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Foreign Older vs Younger Relationships In Poland

Videobroker  11 | 22
20 Oct 2018   #1
I don't think any of us plan on getting older. It just happens and one day, you are there, over 40 or 50 as life happens. Then you decide you want to go to Poland and perhaps find love again. Recently I fell in love with a 29 year old Polish girl, who after 2 months of daily interactions said she loved me more than I would ever know. Even her 4 year old was saying I love you in English. The girl spoke English, comes from a small town near Warsaw we got along great! She wasn't much into getting a Green Card or coming to America, especially because she can't get her daughter out of Poland without a court battle with her ex-boyfriend. She was never married. Long story short, after saying that age didn't matter and that we were meant for each other, she dumped. told me I was too old (45) and that I should go find some lady my own age, ended blocking me on Facebook and Messenger and that was that. I was left confused and broken hearted for about 3 weeks. My question to the members who really know Polish culture and women: Is it a waste of time to court and hope to have a relationship with younger Polish girls, and mean girls over 28-30? What if you are not Catholic? I seem to see a growing number of single mothers in Poland. How can they get their kids out to live in America, for example? I don't speak Polish but I could possibly learn since I speak fluent Portuguese. I have already been married and have 3 older kids, High School (1) College (2) and I am separated and finalizing a long-drawn out divorce. I am a U.S. Citizen and can spot a Green Card chaser a mile away. I am not rich. I am physically fit and look younger than my actual age, not but much though. 38 maybe. I am tired of American women in general and I am sure they are tired of me so I want to possibly live and work in Poland. Have friends there. Your opinions, please. Thank you.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Oct 2018   #2
Forty-five and twenty-nine's hardly a Lolita complex:-) Such relationships are much more common than most of us imagine.
terri  1 | 1661
22 Oct 2018   #3
The lady you encountered was not after you personally, but the chance to come to the USA, even though she said to you that it didn't matter. If you had married her and she came to the States, she would have divorced you within months, just after she got her citizenship. It was probably when she found out that you were not rich that she didn't see a future with you. Forget her and move on. This had nothing to do with age, but with her own financial situation. It seems strange that 'you are meant for each other' and the next minute she dumps you.

Loving someone has absolutely nothing to do with age, but with seeing a future together.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
22 Oct 2018   #4
Older with younger is entirely possible. But looking for that is a mistake. I met my GF 8 months ago purely by accident, and she is much younger than me. She has zero interest in ever going to the US, and is full of Polish pride, a trait that I admire. Look for a person, not any person of a certain age if you are going to look. If you want a real Polish beauty, inside and out, you had better be prepared for a strong, educated and opinionated partner. If you cant take that, then you probably need to look elsewhere.
OP Videobroker  11 | 22
4 Mar 2019   #5
yeah, age doesn't really matter if BOTH parties are genuine and legitimately interested in each other, unless, of course, it's an obvious mismatch such as 18 and 50!? But a 20-25 year difference has the potential to work out depending on maturity levels.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Mar 2019   #6
How can they get their kids out to live in America, for example?

They can't, nor will they want to. Family ties are important here, and no mother is going to take her child / children away from their grandparents.
Bardzo serdeczni
16 Jun 2019   #7
I would say that is a sad story but it is just silly. This isn't Western Europe man where at least theres a slim chance of a normal relationship or good time if she only has one kid. Single mothers generally are not interested in foreign men that much. Believe me, even living here as an older foreign man, even if you spoke Polish well and were above us middle class Younger Polish speaking foreign men $$ and social skills Wise(which you may well be afyer 2 years IF you did live Herę), single mothers probably prefer to be single mothers with an occasional Polish boyfriend than complicate things for an American.

Man you can have Polish friends for years and never be invited to hang with their real friends on the really big occasions. Just accept you are at the bottom of the pile and dont plan your life around Poland. Learning Polish is perfect for going to Ukrainę or The Czech Republic though, where not all single women have a stereotypical contempt for anglophone white males.

