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Connecting with GAY MEN IN POLAND

bserchuk  1 | -
4 Apr 2011   #1
As a frequent visitor to Poland, I would like to know if there are any online forums where I can be in touch with other gay men in Poland. I love making new friends and acquaintances, and I thought people on this board would know of some sites.

I thank you in advance for your assistance.

southern  73 | 7059
4 Apr 2011   #2
Gays always welcome in Poland.Especially black and jewish.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
4 Apr 2011   #3
any online forum

Try if you speak Polish, or gayromeo if you don't. Not really forums but plenty of chat.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
4 Apr 2011   #4
I love making new friends and acquaintances

I am gay, but I am what would be referred to as a 'pitcher'.
nott  3 | 592
4 Apr 2011   #5
forums where I can be in touch with other gay men in Poland. I love making new friends and acquaintances

Provided they are gay...?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
4 Apr 2011   #6

be in touch with other gay men in Poland.

and the thread title. If he wants to meet the vast majority who aren't gay, he wouldn't need to specify that.
nott  3 | 592
4 Apr 2011   #7
read: bserchuk: be in touch with other gay men in Poland.

That's what I read. What's that in being gay that straight people are not considered potential friends nor acquaintances?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
4 Apr 2011   #8
Why do you think they aren't or assume he doesn't have straight friends already? After all, heterosexuals aren't exactly a rarity
4 Apr 2011   #9
A valid point made by JonnyM :-)
nott  3 | 592
4 Apr 2011   #10
Why do you think they aren't or assume he doesn't have straight friends already?

Doesn't really matter, does it? What he's looking for, are gay friends and acquaintances. Imagine I wrote the OP:

I am a frequent visitor to the UK. I would like to know if there are any online forums where I can be in touch with fckable women in the UK. I love making new friends and acquaintances, and I thought people on this board would know of some sites.

Why I transcripted 'gays' as 'fckable women', whadya think?

There's a deeper question in it, jonni. Either it is just about sex, or gays are really somehow different from the straights, so a gay man needs that continuous contact with them.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
4 Apr 2011   #11
I would like to know if there are any online forums where I can be in touch with fckable women in the UK.

Plenty - who'd need to ask? Ads for such things pop up whether you want them to or not - some of us select those we want to date from a smaller pool.

Either it is just about sex,

Or perhaps love.

gays are really somehow different from the straights

And football fans might want to chat about different topics to golfers. Of course they can talk about football with them, but don't you think it would be a bit tiring having to continuously explain the offside rule?
nott  3 | 592
4 Apr 2011   #12
nott: Either it is just about sex,
Or perhaps love.

Or love...

nott: gays are really somehow different from the straights

And football fans might want to chat about different topics to golfers. Of course they can talk about football with them, but don't you think it would be a bit tiring having to continuously explain the offside rule?

So what would be those topics, excluding sex/love, that women and straight men do not comprehend?
Barney  19 | 1729
5 Apr 2011   #13
You're being really thran here.
The guy wants to meet gay people what's the problem?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
5 Apr 2011   #14
do not comprehend?

Do not comprehend or perhaps enjoy talking about with their peer group? Anyway, what makes you think that gay people don't converse with their straight friends?

Or if you're somehow leading the discussion to sex, which indeed you have mentioned, perhaps you'd like to tell us how often you chat about your love life to a bunch of elderly married couples? After all, they may well be your friends, so why not? And why shouldn't a gay man prefer to shoot the breeze with another gay men? Why are you questioning who the OP would like to get to know?

Either you're being disingenuous or just stupid. From your previous form, probably both.
nott  3 | 592
5 Apr 2011   #15
how often you chat about your love life to a bunch of elderly married couples?

I don't visit other countries to chat about my love life.

Either you're being disingenuous or just stupid. From your previous form, probably both.

Seems I am getting my answer, although indirectly. Obliged.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
5 Apr 2011   #16
I don't visit other countries to chat about my love life.

Is that a reason that others shouldn't? A couple of million straight men in one city, a couple of million gay men in one continent.

Seems I am getting my answer, although indirectly

To a pointless and prurient question.
5 Apr 2011   #17
heterosexuals aren't exactly a rarity

It would seem from the activity on PF, this is going to be the summer of love in Warsaw.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
5 Apr 2011   #18
Seems I am getting my answer, although indirectly. Obliged.

You can see which section of the forum we're in - so why ask?
Faraon  - | 2
16 Aug 2012   #19
yes i tried it is the best and also
am Egyptian moving to poland too :)
rankalee  2 | 56
16 Aug 2012   #20
I heard in Wroclaw are many homosexuals ..
Faraon  - | 2
16 Aug 2012   #21
yes i agree i always use fellow and gayromeo are the best :)) kisses and good luck
24 Jun 2023   #22
Looking for contacts, please send me an email to, my name is Marek Łuszczki
Alien  25 | 6392
24 Jun 2023   #23
Today, returning from shopping in Dresden, I landed in the middle of a huge gay and lesbian parade. I have to admit that I felt a bit like an Alien. 😁
Novichok  4 | 8478
24 Jun 2023   #24
I landed in the middle of a huge gay and lesbian parade.

Did you ever land in the middle of a hetero parade?
Joker  2 | 2374
24 Jun 2023   #25
Gays always welcome in Poland.Especially black and jewish.

Good ol Southern, I miss his posts.

If any thread needs to be banned its this one...

Ive never met one Pole that approves of gays, until I came across Polish Forums
Novichok  4 | 8478
24 Jun 2023   #26
Why I am excluded from the pride parades? I thought they were about diversity and inclusion. What's up with that, pervs?
Joker  2 | 2374
25 Jun 2023   #27
All gays are lefties, its like a double disease.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Jun 2023   #28
Ooh, y'all do think about it a lot...
Novichok  4 | 8478
25 Jun 2023   #29
Do you know why I am excluded from the diversity pride parades?
I don't see N anywhere.
amiga500  5 | 1492
25 Jun 2023   #30
All gays are lefties


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