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Does he really love me ?

Akawami_wa  1 | 1
23 Oct 2022   #1
I am an Asian and was in a relationship with polish guy. We deal with long distance very well when I was in my home country for almost a year till I move to study in Europe but still.. we do not in the same city.

We meet and visit each other in person few times but most of times we were in long distance. However, when we together I feel like he didn't love me and put the effort for me as much as I do to him even though he siad he love me and do not want to loose me and jealous about other guys. I'm always give him stuff as I when I see I think about he would like it. I didn't expect anything much only sometimes when I know he can effort due to he was lack of money but still he didn't show.

He broke his promise that he gave me when I visited him that he would visit me next time but he was to exhausting from his job and that's cause argument till broke up. I still want to fix our relationship but he said doesn't want long distance anymore. I just realized confused that if he really love me as he said cuz he is also nice and make time fore always or he just want to date Asian and see how things go without my preference as probably not his type?
OP Akawami_wa  1 | 1
23 Oct 2022   #2
And our future is not clear where he doesn't want to move to somewhere else unless Poland and I'm Asian without speaking polish. He's worried if I couldn't find a job or what to do in Poland. I was also thinking about that before. But after when I realized that a person is more important than I willing to move to Poland after study.
pawian  226 | 27401
23 Oct 2022   #3
A charming story and let you unite and live long ever after...
did you have a chance to perform the sweaty T-shirt test to check out if you are destined for each other???
4 Nov 2022   #4
The part of this article that mentions different scent preference of women on birth control vs without it, yikes...
pawian  226 | 27401
4 Nov 2022   #5
You mean this part?:

This study may also serve as a warning for women on birth control. If these women meet and marry mates while on hormonal birth control, they may find that they have a completely different reaction to their mates when they get off the pill in attempt to conceive.

You commented on it as yikes. Maybe. But this is pure nature, ultimately controlled and imposed on humans by Lady God.
4 Nov 2022   #6
My 'yikes' was about the idea of not liking your mate without birth control when you get off it...

This thought was fueled by my hate towards birth control, it messes with you hardcore. When I stopped this **** after 10 years it was as if fog lifted from my head.. Women should get to know their cycles instead of being dependent on a drug... And certainly mothers should stop bringing their young daughters to the doctor to get them birth control, where I come from this is all too common..

Sorry for the (all too true) rant haha, Lady God is what happens when a woman stops taking this **** and goes natural ;)
pawian  226 | 27401
5 Nov 2022   #7
birth control, it messes with you

Yes, I know.

Women should get to know their cycles

It is more complicated coz many can`t get to know their chaotic cycles and accidentally get pregnant, especially
when the male partner demands sex.

Sorry for the (all too true) rant

Nothing to be sorry for. :):)
Alien  25 | 6377
6 Nov 2022   #8
I know ladybug, but who the hell is Lady God? Or maybe you mean Goddess?
6 Nov 2022   #9
Bullshit, any woman can get to know their cycle... Any irregularity problems have causes like diet, unhealthy habits, etc (genetic issues like this are rare unless someone is a vaccine rabbit). Simply knowing average length can tell you a lot already, (to all women here) observe, note, analyze and you will learn. ❤

It's more of a (multiple) generations of enstrangement + doctors program you that a pill is better + stupidity, kinda problem and a constant problem, propaganja everywhere.
pawian  226 | 27401
6 Nov 2022   #10
observe, note, analyze and you will learn.

That is a beautiful theory but life loves going different ways out of our control. :):) I know it from first hand experience.

Any irregularity problems have causes like diet, unhealthy habits

Yes, habits like fast life with a lot of stress. Try to avoid it today.
That is why you are naive saying cycles can be fully controlled by females if they try. No, they can`t.
8 Nov 2022   #11
@ pawian
On your first point I agree, life tends to go different than you would want or planned...

However I think you misunderstood my point because nowhere I ment to suggest women's cycles should be 'controlled' that isn't possible and or desireable.

I aimed at getting to understand the patterns of it to your benefit by 'studying it'. Mine for example is always between 21 to 28 days in length, and I notice little certain 'signs' around the same time every cycle. Temperature drops and spikes follow a pattern as well, and I can tell by that whether I ovulated or not..
pawian  226 | 27401
8 Nov 2022   #12
Mine is always between 21 to 28 days, and I notice little certain 'signs' around the same time every cycle. Temperature drops and spikes

That is wonderful you enjoy such regularity and notice signs. However, I know women in my immediate vicinity who aren`t so lucky and suffer from cycle blindness. :):):)
9 Nov 2022   #13
I can not imagine that a woman doesn't notice blood dripping from her vagina every month. No woman can miss that? Thus 100% cycle blindness IS NOT Possible... Plus the fact that hormonal changes signal cravings for certain things that you subconciously know you need..

Did you know that cacao (dark choco with minimal sugars, 80%+ is best available in standard supermarket) is a slightly psychoactive substance? I believe so & hope to have a cacao roomplant-tree one day (it's okay if that's laughable but a woman simply loves her chocolate).. For the moment I consume kakao kruszowe with my oats.. Besides chocolate I find myself craving fish as well, usually around ovulation.

Check out (they advertise their business but also have good info).

