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Incels in Poland

cruisepatron  1 | 95
21 Feb 2021   #181
If that's the case then where's the "delusion"?

Are you trying to say that a decent women vs women who's had "all the fun" have the same value to a man when it comes to marriage? Obviously it's a NO. So if both these women want the same successful man... who's delusion? I hope I don't need to explain beyond this.

If you want something you don't deserve... chances are either you won't get it or even if you get it, it won't last.

women getting education, well paid jobs,

Successful Men give a damn about your career... he is looking for a wife, not hiring some employee. If you want a man who gets attracted by your job then you need to marry down... which again women don't want... in fact a study has shown, more the women is educated higher her chances of dying alone and lonely... obviously.
mafketis  38 | 11137
21 Feb 2021   #182
but in the end most people settle for what they can get... That's life.

The old saying: If you want to settle down, you'll have to do some settling for...

One problem is that in a neoliberal status striving system.... no one wants to settle for

men "always" marry down and women marry up?

It's not universal by any mean, but it is the general trend and it starts young... how many fairytales find the heroine settling down with a mid-level manager?

Or look at romance novels, how many are about social equals? Twilight? 50 shades?

For the reverse, see the first two seasons of the Crown which are largely about how Phillip tries to cope with a wife who publicly outranks him...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
21 Feb 2021   #183
I'm not sure why you think(...) but in the end most people settle for what they can get... That's life.

Depends, my view on this has been taken from matching statistics on dating applications. (it´s fully accessable on the internet) Which many of these posters are thinking about. Then who one settles for begrudgingly is a different matter, I only wish that people were able to settle for one without having a grudge in doing so. Yes I am a romantic and an idealist in this regard. Fully knowing that certain spheres of society want different things (to what most men on this forum and in general seem to be quite... perplexed about or simply ignorant)

low-class or low-value men tend to prefer: homebrew alcohol, pre-made food of low quality, in large quantities as to show off among other class members a "status" of being able to afford more of it and dignifying it as masculine (the type of goods) compared to wine which they see feminine as the ladies they meet look at it as higher class and desire it themselves. *facepalm*

mid-class, acceptable males to a certain degree tend to prefer: beer, healthier food, still potentially pre-made and acessable in the store but, more expensive. Again being able to afford more of it (the same type of goods) gives status among themselves. and same as low-value men look at wine or other alcohol drinks which they often see women drink and prefer as feminine. Confusing things.

High-rank men tend to prefer wine, healthy expensive food, preferably hunted and prepared by an cook (restaurant, at home or dinner-gatherings) where knowing wine and ones own and foreign cuisine is vital as not to stand out or look foolish. Understanding perfectly well the quality and process of making wine and it´s value.

The type of food also lead to the quality of mindset and body. The more junk you eat, the more junk you become basically.

Oh, don't worry, (..)"Za mundurem panny sznurem" ;))

I have never had any doubts about finding myself a women, it´s allways been more of a question of finding the one I want the most or more precisely the one I need. Now I don´t know if there are any women like that out there. So I just let life be as it is and focus on myself for the time being and solve whatever comes my way. (life)

Paulina may write what she wants, patronizing or not. I have been quite patronizing through my posts here on PF (which I would be surprised if you haven´t noticed) as my perspective on people (in general) is that most seem to pretend being adults, but actually are kids in grown up bodies (me included). Difference is that when I cry about my feelings or percieved ill-treatment. I can easily declare it what it is, yes I am acting like a little girl crying out on an internet forum about my issues. Difference is, you think I don´t know ****. I know ****, ive lived through **** and I am tired of it. I prefer to learn every single day, about new things or people. Even **** if I have to, even tho I dislike it.
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Feb 2021   #184
Yes I am a romantic

You're not. You have some very unromantic ideas about women which I suspect are fuelled by reading specious and spurious 'research'. A lot of that research comes from the USA which has a very weird and unfortunate culture and is essentially, at this stage, a failed nation. Also many of the respectable looking men in suits spouting this kind of rubbish on YouTube, are twisting or putting a spin on genuine research.

