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Polish women care about traditional values

jackson  1 | -
27 Dec 2012   #1
Ive come across quite a few polish women and I think they care a lot about traditional values and are simply not up their own arse. Id certainly love to get to know them more.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
27 Dec 2012   #2
I would suggest you try to meet some then.
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Dec 2012   #3
Id certainly love to get to know them more.

I understand that you had to share that deep secret with someone. Feeling relieved?
27 Jul 2013   #4
Merged: Are Polish women more traditional?

I'm moving there soon temporarily and just trying to study up on the culture there. I've heard the women are more "traditional", in the sense that they're more likely to be housewives, modest, etc. Is this true?
McDouche  6 | 282
27 Jul 2013   #5
Based on my observations, I would agree. I think in general western countries are more socially progressive which is why in places like the US, UK, Germany, and France, women have less of a desire to be housewives. I would also have to say western women are less excited about having children. Just my observations though. No need to rustle your jimmies over them.
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Jul 2013   #6
How one is supposed to answer your question not knowing where are you from?
Magdalena  3 | 1827
27 Jul 2013   #7
Poland may be a "traditional" society, yes. Women might be quite happy to get married, and they often adore children. But it all takes place within a matriarchal, not patriarchal, structure. At first, and maybe second glance, it might not seem obvious. But if you look closer... as a rule, the wife is the final decision-maker in the family; the mother in law is more important than the father in law; girls are brought up to be rather assertive, independent, and neither exceedingly meek nor modest; and most teachers from kindergarten to upper secondary school are female. In other words, marrying and have kids in such a society is often seen as much more desirable than it might be perceived in the so-called West. As I see it, many Polish women of the most recent adult generation have managed to combine all the advantages of feminism with all the perks of being a stay-at-home-mum, and ditched most of the responsibilities: they stay at home with the kids, and demand their partner works his backside off for them, but on the other hand, they also expect that the same partner will share their domestic duties, because they want an "equal relationship". Nice touch.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
27 Jul 2013   #8
That is rather accurate...and explains at a root cause, a bit of the good and bad you get in society over here.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Oct 2014   #9
quote by Magdalena

Poland may be a "traditional" society, yes. But it all takes place within a matriarchal, not patriarchal, structure.

If Poland is a traditional society and the majority of the population are of traditionally Catholic back ground, wouldn't such a femanist statement be in direct opposition to what the Catholic church teaches ?

Does new age femanism now trump Catholic church doctrine ?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Oct 2014   #10
it is 'feminism' not 'femanism'
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Oct 2014   #11
I did that for 'effect' to get "man" in there. :-)
I knew you would take the bait.
Now please stay on thread.
Englishman  2 | 276
8 Oct 2014   #12
combine all the advantages of feminism with all the perks of being a stay-at-home-mum, and ditched most of the responsibilities

I guess this must be true of some women, but a lot of Polish women I've met are strongly career-oriented. Whether they have high-powered jobs or ones on the minimum wage, they see it as important that they have a life outside the home, and their own money. I'd say they are more feminist than say British women, who are happier not to work if their husbands/boyfriends make enough money. Or is it that we Brits are lazier than Polish people generally?

Also, I've read that the birth rate in Poland is falling dramatically because women are having fewer children, at a greater age, or none at all.
9 Oct 2014   #13
It's well known Polish women are "nice" to their man all the time he's being generous financially and supporting her. Take the money away and it's a VERY different story.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2014   #14
I wouldn't blame her.
A stay home Mom is much more work (24/7) then punching a clock eight hours a day.
If SHE is the bread winner of the relationship and supporting HIM while he is playing househusband and she took the money away that would hold true too.

Both mates have to be "nice".
9 Oct 2014   #15
A stay home mum is only much more work if she's used to menial jobs. For a high earning, hard working business woman like myself it would a breeze compared with my working week which is 55 hours plus 4 hours p/d travelling.

Now days, both people should be working, doesn't matter if there's children involved or not. This village-like mentality that most Polish women have belongs in the dark ages.

My Sister has an 18 month old, she looks after baby, cooks, cleans, attends to husband and STILL works... shock horror.....

Men shouldn't allow themselves to be used by money grabbing opportunists.
Paulina  19 | 4558
9 Oct 2014   #16
You're clearly very prejudiced.

This village-like mentality that most Polish women have belongs in the dark ages.

Most Polish women don't have any "village-like mentality". Most women in Poland work AND take care of the children and house, cook, do the shopping, etc. I know that for a fact because I LIVE in Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2014   #17
quote by EdinburghGirl

It's well known Polish women are "nice" to their man all the time he's being generous financially and supporting her.

That is not only a Polish woman's tradition but a world wide tradition.
Do tell us what a Brit Bird would do in that situation.
Anything different ?
9 Oct 2014   #18
Women are smiley, happy and agreeable all the time there's money on the table. Withdraw these funds (as an experiment if nothing else) and brace yourself for the rapid change.

World wide tradition is not entirely accurate as it goes on much more in less liberated countries.
Paulina  19 | 4558
9 Oct 2014   #19
Are you talking about yourself? lol

And btw, EdinburghGirl, I don't know what you mean by "village-like mentality", because women in the countryside in Poland work in the field, in their gardens AND take care of the children and house, cook, clean, etc. "... shock horror....." Wow...
9 Oct 2014   #20
Sorry Pauline I meant women in general, more so those in slightly less progressive countries, not Polish women exclusively.

