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Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!

southern  73 | 7059
2 Jun 2008   #631
that if I were to go in the peak of summer the girls

Yes,it can turn out to be like that.

Or like that.

This girl prefers to sit quitely at home.

Let's see the typical polish appearance.

The same typical polish face.

Another girl with same characteristics.Typical Polka.This means time for eye drops.

God bless Poland.Typical polish face is the only thing worth of cloning.

Typical polish girl showing her fat,slavic lips.
Babi  4 | 42
2 Jun 2008   #632
Most models work for designers who are gay and gays tend to have a different ideal of a woman's beauty. Many look simply like coat hangers - unbelievably skinny, not pretty at all.

you talk of fashion / runway / catwalk.
Not all of models.
Take Eva for example, far from stick thin. I think facial she is very sweet looking.
z_darius  14 | 3960
2 Jun 2008   #633
Not all of models.

Not all. She's pretty, you're too. But those broom sticks on TV are not.
barms90  - | 5
2 Jun 2008   #634
elizabeth hurley's face is the most bautiful in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
funny that being as she is english!!!!!!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
2 Jun 2008   #635
elizabeth hurley's face is the most bautiful in the world

Her face fits the mathematical profile, perfectly. But so do others... including my wife.
z_darius  14 | 3960
2 Jun 2008   #636
funny that being as she is english!!!!!!

I betcha some here will find a Slavic gene or two in her ;)
OP Frank  23 | 1183
2 Jun 2008   #637
But so do others... including my wife.'re so vain........................................

But I'd have to say, I agree with your observation.......
Daydreamer  - | 46
2 Jun 2008   #638
Model-wise I think Helena christensen is the most beautiful of all, period! I love everything about her. Not sure completely of her heritage I think it is dutch and peru??
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
2 Jun 2008   #639
We just came from Poland and as world travelers we thought the Danes had the most beutifull women until we seen Polish women !!! They are #1. See my post.
Oman  - | 2
11 Jun 2008   #640
the polish women are very nice
Al99  - | 1
19 Aug 2008   #641
Ah yes... The true natural beauty of Polish women is on of the best things about being a Polish guy :)

That solves one of the major problems:

I don't have to look long to find a candidate for a gorgeous girlfriend or a long-lasting relationship ;)
George8600  10 | 630
9 May 2009   #642
I don't get what you mean by it's in the "slavic genetics" that makes it better. I have seen many slavs (most particularly the men) that tend to be not the most beautiful. Personally, there's alot more than just genetics. If you have lived in Poland like I have for 5 years then you'll see that they have all. Beauties, average, not so good looking (or whatever, beauty is in the eye of the beholder). Point is, that there's more to beauty than the genetics, and posters of models (which every country has), and racial generalizations.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561
9 May 2009   #643
elizabeth hurley's face is the most bautiful in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
funny that being as she is english!!!!!!

yeh and Kate Moss.........!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
10 May 2009   #644
whoever wrote Helena Christiansen has just modeled the correct for this month's centrefold, she made "wicked game" the perfect video
freebird  3 | 532
10 May 2009   #645
Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!

well, so so. There's no such a thing like the most beautiful in the World but Polish women surely know how to dress up to attract a man.
seadog  1 | 1
12 May 2009   #646
you obvoiusly hav'nt had a good look at AUSTRALIAN girls.
i cant tell you that you have been missing out.
they will blow steam out of your ears.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
12 May 2009   #647
This thread shows the obvious, that different people like different kind of woman.

When I compare my preferences with my friends', we can see that it differs more from person to person then we think. Beauty is not so easy to define.
Oscypek  - | 107
14 May 2009   #648
elizabeth hurley's face is the most bautiful in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!funny that being as she is english!!!!!!

Her father was Irish...

"Early life

Hurley was born as a middle child in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England, the daughter of Angela and Roy Hurley.[8] Her Irish father was..."
jump_bunny  5 | 236
14 May 2009   #649
I've never even heard of Elisabeth Hurley and I don't understand how dare you even compare ordinary girls from the streets with movie stars/models. Don't you know the power of photoshop and cosmetic surgeries? With the amount of money stars waste to look good, you would save lives of 10000 kids in Africa. Living in both: Poland and England I might share my observations: English girls dress up better but Polish girls have way much class in a way they behave like.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
14 May 2009   #650
English girls dress up better but Polish girls have way much class in a way they behave like.

Like the one whose been shaggin my friends partner of 10 years, oh my mates 3 weeks off giving birth and they already have a little girl...Yeah you're right Polish girls have LOADS of class ROFL! Oh one more little gem, this tart is already married to some South African bloke she met on her travels who most probably will get deported because she decided she prefers my friends partner to her own husband!

And before you start going on about my mates ex and it was probably his fault blah blah blah, of course he's in the wrong, but don't tell me that ALL Polish girls have more class than English girls, because my friend has more class in her little finger than the tramp her ex is now shacked up with will ever have!
jump_bunny  5 | 236
14 May 2009   #651
Polish girls have LOADS of class ROFL!

There are always black sheeps, are you not mature enough to know this already? I'm a young person myself and have been to clubs/pubs in England. Girls get completely drunk, let guys touch them all over if are offered a drink, sick themselves outside and swear loudly. I've never seen that in Poland, that's what all the 'cultural shock' was for me about. Have you been to Poland? Do you speak Polish? It's probably not quite the same to judge a Polish nation if you're English, living in England, speaking English.

And before you start going on about my mates ex and it was probably his fault blah blah blah

I've never met him and couldn't care less. Please, leave your personal stories for yourself.
espana  17 | 956
14 May 2009   #652
the sense of dress is horrendous , why this jeans and the white trainers all the time ?
it is not female at all :(
i like west european women more
Seanus  15 | 19666
14 May 2009   #653
I've seen fewer and fewer good-looking women here recently. Many mumlak types.
Alejandra  - | 9
16 Jun 2009   #654
I agree with Frank,polish guys are really ugly,just like russian and eastern european guys in general :) I'm prpud not to be european and to a south american !
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Jun 2009   #655
There is a large variety of looks in Polish guys. Anyway, this is about Polish women
Madzia22  - | 72
16 Jun 2009   #656
Alejandra, my polish man is very handsome does this mean he is not Polish? lol

there is an old saying 'you hate it if you can't have it' it would be ideal for you :P
niejestemcapita  2 | 561
16 Jun 2009   #657
I'm prpud not to be european and to a south american !

but Europe is good enough for you to live here? Gee, thanks...:)
Alejandra  - | 9
16 Jun 2009   #658
I think that hot girls are everywhere,now saying that polish gals are the hottest women of the world is a bit unfair ^^ beauty is in the eye of the beholder,certainly they're really very beautiful,but I know lotta guys who prefer asian and south american ( que viva todo el mundo latino y que viva mi maravilloso pais,te quiero Venezuela !) girls...It's strictly personal.
espana  17 | 956
16 Jun 2009   #659

beautiful women in venezuela , lot of miss world in this country.
Alejandra  - | 9
16 Jun 2009   #660
Madzia,I hate nobody :) why should I ? And,for the record,I do have a bf :)) and I wouldn't change him with any of your polish guys,you can bet,I didn't mean to offend your people,why are you overreactin ? Am I not free to express my opinion ? And niejestemcapita,I'm living in Europe TEMPORARY but I will get back to Venezuela one day,that's my country,I love Europe,don't misread me,please,but my country,my land is not here.It would be too long to explain you why I am living here,but let's say that,somehow,I've been kinda "forced" too.Once again,didn't mean to offend anybody =)

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