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Incels in Poland

Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Feb 2021   #151
I sense that it's time for the dearly beloved speech.
Lazarus  3 | 365
20 Feb 2021   #152
Or a good attorney that gets you the house,

You're speaking from experience there?
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Feb 2021   #153
I must say, this is turning into a lovely thread isn't it? Instead of a horrid, ugly old cess pit of weirdness,

Yes, Indeed! And keeping with the OP`s topic he will be fantastically delighted they now make a doll for LGBTReTaRdXYZs👍🏻😁

  • TransgenderBarbie9.jpg
cruisepatron  1 | 95
20 Feb 2021   #154
We have it so great that it is really a surprise all these man aren't trying to get the same 'privilege'.

Because of whom? If all men were to disappear today, the women won't make it alive 30 days once all the power, water supply, food chain, logistics suddenly stops. Men only need women to procreate... Women need men to both survive and procreate.

BTW, I'm not surprised, as most women I have seen in my lifetime don't really understand what's happening or who's responsible behind the scenes... they think all the convenience of life is just magic.

laugher is the best medicine for us all :)

Unfortunately, after laugh sadness follows... mother nature will correct things in due time and it's going to be very harsh when it comes... abortion ban is not even 1% of the amount of things that are due to come with time.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Feb 2021   #155
they now make a doll for LGBTReTaRdXYZs

And here I am throwing my hands up in horror!

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Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Feb 2021   #156
Women need men to both survive and procreate.

Here is a shorter version:

Women need men for everything else.

they think all the convenience of life is just magic.

Let me improve on that one as well:

They "think" all the conveniences come from the government.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
20 Feb 2021   #157
throwing my hands up in horror!

The comedy and tragedy is that some of them probably believe the stuff they're coming out with!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
20 Feb 2021   #158
And here I am throwing my hands up in horror!

What's next ?
A Black Barbie !

And here I am throwing my hands up in horror!

Do you have one of you in your bikini ?
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Feb 2021   #159
The comedy and tragedy is

That there is a serious issue involved (again creepy loner misogynists have always been around - what's happening now is something different) but pre-packaged cant on both sides makes serious discussion of it impossible....
OP jon357  72 | 23361
20 Feb 2021   #160
what's happening now is something different

The internet has proved to be an ideal festering ground for them to self-deine and organise.
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Feb 2021   #161
you're just as bad as dirk with his pre-canned slogans...

This is a systemic problem and not amenable to simple solutions.... and just talking about incels (a small minority within wider socio-economic dysfunction) simply serves to shield the elite financial class that's behind this...

What's the connection between these two stories?
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Feb 2021   #162

Bingo! Because the well-paying jobs went bye-bye to China and Mexico, and the IT are going to H1-B Indians - trained by the US guys soon to see their last paycheck.

That leaves doctors and lawyers, plus kilobucks of debt.

Nagging women to go to work is the result of that.
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Feb 2021   #163
And here I am throwing my hands up in horror!

Whats this world coming too!!

I hope the Incil`s dont get too excited...

  • a11f648e18fd247b5167.jpg

  • GayWeddingBarbieSet_.jpg

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OP jon357  72 | 23361
20 Feb 2021   #164
This is a systemic problem

Young male despondency has always been around; the internet has however enabled it to a new level.
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Feb 2021   #165
Whats this world coming too!!

Is that empty space on the right reserved for the kids these biologically useless parasites will never have?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Feb 2021   #166
dependency on what? what about female dependence on sugar daddies?
mafketis  38 | 11137
20 Feb 2021   #167
Young male despondency has always been around

Yes and unrelated to the wider problem of young men being economically sabotaged by entrenched financial interests... (which leads to a bunch of other stuff)

you're just looking for scapegoats to blame so you can ignore the real problem (again just exactly what dirk does).....

A very large part of human culture is about channeling the energy and drive of young men into family formation (most restrictions on women are actually aimed at manipulating young men...). If you don't push young men into families they're likely to channel their energy and drive in destructive directions.

End stage neoliberalism (about atomized consumers with no real family or community connections) is upending that .... it will not end well.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
20 Feb 2021   #168
End stage neoliberalism

Capitalism has caused this.

you're just looking for scapegoats to blame

Or just identifying a growing phenomenon.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
20 Feb 2021   #169
Because the well-paying jobs went bye-bye

Naturally the article (written by a woman) blames men and only men for not meeting women's raging hypergamy.

"There aren't enough "economically attractive" men - ones with a good income and a stable job - for single women to marry."

But women are squarely to blame for this problem.

Every. Single. Time.

Women take so much personal time off that they are effectively part-time workers. Yet they nag and nag and nag about the mythical gender pay gap because they still fully expect to be paid the same or more as a man who actually puts in the hours required for full-time work.

