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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Mar 2024   #91
Trump was never been charged or convicted of insurrection

Leftists don't need evidence. Feeelings are everything...Like when a guy feels he is a woman, then he is a woman - never mind his dick and balls.
Joker  2 | 2374
13 Mar 2024   #92
Feeelings are everything.

I predict another leftard meltdown of epic proportions this forthcoming November. Hahahaha!

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johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Mar 2024   #93
What do you people have against democracy,

You people are patriots that support the Constitution and democracy, it is You People that have undermined the Constitution with your Woke bullshit.
Wake up Lyzho and stop your gaslighting.
How can you be so blind ?

Today's Republicans are not the party of Lincoln, a Republican who probably wouldn't recognize what his party has morphed into.

Again, replace Republican with Democratic that sentence which would make it true, Lyzko.
Trump had his home raided at gun point in Mar-Largo for keeping classified documents in a locked safe in his home when he left office and charged for it.

biden has his home quietly searched for keeping stolen classified documents in his open garage in boxes behind his vintage corvette where his drug addicted son had access to them and who knows who else.

biden goes to court and the prosecution says that biden is just a feeble old man that had no reason to keep them even though biden wrote a book with much of that confidential material in it.

biden had 8 million reasons to keep that material because that is how much he profited from his book, $8 million dollars !
Ray Charles could see that.
biden is found 'Not Guilty'.
Now if the "Big Man' is a feeble old man with memory loss then that makes him incompetent to run our country.
You can't have it both ways joe.
YOUR FIRED jacked up joe !
That is almost as bad as not prosecuting Crooked Hillary for bleach bitting 35,000 of confidential e-mails that had been subpoenaed by the Feds.
Now come on Lyzko, do you really wonder why we call Trump "Honest Trump" and biden & Crooked Hillery criminals ?
Who are you going to vote for Lyzko, a known criminal that has been committed treason and has dementia or an obnoxious loudmouthed name caller ?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
13 Mar 2024   #94
Problem with most high profile Dems currently in power,
is that they've lost touch with their original voting block/constituents
which for numerous reasons no longer represents the
white electorate of yesteryear!

As I've expatiated here on any number of occasions, the
US has been transformed into a theme-based society,
where the outline of the person supersedes that person's
ability, once far, far less the case than today.

When I was a youngster, oh, some forty-five to fifty years
back, let's conservatively say, around 1965-'68, there was
a middle-aged African-American librarian at our school, Miss Blake, who
seemed to us a font of literary knowledge, No one would have ever hinted
that somehow she got her job as some recipient of "affirmative action" or even
Church favoritism, MERELY because she was black!!!

Fast forward some fifty years into the future, 2024. My wife and I were
at the local library here in Fort Lee, and a youngish African-American woman
seated at the Reference Desk, seeing us together, couldn't figure out why
my other half wasn't named "Mark" on her library card. When we finally resolved
the difference between a common man's name in the United States of America, I
politely inquired where fiction had been relocated, to which the woman responded
that she spoke no foreign languages, as the word "fiction" was not familiar to her.

Need I say more?
johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Mar 2024   #95
Need I say more?

Nope, your pointless post says it all.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Mar 2024   #96
where the outline of the person supersedes that person's
ability, once far, far less the case than today.

Do you mean "wokism"? ;)'s not working, more and more people are getting that....and the election outcomes in ever more western countries are reflecting that!
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Mar 2024   #97

What does that even mean?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Mar 2024   #98
They supplanted the communist international as the new radical leftist sect....somewhat....

At least when you are white, hetero and patriotic!

And as it turns out most Westerners are still all that....even after 20 years of "re-education"!
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Mar 2024   #99
They supplanted the communist international as the new radical leftist sect

That isn't actually a meaning though, is it.

And the Communists around the world were notoriously conservative in many ways.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Mar 2024   #100
That isn't actually a meaning though, is it.

It's my interpretation.....since 1989, the usual western leftist had been left floundering....the old cause, even the word "socialism", having become a dirty word, a dead idea....who could forget the masses of people taking to the streets to be free of them, democracy and capitalism having won so thoroughly!

But a really reprocessing of these time-changing events didn't really happen, didn't it? The former Eastern-Bloc and leftist world revolution supporter in the West did not really change, never accepting that their ideology being a huge failure, no they now just reframed everything, cut out the old words and used new ones, hid the old Mao and Che posters...did go green and all identity politics....but when you scratch under that thin mask there is still the same old deep red, and it stinks like from a decomposing corpse!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
13 Mar 2024   #101
Trump for Poland? He gave Poland the visa waiver. He sent military to Poland. He will fully support Poland if elected.

Wokeism is the absolute poison the leftist socialist agenda, and indoctrination of children that LGBTQ fvcks try to promote. It will end one way or another.
pawian  226 | 27471
13 Mar 2024   #102
He will fully support Poland if elected.

Please........ You are being carried away too much, sorry. :):):)
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Mar 2024   #103
who could forget the masses of people taking to the streets to be free of them

Communism surely?

Nothing you say defines the word; one can only assume that you don't quite know what you mean by it.

And yours is just the deranged rant of a bitter midget.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Mar 2024   #104
Communism surely?'s the same old massmurdering ideology since 200 years....only clad into other "clothes".....and we will defeat them again, as we did before!

