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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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OP wildrover  98 | 4430
26 Jul 2010   #61
This is the guy that drives 2 KM into the woods off the nearest road in Ukrain on his own to get a decent nights sleep

Ha...yes most people think its not a very safe idea , but my thinking is...if there is nobody around for miles then you ain,t going to come to much harm...

I guess most folks would feel safer at a busy truckstop , or in a lay by next to a busy road , but these are the very places where somebody is going to spot you are all alone , a long way from home...and maybe rich...!

As the saying goes.... walk softly...and carry a big stick...!
Wroclaw Boy
26 Jul 2010   #62
Ha...yes most people think its not a very safe idea , but my thinking is...if there is nobody around for miles then you ain,t going to come to much harm...

I see the reasoning man, all im saying is that i wouldnt do it. No way, fair play to you. Interesting story about the solitude in Poland as well, how old are you right now?
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
26 Jul 2010   #63
how old are you right now?

I was born on november 19th 1953..which i think makes me about 56..? But its just a number to me , i still ride my Harley with some bravado , i can still manage to rock and roll all night , long past the point when all the young ones have fallen in a heap , and i can still make love all night...if the right lady is present...and most of all i am still as stupid as i was when i was 16 , despite the experiance of so many years....

Older...but not so much wiser....

Thankfully i also look much younger than i am , so don,t get too much stick for being an old fart trying to hang onto my youth....

I mean....56 years old and just starting to settle down a bit...
Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Jul 2010   #64
Wildrover, congrats and good luck 'na nowej drodze życia' (on your new road through life).
The holy estate of matrimony is a wonderful institution.... (I will eschew the follow-up to that at this point).
Since you plan to stick with PF, we are not losing a stalwarth but are gaining his Mrs.
BTW what is your basic lingo of communication with your fiancée? I seem to recall you were fluent in Russian. More so than in Polish?
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
26 Jul 2010   #65
I seem to recall you were fluent in Russian

Thank you for your good wishes , and thank you to all of you that said such nice things...

Fluent in Russian , ha , not quite , but my Ksusha speaks very good English , and is a teacher of Russian language , so i dare say i will be fluent before too long...

No , i shall not be deserting Polish forums , and my friends here , and i have no plans to sell my farm here just yet...Who knows we may well come back here to live at some point...

Life was hard for me here , but i can,t say i was unhappy , and i value very much what Poland has taught me about what really matters in life...

The first months in Russia , living in a flat in a block , close to the city center will be hard after the peace and solitude of the Polish forest , but its only till next summer when we move to the Russian forest by a lake...

you ain,t seen the last of me...!
MediaWatch  10 | 942
27 Jul 2010   #66
I think ol Wildy knows more Russian then people think.

Good for wildrover.

I think he will be happy back in Russia.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
27 Jul 2010   #67
Моё судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Jul 2010   #68
Something about hovercraft and beans? ;)
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
27 Jul 2010   #69
HA.....for once there is no mention of beans in there....

it translates as.... MY HOVERCRAFT IS FULL OF EELS...

very usefull if you are stopped by Russian transit police....

In Polish its.....Mój poduszkowiec jest pełen węgorzy
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
27 Jul 2010   #70
it translates as.... MY HOVERCRAFT IS FULL OF EELS...

Have u been watching QI recently?
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
27 Jul 2010   #71
I have no idea what that is...?

The hovercraft funny is from a Monty python sketch about a Romanian phrasebook....i thought it would be fun to learn to say it in Polish...Somebody else must have thought so , and now there is a translation page into every known language of the phrase...
29 Jul 2010   #72
i will be able to make my business plans come true and take people on Harley and 4 x 4 expeditions to far off places...

When I was in Perth in Oz, we did the tour of the city on the back of Harleys, it was a great experience and I am sure the same offer would go down well in Moscow for the tourists.

Good luck.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
29 Jul 2010   #73
I wish you all the best for your next exciting installment of Life on Beans....

you ain,t seen the last of me...!

plk123  8 | 4119
29 Jul 2010   #74
It can,t be any harder than the Polish challenge

hmm.. i bet it will be... Russia is no PL.. scary!! but good luck bud.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
29 Jul 2010   #75
Wow, what a well-written story that was. I'm in Alaska right now, just came back from Shanghai and I know you'll have a hard time believing it but you or your screen name came to my mind a few times while in Shanghai.

