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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

Miloslaw  20 | 5116
23 Jul 2024   #272
spending money we don't have for the benefit of some damn Polaks and other Euro parasites

Your mentality is incredibly narrow and naive.

Does trade matter or can America survive without foreign trade?

If not, what is the continent America most needs to trade with?

Please engage your brain Rich.......
Novichok  4 | 8411
23 Jul 2024   #273
Does trade matter or can America survive without foreign trade?

We have nothing to sell other than the things that kill, lumber, and food. We import everything that has a wire in it.

A classic definition of a colony. Tech in, raw stuff out...Hello Africa...


Because the swamp wants it that way, not because we are unable...

Name one thing we import from Europe we can't make at home.

If I see one more personal insult from you I will say goodbye...
TheOther  6 | 3596
23 Jul 2024   #274
Name one thing we import from Europe we can't make at home.

Decent cars. American brands are the crap de la crap. Tesla incuded.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
24 Jul 2024   #275
Thank you for making my argument. Europe doesnt buy much from the US, chiefly cars. The US supports Europe. As soon as WW2 ended, and there was both the housing and baby boom, the US was doing very well economically. It was not until stupid trade deals with Japan and China, that the US started driving debt up fast. The US used to have great electronics companies that the government destroyed with bad trade deals. The car industry almost died several times because of bad trade deals. The US needs to reverse these problems, spur innovation and new companies will pop up quickly to replace old imports. Prices will go up, but the money will stay in the US, and thats whats needed. Like Poland and the EU doesnt want Ukraine grain, the US should take care of their own tech and cars.

Poland will remain protected simply because the Polish lobby in the US is huge. Can you imagine the revolt if the visa waiver was taken away? Most of us with Polish herritage, grew up in or near largely "Polish" neighborhoods if youre in your 40's or older. Thats a pretty important voting demographic in the US now. Its also a very important wealth demographic.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
24 Jul 2024   #276
So your idea would be to make American consumers pay more for worse, uncompetitive products ?

You would love the consumer miracle of communism
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Jul 2024   #277
chiefly cars.

You forgot armament.
OP Alien  25 | 6359
24 Jul 2024   #278
Trade between the EU and the US is greater than between the US and China. An upward trend, it has doubled over the last 10 years. Taking into account goods and services, the trade balance is balanced. No, you cannot give up this trade without the "Brexit" effect. However, finding other markets would be much more difficult for you than it was for GB.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
24 Jul 2024   #279
@cms neuf
Worse products? I dont think so. Who is designing Mac's, Dell, HP, and Lenovo? Parts made in China, Taiwan and other places can create jobs in the US with new factories. Most companies are using robots, so not a drop in quality. Microsoft, and plenty of other software compaies can get involved. All privately or publicly traded companies would benefit. China wouold lose its largest consumer, and no one could make up for it. Thats how you beat China.

Arms are a big export now, but not so much unless there is a war going on. The Democrats love wars and the MIC. But that industry does not produce enough jobs to make an impact on anyone other than investors who are already wealthy. So, they can FO and sell to other countries, or adapt to new industry.

IBM, AMD, Intel, and so many others could easily develop new products and technology in the US. Make good trade agreements with Europe for LNG and other items and the US has no issues dropping other countries. China would implode in less than a year with this hard stand on trade. Poland in particular could seek US investment to build components in all the empty commercial buildings we have throughout the country. It needs to be an us against them mentality, not a US has to protect us mentality. Them being Russia, China, Iran, NK.
Novichok  4 | 8411
24 Jul 2024   #280
So your idea would be to make American consumers pay more

Hey, stupid, those consumers would be working in American factories instead of fast food joints and making three times as much. Duh!
You would love the consumer miracle of communism

STFU. Read PAK's posts, learn, and say thank you...
What a moron...Yes, if the US stopped importing and started making what it invented it would be communist.

God, please give me more patience for the rest of the day...
johnny reb  49 | 7888
24 Jul 2024   #281
Another thoughtful an excellent post
Thank you

God, please give me more patience for the rest of the day...

You are wasting your time on these clowns Novi.
They are so indoctrinated with Liberal b.s. they will never get it.
Their way hasn't worked, isn't working, never will work and yet they refuse to understand why.
The chip under the skin can't come fast enough for them.
If Trump loses, and it is looking like he will, and obama does a 4th term all that will be left to do is go fishing.
Better we stick to the baking cookies and how to make pierogi threads to keep our sanity.
Novichok  4 | 8411
24 Jul 2024   #282
how to make pierogi threads to keep our sanity.

I keep mine - yes, I am still sane - by feeding my addiction to Corvettes and by dreaming about touring the Eastern states in one in the fall.

Few things get more angry than the Euro parasites telling me how the US standing guard there is just for our benefit and that they are being nice by allowing us to have bases in Europe.
I bet that these MFers are charging us rent...
If Trump loses, and it is looking like he will,

Kamala is a carbon copy of Joe except for the vagina. Empty moron saying words and telling nothing...but that didn't stop 80 million voters from voting for the male prototype.

