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Black Haitians considering themselves as Poles

McCoy  27 | 1268
3 Sep 2010   #1
Black Haitians considering themselves as Poles:
pgtx  29 | 3094
3 Sep 2010   #2
we have covered this topic a while ago... in conclusion, it's all bs...
OP McCoy  27 | 1268
3 Sep 2010   #3
huh, good to know that pforumers after long and undoubtedly interesting discusion decided if its truth or not. just let the rest of the world know.
Matt32  4 | 83
3 Sep 2010   #4
Awkward choice of words - black poles ?
Bolle  1 | 144
3 Sep 2010   #5
we have covered this topic a while ago... in conclusion, it's all bs...

Having some polish blood in them serves as hope. I'm sure they would love to prove (although in their case these ties go back too far) they have ties with poland so they could get PL citizenship and move to western europe to live off taxpayers.
tow_stalin  - | 57
3 Sep 2010   #6
i've read something about them, and it was sentimental story about poles sent to haiti by napoleon in order to crush the uprising of locals. of course, poles changed side in favor of the insurgents, and about 200 dwelt on the island. they had children with local women, things like this.

in mine opinion they are haitians, not poles. yes i know that there is a interesting and sentimental thing, because they remember about their origin for 200 years, etc, but still - they are haitians. maybe i'm not sentimental...
pgtx  29 | 3094
3 Sep 2010   #7
i don't think they even know where Poland is...
welshguyinpola  23 | 463
3 Sep 2010   #8
Just like all the yanks on here are american, not irish, polish czech or anything else
PennBoy  76 | 2429
3 Sep 2010   #9
I've lived in the States since i was 9, but i was born and bred in Poland, probably will live here till i die, but i don't think i'll ever consider myself an American, whenever i go back to Poland remember my childhood see my old friends my family, see people that look similar to me and are what i am, i know and feel that is where i belong, that that's home.
Matt32  4 | 83
4 Sep 2010   #10
Just like all the yanks on here are american, not irish, polish czech or anything else

You are not particularity intelligent...
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61
4 Sep 2010   #11
Who someone is is entirely up to them, it doesn't matter what blood they have or where they were born.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
16 Oct 2010   #12
i don't think they even know where Poland is...

exactly, they're just proud that they're lighter from other Haitians
wildrover  98 | 4430
16 Oct 2010   #13
i don't think they even know where Poland is...

I am ashamed to say that a lot of my fellow Englishmen are not too sure where it is...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
16 Oct 2010   #14
Having some polish blood in them serves as hope.

I thought everyone wanted to be Pólish.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
16 Oct 2010   #15
I am ashamed to say that a lot of my fellow Englishmen are not too sure where it is...

Yea Poles know alot more about America, England, or Germany than they know about us. Many or most of those people think Polish people live like Afghans or something like that.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
16 Oct 2010   #16
From Popioły (Ashes) by Stefan Żeromski:

Oh, wyspo zdałaś się rajem gdyśmy cię z dala ujrzeli, ale szybko przyszło ocknienie, przysłali nas bunty murzyńskie tłumić. Pierwszy konsul Bonaparte nakazał niewolnictwo na powrót na San Domingo zaprowadzić. Nowa to była dla nas wojna. Raz było tak. Służyło u nas cztery setki murzynów którychśmy podejrzewali o zdradę. Co z nimi robić? Jeden jedyny batalion pana Bolesty nie utrzyma w karbach tylu murzynów i to z bronią. Puścić na wolność, to pójdą do wroga, trzymać, zdradzą. Generał Fressinet, nasz nowy dowódca, francuz rodowity, rozkazał czarnym wystąpić do apelu jak co dnia. Zwyczaj wojskowy każe do apelu stawać bez broni. Murzyni nie spodziewali się nawet. Nie upłynęło pół godziny, ani jeden nie zipał...

Watch the film below, beginning from 6:50.

Please provide a translation in English. You risk your post otherwise. Thank you.
HaitianAmer38  - | 1
22 Dec 2012   #17
Pgtx and Welshguyinpola you both need a history lesson about Haiti. You people are hating on Haiti because Haiti is the first free Negro state for fought and earned their freedom from The French and The British. Two European Imperialism in the western hemisphere, and yes I am a Haitian American who's proud of his Haitian heritage. Those Polish were sent to Haiti by Napoleon to restore slavery and regain control of the island but they defected and fought alongside the slave. Once they noticed the cruelty and oppression the French had on the slave they deserted The French Army and fought for the Haitians instead. Jean Jacques Dessalines treated they Polish soldiers with respect and compassion. Fair skin and blue eyes ? Evidently there's an explanation for this,interracial marriages between black Haitians and Polish soldiers. Off course Haiti is going to have a mixed society with fair skin people of Polish descent. Some of you are just ignorant like Pgtx who thinks these people are trying to claim European Citizenship and live off taxpayers money. How ignorant and racist of you towards Haitians,evidently you must be full of hatred because they're black and poor. FYI, Haitians are hard workers and they don't believe on sitting on their asses living on tax payers money. They're hard working people and sometimes they will work two or three jobs in order to earn their living. FYI, The British and The French got t whooped by Haitians Slave. The British occupied Haiti back then Saint Domingue from 1793 to 1798 under Governors John Whitelock,Adam Williamson,Gordon Forbes, John Wythe and General Thomas Maitland. Maitland signed a secret treaty with Toussaint Louverture before he left for Jamaica.
22 Dec 2012   #18
Some of you are just ignorant like Pgtx who thinks these people are trying to claim European Citizenship and live off taxpayers money.