How can I be talking about myself when I have already stated I work 55 hours p/w?
Paulina  19 | 4558
9 Oct 2014   #21
Sorry Pauline I meant women in general, more so those in slightly less progressive countries, not Polish women exclusively.

Not here you didn't:

It's well known Polish women are "nice" to their man all the time he's being generous financially and supporting her.

And besides, how generalising about all women is any way better? o_O

How can I be talking about myself when I have already stated I work 55 hours p/w?

Because you may be lying, for example. Maybe you're not even a woman :) This is the internet.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2014   #22
A stay home mum is only much more work if she's used to menial jobs

You must have never been commited to any othe those "menial" jobs.
I worked 60 hours plus a week at one of those "high earning" jobs for years.
When my wife was hospitalized for two months and I had to stay home to care for the little ones, cook, clean, grocery shop, balance the checkbook, pay the bills, drop the younguns off at school, pick them up from school, pack their lunches, change poopie diapers, wash the cloths, clean up urp after sick know, all those "menial" jobs,

I was more then ready to get back to my 'high earning' job before I had a nervous break down.
Much less physical work, much less stress, ADULT CONVERSATION, much more free time, punch the clock at 6p.m. and my day ended. Come home, crack a cold one and mow the lawn.

My wife's job was 24/7 never knowing what the next challenge would be.
Oh you are SOoooo wrong to judge those "menial" jobs that you obviously know nothing about.
I didn't either until they were dumped in my lap one day and reality set in REAL quick.
I ask you, how much do you think a fare wage would be for say, Being up all night with a three year old with the flu (crying, urping, temperature, and the hearshy squirts all at one time) after you have worked all day doing those "menial" jobs for the rest of your family ?

Please tell us.

For a business woman like myself it would a breeze compared with my working week

I beg to differ.

Men shouldn't allow themselves to be used by money grabbing opportunists.

That falls under the little head controlling the big head (choice) but I don't think we are talking about the money grubbers here.
We are talking about "traditional values" of Polish women, not the new age church of 'Meism'.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
10 Oct 2014   #23
anyway apart from anything else European women in general, I dont see why Polish women would be any different from the rest of us, should go out to work and earn money in case their partner is no longer around for whatever reason....even if they are now in the position (that fewer and fewer families are) of being able to live on one salary/wage.
Wroclaw Boy
10 Oct 2014   #24
Anybody with the audacity to make a comment such as the above has a lot to learn.

Different horses for different courses, being a good mother is just about one of the hardest jobs going, not many can do it properly.

Polish women are "nice" to their man all the time he's being generous financially

Only the false ones, like most women regardless of nationality.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
10 Oct 2014   #25
A stay home mum is only much more work if she's used to menial jobs.

omg i only just now had my attention drawn to this comment - Edinburgh Girl staying at home with children is not a 'breeze' regardless of your wonderful previous career, in fact the latter would make it harder.

You havent had children have you?
Wroclaw Boy
10 Oct 2014   #26
Now days, both people should be working, doesn't matter if there's children involved or not.

Why, what kind of purpose does that serve other than perpetuating an outdated socio economic system? You are a drone, a slave to the system and you don't even realise it. Do you think children should be dumped in nurseries rather than being cared for by a parent? Why have children if both parents are too busy working 55 hours / week.

business woman like myself it would a breeze compared with my working week which is 55 hours plus 4 hours p/d travelling

This village-like mentality that most Polish women have belongs in the dark ages.

Are you Polish? i see this pattern in ex pat Poles (usually women) who come to the UK get a job for about £9 / hour (managing other Poles in a factory) and then think theyre some kind of hot shot business professional. Its really sad. Said women are usually right vile biatches too.

Give me the village mentality over the corporate drone one any day. In fact virtually all Brits crave for village life as opposed to the opposite.
19 Apr 2019   #27
Magdalena is entirely right. They are and always have been feminist and female dominated unlike the great empires of Russia and countries like Ukraine where women know and enjoy their place. This is why Ukrainian women are stealing their men because they dont control or yell at them but cook, clean do laundry, and even sesually please them. Pollacks were ruined soemwhere down the line to become like west or even worse than west because they want that marriage but at the same time control and dominate everything. I dont understand is this a recent thing brought to warsaw from the west ir if the pollack females were always this way unlike ukrianians? iremember in other cities than warsaw men would drink gamble and women would still remain loyal just like ukrainain women do.
25 Apr 2019   #28
Not anymore. Now theyre even worse than the west:
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
25 Apr 2019   #29
men would drink gamble and women would still remain

They would remain loyal because they had no other options. A drinking man is a family disaster. Later, the a-hole will die and leave them with debt and bad memories.

A drinking AND gambling man is total pos because he blows what his wife saves while still trying to feed the sob and the kids.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Apr 2019   #30
men would drink gamble and women would still remain loyal just like ukrainain women do.

Fortunately, less and less Polish women are so stupid. Dropping such a useless husband is really easy today.

he blows what his wife saves

Yes, it is better to kick him out of home and even family than to endanger their mental health through the daily contact.

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