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Swedish Love for Poland

RazSwe  1 | 15
7 Jun 2024   #1
my name is Rasmus, 42 years old and I'm from Sweden.

When I was younger my best friends family originated from Poland, he died suddenly from an epileptic attack on a bus on his way to work when i was in my early twenties.

I have had many interactions with amazing and wonderful polish people, and businesses, over the years and just wanted to express my love and gratitude for the Polish people and culture.

not sure if this is correct, as i used ai to translate:
"Dziękuję, że jesteś. Z miłością ze Szwecji."
Alien  23 | 5540
7 Jun 2024   #2
died suddenly from an epileptic attack on a bus

OP RazSwe  1 | 15
7 Jun 2024   #3
The 'why' remains a mystery. He had some seizures during his life that he survived, but the people on the bus did not understand what was happening and he didn't get the help he needed until it was to late.

I was very sad, and can still feel the sorrow.
But I know he would not want me to be sad, rather live my life to the fullest, as i would want him to do if our roles where reversed.

I used Google translate instead of ai, and think this is a more accurate to what I want to forward to Poland:
dziękuję za istnienie, miłość ze Szwecji.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
7 Jun 2024   #4
there is beauty in sorrow, it's a sign of love.
I am grateful for having people in my life that i feel sorrow over them moving on from this life. it would be a tragedy if it felt good :)
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #5
there is beauty in sorrow,

...except when a great nation commits suicide by migrants.
Alien  23 | 5540
8 Jun 2024   #6
get lost
Crow  154 | 9260
8 Jun 2024   #7
Swedish Love for Poland

Love of cat for a mouse.
Alien  23 | 5540
8 Jun 2024   #8
cat for a mouse.

The times of the Swedish Deluge are over, now IKEA produces furniture in Poland.
Crow  154 | 9260
8 Jun 2024   #9
On the second thought, yes. Sweden was reprimanded and got the lesson.
Alien  23 | 5540
8 Jun 2024   #10
got the lesson.

That's right, that's why they invented Volvo, the safest car on earth... and Saab.
Crow  154 | 9260
8 Jun 2024   #11
We Slavs ie Sarmats are great inspiration to Sweden. They can join us in Orban`s suggested Central European Union.
Alien  23 | 5540
8 Jun 2024   #12
Orban`s suggested Central European Union.

Sweden is already in the EU (the real one) and NATO.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #13
well, i was referring to sorrow between friends and family, bringing nations to the table is out of context.

Still, something similar can be applied on a larger scale,

"it is good to not feel good about genocide, that is a sign of being humane."
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #14
"Love of cat for a mouse."

That sounds adorable, i could not find a cat and mouse video, but how about a rat and cat :)
Alien  23 | 5540
8 Jun 2024   #15
rat and cat :)

Does this cat speak Russian?
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #16
I think that cat and rat speak the language of love, and they seem quite fluent at it as well :P
Crow  154 | 9260
8 Jun 2024   #17
well, i was referring to sorrow between friends and family,

Don`t worry. Discussion just nicely developing.

Sweden is already in the EU (the real one) and NATO.

Yes, but as we all know, as much as the EU is still real, the EU is a joke.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #18
The concept of EU has potential and will hopefully be refined in coming generations.

it also feels off topic in a thread about love ;)
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #19
it also feels off topic in a thread about love ;)

If you love the wrong people you die. See Sweden, Somalis, and other foreign garbage.

This begs the question...How can otherwise smart people who can design Volvos and Saabs be so damn stupid?

What was wrong with Sweden and Swedes before these idiots invited the black hordes? Too white and too peaceful?
Ironside  50 | 12333
8 Jun 2024   #20
If you love

Hey, you Dementia patient, get lost.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #21
I can love sharks and still act and adjust accordingly to avoid being eaten by one.

My point is that we don't need hate in order to try and do the appropriate thing for survival, peace and prosperity.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #22
*Surfing change*

This world is fickle
wonderful, challenging
and strange.

In adjusting accordingly
resides the art
of surfing change.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #23
I have said more than i came here to say, thank you for providing this space to reach out and communicate.

