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Are there any swingers club in Poland?

30 Sep 2016   #31
I went to Exotic Klub 24037 Warszawa PL and they forcefully made me paid 2600 Euro. They give you free Vodka, so you get too much drunk and than loot you. Never go to this Exotic Klub. I went to Police, but they refuse to file the complain, they need translator, the Police of Poland already know what is happening in this club, how they loot money, but I think all the girls working at bar are their sister and daughter. So they don't take any action. Dont be overconfident on your self and go into those Bar. They will mix something on your drink and loot u.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Oct 2016   #32
"They will mix something on your drink and loot u."

This is Poland and yes they do this to stupid perverts, the police will not be interested in helping either, nor will anyone else in Poland, If you wish to perve and molest girls who are sadly in desperate need of money go to Amsterdam where the don't mind this type of abuse.
jon357  72 | 23519
1 Oct 2016   #33
Anyone who goes into that sort of bar is a fool. There are several in Warsaw, basically 'B-drinker' (google it) joints. Especially the ones on ul.Chmielna (the Nowy Świat end). You can often spot the girls (sometimes twirling parasols) either there or at the start of ul. Foksal trying to hook passing men into the bars.

A curse of capital cities and dangerous places for foolish people.
johnny reb  49 | 7987
1 Oct 2016   #34
Better you go to a gay bar.
They are much safer and have much more entertainment.
The worst that could happen to you there is maybe getting a pinch on your buttocks or a goofy grin.
jon357  72 | 23519
1 Oct 2016   #35
Not exactly the same target clientele, but yes, they are much better (and safer) places than Poland's B-drinker bars.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
1 Oct 2016   #36
Yep I always found gay bars to be safe from violence, but yep you might get the odd proposition , but hey you are in a gay bar.
jon357  72 | 23519
1 Oct 2016   #37
but yep you might get the odd proposition

If you're lucky ;-)
Wulkan  - | 3136
1 Oct 2016   #38
If you're lucky

It takes good look not luck, in your case you need luck.

I went to Exotic Klub 24037 Warszawa PL and they forcefully made me paid 2600 Euro.

That's what they do, especially for British born Asians.

I went to Police, but they refuse to file the complain, they need translator

They don't need translator, you need translator.

but I think all the girls working at bar are their sister and daughter. So they don't take any action.

Family businesses are always the most successful ones.
Sparks11  - | 333
1 Oct 2016   #39
Why you would go to a strip club with over 10k zloty in your pocket is beyond me, unless you were looking to lose it. At any rate, for that money you could have hired over a dozen high class hookers and just stayed in.
jon357  72 | 23519
1 Oct 2016   #40
The type of hapless men who are gullible enough to allow themselves to be hooked into Polish B-drinker joints by parasol-twirling streetwalkers (the oldest trick in the book) probably haven't got the initiative for that.

It takes good look not luck, in your case you need luck.

You've never met me and are unlikely to unless a. you go up in the world or b. get a job in a cloakroom...
Wulkan  - | 3136
1 Oct 2016   #41
You've never met me

I have your picture in which you are ugly, I can post it if you give me permission.
jon357  72 | 23519
1 Oct 2016   #42
No you don't, and again, worth asking yourself in what way your posts comment to the thread or the hapless gentleman's experience with Polish gangsters and strippers.
Wulkan  - | 3136
1 Oct 2016   #43
No you don't

So I can post that picture in random chat because it's not you is that correct?

Why you would go to a strip club with over 10k zloty in your pocket is beyond me

Too much alcohol consumed before I think or simply lack of imagination.
jon357  72 | 23519
1 Oct 2016   #44
That's actually rather weird.
Wulkan  - | 3136
1 Oct 2016   #45
Wouldn't say weird, simply ugly.
jon357  72 | 23519
1 Oct 2016   #46
Very relevant indeed to the thread
25 Apr 2017   #47
Any older swinger clubs? Say, like for over 50 bunch? Maybe some bi stuff ok.
DominicB  - | 2706
25 Apr 2017   #48
Clubs, no. At least not anything legitimate. Actual networks are EXTREMELY, even OBSESSIVELY, discreet and invitation only to vetted, legally married couples. Submissive or single males need to apply. Most everything on the internet is a scam. Almost all genuine communication is by word of mouth. If you don't know the local language, it will be practically impossible to break into a highly protective environment like this. The vetting alone takes a while.

Lived in Poland 12 years myself and of the the BDSM persuasion. Fortunately, I was rather quickly "discovered" and vetted, and a lot of doors were open to me. From what I understand, the swinger community moves a lot slower. Like a glacier.
jon357  72 | 23519
25 Apr 2017   #49
There are a few in Warsaw, a thriving one meets on ul. Hoża and is fairly open about their parties, some themed, some not. The best-known ones are called Lava and Usta. Both have websites. Some are for couples only and some not.

Be careful of brothels that advertise themselves as swingers' clubs.
25 Apr 2017   #50

Married Ukrainian ladies like dark hallways.

I can't answer for Polish couples.
7 Apr 2018   #51

Clubs for couples in Warsaw


Just wondering if there is any clubs in Warsaw that are not a strip Club but a sex Club for couples in warsaw? not thinking about swingers Club but an erotic Club where couples can have an erotic evening together. Strip clubs are often just considering the male as Gentleman clubs and so on.....any advice for couples that are not Swingers but enjoy erotic Entertainment without force to pay for services??
6 Jan 2024   #52
Anyone know a good site to find men into mfm threesomes?

Home / Love / Are there any swingers club in Poland?

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