Conversely if you epokę Spanish and could dance Salsa shed prob have married you ha
OP Videobroker  11 | 22
18 May 2021   #8

American Man and Polish Women

I have been to Poland 4 times. I am in Krakow now, again. Initially I came to Poland because I fell in love with a single mother (some say big mistake). We could never solidify our relationship because she was so bipolar about us. One day, love, the next day distrust, one day happy, next day finding fault. I gave up on her. I am white, Italian heritage. I am middle aged, later 40s. she's early 30s. It just never dawned on me that perhaps there is a thing about a Polish woman committing to a foreigner, American or otherwise. Now, I realize that maybe I never got the memo: Polish girls may not be too interested in foreigners. I am an American citizen. To give you an idea, I am on Tinder, etc. and I cannot get any dates and I am not unattractive, weight in proportion to height, etc. Not a model, but a nice, decent guy by most people's opinions. of me. I am not rich, just average income. Higher here than in the USA. But here's my point, the whole time I am here, only date and get along with Ukrainian girls. Yes, I know some are gold diggers, but the ones I date or have dated have been amazing. So here I am in Poland and the only girls that like me are Ukrainian from 25-35! I also notice that most Polish girls I have talked to talk bad about Ukrainian girls. I look at people and their actions, not race. On the street, polish girls make eye contact. Most talk to me in Polish and none know I am an American until they figure out I can't speak Polish. My question to you guys is: am I doomed with Polish women? Do they even want an American guy? I read on this forum that Polish women want Polish men. But Ukrainian women want a good man. Even the younger ones talk about marriage and family. I am almost moving to Lviv, Ukraine because maybe there Ukrainian girls may be more romantic and more interested in foreigners. I hate to generalize. I am not talking about getting laid. I am talking about finding love in Poland. it's looking impossible. Tinder, FB groups, etc. I am getting discouraged about Polish women in general. But I love the country and the culture. I am also trying to keep a positive attitude, but maybe I am not facing reality here. Anyone feel the same way? I am not saying Polish women have been rude or prejudiced. I am saying that we are not able to connect and they flake out on dates, even the ones they set up themselves. Thanks.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
18 May 2021   #9
Your remarks sound to me as an American with many years of close contact with the Polish professional community more like typically US- ethnocentric value judgements. Not ALL Polish women fit neatly into such stereotypes. By the way, American men come across to Polish women I've known as testosterone-pumping, machismo manchildren!
19 May 2021   #10
Try your luck with Ukrainian girls. But remember they will be like Polish girls now in about 20years. It is like Evolution. More many more( or others) Expectations. Good luck.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
19 May 2021   #11
Mr Grunwald should. After all they are stealing the Polish men away and causing jelous to the Polish ones or envy for a reason hence theyre always talking abd about them behind their bak if you eavesdrop on conversations and know Polish.
19 May 2021   #12
It's not about you being a foreigner. It's about your age. You are around 50 and are looking for a woman around 30. Would that be easy in US? I doubt it. Why do you expect it to be easier in Poland? If anything, it should be even harder because of language barrier and cultural differences.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 May 2021   #13
A homeless, jobless bum will not be attractive to women no matter how old the bum is.
20 May 2021   #14
You are right, Novichok. However, homeless, jobless bums are rare in Poland. There is no shortage of "good" or "decent" men in Poland and no shortage of young foreign men. The OP is at disadvantage here and reminds me of those middle-aged Americans who are "looking for love" in Ukraine, basically for someone out of their league, a "trophy bride" from a much poorer country - no offence here, but let's not be naive. The behaviour of Ukrainian women towards foreigners has of course nothing to do with Ukraine being the poorest and least developed European country (with the exception of Moldavia perhaps). They are just more "romantic", because being more "romantic" means dating a man who age-wise could be your father. I suppose it is easy for such a man to fall in love with a young beautiful woman, but it doesn't work the same way for the said woman. Such relations are rare and usually transactional, with the man offering the woman material well-being and a valuable passport, while she gives him her youth and good looks. It's not love. In other cases, the age difference might be a small issue while on-line, but often becomes a deal-breaker after meeting in RL, because of lack of physical attraction to a much older man.
Novichok  4 | 8677
20 May 2021   #15
Such relations are rare and usually transactional,

