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Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive?

FlaglessPole  4 | 649
2 Oct 2013   #121
Damn, you have some issues, dude o_O

No issues, just a pair of eyes and a discerning mind, combined with the fact that I've just been traveling through quite a few European countries, after having been away from the western hemisphere for 3 years, which really gives one the advantage of seeing things and its tiny details with the proverbial 'fresh eyes'. Henceforth differences in facial features were very easy and actually quite interesting to observe. Well, if that is an issue for you, then I guess you like anyone else are entitled to your opinion. I saw what I saw, and I stand by it, cheers.
Lenka  5 | 3548
2 Oct 2013   #122
No more and no less than any other nationality. I feel quite happy here and the ammount of times my eyes wonder is just right for me here :)
Wulkan  - | 3136
2 Oct 2013   #123
No issues, just a pair of eyes and a discerning mind

I know what you feel mate, sometimes when I stand infront of the mirror at home I think I'm the prettiest man on the planet Earth, usally after half of the bottle of Jack Daniels, but anyway, I'm sure you are very beautiful Flagless, just don't torture yourself with that too much.
OP McDouche  6 | 282
2 Oct 2013   #124
Where are all the Polish women at?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
2 Oct 2013   #125
I know what you feel mate

How I fare in the looks department is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand and you know that. And if, as you have just admitted, staring into the mirror makes you feel like you're the prettiest man on earth, imbibed or not, it is clearly you having the objectivity problem.
Wulkan  - | 3136
3 Oct 2013   #126
You obviously didn't get my sarcasm, I said that I'm sure you are a beutiful Danish man, take it easy.
f stop  24 | 2493
3 Oct 2013   #127
really?? Posts of two women, at least one Polish, discussing looks of a presumably Polish guy get removed from this topic?
The topic that asks what Polish women think of Polish men looks?
What on earth is going on??
P3, you should put them back.
mochadot18  18 | 245
4 Oct 2013   #128
ALRIGHT I got a few Polish Cuties here for ya :) well some of them are OKIE DOKIE not my first pics but hey whatever floats people's boats :P

Maciej Zakościelny

Paul Deląg

Matthew Damięcki

Olivier Janiak

Kamil Nicalek

Lukasz Strankowski

That is my list for tonight
f stop  24 | 2493
4 Oct 2013   #129
Andrzej Młynarczyk

Michał Żebrowski
beckski  12 | 1609
4 Oct 2013   #130
Not too shabby! Thanks for the eye candy fstop 😉

I went to two Polish festivals during the past two wknds. Noticed quite a few handsome Polish guys. A few gents knocked my socks off!
OP McDouche  6 | 282
4 Oct 2013   #131
lol at least half of the men posted here would definitely not be considered attractive by American standards.
f stop  24 | 2493
4 Oct 2013   #132
Przemysław Cypryański

go away, douche.
OP McDouche  6 | 282
4 Oct 2013   #133
He looks like he's been snorting coke his whole life.
f stop  24 | 2493
4 Oct 2013   #134
Maciej Jachowski
mochadot18  18 | 245
5 Oct 2013   #135
Andrzej Młynarczyk

NOPE I saw this guy NAAAa not my type at least

Michał Żebrowski

Now he's not to bad :)

Kamil Nicalek

I still say HOTTEST of them ALL soo far!!!!!!

Maciej Jachowski

VERY hot!!
f stop  24 | 2493
5 Oct 2013   #136
Kamil Nicalek is a good find!
I spent some time searching for sports stars, no luck...

Kamil Nicalek is a good find!

some of his poses are way too gay for my taste though.
Wulkan  - | 3136
5 Oct 2013   #137
Few times I was asked by foreign girls about him, I checked him out and apparently this Brasilian born Polish man is the god in the world of male models
f stop  24 | 2493
5 Oct 2013   #138
that's a man-child, and only 1/2 Polish.. not my cup of tea either..
mochadot18  18 | 245
5 Oct 2013   #139
some of his poses are way too gay for my taste though.

Hahaha I think he is gay TOOO BAD LOL

Few times I was asked by foreign girls about him, I checked him out and apparently this Brasilian born Polish man is the god in the world of male models

YUP I AM IN LOVVVVEEE WITH HIM OMG TOOOOOO HAWT like SOOO HOTTTTTT LOL. I posted him the other day but my post was removed :P BUT YES SOOO DAMN SEXY. Real shame that he is married with a child :(
f stop  24 | 2493
5 Oct 2013   #140
how about some old school.. who thinks Zbigniew Cybulski was hot?
Wulkan  - | 3136
5 Oct 2013   #142
that's a man-child, and only 1/2 Polish

oh yea I just checked that, his mother isn't Polish

but he is 100% Polish hah and even speaks the language
mochadot18  18 | 245
5 Oct 2013   #143
but he is 100% Polish hah and even speaks the language

WOW how did I NOT know he was polish gotta love vampire diaries and Damn he has a GREAT BODY GREAT!!!!

Shia LeBeouf his mother is Polish, i'd put him under the hot category

Justin Long his mother is Polish he's gotta a dorky cuteness about him

Eric Harry Timothy Mabius DAMN he's pretty hot and has Polish ancestry

John Krasinski his father was Polish, I think hes not to shabby but DEFF better looking when clean shaved LOL
OP McDouche  6 | 282
5 Oct 2013   #144
Most of the men posted here do not represent most of the Polish male population. Polish men usually don't look that good.

However, if you go to Italy, you will notice many of the men look like models.
5 Oct 2013   #145
Yes, they do not look like men to be found in Poland. A lot of those guys (from pictures) are or look gay. Besides, one cannot describe a whole population based upon a few pictures of actors and (most probably) gay models and on top of that some of them are only of Polish origin. Except for one, I think they are ugly and fake. Nothing to do with men met while walking on Polish streets.

Although I am hetero, I have no problems with gays but I had to notice that most of those guys on pictures are gay and therefore not representing the overall male population of Poland. Most Polish guys especially when older are rather on the "natural" side, neglected, very often dirty, with their bellies sticking out of their cheap pants and most of their teeth missing or not treated, and it is one of the main reasons why Polish women prefer westerners.

Ftop : Michal Zebrowski. The others look too gay and most probably they are. Basically 100% of the guys on the pictures are not representative of Polish men (on top of that some are only part Polish)/
mochadot18  18 | 245
5 Oct 2013   #146
Does it matter that Francisco Lachowski and some of the other's arent 100% polish, they still have some polish blood in them. And while yes clearly this HOT guy Francisco doesnt apply to every polish guy which is sad cause that would be nice. But as previously stated NOOOOO nation is filled with models and no nation is soley filled with ugly people. It's always going to be a mix.
f stop  24 | 2493
10 Oct 2013   #147
Here is a pretty funny link, where real men are compared to models:
18 Dec 2020   #148

Are Polish men ugly?

How would you describe a Polish man attractivenes by European standard? Do you find Polish men ugly, short, not physically fit and not a boyfriend material?
Novichok  4 | 8732
18 Dec 2020   #149
I am not attracted to Polish men at all.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Dec 2020   #150
How would You describe a Polish man attractivenes

How would you describe Polish men attractiveness Sic, Amber, Adel, Madaska ?
Sounds like you got dumped by a Polish guy and are a tad bit bitter about it.
Tell us what happened that you fell short of being girlfriend material ?

Home / Love / Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive?
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