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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

Joker  2 | 2390
8 Mar 2024   #31
They had him pumped up on drugs, probably got it from Hunter. I cant want for Trump to destroy him at the debate, if bumbling joe doesn't chicken out.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
8 Mar 2024   #32
I realize Poland had changing politics; but am not confident enough to make comments on them. Over here I have worked in Campaigns of mostly Republicans and some Democrats. Fact is the partisan divide works against that these days. And the hard extremes lie a lot. Frankly they extremes both hate centrism as their dogma vilifies it.

I will not vote for the raft of progressive drivel Biden has cursed the country with. But I'm not sure I'm voting for Trump either. Maybe if he picks a VP that is not Runswampy or Elise Stepsinit. Or some other hard right putz.
Novichok  4 | 8767
8 Mar 2024   #33
extremes both hate centrism

Because in real life, there are few things where centrism makes sense.
Try to be a centrist about the open border. How about abortion on demand...How about a 1.5 trillion annual deficit ...How about NATO as military welfare for Euros...

How about black thugs looting, raping, and murdering whites?

Go ahead and tell me how you can "reach across the aisle" and compromise with the leftist bastards...
pawian  224 | 27252
8 Mar 2024   #34
How about black thugs looting,

As you made your bed with black slaves in the past, so you must sleep with the descendants today!! Isn`t it simple, darling????? Ha!!!

how you can "reach across the aisle" and compromise

Half bed for you and half for the black guy.. Isn`t it simple, darling???? Ha!!!
Joker  2 | 2390
8 Mar 2024   #35
"reach across the aisle" and compromise with the leftist bastards...

How can anyone compromise with moronic leftists like the idiot posting above^^^^^^

I will not vote for the raft of progressive drivel Biden has cursed the country with.


Anyone But Biden
Poloniusz  5 | 970
9 Mar 2024   #36
At least he mention the name of Laken Riley, only bc he was forced too.

And even then the mumbling idiot fumbled her name.

Biden calls murdered jogger 'LINCOLN Riley': President, 81, holds up pin given by Marjorie Taylor Greene and says Georgia student was 'killed by an illegal' but gets her name wrong

He is persistently stumbling idiot too; even on a clear and calm early evening when slowly climbing brightly lit boarding stairs.

From a year ago:

President Biden stumbles, falls while boarding Air Force One in Poland

He is such an embarrassment.
Novichok  4 | 8767
9 Mar 2024   #37
He is such an embarrassment.

He is a traitor and a criminal. It's a crime to aid and abet a foreign invasion.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
9 Mar 2024   #38

Ummm....I am not white. You can certainly dial down what ever issue you have with minorities. Crime is crime. All races have it. The same with excellence and achievement; all races have it.

Now yes; I am not real keen on soft on crime. I much prefer a merit based system. I prefer capitalism as a tool to advance Democratic Republicanism. But also abhor what corporatism has morphed into. Usually using government to plot out market dominance.

Taxes are not preferred; but they are not evil either. I like taxes to stay dusty in an entire tool box of economic implements. I want a controlled border. In fact; Asylum should only be heard virtually. From your home country or an adjacent country. There is no need at all to come to our border. Especially since over 90% of cases are denied.
Novichok  4 | 8767
9 Mar 2024   #39
Crime is crime. All races have it

A BS deflection...It is black thugs that made an evening weekend trip to downtown Chicago more dangerous than to Baghdad.

The same with excellence and achievement; all races have it.

Name three from Africa and South America.

I will dial down what black activists and white leftists stop calling the US a racist country.

  • CDC.png
OP Alien  25 | 6360
9 Mar 2024   #40
Ummm....I am not white

So what color did you choose?
Novichok  4 | 8767
9 Mar 2024   #41
Hey, danny, did you have a chance to look at that table from the CDC?

Still saying that blacks and whites are equally violent?
johnny reb  49 | 7974
9 Mar 2024   #42
Sleepy Joe did pretty spiffy last night, pal

Absolutely, can anyone tell us what they had "Jacked up joe" jacked up on ?
He acted like he had gotten into Hunters stash of blow ?
Accomplishments of bidens speech
1. Creation of several new words
2. Finalization of the Louisiana purchase.
(He will announce that he hammered out the deal with Napolean last week)
3.That the Mexican - Egypt border is secure
4. War with Samoa has been diverted
5. Unprecedented financial security for Ukrainian oligarchs.
6. Raised dementia awareness
7. Imported millions of new voters
8. Record number of military personnel wearing dresses
9. Getting a gold star for going potty in the toilet three days in a row
Becoming the first president in history to bring the country to the brink of Civil War, Revolutionary War, and World War simultaneously.

