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Incels in Poland

jon357  72 | 23665
17 Feb 2021   #1
There's a very interesting article about 'incels' (basically a women-hating male virgin subculture) in Poland:

"They are among us and this is a problem that will grow. In Poland we have a very visible dualistic upbringing, which will result in a larger group of men in involuntary celibacy, that is what being an incelebrity boils down to."

There have been 5 shootings in America and one in Germany by 'incels'. How long before something bad happens here?

Some wise advice from an article called "Incel or Loser":
"How can a woman defend herself against an incel?

Zero tolerance and no ignoring him. This only emboldens him. An incel only attacks out of hiding so there is little risk of physical confrontation. I recommend reporting offensive posts to the police."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Feb 2021   #2
How long before something bad happens here?

It's a matter of time. There's already examples of violence in schools from such people, and given the frustration that such 'males' have, it's only a matter of time before there's a similar attack here.

It doesn't help that certain circles are promoting access to weapons.
OP jon357  72 | 23665
17 Feb 2021   #3
There's already examples of violence in schools from such people

A teenager was jailed in Warsaw for minimum 25 years this week for an attack in school.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
17 Feb 2021   #4
im sort of an incel myself. or at least lately. i totally gave up particularly how they are here and how i was attacked kr treated just for looking at them or smiling after my deportation. and now that the bars are closed and pandemic i totally gave up. on sympatia there were only white trash and users. same with badoo.

I think this movement is gonna spread worldwide guys zi truly do even its hitting east euro now or Poland then it will spread everywhere.
OP jon357  72 | 23665
17 Feb 2021   #5
or st least lately

That just sounds like a temporary drought.

True incels have never been near a woman (or man).
Strzelec35  19 | 830
17 Feb 2021   #6
yea but for me i became almost like a male prostitute for older women or just fat chicks even a gypsy with flabby tits i ****** from that Irish pub. i just took a step back and realized what i was doing with my life and its almost better being an incel than what i was becoming. i mean just being used and abused by women or even servicing fat chicks while buying them beers i walked around with old town from that Irish pub then trying to figure out wtf did i do last night and how to get them out of my flat the next morning. when I was making out with a 58 yr old woman and trying to invite her over than being ripped off by a bartender and her stsrting to kiss me across from that statue of kilinski after i I met her st that Irish pub and she actually rejected coming over for sex i knew something was wrong and just said fuk it quit cold turkey. and I was buying her drinks she didnt even want to buy her own drinks this is a 58 yr old lady with a fuy more than 20 yrs younger like i said i knew something was wrong. if this is hoe loe i have to go just for sex and sm that undesirable than id rather just not hive sesmor look at these females these creature sin this country.

not only that but in Poland unlike other countries they literally think its the mans job to buy them crap and support them on that crappy sympatia or badoo they even flat oit admitted this or didnt deny being users. at least in the west they try to deny it or be equal at least when they are students but not here. theyre all just trash. theyre all like white trash or Santana row in San Jose fake new money. the craziest thing in this country they expect you to chaparone them or walk them to their bus or tram like a dog the next morning or at night yet when they invite you over and fuk you they make some excuse like their daughter is calling to kick you out. **** that **** man enough is enough.
OP jon357  72 | 23665
17 Feb 2021   #7
i became almost like a male prostitute for older women or just fat chicks even a gypsy with flabby tits

Most incels can only dream of that.

There's something blocking them from life, and a hatred of women in general that you don't have.

they literally think its the mans job to buy them crap

Right or wrong, that's evolved over millennia.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #8
I was reading that article and it seems bs to me. I have not met a single woman especially since being back in Poland who would want to be equal with me or who bought her own beer for instance and did not just sit there waiting for me to buy her stuff. i also met very few who sexually were able to do oral stuff without demanding it done to them first or at all thirdly they are the ones who have wymagania or expectations and it isn't equality i seriously doubt but like paulina on here flirting with johnny and looking for a foreign wealthy american man they want a mr right or mr somebody not a mr right now.
OP jon357  72 | 23665
19 Feb 2021   #9
sit there waiting for me to buy her stuff.

Incels generally don't get in a position where a woman would let them buy a beer.

sexually were able to do oral stuff without demanding it done to them first

And they never get anywhere near that.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
19 Feb 2021   #10
Incels have been known to call for and carry out gun violence while their unapologetic fellow incels have provided them quotes from Hollywood films to justify it.
OP jon357  72 | 23665
19 Feb 2021   #11
An interesting article here about the degree to which incels hate women:
"70.6 percent rating themselves as 3, 4, or 5 on the misogyny scale"
mafketis  38 | 11276
19 Feb 2021   #12
'incels' (basically a women-hating male virgin subculture) in Poland

Isn't it more an unintended consequence of second wave feminism* and increased stratification?

The most... functional model of society is one in which a large majority of people end up in long term monogamous relationships and one in which people don't spend too much time engaged in status striving....

Neither one of those is the norm in the US or the UK (and it's slipping in Poland at an alarming rate).

Most women in most western countries most of the time prefer to marry men who have higher social status than they do which used to be easier... more equality between the sexes mean that more and more women and men get squeezed out of the marriage and family market....

