization, even though they employed various tactics, including kidnapping Morawiecki's children in an attempt to blackmail him..

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antheads  13 | 340
7 Oct 2019   #2
A true hero, and good to see how his legacy lives on in his son, who even Sikorski called a patriot when he was appointed.

Funny how the Walęsa Bolek fool called him a traiter at the KO conference. And people applauded. Poland will never vote these Post-Communists in. ! We are on the right path!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Oct 2019   #3
Today was the internment of Jan Kobuszewski, a great comedy actor. Very characteristic countenance.
One of his dialogues :

a retired sportsman addicted to alcohol:
Yes, Sir, I admit it openly: I tope. No, of course, I do make breaks: Then I say to myself: Jonhhy, stop toping! Haven`t you had enough if it in your lifetime? But, Sir, it`s to no avail, I only fritter away my tongue. I love this naphtha so much. Do you tope?

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #4
Do you know that Romuald Lipko died at the age of 69? He was a rock musician, leader of cult group Budka Suflera which has been active since late 1970s. He composed music for his band as well as other singers, especially female ones. Two or three generations of Poles loved these songs. They have had good message both in communist times and today.

Check out this music:

A beautiful ballad by Urszula from 1983 - she worked with Budka Suflera for a few years.

Puff Balls, Kites and Wind

Another one with great music and vocal by Urszula from 1984
Raspberry King

Izabela Trojanowska`s great hit from 1981 was also composed by Lipko
I am your sin
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #5
Yes, Polish members already heard the sad news. Emil Karewicz, actor.
His legendary role of an evil Gestapo officer in the WW2 spy series is still remembered by millions. The quotes from him became part of the culture.

Best scenes

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Mar 2020   #6
Emil Karewicz, actor

He died at the age of 97.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #7
Wonderful age.
jon357  72 | 23680
29 Mar 2020   #8
Very sad news. The radio here are reporting that Krzysztof Penderecki died this morning, aged 86. He was Poland's greatest living composer.,103085,25111169,krzysztof-penderecki-nie-zyje-mial-86-lat.html
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Mar 2020   #9
Krzysztof Penderecki, famous composer and conductor.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Mar 2020   #10
I must admit I haven`t appreciated his music - it is too modern while I am a traditionalist who likes old classical music of 18th-19th centuries.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Aug 2020   #11
Two important persons have left: Henryk Wujec, anticommunist activist of KOR and first Solidarity in 1970s-80s and Ewa Demarczyk, poet singer from Krakow. She had an incredible voice.

Listen to her best song: Carousel with Madonnas. Awesome. Nobody else was able to sing it like she did - so full of energy.

And a beautiful ballad: Peas and roses

The song with the WW2 lyrics by Baczyński
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Aug 2020   #12
Piotr Szczepanik, singer. He sang beautiful romantic ballads in 1960s, but when I heard them in early 1970s, I was fascinated. And I still listen to them when driving.

It is easy to say I love you

Chasing cormorants

Yellow calendars

I would like, one day
Ironside  51 | 13114
22 Aug 2020   #13
Czeslaw Milosz, a poet and Noble laurate. He died some time ago. Yet he was lucky as I almost ended his life prematurely while running pell-mell down the stairs. My agility saved his life but he was an arrogant **** even thought I apologized to him for the near miss he just ignored me.

He supported soviet and their occupation of Poland until he run away in the 50'. No wonder he was nasty deep down as all commies are. ah and not very tall.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2020   #14
Wojciech Pszoniak, an outstanding actor. So many immortal roles....

Watch him in Promised Land by Wajda where he plays a Jewish businessman. Brilliant:

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2020   #15
Pszoniak, playing Moritz Welt, a Jewish businessman in The Promised Land, would certainly ask for more details. I am not a Jewish businessman, so excuse me, no enquiries from me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Apr 2021   #16
Krzysztof Krawczy, pop singer. I remember him best from 1970s when his songs were very popular coz the communist radio played them all the time. He probably died of covid complications.

Drawing on glass, 1976
Lenka  5 | 3549
6 Apr 2021   #17
His wife said he didn't. He had other medical conditions
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Apr 2021   #18
I presumed it coz he had left the hospital after covid infection two days before his death.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jun 2021   #19
Captain Halina Chojnowska- Liskiewicz - the first woman who sailed solo around the world in 1976-78.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Sep 2021   #20
Wiesław Gołas, famous actor and stand-up comedian. A really funny guy.

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Paulina  19 | 4558
11 Sep 2021   #21
I didn't know that Wiesław Gołas had such dramatic and tragic experiences early in life - his father was murdered in Majdanek concentration camp and Gołas himself became a member of the Gray Ranks (Szare Szeregi), got arrested (he got locked up in the same cell as his father) and tortured by Gestapo.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2021   #22
got arrested by Gestapo.

At the age of 14.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2021   #23
Krzysztof Kiersznowski, actor, 70. I loved his comedy roles in Vabank and Killer.


Vabank 2

With his death, nearly all main protagonists of the cult comedy Vabank are gone.. Pity.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Sep 2022   #24
Franciszek Pieczka - a cult actor in cult films and series. He died at 94.

In a comedy - Hydrozagadka subs

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Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
25 Sep 2022   #25
a cult actor in cult films

You mean an iconic actor that starred in many great films.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
25 Sep 2022   #26
No no no! Do not take away his "acolyte!" xD
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Sep 2022   #27
You mean iconic

Yes, darling. Did you have difficulty understanding the phrase: a cult actor??? Strange, coz it is easy English....... :):):):
mafketis  38 | 11281
25 Sep 2022   #28
A cult actor would be someone like Bruce Campbell....

Pieczka is more iconic

cult - not necessarily widely popular, but has a dedicated fan base

iconic - played important roles in movies that are part of the national canon

Pieczka is definitely iconic (though hydrozagadka might qualify as a cult movie)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
25 Sep 2022   #29
In English it sounds the same as in: "Okkultystyczny aktor" in Polish. When you are thinking more about: "It's a thing", become a tradition or more of a: "We have seen it for years! It's basically tradition now!"

You can't translate "kultowe Polskie serials/aktorzy" which are a shortcut for cultural/culture and in sense of a cult
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Sep 2022   #30
cult - not necessarily widely popular, but has a dedicated fan base

Of course not in case of Pieczka who played a CULT role of a tank crew member in 1960s series which became CULT not only in Poland but also in other Soviet block countries. I read memories by Pieczka about himself being recognised and greeted enthusiastically in a remote village in Siberia where he was shooting another movie.

Maf, read this definition and say if it applies to Pieczka:

Basically actors or actresses who have a big cult following. Either for good reasons or for bad reasons.

Can you deny Pieczka had a big cult following his roles?????? :):):)

"kultowe Polskie serials/aktorzy" which are a shortcut for cultural/culture

Of course not. Kultowe in Polish comes from kult/cult and has nothing to do with kultura. Ha!

It was nice educating you both. Don`t thank me. hahahaha

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