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Woman 28 single, too late for a relationship with a Polish man?

balinina33  3 | 4
24 Jul 2014   #1
Friends told me that in Poland a single woman in his late 20's (or early 30's) find very difficult to have a serious relationship with a "normal guy" because the majority of them think about a single woman as a "bad apple" or there is something very wrong with her...

So the point is that I met this polish guy but I've the unconfortably sensation to been "judged"... Maybe my friends are right and I should give up with him?
Wulkan  - | 3136
24 Jul 2014   #2
Maybe my friends are right and I should give up with him?

No, your friends told you bs, the average age for people getting married in Poland moved up recently just like everywhere else in Europe.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
24 Jul 2014   #3
in Poland a single woman in his late 20's (or early 30's) find very difficult to have a serious relationship with a "normal guy"

It is bull product. Single woman in his late 20's (or early 30's) may have a flat, car, job, savings. No need to be nursed.
Roger5  1 | 1432
24 Jul 2014   #4
I've the unconfortably sensation to been "judged"...

Follow your instincts.
Women in their late twenties are at their absolute peak. Be choosy; you are worth it.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
24 Jul 2014   #5
No, your friends told you bs, the average age for people getting married in Poland moved up recently just like everywhere else in Europe

nope, Polish people marry the youngest within the European Union (24 years old for women and 26.5 years old for men in average).
f stop  24 | 2493
25 Jul 2014   #6
Why would you care about your friends opinion on this matter? Worried about falling off the bell curve?
Englishman  2 | 276
25 Jul 2014   #7
the majority of them think about a single woman as a "bad apple" or there is something very wrong with her...

I get the impression it's the other way round, that for some reason in Poland there's a lot of pressure on women from their late 20s to be in settled relationships. So it could be hard for a single man in his late 20s or early 30s to find a woman who is still single. If that's true, the man you've met will be especially grateful for your love :-)
10iwonka10  - | 359
25 Jul 2014   #8
I think it is slowly changing now and age moves up- especially in bigger towns.

But that is true- it is pressure of becoming' old spinster'- awful impression.:-(
Englishman  2 | 276
25 Jul 2014   #9
I agree, and very unfair as there isn't the same pressure on men who are single.

IMO there should be a website where Polish women in their 30s can meet British men who don't have the same stereotype in their minds, but who appreciate the many desirable qualities of Polish women :-)
noreenb  7 | 548
15 Aug 2014   #10
28 is the best age to start a serious relationship. You have already some experiences with men, but you are still very young too.
20 Oct 2014   #11
Dude you are delusional and probably think of yourself as the male feminist.
There is no pressure on men due to million years of evolution.
Men are fertile from puberty to the day they die.
On the other hand average age when a woman enter menopause is 51 years in the West (range between 40 and 61).
So in the worst case scenario a woman in question could be infertile, have mood swings and dry vagina in 7 years.
FYI The oldest father was 96 year old Indian man.
objay  - | 3
7 Jun 2016   #12
30 for me i believe a woman can start a relationship . She mus have had experience and start doing things maturely.
8 Jun 2016   #13
Don't give a woman your best 40 years, if she won't give you her best 10.

Dreamergirl  4 | 273
8 Jun 2016   #14
Get them in their 30's once they left their wives they will be well trained by then
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jun 2016   #15
Get them in their 20's once they have left their boyfriends while they are still trainable.
8 Jun 2016   #17
People are dating and marrying later now then they used to.
Its nothing wrong. Just make sure to have some nice Polish children :)
Jardinero  1 | 383
8 Jun 2016   #18 Poland a single woman... find very difficult to have a serious relationship...

That is perfectly common in smaller towns and rural areas, where the "country bumpkin" mentality prevails...
Lyzko  44 | 9730
8 Jun 2016   #19
In many societies as well, small minds will wonder and idle tongues will wag.

Sadly yes, all too often the unenlightened judge those around them without sufficiently knowing the other person's situation.
If as a 28 year-old in Poland or wherever, someone actually believes you are too "OLD", then it is they who have the problem, and not you:-)
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
8 Jun 2016   #20
if by the age of 28 woman had no previous relationships lasting longer than 2 years, than one could either suspect her choice of mates, or that there are some issues with her.

however, life is life, 28 is not too late to start new relationship. you can wait start buying cats when you will turn 40 ;)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
8 Jun 2016   #21
f by the age of 28 woman had no previous relationships lasting longer than 2 years, than one could either suspect her choice of mates, or that there are some issues with her.

Really? Isn't that an unfair assertion, without evidence, let alone justification? Does the same apply to us blokes?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
8 Jun 2016   #22
Right on!

I think that it's culturally myopic, regardless of the culture, to "blame" either a woman or a man for not being "hitched" by the time they're necessarily in their late twenties:-)

All people develop differently, furthermore, times are quite different from those of the immediate post-1945 generation. Sure, our parents, especially grandparents, typically married early, if for no other reason than noone was quite sure in those days how long one might be alive!!!

To errantly stigmatize any young woman for not being married by the random age of 28, thereby putting a sort of evil eye on the poor soul ever finding a decent partner is in my opinion, not only mean spirited, it's primitive and downright medaeval.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2016   #23
if by the age of 28 woman had no previous relationships lasting longer than 2 years, than one could either suspect her choice of mates, or that there are some issues with her.

change 'woman' to 'person' and how does it sound now? Sweeping? Silly?
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
9 Jun 2016   #24
nope, somehow still valid.
would you date 30 yo woman who have never been in serious relationship? sure, if she would be nice, why not. so would I. but I would still somehow wonder about it (and no, I wouldn't let it to poison the new relationship).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2016   #25
would you date 30 yo woman who have never been in serious relationship?

ooooh you are a one!
Lyzko  44 | 9730
9 Jun 2016   #26
A sensible man, free of old-wives tales and common prejudices, would, most definitely! Most men however, aren't and so they probably wouldn't!
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
9 Jun 2016   #27
ooooh you are a one!

it's kinda shame you "forgot" to quote the rest of my post.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
9 Jun 2016   #28
I read it and frankly, there's not anything worth quoting:-)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2016   #29
there wasn't anything to quote. Not sure what your point is.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
9 Jun 2016   #30
I mean that the entire premise of the thread is basically garbage, based on the myths and preconceived notions of small-town boobs!

Home / Love / Woman 28 single, too late for a relationship with a Polish man?

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