As with alcoholics, until American voters hit the bottom there is no hope for any change for the better...Sorry, but I don't fake happiness very well...
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Jul 2024   #283
The Democrats love wars

While Reps hate wars - they are doves, compared to those Demo hawks. Ha! :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 7888
24 Jul 2024   #284
until American voters hit the bottom

You mean like California and all of their great ideas in the past twenty years ?
What happened there that people have moved out in droves.
Trump likes Poland and will take care of them the best he can.
Kamala will be home pot and pan banging for murdering babies legally, giving, other people's money away, to keep her voting base.
TheOther  6 | 3596
24 Jul 2024   #285
Europe doesnt buy much from the US

In 2022, EU imports from the US amounted to $372.59 billion. Not much, really... ;)

As soon as WW2 ended, ..., the US was doing very well economically.

Of course, because the USA had no competitors at that time. Europe was in ruins, the U.K. essentially bankrupt. That's the reason why the USA became a superpower, both economically and militarily.

The car industry almost died several times because of bad trade deals.

The car industry died because the quality of our cars was so bad that nobody wanted to buy them anymore. That's on the car industry and not due to bad trade deals.
Novichok  4 | 8411
24 Jul 2024   #286
You mean like California and all of their great ideas in the past twenty years ?

Yes, except not just Cali but the whole country with no place to run to and fvck up.
Trump likes Poland and will take care of them the best he can.

Poland is fine. It's the US that needs attention. Only we are stupid enough to invite 10 million illegals in 3 years.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
24 Jul 2024   #287
Only we are stupid enough to invite 10 million illegals in 3 years.

J.D. Vance already told them to start packing.
What Harris is really worried about is Agenda 25.
Harris' comment thrusts Project 2025, the 900-page conservative manifesto led by the right-leaning Heritage Foundation, even more forcefully into the spotlight as Democrats use it to showcase prospective threats if Trump wins the White House this year.
The former president says his campaign isn't affiliated with Project 2025 and doesn't endorse all of its ideas. Still, more than 100 of those leading the effort formerly served in his administration and many of its proposals hew closely to Trump and the Republican party's platforms.
The plan - which is coming under attack more than a year after it became public - proposes to scrap climate-change rules, lessen worker protections, replace civil servants with Trump loyalists and dismantle the Education, Commerce and Homeland Security Departments, among other initiatives. 👍
Draining the Swamp is what I call it.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
24 Jul 2024   #288
Weird Vance is very involved in Project 2025

It wants to ban pornography
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Jul 2024   #289
Alien, make a new thread How will Polish-American relations run if Kamala is elected president?

Enthusiastic support for Kamala. Trump can already pack his stuff and go home. Hey, cons, you are fighting for a lost cause.

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jfif
PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
24 Jul 2024   #290
Once again the EU gets more from the US than it gets from the EU. Who needs who more?

The US created its competitors in Japan and China, and can easily destroy them by bringing that manufacuring home. Japan will of course be left alone, but China would be a dead man walking.

The car industry died because Japanese cars were cheaper and of the same quality, and when you add in the entitlements of the Unions, the pricing was out of control.

Thease all examples of the bull$hit Democratic, labor union, globalist, socialist policies.

Kamala had less than a few hundred at her first rally as now being exposed by photos from people there. She is the definition of fvcking her way up the ladder.
mafketis  38 | 11127
24 Jul 2024   #291
Enthusiastic support for Kamala.

Astroturf... a month ago (when people were pretending Biden's brain wasn't cottage cheese) some were wondering whether she'd be dumped from the ticket.
Now 'spontaneous' support?
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Jul 2024   #292
Kamala had less than a few hundred

Do you really think people will come back from vacation or cancel their planned a while ago business trips or parties to appear at the rally of a new candidate after the previous one unexpectedly resigned??? Come on, you don`t know Americans.
OP Alien  25 | 6359
24 Jul 2024   #293
Alien, make a new thread How will Polish-American relations run if Kamala is elected president?

For now, there is still space for Kamala in this thread.
pawian  226 | 27364
24 Jul 2024   #294
Come on, grab the opportunity when it comes, Go and catch the rising star!!!!
cms neuf  2 | 1810
24 Jul 2024   #295
Amazing how a normal 60 year old politician is triggering so much anger and misogyny.

She will win the popular vote by 7 million plus. Don't know about the outdated and dumb electoral college - that has always been Trumps only route to victory
OP Alien  25 | 6359
24 Jul 2024   #296
triggering so much anger and misogyny.

It seems that all the Republican voters who were so confident of Trump's victory were now struck with fear.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 860
24 Jul 2024   #297
WTF are you smoking. I was born in NY and lived in the US for 50 years. You dont know sh1t about the US.
TheOther  6 | 3596
24 Jul 2024   #298
Once again the EU gets more from the US than it gets from the EU

If the EU receives more from the US, then American exports and jobs are dependent on Europe and not the other way around. Put more tariffs on their goods and they will retaliate again as they did before.

China would be a dead man walking.

You forget a few things: first, Americans are addicted to cheap crap. Take China out of the equation and prices here will explode. Second: China owns the USA. If the US tries to bring China to its knees, they will simply call in the American debt they are holding. Bye bye USA. We can default, of course, but that would also mean bye bye.
Bobko  27 | 2074
25 Jul 2024   #299
I was born in NY

Wuuuut, I didn't know that! Sup homeboy?

Were you born Upstate?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
26 Jul 2024   #300
Were you born

Where were you born ? 😮
Trump already said that he would stand behind Poland.
Kamala couldn't even find Poland on the map without help.

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