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Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government

Ironside  50 | 12918
3 Jul 2021   #451

Good. That very good news. Final humiliation of that dickwad imminent.
So called total opposition totally useless bunch of inept fools.
Dumb and dumber. Even a half-wit can be a king there.
pawian  224 | 27252
3 Jul 2021   #452

What? Do you still play those infantile games with altering quotes?? hahaha It only shows you are going through a meltdown over his return. Good. Very good. PIS` reaction is the same - furious meltdown. hahahaha
Ironside  50 | 12918
3 Jul 2021   #453
going through a meltdow

No dummy it only shows I despise that compatible person. Do you think anyone worry about his return? I don't know about that but if they do they are being silly. I hope he really dares to come back. On the other hand it shows what nobodies are all those dummies that need that half-wit to stir the pot,

Good F luck!
pawian  224 | 27252
3 Jul 2021   #454
that half-wit

It is good his opponents think so. The greater their defeat will be. :):)
pawian  224 | 27252
3 Jul 2021   #455
Tusk`s speech at today`s convention can be summarised in two sentences. He said:

Evil rules in Poland.
We shall fight against this evil.
Novichok  4 | 8767
3 Jul 2021   #456
I didn't know Poland is a dictatorship. When did this happen? Or is Tusk using his private Polish with words meaning whatever fits the occasion?
pawian  224 | 27252
3 Jul 2021   #457
No, it isn`t a full dictatorship. But it is close. PiS follow the example of Putin and Lukashenka coz KaczyƄski hates democracy..
What do you mean by private Polish?
Novichok  4 | 8767
3 Jul 2021   #458
Private Polish: a language with words meaning what the speaker wants them to mean.
"Evil" - a word without meaning until you ask for it.
Lyzko  45 | 9748
3 Jul 2021   #459
Zlo = evil
Novichok  4 | 8767
3 Jul 2021   #460
No sh*it. I am so glad you told me.
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Jul 2021   #461
I love Tusk. Good brat.


Zlo = evil

Of course, same is in Serbian.

I hope you lizes something this summer, dragi prijatelju. I mean ice-cream.
Ironside  50 | 12918
3 Jul 2021   #462
Evil rules in Poland.

What a half-wit and a nasty c.
Small wonder you cheer him up.
pawian  224 | 27252
3 Jul 2021   #463
What a half-wit and a nasty c.

This whining is like wonderful music in my ears. hahaha

It seems we will hear a lot of it in the coming weeks, months, years....... I hope you will stay tuned coz each day might bring sth new. hahaha
pawian  224 | 27252
3 Jul 2021   #464
Or is Tusk using his private Polish with words meaning

No, it wasn`t private Polish coz Tusk only expressed the convictions and feelings shared by millions decent patriots of Poland - the feeling that PiS has been devastating this country in neobolshevik style.

Was Ronald Reagan using private English when he called the USSR the Evil Empire???
Crow  154 | 9463
3 Jul 2021   #465
Tusk only expressed ..... PiS has been devastating this country in neobolshevik style.

Pardon. It was certainly brat Tusk himself who persuaded brat Duda to open Poland`s air space (and heavily urinate on EU and NATO in the process) for Belarus and Russia when they sending weaponry to Serbia. In any case, Tusk, Duda and PiS are in Serbia seen as Sarmatian Piedmonts in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8767
3 Jul 2021   #466
Was Ronald Reagan using private English when he called the USSR the Evil Empire???

Yes, because "evil" means nothing. If the USSR was "evil" how would he explain all the things we did with them - like embassies, treaties, and the space station?

Pure and meaningless demagoguery. Is China evil or a valued trading "partner"?
Labeling somebody as evil is an invitation to murder by a mob. As in: He is evil. Let's kill him. It's been done before.
pawian  224 | 27252
3 Jul 2021   #467
the space station?

As far as I know Reagan promoted SDI against the USSR, not space station partnership..... :):)

Is China evil or a valued trading "partner"?

Yes, it is evil but pecunia non olet.... :):)

He is evil. Let's kill him.

Why do you immediately imagine the worst happenings? No, Tusk won`t kill evil guys - he will only remove them from power. Or, using your terminology, he will kill them politically. hahaha
Novichok  4 | 8767
3 Jul 2021   #468
Whatever...I am immune to labels - including "evil". Everything is in the details, but those take time to give and are boring to listen to.