Let's take an example - sick leave in the UK as researched by a reputable firm of researchers, of a sample of 13,000 workers. Results showed that women are more likely to take sick leave from work than men BUT, though men take fewer sick leaves, their sick leaves are longer. The facts are that in the UK, women take an average of 14 days sick leave per year and men take 16. So in fact, men take more days off than women.

Women are more likely to call in sick because they need to take care of a sick child or because of other emergencies involving their children. Now, the issue I have with that is that the men who routinely accuse women of being lazy gold-diggers, are also the same ones who accuse working women of not doing a proper job because their children come first. BUT a woman who doesn't put her children first, is 'unnatural', greedy, cold etc.

So you see, Grunny, people who have a particular agenda, whether it's bitter misogynists, or angry, man-hating, radical feminists, are not interested in the truth, only in their own skewed perceptions of the world.
Ironside  50 | 12916
21 Feb 2021   #185
interested in the truth,

Oh and what is the truth? Some whine about bad men that must be misogynists' with an agenda cause they pick on women? You don't make any sense.

IF anything you are the same as some of our PF male posters. The only difference - you blame men and they blame women.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
21 Feb 2021   #186
I didn't mean "romantic" in the form of courting, but in the form of art, politics and ideals. Be under no illusions, I have never tried courting anyone on this forum. Last time I got attacked for being a German sex-tourist. I was merely tried to write something positive about Belarus and Ukraine, not knowing much about said countries. I tried to compliment the local cuisine (the food) and their women. I was directing this towards a male audience

I would prefer to stay out of this thread, but alas I keep getting dragged back in to it.

Then you have been very lucky meeting only women who does that. My experience have been different at my workplaces and it had gone so far as doctors are being warned about giving sick leaves as the system is being abused.

How it's in the U.S, Poland or U.K with the health sector. I have no clue and can't write about it
Lazarus  3 | 365
21 Feb 2021   #187
women take an average of 14 days sick leave per year and men take 16.

Seriously? I've been averaging about 1.5 days off sick a year over the last 15 years!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
21 Feb 2021   #188
people who have a particular agenda, whether it's bitter misogynists, or angry, man-hating, radical feminists, are not interested in the truth,

Sure they are and when they post the crude truth you get offended.

he only difference - you blame men and they blame women.

Spot on I.S.

Btw, women don't need feminism to hate men. All we need are men like Poloniusz, Novichok, Strzelec35, Joker, cruisepatron or johnny_reb for that.

So you admit that you hate me and you don't even know me. lol
Just maybe you girls should learn how to laugh at yourselves and smile you could find a decent man instead of berating them with your femimism.

Seems the women here only give pats on the back to the fem guys here because they live up to YOUR expectations and march to YOUR beat.

I have found no matter what you do that you will never satisfy a demanding woman that wants the control of the reins to yank on the bit.

Therefore why bow to them and waste your time on such bitter women.
Feminists that don't know how to smile bring it on themselves.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Feb 2021   #189
I am watching barbarians on netflix right now and in the first episode they show the courting process. What is you guys' opinion of how the courting process used to be amongst Germanic tribes or in the world in general back then with the man simply being picky on how his soon to be bribed looks and even somewhat abusive by modern standards in being able to feel her out or judge her or even grab her as he pleases like a trophy? back then there was something called dowry I believe where a woman was traded for like five horses to the clan. How did the nords or vikings have it? have you seen the scene paulina? what is ur take on it? was he a male chauvinist or just a product of his time when assessing his future wife?
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Feb 2021   #190
How did the nords or vikings have it?

I can tell you about the Gaels of ancient Ireland. Even though they were Christians, they retained their old Gaelic customs, so a man could have several wives. Therefore he didn't need to grope women to decide if he wanted to marry one. If she wasn't satisfactory, he could simply divorce her or take a second wife. The woman could also divorce the man if he was a disappointment.