Similarly, more stratification (probably greater now than at any time in history in the US) means fewer winners and lots more losers....

incels hate women

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

*second wave feminism (as opposed to the nausea inducing third wave) was very welcome and needed but there's no such thing as a free lunch and it has created some problems as well...
cruisepatron  1 | 95
19 Feb 2021   #13
Hypergamy is not limited to "Western Women".. it's in every women of every nation. It's in the biology of women to seek for a provider, protector aka someone higher and better than her.. What that means is if the women herself is rich and educated then she will only be satisfied with a man even higher than her... but that higher man has even more options than her... result? breakdown of society...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
19 Feb 2021   #14
There used to be a strict hierarchy (feudalism), where the elite basically told all women to buzz off the top-males.

Now that women got brainwashed into thinking there actually is like a free picking of top notch males, they become unhappy and 60% males get desperate. Then they tell me (the 60%) that I don't count anymore... right...

Well off you go then! Let's see how that works for you all! I'll improve my life, get a career and stay out of politics.
mafketis  38 | 11276
19 Feb 2021   #15
In some African cultures it's a bit different with hardworking women competing for useless trophy husbands.... but looking at Africa, it seems that economically men competing for trophy wives produces better overall socio-economic results....
OP jon357  72 | 23665
19 Feb 2021   #16
In some African cultures it's a bit different with hardworking women competing for useless trophy husbands

I've seen this in action. The women run things in matriarchal societies while the men lie around chatting and smoking weed/cigs.

There's still a very codified male hegemony rooted in tradition and very strong. Several of my female undergraduates told me that they couldn't wait for their first divorce (in a country that has a near 100% divorce rate and strict rules about the first marriage) so they could go travelling and see other places.

but looking at Africa, it seems that

Ever since I moved there for 3 years, I've had the strong feeling that if/when everything goes to sh1t, they'll be the resilient ones. I couldn't survive on nothing in a hostile environment (unless I copied them and got it right), and probably you couldn't either.
Lenka  5 | 3548
19 Feb 2021   #17
As a women I should probably accept my blame but instead I wonder...

How are called women that can't get a man? How many times even on this forum being a single women was used in a shaming technique?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
19 Feb 2021   #18
How many times even on this forum being a single women was used in a shaming technique?

Fantastic point there.

while the men lie around chatting and smoking weed/cigs.

Only in my dreams, hey ho maybe in the next life I will get the chance.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #19
" I've seen this in action. The women run things in matriarchal societies while the men lie around chatting and smoking weed/cigs."

Sounds good to me.
cruisepatron  1 | 95
19 Feb 2021   #20
How are called women that can't get a man?

You mean a man that "she wants"? or any man?
OP jon357  72 | 23665
19 Feb 2021   #21
As a women I should probably accept my blame

That's what they want to do, blame women and make women feel bad. It's basically a psychological construct to describe a developing phenomenon. Stella Gibbons wrote about a character like that in her best known novel, back in the 40s. She described him as 'Lawrentian' (after DH Lawrence). An old lady in my village knew DH Lawrence when he was young (she was from the same place) and used to say that he was creepy with women and used to make her uncomfortable when he came into the shop where she worked if nobody else was in.

They can't cope with women being independent and not beholden to losers.

being a single women was used in a shaming technique?

And it shouldn't.
19 Feb 2021   #22

How are called women that can't get a man?

I think the term "incel" is gender-neutral (although society-labeled and/or self-proclaimed "incel women" way more uncommon than men)
cruisepatron  1 | 95
19 Feb 2021   #23
"incel women"

That term practically does not exist because women control access to sex while men control access to marriage. It's easy for any women to get sex. But the tables turn when it comes to marriage. That's why men who can't get sex are seen as weak and shamed and the same applies for unmarried women or single mom's.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136
19 Feb 2021   #24
I actually wonder about that myself, can't come up with any terms I have heard right now on the spot.

Maybe "low-grade women"
Haven't used it myself of course (even tho that swearing one mentioned here on the forum could have given me nightmares)
19 Feb 2021   #25
There have been 5 shootings in America and one in Germany by 'incels'

The Toronto Van Attack in Canada couple years ago (which killed 10, several others injured. Only 2 of the dead were male), the attacker was a male self-proclaimed "incel" and even said afterwards that he wished he could've killed more pretty women (most of the women he killed were unremarkable-looking AND middle-aged-or-older)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #26
" They can't cope with women being independent and not beholden to losers."

A lot of those women are losers themselves like those women in the Warsaw Irish pub who allow those two pimps to kiss them and dance with them but think of you or Me or some other guy as losers when they themselves are. Just because they make money or have some job doesn't define happiness or if they are or are not losers.
mafketis  38 | 11276
19 Feb 2021   #27
How are called women that can't get a man?

Women are pickier than men.... almost any woman who abides by basic hygiene and can speak in a normal tone of voice can find a reasonably okay guy.

can't cope with women being independent and not beholden to losers

That's your inner status striver speaking.... what percentage of men in the UK are 'losers' what about Poland? What makes them 'losers'?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 Feb 2021   #28
Maybe they're losers because they're antisocial or don't have good game? Or bs their way through ****?
19 Feb 2021   #29
There have been 5 shootings in America and one in Germany by 'incels'. How long before something bad happens here?

In Canada, a few years ago an "incel-motivated" homicide (but NOT the Toronto Van Attack) was prosecuted as an "act of terrorism" (I think the first time ever in ANY country where an "incel-motivated" crime prosecuted as "act of terrorism")
cruisepatron  1 | 95
19 Feb 2021   #30
There is a single mom close to where I live. Just yesterday she tried to get laid with me.. I stopped her and told her she should work out with the father of her child. My view on these single mom's got even worse after yesterday.

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