Raz signing out,
admin, feel free to remove my account at your convenience, i can't find where i can do it myself.

Good luck and god speed <3
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #24
My point is that we don't need hate

If you never hate you are not a man. A man to be a defender and provider has to be able to hate. If you don't hate, you will not pull the trigger when you should..

If you just love, one day you will look out the window when a Swedish woman is being raped by two brown scumbags and say: What the fvck have we done???
Lyzko  41 | 9563
8 Jun 2024   #25
I found Swedes quite different temperamentally from Poles!
First off, Poles are Catholics and Swedes overwhelmingly unaffiliated
Lutherans who typically keep a healthy distance from the Church,
particularly the young.

Although Swedes too had long been the butt of jokes here in the
US during the latter half of the 19th century, e.g. "the dumb Swede-
My name is Jan Jansson, I come from Wisconsin", Sweden after WWII
became one of the most envied nations on earth, both economically and

Sadly, Poland was still considered a backwater until perhaps only the middle
of the 1990's.

However, there are also a number of positive similarities as well. For example,
both Sweden and Poland produced some of the finest world class cinema
during the post-war period. Sweden gave the world Bergman and Mai Zetterling,
Poland gave us Wajda, Andrzejewski, and Polanski.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #26
a calm and collected hunter is a much better aim than a hateful one,

and no I'm not a fighter, I'm a delighter, and leave the fighting to the police and military with much respect and appreciation.

*Raz has left the building*
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Jun 2024   #27
I'm a delighter, and leave the fighting to the police and military with much respect and appreciation.

They are the ones who serve the Swedish ruling mob that invited the brown garbage you will never get rid off.
They are your enemies.

If walking down the street you came across a rape scene where your sister, mother, or wife is being raped, as a delighter, what would you do?

1. Ask the rapist if he would like a glass of water....
2. Ask him about his childhood
3. Ask him to stop
4. Go home and call the cops
5. Try to kill the POS right there and then
6. None of the above because you would be in shock
7. None of the above because you would be happy the woman is finally getting some action

Did you know that Sweden likes brown rapists more than white Swedish women?

a calm and collected hunter is a much better aim than a hateful one,

You can hate and be an excellent sharpshooter at the same time. See Enemy at the Gates.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
8 Jun 2024   #28
i feel like there is a misunderstanding here, and would like to try and tidy up the mess I made before I leave.

there are alot of hypothetical scenarios where i would be of little use, i don't try to become a surgeon just in case someone close to me needs a urgent operation,

if i was in a situation where someone was hurting me, a family member or a stranger, in a way that surpasses a verbal level, i would get help, this has happened a few times in my life, but not with something as extreme as you presented,

me getting physically involved in my condition would probably only provide a comical effect for the assailant.

i don't deny that there is ugliness in reality, i just try to make myself as little of that ugliness as possible.
be what you want to see in the world, so to say.

hope this provides some peace of mind,
all the best.
Novichok  4 | 7809
9 Jun 2024   #29
To your credit, your response is actually better than what I get from a typical Euro bootlicker or a faggot.
I appreciate it. Good luck.
OP RazSwe  1 | 15
9 Jun 2024   #30
Thank you for your contribution to the circulation of appreciation.

I also find it interesting that while reading others provided text based material, the tone and tempo of voice can easily get lost in translation.

our choice of words is only half the story, how we deliver them makes a big difference, for our own self and the people in our life we direct it towards.

It is something that makes reading a specific sequence of words, have a spectrum of possible 'piano key' like implications.

as the influence of text based association, is largely dependent on the style it is delivered in by the reader.

it's very hard for us to estimate the original state of dynamics within this, hence there is a spontaneous 'guesstimate' involved, that becomes a distorted representation of the original delivery.

as adding a voice to something text based, is a style of channeling our own self, in how we would have delivered the material in question, within our sense of context.

on a forum like this, we are largely having a conversation with our inner self.
inspired by the choice of words of others, our innate 'jack of all trades' acts out what we read, to the best of our ability.

Shades of inspiration:

every color, shade of white
every life
prism, for inspirations light.

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