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Do you think these renowned Poles are hot?

Lenka  5 | 3552
16 Jan 2013   #91
Grzegorze Hajdarowicz

So do you think he's hot or not?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Jan 2013   #92
Please don't quote someone's else words as mine.

Yes, gumi, don`t quote my words as sb else`s!

Hmm.....Man Poland

Reminds me of a certain Polish actor....
Suwka  - | 21
17 Jan 2013   #93
I've found such photo.
Rysavy  10 | 306
17 Jan 2013   #94
My taste of course is IMO. But in pure physical criteria? I definitely don't go for hairy guys or guys that could look better in make up than me. Or at least make a great woman. I like masculine features and a balanced face. Great smiles, bright intense eyes, good complexion, facial keys. I personally adore modest gap in teeth.. a fetish one might say and fuller mouths. A balanced body, a look of health. I'll go more for overweight than bones showing. Heroine chic is not for me.

Sometimes live adds subtle varitions that a photo cannot do justice for

Page one.. Hmm Bierdon (specially as youngster) is nice looking enough. Kinda generic, not my taste.
The second fellow..Donald. .....meh. Not Hot. His lips are kinda pinchy. And not right kind of rugged... he looks worn. Like a strung out Neil Patrick Harris.

Page 2 Nowak..Okay.. I would not kick him out of bed for eating crackers! Hot body though still not my type.
Rutlowski- YEEK! No! night I would shoot him as a bear! But I am NOT into hairy dudes at all. His face is also kinda..I dont know..sterotype movie thug named Boris.

Olejniczak..gorgeous eyes! Great smile..He is a nice looking guy. Still not quite HOT , but I'd say yes to a date.
Cichoki... hmmm a lil light on the feet looking..does have that Dan Quail "when i grow up..." look. ^_^

pg 3:
Gowin is a a very dapper older guy.... he wears it well
Sikorski.would be genric/meh but does have a personable smile
Bartosz..mmm.. cant say why but NO. Kinda looks like some of my Rus ex-inlaws
Cimoszewicz.. has the generic politician look..
That hippie is a hottie by many standards...for me? if I can take the clippers to him. Its the flashy smile, blonde hair and bright eyes. I like longer faces too I guess. He looks vain tho

Gromoslaw...not bad. I bet he was a cute guy in his youth. Not really my type. Though I rarely date my type anyway since personality can sway me past appearance.

The page 4 Dr Who guy..Hmmm. Nice looking.

All and all the "hotties" would be the fellow with the butter face and the narcisitic seeming hippie
natasia  3 | 368
17 Jan 2013   #95
Ok, I have an almost-embarrassing predilection for Polish men, but somehow here people have managed to find the few that I don't find particularly attractive ... the rest of the nation is hot, though ; )
Suwka  - | 21
17 Jan 2013   #96
Rutlowski- YEEK!

hmmmm... ten years ago I have an interview with him - he was hot then - like Bronisław Cieślak from 07 Zgloś się

Lenka  5 | 3552
17 Jan 2013   #97
Reminds me of a certain Polish actor....

I can't think of any actor that looks like him.Will you reveal the secret? :)
17 Jan 2013   #98
Grzegorze Hajdarowicz
So do you think he's hot or not?

Not really, but he bears a striking resemblance to English comedian/actor Alan Davies.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2013   #99
Some politicians don`t look hot but are anyway. :):):):):)

Ryszard Kalisz, leftist party activist, divorced his young and beautiful wife to start a new romance:

Kalisz Poland
Rysavy  10 | 306
21 Jan 2013   #100
Ryszard Kalisz, leftist party activist, divorced his young and beautiful wife to start a new romance:

OK..NOT hot
It isn't rocket science to guess she is shallow after the power, money and opportunities
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2013   #101
It isn't rocket science to guess she is shallow after the power, money and opportunities

Come on, women aren`t so cynical! It must be true love.
Rysavy  10 | 306
21 Jan 2013   #102

You're a regular laugh riot Pawian...

