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Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died

OP jon357  72 | 23361
29 May 2017   #31
So you're saying he wasn't in fact born in Poland before moving across the pond?
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 May 2017   #32
I'm saying that he moved with his diplomant daddy and his immediate family. Not quite the same thing.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
29 May 2017   #33
Really? He moved across the Atlantic and was unable to return.

And he achieved a huge amount in his life, One of the very best.
Shitonya Brits
18 Mar 2019   #34
May is just around the corner and it will soon be the second anniversary of the passing away of diplomat, scholar, and true son of true Poland Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Looking through the previous comments in this thread it was interesting but saddening to note that not a single PRL-era Pole thanked this giant of history and the pivotal role he personally had in not only halting the spread of communism but defeating it especially in Poland.

Could this ingratitude from privileged PRL-era Poles be due to the fact that a true Pole born in the Second Polish Republic derailed their commie gravy train?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Mar 2019   #35
He wasn't a true Pole at all. He sold out for cash and his actions led to an enemy nation knowing exactly how to destroy Poland and Poles in the time of war.

Interestingly, he met Adam Michnik very early on.
Polakito  3 | 1
20 Apr 2019   #36
Brzezinski was a scumbag elitist. I'm not going to say more because I will be called a conspiracy theorist and I will be attacked by those who don't question and love daddy government.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
20 Apr 2019   #37

What's wrong with that? Would you rather he was at your level?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Apr 2019   #38
Brzezinski was a scumbag elitist.

His sick legacy: that Trump hating moron on MSNBC, and one more reason why I never volunteer that I was born Polish.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Apr 2019   #39
Brat Zbigniew took great money in his life, in a world ruled by Anglos and influenced by the Jews and then sure Pope, and some others, too. He could write a book ``How to make yourself rich``.
Velund  1 | 489
22 Apr 2019   #40
Their methods of becoming rich turned out to be too expensive for the humankind.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Apr 2019   #41
Brat Zbigniew told to himself, I am sure, something like this: ... `Zbigniewe, take the money. If you don`t take it somebody else would take it. You Zbigniewe can`t correct sh** of this world so take the money and sleep well.`

Now, we can say brat Zbigniew was selfish, treacherous or whatever. But see, brat took the money. And essentially, he for sure never gave a f*** about Anglo domination. Anglos were cow to him. Yes, cow. Definitely. Cow for milking.
Velund  1 | 489
22 Apr 2019   #42
Zbigniew was also pretty caring about their milk cow. Time to time he directed her to where she could plun... oops, graze. But cow was experienced in this stuff and without Zbigniew, so he make just very slight correction to their own way.
Crow  154 | 9463
23 Apr 2019   #43
Exactly. Cow needed some hand to milk her and brat Zbigniew took the tit.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
23 Apr 2019   #44
Do you think he had any influence in getting Poland in to NATO? U.K nor France certainly don't have much interest in it except for Poland not being under Russia.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Apr 2019   #45
I doubt. More powerful figures deciding on strategical issues for world powers. There are magnates in US, in Russia, in Vatican and in China. They sit and deciding. Then players emerge to play the game. See, brat Zbigniew was such a player and for that he took the money, which I do respect.
pawian  224 | 27236
2 Sep 2022   #46
He was a prophet - correctly predicted that the clash between West and RuSSia will take place in defence of Ukraine which is an important pivot in Euroasian geopolitics.

According to Brzezinski [who passed away in May 2017], independent since 1991, Ukraine is an "important space on the Eurasian chessboard", the control of which is supposed to make a domination over the world possible.

In this interview in 2014, Brzezinski, in excellent Polish, explains that the West will fully support Ukraine if they decide to fight best they can. However, if they surrender like they did in Crimea, nobody will help them. It seems Ukrainians have remembered his words:

pawian  224 | 27236
2 Sep 2022   #47
It is funny to suppose that RuSSists in the Kremlin also read Brzezinski`s views on Ukraine. Coz he said this:

Zbigniew Brzezinski has famously observed that "without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire."

Putin decided to invade and capture Ukraine coz Brzezinski had suggested RuSSia wouldn`t be an empire without it.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Sep 2022   #48
Forget Brzezinski, I think that is what most Russians believed anyway.
They are now.learning that Ukrainians don't agree with them.
Novichok  4 | 8748
3 Sep 2022   #49
Brzezinski had suggested RuSSia wouldn`t be an empire without it.

He either said it or didn't say it. If he did, he was an idiot. Adding 40 million to 150 million does not an empire make.
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Sep 2022   #50
Adding 40 million to 150 million does not an empire make.

It isn`t only population which matters.
Now think hard and tell us what else matters in making RuSSia a true empire after absorbing Ukraine??
Think!!!! I always urge my students to do it, even when it is painful to them.
amiga500  5 | 1505
3 Sep 2022   #51
Adding 40 million to 150 million does not an empire make.

read the grand chessboard before spouting off.
Novichok  4 | 8748
3 Sep 2022   #52
Does Putin know that Russia is just another country but together with Ukraine it would be an empire and he an emperor?
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Sep 2022   #53
Does Putin know

yes, he must have read Brzezinski.

Home / News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died