sadly - we don't
You Dont. Doesnt mean that people in this world dont. Traditional is good till its not becoming stone age.
oh and one more thing, just to shock the hell out of you
Oh... you think these things shock the hell outta me... well keep thinking.
And really... what is different in you? A ship without a steer... goes wherever the wind blows. A little storm is enough to have it sailing towards nowhere!
Well let me tell you that there are women and men in Poland and in around the world who feel that there needs to be a steer. If the body is the horse, there needs to be the soul as the horseman to get life on the right track.
About judging... oh no I am not judging any particular person. To get your brain working correctly...its a forum where discussions are done, and views and crossed and analysed. People dont just come here to post their dreams and ideas....but also people cross and discuss those ideas, ideals and dreams and plans etc etc etc... thats why the thread just dont end up with one post... and it contains more views than one.
If my post seems boring to you... dont read it then. Go to you bar and get drunk...and say that the world is like the way you see it in your club i guess.
There are different worlds which exist in this same world. The world you live in is not the only world that exist. There is the world of those who value morals, family, love and commitment. There are people who value the correct use of the sex impulse. Yes, there exists a huge population in Poland who value these....Surprised? Fell from your chair?
look at yourself and think if you're the one without sin before you cast another stone
Well I am not a Christian. And I do not throw stones at anyone. But yes, I do have my point...and I do make it clear. Actually I work for it...I just dont sit and brag. Actually I have clubs and groups across Poland...since my early student years...with many such issues...moral, ethical, about migration and national interest.
People of other races are also humans. The good ones are counted out... but then what can one expect from people who are infested. They meet the infected ones and then infest the soeciety more with their infested thoughts, and later bring spiritual and physical dieseases to haunt the society. And when people with a moral stance stand and call for unity in thoughts, unity in action...these people brag for personal freedom and choice.
Well i respect the personal freedom....but the teaching or morality must stand on a higer ground over the sick and perverted ideas of immorality.