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What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do?

WielkiPolak  54 | 988
15 Jul 2012   #121
Anyone every get this from their wife or girlfriend they live with?

Every once in a while [couple of times a year, possibly once a year if you are lucky] they feel this need to just completely alter the layout of the room. TV somewhere else, sofa facing this way, table over there, lamp on the other side of the room etc. If you ask why, they say the the room needs to be refreshed, you cannot just have it look the same all the time.
beckski  12 | 1609
16 Jul 2012   #122
strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do?

Taking home little packets of free condiments from restaurants.
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Jul 2012   #123
they feel this need to just completely alter the layout of the room..

my gf wanted to do that with the living room but when I told her to stay away from that she did this with the bedroom which I dont mind. btw she's not Polish but women are more or less the same everywhere.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
16 Jul 2012   #124
Taking home little packets of free condiments from restaurants.

Or defending those tracing paper style napkins as a good and effective way to wipe ones mouth / fingers after eating something sloppy at a restaurant.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
16 Jul 2012   #125
Anyone every get this from their wife or girlfriend they live with?

I don’t really mind rearranging the room, even if I don’t like the new layout. It’s kind of hard to miss the new location of 60” TV or bed but what gets under my skin is the kitchen, every three months like clockwork the cupboards are rearranged. To find a spoon, beer opener or coffee cup can be a real challenging to put it mildly. By the time you get used to the new location it’s rearranged again! I think they do it out of spite.
teflcat  5 | 1024
16 Jul 2012   #126
I think they do it out of spite.

Didn't you play hide and seek as a kid? Where's your sense of fun?
Most of my sentences at home begin with the words, "Where's the...?"
As others have said, it's not about Polish women in particular. Hey, if women were as easy to read as men, we wouldn't find them so fascinating, would we?

Having said that, when I find the cold beer I was looking forward to drunk but not replaced...oj.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
16 Jul 2012   #127
Provided there's still one left as the shelf space allocation in the fridge for simple pleasures in life is also at short supply. Can't live without them but living with them presents its own set of challenges.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2012   #128
Every once in a while.

Not my wife`s.

Taking home little packets of free condiments from restaurants.


btw she's not Polish but women are more or less the same everywhere.


Do your Polish wives ever undergo a transformation?

No, I don`t mean any female werewolf, snake or wild cat act from horror movies.

Wife from Poland

I mean character transformation.

Normally my wife is a delicate, kind-hearted, unassuming person who needs my physical and emotional support in daily matters. But she turns into a real demon when her female mates visit us. Then she can be very pushy and she starts commanding me! She even makes fun of me in front of her mates! :):):) Unbelievable! She behaves like a master towards a servant.

I have always considered it very funny and never complained because the moment her mates are gone, she again becomes my darling sweetheart.

I tried to understand her motives and developed a theory. She fears that her mates might try to rob her of her husband that is why she sort of scares them off by belittling my person so that I look less attractive than I am.

What about your wives and their transformations?

Oh man, nothing gets her more intolerable than when I ask her if she missed any details...

You should still work on her.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
3 Jul 2013   #129
I'd forgotten about this thread. Thanks for the reminder!
I think this might be true of all women but my wife is the back seat driver of my life. Like any little mistake no matter how inconsequential must be commented on and logged.

Just today she started shouting and carrying on like it was the end of the god damned world because I put a pair of dirty running shoes in a backpack of hers, which I had claimed many years ago.... I told her that's not how adults are supposed to communicate with each other.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Jul 2013   #130
Oh my God. I truly pity you. You are too kind. If my woman did sth like that, my revenge would be really nasty. E.g., ban on sex for a week!

I told her that's not how adults are supposed to communicate with each other.

Good but will she listen? Women are so stubborn.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
3 Jul 2013   #131
If my woman did sth like that, my revenge would be really nasty. E.g., ban on sex for a week!

I'd be abstaining every week if I did that. I think she is, like a lot of women are, just afraid that if she doesn't find something to argue or complain about then she'll forget this important life skill: )

Good but will she listen? Women are so stubborn.

She listened today. But is she stubborn enough to choose to forget?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
4 Jul 2013   #132
I'd be abstaining every week if I did that.

Sorry to hear that.

afraid that if she doesn't find something to argue or complain about then she'll forget this important life skill: )

:):):) I knew a few Polish women like that, One of them, my mother. :):):) When stopped by the road police for an obvious offence, she argued so long that they let us go. :):):)

She listened today. But is she stubborn enough to choose to forget?

Lovely! :)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
4 Jul 2013   #133
When stopped by the road police for an obvious offence, she argued so long that they let us go. :):):)

I find that highly entertaining...that put a grin on my face
PolishMBA  - | 3
17 Jul 2013   #134

My wife won't let her purse touch the ground.


OP pawian  224 | 27236
23 Jul 2013   #135

Come on, counting to 3 is not enough. It must be 10!
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Oct 2019   #136
A little reminder:

Dear guys (I mean males now),
Did you ever come across articles suggesting your offspring`s intelligence is inherited from mothers only? It is not exactly true. So, don`t lose hope - you still have a chance to pass down your mental powers onto your kids.

Did you know that intelligence is inherited from mothers?
Yet the claims in those headlines--and the articles that follow--are just rubbish, and pretty obviously so. Which just goes to show that no matter how smart we are or where we got those smarts, confirmation bias will be what makes us click...and share.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Oct 2019   #137
A joke on the Polish wife:

Does fairness exist in the (Polish) marriage?
Yes, it does: one time she is right, another time he is not right.
(Raz ona ma rację, raz on nie ma racji.)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
5 Oct 2019   #138
It reminds me of that old joke about bosses.

