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Is rape so common in Poland?

southern  73 | 7059
3 Apr 2011   #31
Swedish woman rapes man.
4 Apr 2011   #32
And he was standing there and waiting calmly when she finishes ,without any movement to let her finish the act peacefully ...... , what a baloneys that drunk was making up.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
4 Apr 2011   #33
Monia ... rape is everywhere. In Poland and elsewhere. However, drunkenness can result is more violence and irrational behavior, so if there be found a correlation I would definitely not be surprised.
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #34
In Poland one has to be careful when Polki approach with wild mood.
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #36
I guess you posess special weapons to defend.
4 Apr 2011   #37
Well guys be realistic , no woman was ever sentenced for rape ( except for statutory ) . That drunk guy made a report about that woman probably as a revenge on her . Rape is a violent act , there must be at least some form of self defence (eg. verbal or physical ). I am sure that after the interrogation a woman was dismissed from detention facility . What was that guy doing to stop her , anyway ? Nonsence .
Malopolanin  3 | 132
4 Apr 2011   #38,1017181,title,Rosja-Kobieta-skazana-za-gwalt-na-10-mezczyznach,wid,11238027,wiadomosc.html

Crow  154 | 9541
4 Apr 2011   #39
Is rape so common in Poland?

then, what with animal rape? again, this title of the thread isn`t correct or to say isn`t complete

for example, animal rape is something natural in Albania (Shoperia- as they themselves call their country). On the field of animal rape, Shiftar (Albos) prefer goats
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Apr 2011   #40
isn't this a bit off topic? ha ha Wales, it is said they prefer sheep, that is why the farmers wear big rubber boots, they put the back legs down the boots to stop the sheep from running away..:))
Crow  154 | 9541
4 Apr 2011   #41
isn't this a bit off topic?

rape is rape

in Wales, it is said they prefer sheep,

Wales? they have such a habits in Wales?? tragic. It must be due to English occupation. Too much frustrations on the isolated island
isthatu2  4 | 2692
4 Apr 2011   #42
Serbs know a thing or two about rape dont they.
Why dont you educate us crow? Albos shagging sheep or Serb police raping 12 year old girls? Which is worse? You decide.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Apr 2011   #43
It must be due to English occupation.

yes Crow of course....I never thought of it that way....
Crow  154 | 9541
4 Apr 2011   #44
one simple must take in consideration complete situation.

Why dont you educate us crow?

Polish press wrote about those cases of anti-Serbian propaganda.

here: Polish press on false reporting from Kosovo
Beta News Agency, Belgrade

70.000 cases of rape in four months??!! Please. Thank God that Polish `Trybuna` investigated and exposed this as war propaganda directed against Serbs.
Stu  12 | 515
4 Apr 2011   #45
i assure you that Serbians don`t like to jump on Gypsy looking Albo woman, with all due respect on Gypsies of course

1. Gagovic, Kunarac (Osmana Đikić street no 16), Kovac, Vukovic, ..., ... . ( as-instrument-of-terror-against-bosniak-women-and-girls/)

2. "The cruelties committed by the Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina, said Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, defy the imagination. Expressing his disgust over the matter, the Prime Minister told the 48th UN General Assembly in New York on Oct 1, a six-year-old [Bosnian Muslim] child was repeatedly raped in front of her mother who not only had to watch but was prevented from giving any help until the little child died after two days of exposure." (from

3. And this article ( sniak-girls-gang-raped-by-serbian-soldiers/) taken from the Los Angeles Times.

Trustworthy as usual, Crow.

Jee, how come I already know what Crow is going to answer? Could it be something that includes EU/US/NATO/Muslim propaganda, maybe ... ?
Crow  154 | 9541
4 Apr 2011   #46
Trustworthy as usual, Crow.

Trustworthy as reality of war. There were cases. If somebody rape any woman during the any war, he must be punished. We Serbs don`t like those things. But, let`s not exaggerate. Serbs were victims of that war not perpetrators. EU, NATO and Islamic league wanted war

Please, keep Serbia out of this thread. Thank you.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
4 Apr 2011   #47
1/3 of my Polish female friends have encountered beating, rape in the past.

It never surprises me anymore at how often statistics are inflated. First, it depends on the definition of being assaulted. I'm 6'1, weigh 210 lbs and 3 different women on three occasions hit me (reasons include - I disagreed with them and in once instance I said "no" to sex). Those in the 'victimology' industries always increase the amounts of violence and almost always focus on women being the victims. By their standards and definitions, I can claim to be an "assault victim" but of course being (a) male doesn't count to the "politically correct" liberals who run these charades.

she taking control squeezing his balls while he sleep and, when one get erection, she jump and get what she want. see?

