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Polish coal will be back

jon357  73 | 22694
10 Jun 2024   #121
Just think how many people

And how many would be dying early from pneumoconiosis.

That and the kids with asthma.
gumishu  16 | 6182
10 Jun 2024   #122
householders making some money is called "exploiting the naive

they are not really making money - they just pay slightly lower rates for electricity (like 20 per cent lower IIRC)
jon357  73 | 22694
10 Jun 2024   #123
they are not really making money

That depends on the rig, and the scale you can do it on. Paying less in itself is worthwhile, however there's money to be made. In the U.K., even a domestic setup with the newest panels pays for itself quite soon. Adds to the value of the house too.

Why do you dislike the idea of renewables?
johnny reb  46 | 7425
11 Jun 2024   #124
When the sun doesn't shine you freeze to death and sit in the dark.
Coal is toasty warm and runs big power plants to serve your home.
Plus, it employes a lot of people from mining it, to selling equipment to mine it, transporting it, selling it and on and on.
gumishu  16 | 6182
11 Jun 2024   #125
Why do you dislike the idea of renewables?

just like johnnyreb said, renewables are not reliable (especially in Poland where winter can be harsh and usually there is very few sunny days during the time)
jon357  73 | 22694
11 Jun 2024   #126
not reliable

Did you think anyone was suggesting solely relying on one form of technology?

Gone are the days when it was just coal, gas or another dirty fuel.

I'd not bother with anything Jim or other pretend conservatives say. One minute they're complaining about alleged inefficiency of one system and the next they're praising the inefficiency of another.
OP wslipach  8 | 97
7 Jul 2024   #127
Gone are the days when it was just coal, gas or another dirty fuel.

Gone are the days of green bullshit , soon Europe will turn right and drop this bag of **** to the bin. And electricity is clean?
TheOther  6 | 3596
8 Jul 2024   #128
Gone are the days of green bullshit

Aah, the beauty of coal mining...

Coal mining
Bełchatów coal mine
Alien  22 | 5410
8 Jul 2024   #129

I know a good restaurant in Bogatynia, it's called 'U Zegarmistrza'.

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