Here, the voters hear only slogans and labels packaged in the 15-second emotionally rousing evening "news" micro productions moron voters can catch and retain.
pawian  224 | 27252
4 Jul 2021   #469
It seems we will hear a lot of it in the coming weeks, months, years..

I said it yesterday and ta dam, here we go:
Tusk remarked today:

PiS has signed into a pro Putin coalition in the Euro Parliament
PiS` resolution to end nepotism in their ranks is a sham.
The dark forces which destroy the Catholic Church aren`t liberals, leftists or other similar groups. The destructors are top clergy and PiS!

Wow! We needed that!
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Jul 2021   #470
What you call entering churches only to perform a political protest, burning them and attacking the Eucharist in the streets?

You raving mad or something?
pawian  224 | 27252
4 Jul 2021   #471
What you call entering churches only to perform a political protest,

How many believers will give up the Church after such a protest? :):):)

Next question - how many believers will give up the Church after they learn that bishops commonly cover pedo cases among their subordinate priests? Or the clergy commonly practise politics from the pulpit? Or they practice hatred and rejection towards certain groups?

How many?

burning them

Are we still in Poland or you have flown far away???? :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Jul 2021   #472
The church is for humankind and not only for the purpose of one nation believe it or not. I pay attention what happened outside of Poland and who sides with those outside forces. Don't tell me you ignore such things on purpose?

In my experience there are more group loyalists then believers. Cow towing to unbelievers, when they are wrong is misleading the youth instead of guiding them.
pawian  224 | 27252
4 Jul 2021   #473
I pay attention what happened outside of Poland

I don`t care about outside of Poland. You and me live in Poland, this is a Polish forum, we are discussing things in a thread about Polish matters, so please don`t pollute it with outside issues. OK?

misleading the youth instead of guiding them.

The Church has tried to guide the youth since the collapse of communism and we see the results today - most young people reject it. Tell us why?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
4 Jul 2021   #474
Your funny I must admit

Most youth today have lost hope in pair bonding from looking at their biological parents and how their own generation behaves. Then looking at divorce rates, criticizing the church while ignoring how they behave themselves.

Don't need to be a genius to figure out that a person living on Instagram all day more focused on taking pictures or looking at their smartphone all day is pretty much useless to invest themselves into. Emotionally, financially... Anything really
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
4 Jul 2021   #475
The Church has tried to guide the youth

The Catholic church is pretty disgusting..... check out the stories coming out of Canada......
pawian  224 | 27252
4 Jul 2021   #476
a person living on Instagram

I see. You suggest that the Church`s failed preaching is the fault of Instagram. :):)

criticizing the church while ignoring how they behave themselves.

They behave well or badly, depends on many factors but it is normal coz we are common people. When the clergy behave badly, it is not nornal coz they are suposed to be holier than us, ordinary sinners. And when their dirty sins like pedophilia are covered up by their superiors and they go on with molesting kids in another place, what do you think - what impression does it make on believers?

The Catholic church... Canada....

You are ignorant as usual. The case isn`t only in Catholic church. Protestant too.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #477
That's mischievous of you, you know perfectly well that I consider it to be their own responsibility first and foremost. Unless they get misguiding information in school.

it is not nornal coz they are suposed to be holier than us, ordinary sinners.

They are supposed to teach the Bible, and so you are supposed to hear what they say. They don't have the time to adhere to you personal opinion of how to behave in public. Being ordained a priest doesn't make one a saint automatically, you are delusional about the role of priests in a society.

Priests get attacked all the time, your unwillingness to help them out in any manner speaks volumes about your cluelessness about their way of life or your hatred for them. Clergy aren't the only members of the church, so get a grip on yourself.

You trying to take those matters in your own hands speaks volumes of your EGO. If there were a cover up, you wouldn't have known it most likely. These thing are being probed and taken care of like nothing before, if you think rest of the church is taking this likely. You are gravely mistaken, which show again your bias
Lenka  5 | 3531
5 Jul 2021   #478
If there were a cover up, you wouldn't have known it most likely

And how do you call moving the priest to a different parish, not informing the police or the parents of the kids in the new parish?
Spike31  3 | 1485
5 Jul 2021   #480
The biggest achievement of the Tusk government was obviously a steady supply of a hot tap water in Poland.

And for that, he deserves to get a monument. When he retires that is. I can't wait for the unveiling.

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