The reason of course is the numerous Russian ladies in China. Most of them are running textile companies, many are working as secretaries, office managers, etc.

Anyways, I kept looking at and conversing with several of the Russian ladies and thought, well, no wonder Wildrover fell for a Russian lady, I mean, how can you not??

It's the gentleness and kindness in their voices and the soultry Slavic accents, the intricate curiosity combined with the immense sadness in their eyes. Really precious and as a man you feel like well, here's my chance to be the knight in the shining armor saving her.

It is sooo nice to read a story about two adults finding eachother, two adults finding a bond they share, a lifeline of their togetherness; I hope you stay on this forum, but most of all I hope the two of you find a bond no one can ever break, a bond strong enough for cultural and personal differences.

I hope the two of you will be eachother's dream tellers and dream makers; a couple who's learned from your combined past to make a better future. I'm sorry if I'm rambling, yes, I'm buzzing just a tad.

In a nutshell, I'm wishing and hoping for the very best for you two and am hoping for frequent updates for the rest of us who desperately need some kind of hope for a better future.

Życzę Wam wszystkiego najlepszego...

Я желаю вам все самое лучшее


I wish you both the very best.

... and then some...


29 Jul 2010   #76
skysoulmate wrote:

I'm in Alaska right now

i gotta ask........why?
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Jul 2010   #77
I'm in Alaska right now

i gotta ask........why?

He needs to chill out !
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
29 Jul 2010   #78
It's the gentleness and kindness in their voices and the soultry Slavic accents,

Yes , thats kinda what stole my heart when i first spoke to Ksusha on the phone , her Russian accent is the kind that makes your toes curl , and her soft and gentle ways along with her Russian soul made me decide she was the one for me....

Of course it would have been much more conveniant and cheaper to have fallen in love with one of the lovely Polish women i met , but love chooses its own path , and its not always the shortest or easiest one....

Making a new life with my lady in Russia will not be so easy , already our plans to be together this winter have had a setback , and it now looks like we have to wait untill spring , but nothing thats worth having in life comes easy , and we will hang in there untill we can be together....

I have no fear of Russia , or the challenge of making a life there , once we are in our home by the lake in a Russian forest , its not going to feel any different from my Polish home in the forest , apart from the fact i will be with somebody that cares about me , and who is a teacher of the language i need to learn to make a life there... My dear lady is now enrolled on a course at Moscow unversity to gain qualifications in teaching Russian to non Russians , just so she can better teach me the language....

Russia is quite different from Poland of course , but no more different then Poland was from the UK where i was born and spent most of my life , Poland was no great shock to my system , and i have no doubt i will adapt to Russian ways much more easily with the help of somebody who has lived all her life there... Russia has always held a great facination for me , the fear of the evil communists , the enemy i trained to fight against when in the military , grew into a desire to meet these strange people and discover if they really did have horns and a tail...! My chance came in 1997 when i found myself the leader and organisor of a convoy of Landrovers to Belarus to take aid to children , as well as drop my ex girlfriend off in Moscow where she was to teach English... During this trip i discovered the beauty of Russia , and the kindness of its people , i went back the following year with another convoy...It was during this trip i fell in Love with Poland , and later bought this farm here....

Long ago , i stood on the Berlin wall , looking at the enemy over the other side...If you had told me then that one day i would be living the wrong side of this wall , and marrying a Russian and living there , i would have said you were out of your mind , but the world has changed so much since those days , mostly due to a bunch of brave Poles who were willing to risk everything for their countries freedom....I can understand those Poles who think i am crazy to want to go to Russia , and that the Russians are not to be trusted...

Russia did not exactly do Poland any favours in the past , but this was due to the system , not the Russian people , they after all suffered from it too...For those of you who have never met any Russians i can promise you they are no different from any other humans...As the song goes...the Russians love their children too...

I shall miss Poland very much , very much more than i miss the UK in fact , i have made some very special friends here , and they alone will cause me to return here...It was here in Poland that i learnt country ways , and grew to love the quiet peace of the forest and the wildlife and nature , i can never be a city boy again , although i shall be residing in Moscow center for a while untill we move to the house by the lake in the summer...