In Ireland, the dowry was paid by the groom to the father of the bride for twenty one years, an annual payment, diminishing with each year of the marriage and the amount was laid down by law.. If the woman brought property of her own to the marriage, eg money, land, cattle, it remained hers and her husband had no legal claims on it. She could continue to acquire property, conduct business etc throughout the marriage and such money and property were her own to do with as she pleased. Divorce was obtainable by either half of the couple, man or woman.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2021   #191
I have been quite patronizing through my posts here on PF (which I would be surprised if you haven´t noticed)

Feeling and acting superior is not patronizing. "Oh, poor you, I worry about you" is.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Feb 2021   #192
how many of you were ever punched by a woman like at a bar or party? how did you feel or react to it? I assume you didn't hit her back or at least full force? so how do you deal with such unruly women who cant stand not to get their way? like how do you respond to it?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Feb 2021   #193
didnt the viking women get burnt alive or wllow themselves to be burnt and put on a wooden ship into the sea like that movie 13th warrior showed after their husbands died?
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2021   #194
Alcohol is best consumed alone.
Most people can't handle alcohol and bars are the last places to visit. A local cemetery would be better. If you wait long enough, you will meet a young woman who brought flowers to her mom's grave. She will not hit you. Just ask her out to dinner and you will be fine.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
21 Feb 2021   #195
didnt the viking women get burnt alive or wllow themselves to be burnt...after their husbands died

Probably. But that's because there were no big social safety nets for widowed women like there are today such as pensions, insurance, or welfare programs for them to tap into.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Feb 2021   #196
yea but why would anyone just choose to be tortured alive or burnt to death? i mean there are much less painful and faster ways to go if you have to no? or why not run away to another tribe or join another tribe and look for a new husband?
Poloniusz  5 | 970
21 Feb 2021   #197
yea but why would anyone just choose to be tortured alive or burnt to death?

Because women are attention seeking drama queens. They really do believe they deserve to be privileged and protected by those around them based on their gender alone and so they foolishly assume no one will actually carry out torturing or killing them even when they request it.

why not run away to another tribe or join another tribe and look for a new husband?

It depends on their age, looks, and usefulness. Men may have lower standards when selecting a female but that doesn't mean we have no standards.

Also, as I mentioned previously, women may band together when it suits them but ultimately they really do resent each other because they all seek resources from men and see each other as competitors in this quest. So it is much more likely to be the case that the women in a tribe would oppose a female outsider from joining as it would any of the men.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2021   #198
They really do believe they deserve to be privileged and protected

...and granted immunity in all situations including with men who are twice their size, intoxicated, and horny.
I have seen this scene so many times on the crime shows - it's like a video that never stops...
He kisses her. She, instead of lying her way out by saying that she needs something from the bathroom, slaps him and adds You??? Never!!!

In three minutes or less she is dead because he was drunk, and because, as we already discussed, men don't handle rejections well.
Conclusion: women are dumber than a brick when it comes to safety and tactics.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
21 Feb 2021   #199
It depends on their age, looks, and usefulness. Men may have lower standards when selecting a female but that doesn't mean we have no standards.

Men are the consumers. Why should any consumer have lower standards? In fact it should be the opposite.
21 Feb 2021   #200
I'm sure at this stage we're all fed up of the women-hating vibe on here from a few posters.