Two main rules at your workplace:
1. Your boss is always right.
2. When he/she isn`t, go back to point no 1.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
6 Oct 2019   #139
Guys, let`s talk about our Polish wives` sense of humour.

Rich, can I use your words from another thread?

God has given the sense of humor almost exclusively to men.

Hmm, that almost certainly refers to my wife who can be so sardonic about my lifestyle and strange things I do on the daily basis that I can`t help but laugh out loud when I hear her comments.

Or whenever I ask silly questions, she answers in the same style, even using rhymes:

Seeing a dozen of freshly fried meat patties on a plate, I ask: A te sznycle to dla kogo?
Jej odpowiedź: Dla Misia Gogo

Who are those schnitzels for? I ask.
For Gogo Bear - she answers.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Apr 2020   #140
Guys, let`s talk about our Polish wives` sense of humour.

Unfortunately, some Polish wives have no sense of humour. See and watch a pato wife who critisizes her husband for playing roll of toilet paper in the room.

Bobko  27 | 2130
17 Feb 2023   #141
She even makes fun of me in front of her mates!

I sympathize. My girlfriend's favorite way of spending time with friends appears to be when she's telling them what a rare idiot I am. Whenever those banshees visit my apartment, I try to do the polite thing and come out to say hello, but then try to scurry back to my room as soon as possible. There I pretend to be busy on my computer, however I can actually hear everything!

the end of the god damned world because I put a pair of dirty running shoes in a backpack of hers

Wow, this seems eminently reasonable. How about getting yelled at for not turning out the socks before throwing them in the laundry hamper?
Alien  25 | 6353
17 Feb 2023   #142
what a rare idiot I am. W

Mayby you shouldn't talk to her about politics. Especially if she is Ukrainian.🤭
Bobko  27 | 2130
17 Feb 2023   #143
Especially if she is Ukrainian.🤭

Funny enough, that just doesn't come up much. Her friend group is something like 40%/40%/20% - Ukrainian/Russian/Other CIS. So even they don't discuss the war much when they get together, because it is too awkward. The topic just kind of hangs there like a dark cloud.

No, I'm an idiot for all the other reasons.
Alien  25 | 6353
17 Feb 2023   #144
The female psyche is complicated. This may be an extrapolation.
Bobko  27 | 2130
17 Feb 2023   #145
The female psyche is complicated

Reading this thread has reminded me of that. Also, it has convinced me that there is no such thing as "Polish women", ""Dutch women", "Ethiopian women", etc... Women are just women, wherever they are on the planet. Although... I recently learned that my "Ukrainian girlfriend" is actually Polish on both sides.
Paulina  17 | 4465
17 Feb 2023   #146
Making fun of your loved ones in front of others or criticising them on regular basis is pretty toxic behaviour...

what a rare idiot I am

lol Well... she may have a point ;D :))))

How about getting yelled at for not turning out the socks before throwing them in the laundry hamper?

It's possible that her mother was doing the same to her and she repeats the pattern.

Here's a video about what it's like to be married to a Polish woman from a foreigner's perspective :):

About that fast walking - it's like he's describing my mother lol When you walk with her you have to tell her to slow down and wait for you and to remind her that there's no hurry lol

He made another video about Polish wives with his American friend, I think, but I can't find it now.

My girlfriend's favorite way of spending time with friends appears to be when she's telling them what a rare idiot I am.

If that bothers you then maybe talk to her about it? Ask her how she would feel if you were behaving like that with your buddies (unless, of course, you're doing the same when you are hanging out with your male friends lol).
Alien  25 | 6353
17 Feb 2023   #147
is actually Polish on both sides.

Interesting, this needs some further explanation.
Bobko  27 | 2130
17 Feb 2023   #148
unless, of course, you're doing the same

I have to admit, I enjoy cracking a joke at the expense of my lady. Not too frequently I hope. A couple times she told me those jokes are pretty raw, so maybe it's me that started this. On the other hand, she told me a million times that if it were not for my sense of humor she would never want to be near me.

I really don't mind her thinking I'm an idiot. I think it's charming and cute, because I know in my heart she's really the idiot in the family.

Interesting, this needs some further explanation.

Well... I always thought there was something very suspicious about her last name. I won't post it here to save her from the demons of PF, but let's say it's not a typical Russian or Ukrainian last name. I also knew that her extended family in Ukraine seemed rather small by our Eastern European standards. Then one day I started asking her if she knows where they are from originally, and just like that she said "oh we're from Poland". I asked if it's Jewish, or Polish Polish, and she said Polish Polish. To me it was like the explosion of an artillery shell, but for her - she didn't even think to mention it for the first couple years.
Paulina  17 | 4465
17 Feb 2023   #149
I have to admit, I enjoy cracking a joke at the expense of my lady.

Well, that explains it... It's possible that she's taking "revenge" on you for that (maybe not even entirely consciously).

she told me a million times that if it were not for my sense of humor she would never want to be near me.

That may be different though when you're making fun of her in front of others (or even in private). I think it's always better to make sure you're not crossing some line, and you're both having fun, not just you, because it can become humiliating/hurtful for the other person.

and she said Polish Polish. To me it was like the explosion of an artillery shell

Wow... I can imagine... lol A RuSSian Putinist with an Ukrainian girlfriend with Polish roots... That's freaking twisted ;D
Bobko  27 | 2130
17 Feb 2023   #150
Wow... I can imagine... lol

Now that I know the truth, I know where her big nose comes from.

Poles have big noses.

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