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Question about Polish dating/women

3 Oct 2023   #1
A bit about me - I'm getting close to 40, live in Boston, and find dating here too difficult. I am only really interested in women in their 20s for many reasons, one being I can't have a kid with a woman my age. I have family in Poland, and like Eastern European women. I'm afraid of having a salary in zloty and being stuck in Poland with a similar dating situation. Is it more common for older man / younger woman in Poland these days? I make good money here, but life is about more than money.
Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Oct 2023   #2
15 years is too much of a difference. Check the actuarial data. She will be a widow for 30 years. To prevent that, make sure she smokes and drinks.

At least don't buy life insurance. It's deadlier than guns. Only morons buy it and regret it later from their graves. Nobody needs life insurance - even if you have kids.

Also, don't believe one word your future love will say. They lie about everything all the time. The deadliest is "My husband is abusing me, boo hoo...". No, I didn't report it to the police. Do you know anyone who could kill him because I don't believe in divorce? No, I am not making it up.

I will be happy to answer any men-women questions you might have since I know everything about how conniving women can be.
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 Oct 2023   #3
I am only really interested in women in their 20s for many reasons, one being I can't have a kid with a woman my age.

Hmm, why do you think a women in her 20's should overlook, unlike you, your probably dropping fertility and increased chances of genetic problems?
Paulina  19 | 4556
3 Oct 2023   #4
@Lenka, I don't think women usually think about men's age in such terms (at least consciously)... But Newguy will face the same problem as in the US - why would a woman in her 20s choose a man hitting 40 if she can easily get herself a younger guy? Unless, of course, Newguy doesn't mind getting into a relationship with a gold digger - that should make things easier then, I guess *shrugs*

one being I can't have a kid with a woman my age.

Well, it may be not as easy as with a woman younger than that, but it's not like women getting near 40 become automatically infertile lol You could also date a woman who is at the start of her 30s. But I'm guessing that those other "many reasons" play a bigger role than a woman's ability to have a kid lol :))
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
3 Oct 2023   #5
can't have a kid with a woman my age.

My wife was 37 when we had our second.
BTW are you Strz??
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 Oct 2023   #6
I don't think women usually think about men's age in such terms

I know but it annoys me like he'll when it's yet another guy talking about women that way and acting as if they themselves didn't get older. And then a surprise a 20 yo would rather date guys 20- 30 then those hitting 40.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
3 Oct 2023   #7
I agree with Lenka!
Although I've been to Poland only once, I do have years of experience hanging out in Greenpoint, Bkyn., and Poles seem much more conservative regarding age and dating.

It might not be looked at twice for a young-20 something woman to be flirting with or even dating a 60-something fella here in the States, but among Polish people, this is still seen as pervy and to put it mildly, disgusting.
Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Oct 2023   #8
...disgusting because 20 flirting with 60 is prostitution in a different form.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Oct 2023   #9
but it annoys me

Dumb stupid fool who gets annoyed by internet posts,no wonder you acted like a typical bi.tch when you were a mod with no experience and brits being your idol.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Oct 2023   #10
20 flirting with 60 is prostitution in a different form.

It's almost necrophilia. 😀
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Oct 2023   #11
I have family in Poland, and like Eastern European women.

I'd advise you not to refer to Polish people as 'Eastern European'. They don't generally like being referred to as such and with good reason.

As far as finding one in her twenties to marry you, the older man/younger woman thing is not especially common in Poland. Most women in their twenties marry guys of a similar age. As others have commented, you can have a child with a woman in her thirties. Plenty of women have their first child in their late thirties these days. But a woman in Poland who is over thirty and not married, may not fulfil your ideal of the 'Eastern European' woman as she's more likely to be highly educated ( a Masters degree is pretty common for Polish women), career oriented, wanting to continue working if she marries and has children, a fairly typical modern European woman.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2023   #12
I'd advise you not to refer to Polish people as 'Eastern European'.

PIS and Konfederacja voters are Eastern European homo sovieticuses. That`s about 10 out of 38 million. A chance that the guy will meet a female from that group is quite high.

They don't generally like being referred to as such and with good reason.

Yes, the truth hurts.
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Oct 2023   #13
a female

Referring to women as females is a vile Americanism :) I came across a book years ago which was published in America during the late 19th century, explaining the basic etiquette of polite behaviour for the newly rich and prosperous American man. It actually referenced that usage saying something, loosely paraphrased as 'Do not refer to ladies as females. The term female should be used only for animals. Women are human beings and the female of the human species deserves the dignity of being referred to as such.'

Other gems included 'You should refrain from chewing tobacco in company' and 'You should not spit in the street' :)) Also you shouldn't tear bits of your bread and throw them into your soup!

That`s about 10 out of 38 million.

