That's mischievous of you, you know perfectly well that I consider it to be their own responsibility first and foremost. Unless they get misguiding information in school.
it is not nornal coz they are suposed to be holier than us, ordinary sinners.
They are supposed to teach the Bible, and so you are supposed to hear what they say. They don't have the time to adhere to you personal opinion of how to behave in public. Being ordained a priest doesn't make one a saint automatically, you are delusional about the role of priests in a society.
Priests get attacked all the time, your unwillingness to help them out in any manner speaks volumes about your cluelessness about their way of life or your hatred for them. Clergy aren't the only members of the church, so get a grip on yourself.
You trying to take those matters in your own hands speaks volumes of your EGO. If there were a cover up, you wouldn't have known it most likely. These thing are being probed and taken care of like nothing before, if you think rest of the church is taking this likely. You are gravely mistaken, which show again your bias