Back to the topic... The moment they experience a period (i.e. vaginal bleeding) would be the end of one cycle. Counting from this day, to the next time they bleed, and there you have it! The length of your cycle last time around. Normal range = 21 to 35 days, ideally 28. Keep counting like this and you know your average cycle length. With only this info you can already do a lot for yourself.

I mean no offence but.. Blindness or is this simply unwillingness/ignorance to find out? Because thats really what it sounds like to me. Or maybe they don't feel like share this info with a man? xD
pawian  226 | 27401
9 Nov 2022   #14
that a woman doesn't notice blood dripping

Stop twisting now. You perfectly realise we are not talking about periods. We are talking about erratic cycles which make it impossible for a woman to precisely establish her fertile and unfertile days between periods.

The term cycle blindness which I used meant exactly that.
Sorry if you didn`t grasp it. :):):)

Besides chocolate I find myself craving fish as well, usually around ovulation.

Excellent. Food cravings as indicators of menstrual cycles. :):):) But that`s your own personal experience while millions of women have a different one.
11 Nov 2022   #15
Have to give it to you though that it's indeed difficult to pinpoint fertile days exactly.. So I have to agree with you in the end & maybe I was a bit too rude in my last post whoops..

Forgive me for being a stubborn as hell optimist, I just think that anyone can figure out certain signs about their cycles. I might crave chocolate, fish and potatoes with pickles and peanutbutter, but everyone is different.

Here are some womens things that help me stay balanced:
- Kminek seeds tea : to stimulate bloodflow, digestion and thus period (in the right moments).
- Tea from nettle + lemongrass : to balance when feeling intense/hormonal, it always grounds me :D
- Making a notes journal of symptoms I experience and later reading back on them (This led me to observations like: damn I get moody in the same moments every cycle).

- Eating a lot of fresh greens, namely rucola, szpinak, jarmuż from the garden.
- Regular work-outs 3x a week, chocolate, not eating in excessive amounts & certain other relaxing herbs...

It strikes me how we use some term like 'blindness' and have different associations/interpretations with it's meaning. That is kind of fascinating from a language point of view....
Lenka  5 | 3527
11 Nov 2022   #16
The prospect of pregnancy is such a big thing that most women will choose the strongest contraception. The pill offers that and most women will continue using it.

Following cycle, while good when no other options, cannot compare in success rate.

The healthiest for both parties ATM would be condom.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Nov 2022   #17
Out of curiosity, what's your general view on kids. What are they according to you
Lenka  5 | 3527
11 Nov 2022   #18
Little human beings, much better than adults

And what I said earlier was of course about women that don't want children at that moment or at all.
pawian  226 | 27401
11 Nov 2022   #19
What are they according to you

Kashub, when meeting new women, tell them you love kids and you will do everything to see a smile on a kid`s face. All decent women will be yours. :):):):)
AntV  3 | 670
11 Nov 2022   #20
Nah, that's manipulation. Just act like a real man and decent women will be attracted.
pawian  226 | 27401
11 Nov 2022   #21
Nah, that's manipulation.

Why? What makes you think Kashub doesn`t love kids??? Why are you so negative towards his person???
AntV  3 | 670
11 Nov 2022   #22
I'm pretty sure Kashub understands what I'm saying.
pawian  226 | 27401
11 Nov 2022   #23
Kashub understands

So why did you suggest manipulation?? Kashub loves kids but seldom mentions it to women he meets. I only reminded him about it.
Sorry but you were too quick with that unfair judgement of Kashub. Try to think twice before posting such opinions.
AntV  3 | 670
11 Nov 2022   #24
To say what you suggest strikes me as exploiting women emotionally to gain their affection. It's a form of coercion, which is not respecting women. I suggest a different route, just be a man around women, which basically means to love (willing the good of the other for the sake of the other) and exhibit virtues...that kind of stuff.
pawian  226 | 27401
11 Nov 2022   #25
exploiting women emotionally to gain their affection

I see. So even when Kashub loves kids, he shouldn`t say it to avoid exploiting his new meets emotionally.
Are you nuts??? :):):)
AntV  3 | 670
11 Nov 2022   #26
Nothing wrong saying you love kids, if it's true. But, if you say it to coerce, then you're pathetic and not manly, IMO. The intent matters.
pawian  226 | 27401
11 Nov 2022   #27
if it's true.

Yes, Kashub is sincere in it.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Nov 2022   #28
I love kids, but in my general experience women don't like to hear it or know of talks about marriage or kids in general. So I try to talk as little as possible about it.

My general experience has been that women are not interested in having kids, or having kids with me.

Which makes me deeply sad, so no. No need for manipulation

Many women quite wrongly get the impression of me being a ladies man, only for bed ish. But, not for family

@Cargo_pants can share his impressions of me and tell his tale if he wants regarding first impressions
pawian  226 | 27401
11 Nov 2022   #29
women don't like to hear it or know of talks about marriage or kids in general.

That`s strange. Perhaps you should change the kind of women you meet. Yes, they are pretty, but spoiled like princesses or sb.

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Kashub1410  6 | 580
11 Nov 2022   #30
Well I do try, first women I met that talked to me about wanting kids had very weird behaviour. Probably asberger, asked questions in a cold weird manner without context, extremaly shy and looked everywhere with her eyesight except to me.

Yet wants to meet again, but have become sick.

One side she doesn't look bad + wants kids

But, the weird part is very off putting so. I don't know

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