Which means that that three quarters of the Polish population are not.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Oct 2023   #14
Referring to women as females is a vile Americanism :)

...forced on us by the LGBT freaks who refer to men as "women" when those men demand to be accepted as women. That's it. No surgery. On declaration alone.

According to the freaks, I am a woman. You can look up my PF profile. That's the level of insanity we have reached.
Hence, the definition of a woman as a defense against this idiocy: An adult human female.
If you know a better one, please post it.
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Oct 2023   #15
forced on us by the LGBT freaks

Not true. As I just pointed out in the previous post, this usage has existed in America since long before LGBTQ rights. You're using this thread as an excuse to start going on about your fixation/obsession.
Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Oct 2023   #16
Also you shouldn't tear bits of your bread and throw them into your soup!

Huh? Next you'll tell me I shouldn't dip my biscuits into tea.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Oct 2023   #17
...forced on us by the LGBT freaks

... meaning: The perverts made this definition the subject of the day. We didn't need to define "woman" in daily conversations before these a-holes made it necessary.

Never in the history of the US was a candidate for the Supreme Court asked what is a woman - until now.

Never in the history of the US did a candidate for the Supreme Court say that she didn't know because the a-hole didn't study biology.

So from now on, when you post "woman" please specify if it's V or P type.

By the way, is "an adult human female" correct? If it is, what's this BS about it being "a vile Americanism"? Is the definition in Europe different?
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Oct 2023   #18
Next you'll tell me I shouldn't dip my biscuits into tea.

I sense you're being tongue in cheek but just in case, you shouldn't do that either, not in public anyway but plenty of people do.

"an adult human female"

Is the definition in Europe different?

That's my point. An adult human female is the definition of a woman. A 'female' without any context can be anything. Therefore a female sheep is called a ewe, a pig is a sow, a female human is a woman and entitled to be referred to as such. Otherwise you accord her less respect than a farm animal. That's what the author of the etiquette book had to explain to Americans over a century ago and they still don't get it.
Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Oct 2023   #19
had to explain to Americans over a century ago and they still don't get it.

Americans are children when it comes to relations between the sexes.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Oct 2023   #20
Americans over a century ago and they still don't get it.

On our DLs and US passports, it's either M or F. What would you suggest for us, American barbarians?

That's what the author of the etiquette book had to explain to Americans over a century ago and they still don't get it.

Real life is medicine and law enforcement where M vs. F are critical. Etiquette and poetry are for girlie men and Euro "nobility". Did you know that when they fart it stinks just the same as here?

My EU passport says M. What is in yours? If it's F, what does it stand for? Madam?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Oct 2023   #21
You see, Alien? Your Polish culture is showing.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 Oct 2023   #22
You see, Alien?

Why me? But you have to take into account that 38 million Poles live in Poland and everyone is a bit different. There is no such thing as Polish culture defined by any canons of behavior.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2023   #23
Referring to women as females is a vile Americanism :)

I had no idea but I don`t think it is so bad. In each of the textbooks I use there is male and female division in the personal info table so it can`t be as offensive as you suggest. :):):)

a farm animal.

Oh, so I can use female coz I constantly say males here. It is amasing you didn`t have a problem with it. :):):)

Male and female make my fave balance in nature. Ha!

Americans are children when it comes to relations between the sexes.

Exactly. E.g,, they love big boobs in women. Like babies.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Oct 2023   #24
they love big boobs in women.

...and women play along, spend money, risk infections, and look ridiculous...So who is stupid?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2023   #25
So who is stupid?

The ones who go against popular trends and prefer big asses instead of big boobs. Simple. This forces US women to have everything big which is not only expensive but also inconvenient in daily life.
Novichok  4 | 8677
4 Oct 2023   #26
Have you seen Kim's rear end exposed? If you ever do you will risk turning gay.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2023   #27
Have you seen Kim's rear end exposed?

No, I saw it only when unexposed. Does it make any difference???
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Oct 2023   #28
. Etiquette and poetry

Etiquette means basic manners and norms of behaviour which are the foundation of a properly ordered society. Maybe it's because there are so many like you with no respect for etiquette, that your society has become such a mess.

are for girlie men

Here's a few poets for you:

Siegfried Sassoon - awarded the Military Cross.
Wilfred Owen - awarded the Military Cross.
Edmund Blunden - awarded the Military Cross.

Plenty more to choose from. Look them up.
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Oct 2023   #29
Etiquette means basic manners and norms of behaviour which are the foundation of a properly ordered society.

Does that include abortions after oops sex? Or just fu*cking around?
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Oct 2023   #30
Plenty more to choose from. Look them up.

I did. Three idiots who didn't know that dead bodies decompose and stink and that one has to be mentally ill to volunteer.

Here is my war poem:

Wars are Hell.
Stay home.

How do you like my war poetry, Atch? I wrote it when I was eight.

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