If any of you are brave enough to meet the scarey Russians you will be welcome to visit us in Russia , our house will have room for guests , and you can experiance the wildlife of the Russian forests as well as the wild life in Moscow....

I will keep you all enthralled with tales of life in the Federation and you can be sure i will be back in Poland with my Russian wife some day soon , she has never been to Poland , in fact never been outside of Russia , other than to the Ukraine so that will be an adventure for her too... watch this space...!!!!

Thank you to all of you that have posted such nice words on will not be forgotton...
plk123  8 | 4119
29 Jul 2010   #79
i gotta ask........why?

you know nothing about mr. sky?
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
29 Jul 2010   #80
Could it be due to him being a pilot ....People with access to aircraft tend to get about a bit more than us poor people with only a bycycle...!
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
30 Jul 2010   #81
i gotta ask........why?

As ironside pointed out I probably needed to chill out. :)

Well, actually I do most of my military and my civilian flying out of here. Part time mil flyer (air national guard) and full time civilian flyer. That's it in a nutshell.

Sad news from this part of the world, 4 brothers and good fellow aviators perished in a crash just a day ago. :(

May strong tailwinds bring them to their final destination. :(

C-17 Crashes
No survivors of Elmendorf C-17 crash

Posted 7/29/2010 Updated 7/29/2010

7/29/2010 - ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska (AFNS) -- Four Airmen were killed when a C-17 Globemaster III crashed here July 28. Three were members of the Alaska Air National Guard and the other was an active duty servicemember here.

"Our deepest sympathy and sincerest condolences go out to the family and friends of those Airmen killed in this crash," said Col. John McMullen, the 3rd Wing commander. "Yesterday, we lost four members of our Arctic Warrior family, and it's a loss felt across our entire joint installation. Right now, our immediate focus is on providing all possible support to the loved ones of our fallen aviators. We are also engaged in a deliberate investigative process."

The names of the Airmen are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.

A board of officers will investigate the accident.

More information will be released as it becomes available.
irishdeano  5 | 304
30 Jul 2010   #82
I have not met her daughter yet....Dasha is 21

Oh maybe she would like to date a young irish man :P :D lol

Best of luck man on your new life in Russia, but just keep a back up plan in case it doesnt work out :)
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
30 Jul 2010   #83
Oh maybe she would like to date a young irish man

Well she is single , has her own house in Malachovka Moscow , is an expert in loads of languages including English , and if her mum is anything to go by , rather attractive....At the moment she is writing a book on the history of Malachovka for the government there...

Email me a pic , and some details , and i will pass them never know....???

Her mum says she is a bit strange , but i don,t know what she means by that..?
30 Jul 2010   #84
Oh maybe she would like to date a young irish man :P :D lol

i'd like to date young irish man. you dont need to look in russia... ;P
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
30 Jul 2010   #85
Looks like you got a date already Deano...!!!

The wildrover dating agency is open for business....!!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
30 Jul 2010   #86
i'd like to date young Scottish man. you dont need to look in russia... ;P

Just correcting you there ;):P
OP wildrover  98 | 4430
30 Jul 2010   #87
7/29/2010 - ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska (AFNS) -- Four Airmen were killed when a C-17 Globemaster III crashed here July 28. Three were members of the Alaska Air National Guard and the other was an active duty servicemember here.

Sad news...may their wings carry them to a better place....

Best of luck man on your new life in Russia, but just keep a back up plan in case it doesnt work out

My back up plan cry lots and be broken hearted..!

Have no fear , this is going to work...we are both prepared to commit everything to it , and we are not going to give up on each other , no matter what happens...
irishdeano  5 | 304
5 Aug 2010   #88
i'd like to date young irish man. you dont need to look in russia... ;P

Oh la la would you now?
Oh so where have i got look? :P
5 Aug 2010   #89
plk123 wrote:

you know nothing about mr. sky?

ladywithaface  - | 3
5 Aug 2010   #90
This is honestly one of the best love/life stories I've ever heard of!
I wish you the best wildrover! Along with a long life and endless happiness!

And thank you for your comments about salt mine man!


Home / Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...!

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