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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

cms neuf  1 | 1846
22 Jul 2024   #241
Ukraine had already lost ?

The situation is pretty much the same as it was in Feb 2022
OP Alien  25 | 6360
22 Jul 2024   #242
I like reading your texts because they are realistic. Nevertheless, Trump has not won yet. On the other hand, I have always been completely indifferent to who the American president was. But that ended during Trump's first presidency.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
22 Jul 2024   #243
@cms neuf
Yes, and Ukraine cannot take back more territory. Russia will just keep sending men and Ukraine cannot. Its over except for the killing.

I never voted for Trump. Biden has been a disaster for American citizens. In the end, those are the only people who should have a say who is president. And that president has one responsibility over all others, the American citizens. Biden has completely ignored the citizens, and democrats in general have lost touch with reality.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
22 Jul 2024   #244
But the Ukrainians keep striking into North Nigeria. On top of that Putin has permanently destroyed his biggest industry and wastes maybe a quarter of his army to gain a few km. It's crazy to say Ukraine has lost. They could probably continue this stalemate for several years
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
22 Jul 2024   #245
@cms neuf
But it wont continue for several years. Ukraine will run out of men before Russia will. Russia can out produce all of the EU for weapons if the US stops supporting Ukraine. Z himself said the other day he anticipates the "hot" part of the war to be over by the end of this year. Ukraine put up a great fight, but its over, and has been for at least a year now. Last years failed offensive was their last best chance. They can hit targets in Russia all they want, but they cant produce 500K men at any point and thats what it would take to even begin thinking of pushing Russia out of Ukraine. This is strategy not emotions.
mafketis  38 | 11143
22 Jul 2024   #246
Last years failed offensive was their last best chance

Remember, Ukraine has only ever received about half of the material aid promised and the insane stupid US Army expected them to carry out a ground offense with no air cover (which the US has consistently refused).

On the other hand, Ukraine has devastated the russian Black Sea fleet and driven the russian navy from Crimea and russia has just taken it.

The 'deescalation' idiots _still_ haven't learned that russia doesn't do anything when it's precious red lines are crossed but it gets very aggressive at any sign of goodwill or expectation that it will act like a normal country.
TheOther  6 | 3596
23 Jul 2024   #247
There are well over 50K US troops in Poland now, and that would be likely to rise in number under Trump. A strong offense is the best defense has always been the Republican doctrine.

Hmm, didn't you say that we are spending far too much money on our military budget? How does that correspond with showing strength and increasing the number of our troops in Poland? If Trump wants to get us out of NATO that also means he will get Americans out of Poland. Unless Poland is stupid enough to pay for protection Mafia style as it was Trump's intention right from the beginning.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
23 Jul 2024   #248
Any country wanting the US protection should pay for it. Why should the US pay to protect any other country other than itself? This should be the policy in all of the Middle East. In Europe, only those countries that are alligned with the US completely should have a US presence. Spending on the people in the US military is not what needs to be cut. Spending on excess bombs and ammunition that the US doesnt need is where the cuts should be. The only reason to have the MIC is to have wars. Otherwise it would be a lot smaller and less powerful. Anyone stopping by any State National Guard armory will see there is no shortage of weapons anywhere in the US military. Cutting 100 Billion out of Ukraine is a great savings though.
jon357  72 | 23378
23 Jul 2024   #249
Why should the US

That depends on whether or not they want access to those markets for their industries or access to any resources those countries have.

It also depends on whether or not their Pentagon believe there are strategic reasons to cooperate with the country involved.
mafketis  38 | 11143
23 Jul 2024   #250
Interesting take....

clarification here:
OP Alien  25 | 6360
23 Jul 2024   #251
Cutting 100 Billion out of Ukraine is a great savings though.

A big saving, but cutting would be a big loss either. The Americans have never had such a positive war outcome as in Ukraine. There are no own losses, and America's eternal rival is being militarily disgraced every day by its incompetence in all aspects of this conflict.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
23 Jul 2024   #252
You make an interesting point on disgracing Russia. Small benefit to only those who remember the cold war era. Russia is not a threat to the US though, no one really is except China and that threat is economic largely of the US own doing. Beyond that though, how many men have to die for that disgrace? The human cost is not worth it.

As for access to European markets. US doesnt need them. Dont want US gas? Great, more for home means lower prices at home. Go back to buying from Russia. Dont want US products? No problem, Europe doesnt buy much anyway. Not a big impact. Europe doesnt buy many American cars, so really not a big deal. The pentagon and strategy are not words that should be used together. This is the same office that spends $10,000 USD for a bag of washers to be used on non essential plane manufacturing, and $450 on a hammer. Oh and they lost a billion dollars last year nowhere to be found.
Bobko  27 | 2131
23 Jul 2024   #253
You make an interesting point on disgracing Russia.

Despite American and British pressure, France really insisted on punishing and "disgracing" Germany after WWI. The French wanted blood, and her friends acquiesced.

We all know the results.

Humiliating somebody, is a dangerous idea. Just like on the street, you need to know who you are dealing with.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11919
23 Jul 2024   #254
Humiliating somebody, is a dangerous idea.


