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Smitten and Wondering

Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Jan 2024   #61
Alternatively, the response would have been - I'm not entirely happy with you too

This may happen. I think it's probably not uncommon that if a marriage is failing then it's not the fault of just one person. It may happen that both the husband and wife are neglecting their relationship. And in order to fix that you have to... talk about it. Because how do you know that there's something to fix if the other person won't tell you that there's something wrong?

I still can't find them

Why? Are you stupid? :)

I'm not here to provide you with sources or quotes or whatnot.

You make the claim, so it is your job to prove it and provide your sources. Until you do that - you're talking out of your ass.
Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #62
Why? Are you stupid? :)

No, cause there isn't any. Your claim is empty.
Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Jan 2024   #63
@Ironside, of course there are. You prefer to pretend that there aren't any, because you have no counterarguments to what I wrote in that post #50 :)))
Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #64
You prefer to pretend that there aren't any,

I'm sorry to burst your bubble of self-confidence and sense of rightness but I really can't find any logical arguments in your post no 50.
Lenka  5 | 3541
2 Jan 2024   #65
I really can't find any logical arguments in your post no 50.

I would assume there is a problem with your logic then.
Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #66
You can assume all you want and it is all due to your fatal flaw - both of you have no clue about scientific respect that has been done on the subject you like to talk about so much. In that regard? I don't need to assume anything - I know it and you know it too.
Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Jan 2024   #67
I really can't find any logical arguments in your post no 50.

Here you have a break down of most of the points I made in my post #50:

1. Your wishful thinking that the wife should have a more "relaxed attitude" to his husband cheating is just that - wishful thinking. It is unrealistic. Most women would be hurt by their husbands cheating on them and in many cases that would be a cause for divorce in our part of the world (which includes the US where Scorpio411 lives). That's the reality. The fact you wish it wasn't so won't change the reality. So, you have to deal with reality and not men's fantasies and wishful thinking.

2. As for your comment that "we see that situation from our perspective". Scorpio411 lives in "our perspective". He doesn't live in Asia or in some tribe in Africa. It doesn't matter that you like it the way it is in Asia lol Scorpio411 doesn't live in Asia. Where he lives cheating on your wife usually has consequences - wives are far less likely to put up with it. That's the reality and, again, your wishful thinking and your male fantasies won't change that reality.

3. Monogamy isn't characteristic only for Christian and post-Christian countries. Polygamy is actually rare in this world.

4. If you and Scorpio411 prefer it the way it is in Asia then nothing is stopping you from moving to Asia :)) Don't let the door hit you on the way out! :)))



I know it and you know it too.

No, we don't know, so please enlighten us with your sources or we'll have every right to claim that you're talking out of your ass :D
Poloniusz  5 | 969
2 Jan 2024   #68
The wife is jealous and doesn't stop for a second to think how she has failed her husband.

Also, if the wife is a true feminist who believes in the legitimacy and advocacy of polyamory (in other people's lives obviously) she is enraged that her husband didn't seek her consent first to have an open relationship just so she could tell him no.
Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #69
Your wishful thinking t

I don't have a stake in that theoretical scenario. That 'wishful thinking; you talk about exists only in your head.
I have made that comment to wind up Lenka who butted in in our conversation. I like it when there are only two of us. lol!

So there is nothing to argue about. You should assume that I know reality much more than you do.

Scorpio411 lives in "our perspective"

Sure, but have you read my post carefully and with understanding you would have known that I have covered it as well.
Aside from that, I went into another direction looking at the issue from multiple angles and perspectives and I made it clear that is what I'm doing. Seems such a subtle distinction went over your head.

Yet again you go all emotional and your anti-male pending frustration results in your letting your steam out.


I'm not talking about polygamy or monogamy but only about a different attitude to sex and fidelity in different cultures.

so please enlighten us

I'm not doing that since Harry, and I won't change it, go google it for goodness sake if you are interested.
Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Jan 2024   #70
@Ironside, I'm not going to waste my time anymore - if you don't provide sources, it means you're talking out of your ass. End of story.

I have made that comment to wind up Lenka

You're wasting my time then :/

You should assume that I know reality much more than you do.

Of course not.

Yet again you go all emotional and your anti-male pending frustration results in your letting your steam out.

I have no "anti-male pending frustration". I'm not anti-male. I'm anti-selfish__and_hypocritical_cheating_a$$holes, like you :)))

only about a different attitude to sex and fidelity in different cultures.

Well then... lol:

"On the day of the incident, Ho called Luk to get drain cleaner and planned revenge on Cheung for his extra-marital affair."

"China's divorce rate has been growing exponentially and extramarital affairs are cited in 73% of marriage breakdowns."

Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #71
selfish__and_hypocritical_cheating_a$$holes, like you :)))

Hey. it is not nice to call me names for no reason at all. I have never cheated on you. Seems to me that you have that anti-male prejudice and should seek some help.


, it means

No, it means you don't care enough about the truth to do some work. If you are too lazy or just lax and irresponsible is for others to decide.

I say no more.
Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Jan 2024   #72
Hey. it is not nice to call me names for no reason at all. I have never cheated on you.

Sorry, but based on your comments in this thread - you don't strike me as a good husband material, especially for a decent Christian woman :))) You sound like someone who's very, very likely to cheat on your wife. You're one big walking red flag lol

Seems to me that you have that anti-male prejudice and should seek some help.

Nope, I developed an anti-Ironside prejudice by now :)))

No, it means you don't care enough about the truth

No, it means I'm not going to do your work for you, you lazy ass.
Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #73
You don't strike me as a good husband material,

You are not even married so how would you know/? Your choices proved to be wrong, so I would question your judgment when it comes to men. ----

I developed an anti-Ironside prejudice by now :)))

You love me. It is this love-hate relationship that you want to hate me but you can't and find yourself drawn to me, justifying it by your hate.
Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Jan 2024   #74
You are not even married

You don't know that :))) And it wouldn't matter anyway. It's the single women who are looking for a husband, not married women. And to a woman looking for a husband you'd be a one big walking red flag lol

how would you know/?

I can read :)))))))

You love me.

Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #75
And it wouldn't matter anyway.

Yes, I have a piece of bad news for you. I don't think 'us; would work, so it is wishful thinking on your part about those red flags and such.

I think that you are not a wife material as they say. Hence all that talk is immaterial.
That 'boring' meme tells me that you are aware of it. lol!
Don't be embarrassed I like you too.
Paulina  19 | 4484
2 Jan 2024   #76
@Ironside, that meme shows that I find your trolling boring (and off topic) and I'm not going to take part in it. So, I'm afraid you'll have to play on your own. 😴
Ironside  50 | 12955
2 Jan 2024   #77
Merci pour tout ce que vous faites.
pawian  226 | 27569
3 Jan 2024   #78
Speak a human language, darling.
johnny reb  49 | 7986
3 Jan 2024   #79
You thing your faggot talk is human ?
(johnny does face palm plant)
pawian  226 | 27569
3 Jan 2024   #80
Hey, pedo lover, we are discussing that Nazi boy`s talk now, not mine. Stop twisting. :):):)
pawian  226 | 27569
14 Jun 2024   #81
ask God «Why?!»

Yes. Ask Goddess why She made you dream of killing migrants. Who is wrong with Her????

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