Where's she saying that?
Bieganski  17 | 888
22 Dec 2012   #19
I would say it is likely that some Poles remained in Haiti in that era but it wasn't significant and far from being under the most honorable of conditions:

The disastrous Haitian campaign

Combat casualties and tropical diseases, including the yellow fever, reduced the 5,280-strong Polish contingent to a few hundred survivors in the space of less than two years. Of the survivors, about 400 remained on the island, a few dozen were dispersed to the nearby islands or to the United States, and about 700 returned to France

1804 Haiti Massacre

In Haiti there still is a popular myth that many Polish soldiers became sympathetic to the former slaves' cause and deserted the French, supporting Jean-Jacques Dessalines in significant numbers, with entire units changing sides. In fact, the actual desertion rate was much lower; nonetheless about 150 Polish soldiers joined the Haitian rebels.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
23 Dec 2012   #20
Haiti is the first free Negro state for fought and earned their freedom from The French and The British

WTF are you talking about? The British? We had nothing to do with Haiti except for a couple of years ,as,oddly enough we were kinda fighting a war against the French,had been on and off for about a hundred years and had another 10 years of full on war left.....You lot speak French for a reason after all.....

Loving the idea that the Polish merceneries fighting for old Boney gave a sh!t about the Blacks on Haiti....they had helped France enslave most of Europe just to get a bit of quisling *freedom* in The Duchy of Warsaw, the only reason things went wrong on Haiti was disease,without that you guys would have stayed slaves for another 60 odd years atleast.

But,got to agree with you about your thoughts on certain posters ,dumbassery has no borders.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
23 Dec 2012   #21
Yawn. More of "English are never wrong" nonsense.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
23 Dec 2012   #22
Oh shut up gregorys girl,you and your type *blame* the English for pretty much everything, Britain had naffp all to do with Haiti thats why the Hatians speak FRENCH you numptie.....We owned Jamaica,and guess what,they speak ENGLISH....its really very simple even for a retard such as yourself to figure out gregory old lamb.

Thats the problem though, no one else but Poles speak Polish so,yeah,maybe its a concept that flies above your head,shame ww2 started or you guys might have had some Africans of your own.......
jon357  72 | 23665
23 Dec 2012   #23
the only reason things went wrong on Haiti was disease,without that you guys would have stayed slaves for another 60 odd years atleast.

Spot on. Kissing arse to a tyrant after making a mess of it themselves.

The Haitian thing isn't about immigration or even much money. I doubt they really expect much, however given the huge difference in wealth between the two countries and the grinding poverty in Haiti, if the government here fund a research scholarship or even a cultural centre, one can't blame them for trying.
ifor bach  11 | 152
4 Mar 2013   #24
Merged: Polish Haitians

Does anyone know anything about the 'black' Poles from Haiti.


Apparently they were the only Europeans allowed to stay after the slaves revolted and overthrew their European masters.
BigGeneral a
16 Apr 2020   #25
The Haitians that feel Polish can be Polish citizen but not blood brothers of close relations.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
16 Apr 2020   #26
they were the only Europeans allowed to stay after the slaves revolted and overthrew their European masters.

This was because they abandoned the forces of French invadors and joined the people the Frech were oppressing.

Now their descendants are mixed race and none of them speak Polish.
Joker  2 | 2458
17 Apr 2020   #28
If Shaquille O'neal is Irish. I guess, anything goes.

Well, I just looked it up and there is such a thing as "Black Irish". Hmmmm learn sth new everyday on PF:)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
17 Apr 2020   #29
I believe that Muhammed Ali was welcomed back to Ennis in western Ireland as an O'Grady.
Joker  2 | 2458
17 Apr 2020   #30
western Ireland as an O'Grady.

I read his father, Cassius Marcellus Clay married Odessa Lee O'Grady in 1934, so there you go!

Ali was a great boxer and a huge showboat, very entertaining character.

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