People have a long memory....
cms neuf  1 | 1846
23 Jul 2024   #255
Who in their right mind would go back to North Nigerian oil and gas as their main energy source - just leaves them permanently open to blackmail and spying.

The North Nigerians can sell it Turd Worlders
TheOther  6 | 3596
23 Jul 2024   #256
Any country wanting the US protection should pay for it.

Last time I looked we were not mercenaries or the mafia. Let's turn your argument around: the USA should pay for being allowed to maintain and use military bases in Poland, Germany, Japan, Britain ...

In Europe, only those countries that are alligned with the US completely should have a US presence.

What does that mean? Do as we tell you, or else? Sounds like mafia again.

As for access to European markets. US doesnt need them.

Come on, you know that's not true. Put high tariffs on Chinese products (the Chinese will retaliate, of course) and have no access to the EU markets, and the USA is dead economically.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
23 Jul 2024   #257
The US military is the largest mercenary group in the world. Without it, the middle east would have constantly been at war on camels. Please by all means kick the US military out of Europe and defend yourselves. LMFAO good luch with that. Japan? Good luck with China. The US did fine after WW2 isolating itself and innovating, growing Japan and deals with China have set the US back. Cut the US off? Go ahead, like Russia has proven, the US would prove even better at surviving alone. The idea that the US needs Europe is just hilarious.

What happens when the US stops the idiocy of lending itself money and just prints off enough to pay off all the debt? The world can do nothing but choke on all that paper. This will eventually happen.
TheOther  6 | 3596
23 Jul 2024   #258
The US did fine after WW2 isolating itself

The USA did not isolate itself after WW2. Exactly the opposite happened.

The idea that the US needs Europe is just hilarious.

About 11% of our GDP is based on exports; about 15% is based on imports. You really want to tell me that the USA doesn't need the trade with the EU and China? How do you plan to compensate for the loss of that trade and the loss of related jobs? Increase domestic consumption of domestic goods? Good luck finding the money.

Cut the US off? Go ahead, like Russia has proven, the US would prove even better at surviving alone.

The US is the largest economy in the world, Russia only survives because the Chinese are helping them.

What happens when the US stops the idiocy of lending itself money and just prints off enough to pay off all the debt?

The moment the US$ stops to be the reserve currency of the world, the USA will be bankrupt.
pawian  224 | 27252
23 Jul 2024   #259
That rightist which Trump chose for his vice is crazy. He once sniped at Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk who had duly critisized Reps for witholding aid for Ukraine.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
23 Jul 2024   #260
Good news for Poland and the rest of the world - Harris has already wiped out moron loser Trump's polling lead with one poll showing her ahead

Hopefully loyal ally Poland will be one of the first places President Harris visits
Novichok  4 | 8767
23 Jul 2024   #261
The idea that the US needs Europe is just hilarious.

Hey, Euros, GFY! We need you like I need another cancer.

I have a special gift for you, azholes...Keep your NATO. Now that Finland and Sweden are in, you don't need these dumb Americans and their stupid guns.

Get your own and be proud...FU!
OP Alien  25 | 6360
23 Jul 2024   #262
You can't escape fate.
pawian  224 | 27252
23 Jul 2024   #263
I need another cancer.

The first cancer taught you to appreciate life more.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
23 Jul 2024   #264
Poles are fairly conservative on the whole and so Poland probably is far more behind
Trump, unfortunately, than Biden or Harris.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Jul 2024   #265
Hey, Euros, GFY! We need you like I need another cancer.

Poor Rich, you really don't understand how the world works.......
We all need each other,America would be nothing if it could not trade with the rest of the world.
America NEEDS Europe.
Get real!
cms neuf  1 | 1846
23 Jul 2024   #266
Wrong - Poland would support decent warm humans rather than foul and spiteful old men like Trump

And Vance, though young and smart is already starting to look kinda weird when you put him next to normal people
Lyzko  45 | 9748
23 Jul 2024   #267
Perhaps you're right, cms neuf! I'm speaking about Polish-Americans from the Greenpoint area.
Novichok  4 | 8767
23 Jul 2024   #268
We all need each other,America would be nothing if it could not trade with the rest of the world.

America is big enough to be self-sustaining. We only need some rare metals.

With a trade deficit of 1 trillion, the US is not sustainable for the same reason why our debt will one day destroy this country.

So enjoy the ride and your trade surplus while you can.

The best proof we don't need Europe is that you can't name one damn thing we can't make at home and are forced to buy from you.

The US swamp is our number one enemy and ahead of China and Russia because we can't shoot the bastards. It is they who put today's profits over the welfare and the future of the country. If they could, every single object would be made in some shlthole that pays 25 cents an hour.

BTW, "trade" is a misnomer. We don't trade. We buy. Huge difference.
Novichok  4 | 8767
23 Jul 2024   #269
spiteful old men like Trump

A spiteful old man (def.) - a man who is tired of spending money we don't have for the benefit of some damn Polaks and other Euro parasites.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
23 Jul 2024   #270
And Vance, though young and smart is already starting to look kinda weird when you put him next to normal people

No doubt that he has already put his foot in it after only one week.

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