... prostitution in slow motion.
Maximus2023  8 | 20
26 Apr 2024   #16
In my experience, people are people. There is no better people, just better individuals. I have found that Russian and Ukrainian girls that I personally met, value men that are fit, successful and make good providers and sex partners. Men that dress well and are manly. I have also found that (by personal experience) that dating Ukrainian women in Poland can be very transactional. The ones I met, were looking for someone that will fit a certain business profile and who can fully accept their (mother and daughter) relationships, which sometimes can be too hard to deal with as mother is calling several times a day.

If you find a good Ukrainian woman that is not transactional, it can be a they are usually very pretty at certain ages. Polish women, on the other hand, again in my personal experience, come across as more interested in romance, a family and a good man, as opposed to looking at the money part.

They seem to be willing to carry their own weight and fight for mutual success in the partnership and marriage and are unlikely to leave you if you lost your job, can't provide a nice flat or be the successful man type.

Polish women seem to be much less transactional and living in the US doesn't mean much to them, after all Poland is safer, healthier and a nice place to live, with a culture that is more sophisticated than modern-day USA.

ManyUkrainian women dress nicely, are shapely and they use their looks and intelligence to advance in life. For me personally, I would choose a Polish woman versus Belarussian, Russian or Ukrainian. But that's my personal preference and I match a lot better with Polish women.

I have already tried the other options and everything was purely transactional from the first meeting. They literally interview you to see what you have to offer. Polish ladies were completely different and not so focused on material things or financial benefits. I dated a Ukrainian girl whose idea of a partner or boyfriend was a man to pay for her lunches, dinners, bring her gifts, pay for her travels all the while getting nothing in return except her company. Once in a while she would meet some guy for sex and I was just the ATM and a fool for keeping that going. This happens a lot. I was naive when I first came to Poland. My eyes got opened after 2 bad relationships.

With Polish girls, it was just the opposite and total loyalty in life and intimacy. I would want a Polish woman to be the mother of my kids. The trust level for me personally is much higher. But, I want to say that this was MY experience. Side NOTE: If found Ukrainian ladies had a much higher sense of humor than Polish. I give them that.
Alien  26 | 6527
26 Apr 2024   #17
Side NOTE: If found Ukrainian ladies had a much higher sense of humor than Polish. I give them that.

I'd be happy too if I found a fool who would support me financially.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
26 Apr 2024   #18
When I was young I preferred older women. Now I always seem to attract un-needed younger women. I have a woman and I'm not rich. But it is probably because I will listen to a woman . And have always been a male Slut. I think young ladies recognize that experience. Compared to many men who act like little boys and are frankly useless. Sometimes I think Humans will be imperiled by all the dysfunction between the sexes now. I also think this fuels the whole Trans Fad with people left unsatisfied with human sexual relations. Because so many today utterly lack the mental and emotional ability to engage and manage relationships.

It is crazy the attentions I have seen totally unsolicited. Many beautiful 30 somethings. Often stuck with kids from very ill-advised relationships with dumbarses. A few very overt and highly aggressive.

It is better they avoid me. Not only would my wife do away with them; she is expert level at disposing of has quite literally killed a deer with a pocket knife.
Alien  26 | 6527
26 Apr 2024   #19
..She has quite literally killed a deer with a pocket knife.

Is her name Pocahontas?
dannytoro1  5 | 102
27 Apr 2024   #20
No. But perhaps it should be. Her parents raised that whole family out of 1920's rural farm life. They were a rough crew. A family in a time warp.

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