Affirmative action programs and threats of lawsuits also ensured that many once well paying jobs went and still go to women to satisfy a HR department metric rather than to qualified men.

Women's presence in the workforce has depressed wages. They not only add to the number of job seekers but they never have the skills to negotiate a better salary for themselves. Thus once they are in they set the lower standard for pay and compensation for that position.

So off they go looking for a man to take up the slack and provide them with more resources even though they preach all the time they can do the exact same job as a man if not better.
Novichok  4 | 8748
20 Feb 2021   #170
Equal pay movement. The same crap with one unanswered question: Why would they hire a guy to do the same job for 50% more?
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Feb 2021   #171
biologically useless parasites will never have?

Im glad you asked...
Representation! Mattel launches first Incel Ken doll!

Why would they hire a guy to do the same job for 50% more?

The best thing about having a women President would be, we wouldn't have to pay her as much👍🏻

Poloniusz  5 | 970
20 Feb 2021   #172
Why would they hire a guy to do the same job for 50% more?

Because a guy will actually show up and complete the job on time or ahead of schedule and be ready for the next task.

Since women can't, or more to the point won't, this is why so many jobs have been shipped overseas like you mentioned earlier.

When you hear businesses and politicians wring their hands in angst that they can't find qualified workers in the United States they are not referring to the men who have been displaced by women in the workforce.

They are referring to the women who have been given the jobs but who consistently fail to live up to the promise that women are as good or better than men.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
20 Feb 2021   #173
women who have been given the jobs but who fail to live up to the promise that they are as good or better than men.

Where is your evidence for that outrageous statement?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Feb 2021   #174
would you guys rather be emo mgtow or incel?

i vote for mgtow or men going their own way:
cruisepatron  1 | 95
20 Feb 2021   #175
i vote for mgtow or men going their ownw ay:

Modern women are a waste of time. The juice is not worth the squeeze. They want fun so just give them fun. When I hear women say "I had all my fun and NOW I want to get married"... I just laugh inside.
Paulina  17 | 4465
20 Feb 2021   #176
women got brainwashed into thinking there actually is like a free picking of top notch males, they become unhappy and 60% males get desperate.

I'm not sure why you think that... Sure that many women would want to be with "top notch males", just like many men would like to be with "top notch females", but in the end most people settle for what they can get... That's life.

Then they tell me (the 60%) that I don't count anymore... right...

Oh, don't worry, Grunni, you sound like a very nice and decent man, I think you'll have no problem with finding a wife in Poland :) Maybe she will even find you ;) And, btw, there's a Polish saying: "Za mundurem panny sznurem" ;))

Most man don't want it. You see, taking care of the kids 24/7 screws with their life...(not all but still majority)

This is so true. At least for Poland... I'm always honestly amazed when I see American men on PF (or elsewhere) complaining about them not getting custody of the kids after a divorce or the British men complaining that it's always Polish women being given the custody of kids by Polish courts. They're clearly out of touch with Polish reality. Since when men want to take care of kids? lol They don't want to do that when they're married and they suddenly wake up after divorce and they discover that they're a parent too? lol Wow... Please...

Where is your evidence for that outrageous statement?

I'd like to know that too :) Btw, women don't need feminism to hate men. All we need are men like Poloniusz, Novichok, Strzelec35, Joker, cruisepatron or johnny_reb for that.

@cruisepatron, why do you laugh? Men can have fun before they get married, but women can't?
cruisepatron  1 | 95
20 Feb 2021   #177
It gives the impression as if decent men are waiting for their future wife to finish having their fun and waiting in queue to wife them up.

Do you really think successful men were partying, having fun day and night and that's how they became successful in the first place? That's the the problem as these women want to marry "successful men"... they don't want to marry the men who were having fun just like them and didn't do much with their life. That's what makes it laughable to see the delusion.
Paulina  17 | 4465
20 Feb 2021   #178
they don't want to marry the men who were having fun just like them and didn't do much with their life.

Wasn't it you who claimed that men "always" marry down and women marry up? If that's the case then where's the "delusion"? Those women apparently know by experience of other women that they can marry "successful men" if they're attractive enough. And if you're into "successful women" so much, then you should be all for feminism, women getting education, well paid jobs, etc. :)
Novichok  4 | 8748
21 Feb 2021   #179
Oh, don't worry, Grunni,

...and enjoy that patronizing pat on the back.
Paulina  17 | 4465
21 Feb 2021   #180
@Novichok, there's nothing patronizing about what I wrote, I sincerely like the guy and I'm impressed with him, because I know a bit of his story. I wish him well and I hope he'll find himself a girl as nice and as decent as he is.

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