I see you in the future writing romance novels (actually womens' prnography) for women. It's a huge market and women constantly waste their time reading them.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Apr 2011   #48
I see you in the future writing romance novels

ahhh yes ..the flair ...the style....the starry eyed romance...
pgtx  29 | 3094
4 Apr 2011   #49
(reasons include - I disagreed with them and in once instance I said "no" to sex)

haha... aw poor them! pleasee...
your "thing" didn't get bigger yet Zimmy? i see it's very frustrating for you...

I'm 6'1, weigh 210 lbs and 3 different women on three occasions hit me

yeah, we established a long ago that in this huge body, a small brain hides....
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #50
no woman was ever sentenced for rape

It seems that feminists in Scandinavia are rather dangerous.Imagine being forced to accommodate your pen1s into a mouth.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
4 Apr 2011   #51
haha... aw poor them! pleasee...

You missed me didn't you? Just got back last week from my second vacation so far this year (South America again).

your "thing" didn't get bigger yet Zimmy?

Are you referring to Boleslaw the Great? Nah, 'he' sleeps when 'he' has too.

this huge body, a small brain hides....

You exaggerate my bulk. Small brain eh? Look up brain sizes for men and women..............

Talk to ya, if you're lucky, tomorrow.
4 Apr 2011   #52
Southern , you are giving me a hard time , but I will try to explain it to you :)

We don`t know the term specifically used by the judge in Norwegian case. You gave a link only to a newspaper report of a journalist who probably doesn`t posses a basic knowledge of law and mixes up different definitions not being aware what he really refers to. Being ignorant, he uses terms which might not be used in the court in this specific case against that Norwegian woman .

It all depends on the definition of rape binding in every legal system which is unique for each country . I don`t know the Norwegian definition . But polish definition of rape is very simple and quite understandable for everyone . Rape is only committed if committed by a men on a woman, a men or a child , if a woman commits a sexual act on man or a child it is called other sexual activity . This definition was formulated through centuries and is solely linked with intercourse ( involving different body parts , you all know which so I will not be too specific ) .

It would even sound strange if it was referred to a woman .

The new Polish Penal Code, coming into force in 1998, provides the following changes (article 197) :
Paragraph 1 :
" Whoever, with use of force, threat or ruse, induces an other person to have sexual intercourse,
may be punished with imprisonment from 1 to 10 years. "

Paragraph 2 :
" If the perpetrator, as described in the first paragraph of the same article, induces an other
person to submit himself to another sexual act or to complete such an act, may be punished with
imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years. "

I think that explains all our discrepancies :)
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #53
Woman charged for raping man.

"The man told city police Sgt. David Bradley that Harvey came into his bedroom as he was getting ready for bed. Harvey told him that she would cut open his penis and watch him bleed to death unless he had sex with her.''
A J  4 | 1075
4 Apr 2011   #54
Rape is a violent act , there must be at least some form of self defence (eg. verbal or physical ).

Okay, I'm going to let the sick part of my brain work for a few seconds here! What if a girl drugs a guy, ties him up really good and feeds him Viagra pills when he wakes up, so she can have unwanted sex with him repeatedly, even against his will? (Just imagine she's really, really ugly or something!) What if she humiliates him or physically abuses him? Wouldn't this case in this hypothetical scenario be labelled as a rape case just because the victim is a guy?

southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #55
These Scandinavians are rather naughty.

''the 32-year-old allegedly attacked the other woman in April at the Redbergsplatsen square, located in the city's Olskroken district.

Having pulled the victim to the ground by her hair, the 32-year-old straddled the other woman and inserted several fingers into her vagina.''

''The roles were then reversed, as the victim was ordered under threat of violence to perform oral sex on the 32-year-old woman.''
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Apr 2011   #56
@A J
Strange place to share your fantasies. AJ!! ;))

Joking apart, I have heard of something like this...come to think of it, I heard it happened in Poland.....Damn I wish I had a link!
southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #57
In Ireland too.Damn that's what happens when they get left out of vibrators.
A J  4 | 1075
4 Apr 2011   #58
I wouldn't exactly call that a fantasy of mine!


Joking apart, I have heard of something like this...come to think of it, I heard it happened in Poland.....

It wouldn't surprise me if something similar actually has happened, but I have to admit I've never heard of anything like that before! Just saying that theoretically it *is* possible for women to overpower men by using tricks, drugs or weapons.

southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #59
Another annoying thing common in UK and Scandinavia are women grabbing your buttocks in club unexpectedly.I guess we will soon need iron underwear.
4 Apr 2011   #60
The explanation of this problem is given in English Law by the definition of rape, which is as follows :

Rape is a statutory offence in England and Wales. The offence is created by section 1 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003:
" 1-(1) A person (A) commits an offence if-

(a) he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis,
(b) B does not consent to the penetration, and
(c) A does not reasonably believe that B consents.

(2) Whether a belief is reasonable is to be determined having regard to all the circumstances, including any steps A has taken to ascertain whether B consents.

(3) Sections 75 and 76 apply to an offence under this section.
(4) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life.

Where is the link ?

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