Yes, and this thread is such a joy for them ;) To be honest, it's half the reason that I haven't really bothered with involving myself in discussion as such for a few years now. It's a pointless exercise and a waste of my time and energy. I remember a while ago I commented on a thread, and rather than address what I had to say, the poster only threw the fact that I was female and British back in my face. I don't think I have come across such a misogynistic bunch in all my life as I have on this forum.

there is lots of women like that out there.( that blame and hate men for their own fallings)

Did you read the article on Incels that Jon linked to in post #11? Although incels are not all exclusively male, the incel- related violence which is increasing, is coming from males. By their own admission, they consider women to be hateful and selfish. I think everyone on PF, both male and female, can say they've had a bad experience relationship wise, but normal people chalk it down to experience and move on. Incels appear not to be able to do that, blaming women and making them the focus for their own inadequacies. My own opinion is that the behaviour stems from a personality disorder. These people are probably not going to function well in any areas of their life.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2021   #201
Men push too hard and when rejected a couple of times, they fall back to it's me, not that I am too pushy.
That blaming women thing is how they cope and explain away. It's a lot easier to do that than "I am an a-hole.
The same with "lesbians". No decent-looking woman has hots for vaginas or a vibrator other than as an experiment or a temporary thing.
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Feb 2021   #202
why would anyone just choose to be tortured alive or burnt to death? i

They didn't. No such practice existed with the Vikings. Viking widows inherited their husband's property and lead quite normal lives. However, female slaves were sometimes sacrificed and buried with their former masters.

they foolishly assume

No, Pollyanna, you foolishly assume that rubbish you see in a movie is true, instead of reading historical accounts.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
21 Feb 2021   #203
...and granted immunity in all situations including with men who are twice their size, intoxicated, and horny.

Police are now trained to assume the male is at fault in all domestic abuse cases. It doesn't matter that women disproportionately provoke arguments and are even the first to initiate physical violence. The feminist mantra that all women are innocent victims has brainwashed politicians and police chiefs and none will risk their careers to challenge this toxic feminist orthodoxy. Women know this and now wield this power imbalance to use law enforcement and the courts on their behalf to carry out violence and revenge against men who are physically stronger than they ever will be.

Men are the consumers. Why should any consumer have lower standards?

Men are willing to make trade-offs. It's why you hear stories like Arnold Schwarzenegger getting his housekeeper pregnant and Tiger Woods having an affair with a waitress who worked at a pancake restaurant. The women they knocked-up were low status but they were not victims. They knowingly and willingly acted on their hypergamy with the aim of extracting resources from these two rich celebrities.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
21 Feb 2021   #204
Incels appear not to be able to do that, blaming women and making them the focus for their own inadequacies.

This is something darker than any phenomenon that's come before.

Basically inadequates blaming others. They're harmless, until they get guns.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
21 Feb 2021   #205
Basically inadequates blaming others.

That's a very succinct description of the entire feminist movement. Thanks.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
21 Feb 2021   #206
No it isn't.

The women's movement is about empowerment and positivity. Incelism, the road you're on, is about being disempowered, about negativity and about being mentally unhealthy.
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2021   #207
The women's movement is about empowerment and positivity.

Sure. The empowerment to abort and feel positivity after.
Hey, Poloniusz, are you close to the point of total exhaustion or not yet?
Lenka  5 | 3531
21 Feb 2021   #208
I look at this thread and I'm happy. It is a perfect show of incels attitude.
Thanks guys. You did a great job.

Long live feminism to give us the right/possibilities to say 'get lost' to certain types of guys. If incels are the byproduct of that, so be it.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
21 Feb 2021   #209
The women's movement is about empowerment...

I thought they said it was about equality? So, another feminist lie is exposed.

...and positivity.

Demonizing men for nearly two centuries is their idea of positivity? Sounds more like sadism.

being mentally unhealthy.

So true.

Studies show there are indeed differences between the genders.

In old age, as well as midlife and young adulthood, women score higher than men for traits like neuroticism, self-reproach, depression, and anxiety.

Men, on the other hand, score higher than women in traits like extraversion, conscientiousness, sociability, intellectual interests, orderliness, goal striving, and dependability.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
21 Feb 2021   #210
So, another feminist lie is exposed.

There you go again...

Studies show there are indeed differences between the genders.

Whoever said that there isn't?

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