After years of observation I'm sure of that, without repeating and discussing these definitions and modern labels....they just sound better but it's still the same Ungeist behind.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
14 Mar 2024   #105
Democrats abandoned the Blue collar workers years ago. Now even some Unions are giving to Trump because their rank and file despise the elites who want them to pay rich kid's college tuition. Or have to compete with nearly 11 million illegals Joe and the progressive pukes continue to let invade. Or poor/middle class folks staring at another 3.25% YOY inflation hike. Soft on Crime rages un-bated where the left freaks out because Joe calls a brutal murderer an illegal.
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Mar 2024   #106
the same old massmurdering ideology since 200

More than 200. Authoritarian regimes have been doing it as long as they have existed.

The difference is that the left murder when things are going wrong and the right murder when things are going exactly to plan.
OP Alien  25 | 6397
14 Mar 2024   #107
left murder when things are going wrong

They also murder when everything is as it should be.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Mar 2024   #108
Yes, B.B.I suppose "wokism" is the best way of putting it.

@Johnny, perhaps the post seems pointless because you're too obtuse to grasp the point:-)
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Mar 2024   #109
They also murder when

Except they don't of course.


A decadent plot by the bourgeoisie to focus on identity politics instead of economic oppression and class struggle.

Essentially the bastard child of Ayn Rand and Trotsky playing into the hands of people who just get richer by distracting people whose capital they take and whose labour they profit from.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Mar 2024   #110
Ayn Rand though to my mind was the ultimate capitalist, at least if I base this opinion on "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged"!
Perhaps the sole similarity with Trotsky (whose work I haven't read sufficiently) is that both were avowed atheists:-)
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Mar 2024   #111
Ayn Rand though to my mind was the ultimate capitalist,

Capitalism is real. Her schlick was just a money thing for herself. Yet the cult of individuality and me me has melded with the idea of Permanent Revolution in an interesting way over there among millennials and zoomers. Much the same in U.K. cities.

And it distracts the left from its primary goal of the economy being owned mostly by the workers.

While those who earn own the media you all read about it on just get richer and ever more obscenely richer and those vulnerable to being fleeced just get fleeced.
Joker  2 | 2374
14 Mar 2024   #112
Joe calls a brutal murderer an illegal.
@ dannytoro1

Spot on post!

Biden backtracked and apologized to the murder and called him "undocumented" instead of "illegal". This is all Demorats care about "feelings" not reality.

Biden,had received a deluge of backlash from Democrats - including Nancy Pelosi - after using the word "illegal" when speaking about the 22-year-old nursing student's alleged killer during his State of the Union address.

The president then appeared to backtrack in an interview that aired on MSNBC Sunday, saying he had "regret" for using "illegal" instead of the more neutral "undocumented."

Meanwhile, Bidens illegal migrant crime wave continues!

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amiga500  5 | 1492
15 Mar 2024   #113
This will blow the Novis and Jokers and others mind. Seems like the blacks and the migrants are the republican's new best friend, and the educated whites are the enemy.

In a much-discussed analysis, John Burn-Murdoch noted that election surveys show non-white support at its lowest level of loyalty to the Democrats since the early 1960s - pre-Civil Rights revolution, when the black vote was still competitive...

Burn-Murdoch presents three explanations. First, liberals assume a correlation between colour and progressive politics, but the opposite is often true. Asian, black and Latino voters are more likely than whites to call themselves conservative, wish to regulate abortion or favour smaller government....

I'd say it also represents the triumph - for better or worse - of American individualism. The Left relies upon identity-group solidarity to win office and make social change. But economic and cultural forces that encourage us to see ourselves as a self-made individual rather than the product of history and community, undermine that basis for collective effort. The "me, me, me" quality of modern liberalism - its constant emphasis upon self-invention or division into micro groups of identity ("I'm a neurodivergent black, lesbian with male pronouns") - is its own worst enemy...

The flip side of racial realignment, the bit that generates less comment, is the fracturing of the one solid Republican white bloc: Trump has pushed suburban, high-income, graduate white voters into the arms of the Democratic Part.

A decadent plot by the bourgeoisie to focus on identity politics instead of economic oppression and class struggle.

Also a way for the 1 percent to signal their social status by holding views they regard as virtues and unpopular with the working classes, also known as luxury beliefs.
Novichok  4 | 8485
15 Mar 2024   #114
and the migrants are the republican's new best friend, and the educated whites are the enemy.

We already know this.
The very worst are the indoctrinated college white women. That's why on my island to vote you would have to be older than 30, US-born, end employed. I want those frontal lobes to be fully developed and working well.
OP Alien  25 | 6397
15 Mar 2024   #115
college white women.

As I have already written, they are usually very intelligent.
Ironside  50 | 12946
15 Mar 2024   #116
they are usually very intelligent.

What this even mean?
OP Alien  25 | 6397
15 Mar 2024   #117
even mean

Despite what Atch wrote in Off Topic, higher education is the basis of a professional career for both men and women.
Ironside  50 | 12946
15 Mar 2024   #118
higher education is the basis of a professional career

What its have to do with being very intelligent? If you have PhD in gender studies that means you are a certified plank.
OP Alien  25 | 6397
15 Mar 2024   #119
PhD in gender studies

It would definitely be very interesting, but unfortunately it's not my thing.
Bobko  27 | 2079
15 Mar 2024   #120
If you have PhD in gender studies that means you are a certified plank.


Education does not correlate with intelligence, after universities started admitting everybody and their mother.

When I read manuscripts from 19-year-olds that studied in university in the 1920s or 1890s I want to cry. Those 19 year olds were smarter than 95% of current students.

They wrote like adults write now - and smart adults at that.

They produced groundbreaking research instead of perpetually redigesting existing knowledge.

University should be reserved for actually smart people, and not made into a human right.

Home / News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

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