Our country's history books are being changed right before us..
dannytoro1  5 | 102
9 Mar 2024   #43
Reddish Yellow. I'm Inuit.
Novichok  4 | 8767
9 Mar 2024   #44
The US doesn't need any "relations" with Poland.
In fact, there should be no embassies in the US. We can use Zoom.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
9 Mar 2024   #45
You cherry picked data. 2007? Seriously? John Wayne Gacy? Jeffery Dahmer? The Unibomber? The prisons have murders of all races. Charles Manson. Anf I did not say America is racist either. The whole concept of racism stems from the barking mad obsession of craniac measuring idiots. Based on nothing.

Joe delivered a fine SOTU speech....for

And after that Joe started back on his word salad routine. If you turned on caption to try to understand him, the captions said "You tell me what he is saying"
Novichok  4 | 8767
9 Mar 2024   #46
You cherry picked data. 2007? Seriously?

Yes, seriously. Post your data instead of asking stupid questions.

2007 is not 1907. Fresh enough. If anything, the murder rate in the US went up from 5.6 in 2007 to 6.8 in 2023.

Un-cherry enough?

Here is the list of 100% black activities in the Chicago area:

1. Carjackings
2. Shooting from bridges
3. Looting
4. Mindless vandalism
5. Riots at McDonald's
6. Killing black kids on the way to school
7. Two dozen shootings every weekend, 5 deaths.


7. Pushing people off the subway platform onto tracks
8. Body slamming old men and women on sidewalks.

All 100% black and current.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
9 Mar 2024   #47
Just remember, folks, among the first things Hitler did when he seized power (albeit democratically elected!!!) was to
abolish all trade unions aka workers' rights protection, pack the court system with his own people, and bring into line the
wheels of government to fit exclusively HIS beliefs and his alone. He neither brooked opposition or criticism of his ideals.

Sound familiar?
Novichok  4 | 8767
9 Mar 2024   #48
Trump didn't "pack" the USSC. The US Senate did, one justice at a time, including the black moron with a vagina who can't define "a woman".
Lyzko  45 | 9748
9 Mar 2024   #49
Biden at least has the guts to remain a proud pro-choice Catholic even in the
face of such outright closed-minded ideologues as Comey Barrett and Cavanaugh!

Trump most certainly did pack his Congress, Rich!! Whaddya call Bannon, Spicer and the rest of that bunch?
Novichok  4 | 8767
9 Mar 2024   #50
Trump most certainly did pack his Congress, Rich!

Trump has Trump Tower. Trump doesn't have 'his Congress".

Congress is "packed" by the US voters every two years.

I never thought that one day I will be lecturing morons about how the US system actually works.
OP Alien  25 | 6360
9 Mar 2024   #51
I'm Inuit

pawian  224 | 27252
9 Mar 2024   #52
I'm Inuit

That is Novi`s fekked up I am a woman education :):):)
OP Alien  25 | 6360
9 Mar 2024   #53
Novi`s fekked up education :):):)

We already had a Russian dancer, so we'll survive an Inuit Eskimo.
Joker  2 | 2390
10 Mar 2024   #54
Trump has Trump Tower. Trump doesn't have 'his Congress".

What is he even talking about, hes become delusional. TDS run amuck.
Novichok  4 | 8767
10 Mar 2024   #55
Did you know that Trump can "pack" Congress and the Supreme Court?

Next: Trump will unveil his own Constitution after he is sworn in.
Joker  2 | 2390
10 Mar 2024   #56
You cherry picked data.

Here is the list of 100% black activities in the Chicago area:

Chicago stats ytd....
Dont let the name fool you... its legit.

Check out the St.Paddys tshirt! lol

Im buying one! lol
Novichok  4 | 8767
10 Mar 2024   #57
Chicago stats ytd....


This really pis*es me off...What's the matter with you, white azholes...can't kill a couple of dozen people for the black thugs to feel better?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 917
10 Mar 2024   #58
What else sounds familiar? Experimental vacinations? Restricted travel unless proof of vaccination sounds a lot like wearing an arm band with a star on it. You cant work without proof of vaccination? Sounds a lot like you have to join the Nazi party to have a job. And then years later, as in today, science says young people should have not been vaccinated, and people who refused to get a jab lost their jobs and cannot get them back.

Maybe we should make everyone equal? No wealthy people, no poor, no property rights? Everyone gets a basic income and works for the State? How about redrawing district lines to create more power for your party when assembling government? What about the "Democratic" government being caught censoring social media and paying Twitter millions to do it? Those documents are now public, and FaceBook has admitted they took money for campaign adds that were full of lies.

Trump was an a$$hole and terrible speaker for the office. But he never started a war, or class warfare like Biden has. Trump did not weaponise law enforcement like Biden has with selective prosecutions. Under Biden the prices of buying a home in the US have doubled in three years. Interest rates are sky high. Biden claims creation of jobs, when all that happened was that the people who were out of work due to COVID returned to work. The whole Democratic platform is a lie.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
10 Mar 2024   #59
E-word is just like the N-word to us. We did not pick the name more often used to defame us. Drunk Frenchmen did.
OP Alien  25 | 6360
10 Mar 2024   #60
Drunk Frenchmen

Were they whale hunters?

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