9_9 Course another flag is fact she is all happy with soneone who left another woman for her. Not a survivor of a past failed marriage...but actively ended one story to start another. And I am considered kinda naive by many of my friends but can read the wall on this one ^_^
21 Jan 2013   #103
It isn't rocket science to guess she is shallow after the power, money and opportunities

Exactly Rysavy!
No way would a guy like him be able to pull someone like her if he wasn't who he is!
Hot? He definitely is not!
21 Jan 2013   #104
Ryszard Kalisz

have you seen his picture when he was young... and slim?!
Lenka  5 | 3552
21 Jan 2013   #105
No way would a guy like him be able to pull someone like her if he wasn't who he is!

I think he's not hot but I can understand a women that fell in love with him.He's inteligent,funny and charming.
Paulina  19 | 4564
22 Jan 2013   #106
He's inteligent,funny and charming.

That's true, he's generally liked, I think. Also, he's the second most trusted politician in Poland, after the president (!) according to CBOS poll:

So I'd say it could be 50/50 - 50% his personality and 50% "the power, money and opportunities" as far as this woman is concerned.
Lenka  5 | 3552
22 Jan 2013   #107
Not bad.Not bad at all :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Feb 2013   #108
Do you think these renowned Poles

The most renowned Polish male now:
crochetbitch88  2 | 83
10 Feb 2013   #109
S. Nowak is hot in that old-fashioned pre-war way

  • Slawomir_Nowak_Nowak.jpg

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4 Mar 2014   #110
Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, former Prime Minister of Poland.
I am a man but even so, it is impossible not to say he has the most beautiful male face
of the world, he is for sure. This doesn't matter.
What matters is to know him who he is. God was so generous with him.
He says he doesn't have religion, (that is a pitty), but he loves Nature, then he loves God.
He is a wonderful man. Honest man, he is very simple man where shows great humility.
He is sensitive, charismatic exaggerated. All animals approach him with great affection.
How wonderful it is. Look for his images through GOOGLE and check all them.
The hardest thing is not to like him after you see who he is.
I have many photos of him with animals he sent me. I have some videos (in English) with
his speeches and lectures. If anyone wants I can give and sending them, if he gives me
permission of course about the photos. Because those photos are his private pictures.
my e-mail: poupamax@gmail
Wlodmir (from Brazil, a great admirer of Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
4 Mar 2014   #111
Robert Biedroń,

He's not hot at all. He reminds me a little of Bea Authur. Her son or something.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Apr 2020   #112
Robert Biedroń, He's not hot at all.

What do you think about his leftist political ally, Adrian Zandberg? Looks resolute. I have always imagined our member, Dirk, looks like that.

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Alien  26 | 6567
6 May 2022   #113
Zandberg? Is he Polish or russian or something else? Is he putin's man?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 May 2022   #114
you;re too much of a teacher pawian - only education education and education

Yes, I know - it is my obsession to educate people. I simply can`t control it. :(:(:(

Can I educazte you a little?

Raphael Trzaskovsky - the mayor of Poland`s capital - one of the hottest politicians:

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Bobko  27 | 2272
7 May 2022   #115

In attempt to correct the apparent racist discrimination in this thread I too will make a submission. I do this, even though I am not a homosexual, do not find men attractive, and have never even heard of Grindr.

Behold, former Sejm Member and more recently candidate for President of Nigeria John "The Don" Godson.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 May 2022   #116
John "The Don" Godson.

Yes, a very good man. Pity he left Poland to develop his own business and political career back in Nigeria.
Thank you.

I am not a homosexual,

Did anybody here suspect you of being one? :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2272
7 May 2022   #117
Pity he left Poland to ... his own Nigeria

Don't worry, one day Poland will become an attractive destination, and not just initial transit point for refugees.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
7 May 2022   #118
Poland attractive destination

It already is. :):) Contrary to RuSSia. :):):)

Back on topic
one of Poland`s leaders

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Bobko  27 | 2272
8 May 2022   #120

Yes, famous leader of Social Conservatives. Who the man in the black hat is, I have no idea.

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