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Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ?

pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2023   #91
Like here you don't know what it is all about

While you always know everything. ;):):)
Good we have you here to explain things to us. Blessing. :):):):)

woman's real respect of the man.

Which is heaven sent, in your opinion. :):)
No, a male must earn this respect first. Nothing is given just like that.
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jun 2023   #92
I have to set certain boundaries somehow

So you use emotional blackmail (as that what it sounds like to me) and when they don't cave you try to get back to them as if nothing happened?

When somethingis a clear cut boundaryfor yoy

Health relationship need to be based on a man financial stability and woman's real respect of the man.

Because that's the model you want. Go ahead and be happy.

I earn my money and I have the same respect for man as for women.
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Jun 2023   #93
In short you need someone who is going respect and accept you quirks. In return you are willing to work hard providing, protect and rise your children right.

You are having problems trying to find such a person you would be attracted to.?.

My two penny , go for marriage, skip dating and all the romance from TV, just cloud the issue and is mostly to fulfill narcissistic streak in women.
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Jun 2023   #94
Oh how lovely, you disce women from poor countries just because they hold onto different values than you, doesn't it make you a racist? Misandry one, racist ✌.

Do you think women don't have a hard time to find a husband or someone? The only difference is they can get laid any time if they're not too picky.
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Jun 2023   #95
You are sad and lonely,
Paulina  19 | 4556
24 Jun 2023   #96
@Ironside, sorry, but I don't know what "disce" means.

doesn't it make you a racist? Misandry one, racist

No, I'm just being realistic. From what I know women who are considered to be a desirable catch in traditional (and usually poorer) countries usually marry local men. Those who go for foreigners are likely to do that to improve their situation. Of course, if Kashub1410 is OK with that then that's his choice (a rather disturbing choice for me personally though).
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jun 2023   #97
You are sad and lonely

Not at all.

I just like to work ( not crazy career or anything just being productive) and like being independent even more.

And I also believe all members of family deserve the same respect unless they do something that is not respect worthy.

go for marriage, skip dating

Arranged marriage?
Paulina  19 | 4556
24 Jun 2023   #98
@Kashub1410, I think I found something for you - you should go to Japan and look for Gaijin hunters ;D:

Just remember that after you marry

Go for it! GAIJIN POWER!!! ;D

mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Jun 2023   #99
Women are not loyal

You might want to give this a listen.... it's not that women aren't loya, the word simply has different meanings for men and women (mostly there are exceptions both ways but we're talking about large majorities of men and women).

shorter version: men define loyalty in terms of external obligations, duties and promises while women mostly define loyalties in terms of their own emotions. Lots of behavior that otherwise puzzles the opposite sex is easier to understand once you know this.
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Jun 2023   #100
Yes, seems like an arranged marriage work well.
Realistic? I would suggest prejudiced. I would say it works more often than not.
Why would you care anyway? Nobody ask you to marry Kashub.
24 Jun 2023   #101
adding me to their bunch i

Do you have reading comprehension problems? I was talking about guys in general, not you specifically.

Pretend about being somebody else? What you on about

Sometimes people try too hard to be what they think the other person wants in order to impress them etc. It never works.
Paulina  19 | 4556
24 Jun 2023   #102
Realistic? I would suggest prejudiced. I would say it works more often than not.

I would guess that it depends on circumstances. If someone lives and works in the country, knows the language and culture, the woman's family... But if a guy "orders" a mail-order bride on the internet that can barely communicate with him... then, well... :)

Also, I wonder where such a staunch Catholic like Kashub1410 would find a wife for himself that would be conservative enough for him? In Philippines? He probably might as well just find himself a wife in the Polish countryside in Podkarpacie, for example. I think he's being too dramatic :)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #103
At the moment I got a better chance at in Serbia a sapiosexual women or an Indian women within IT (with very desireable front chest)

None of them seem to be very arrogant, prejudiced or assuming the worst from me.

While local girls get nervous around me for no reason just because I have been doing more proper push ups lately.

I need to date down, no matter what kind of women I find. Even a daughter of a millionaire is beneath me. So spare me your "advices" as rightly pointed out. I am not interested in you, just asking for advice from good senior members here and was "venting" a little bit.

Great to notice who backs me up or not here
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Jun 2023   #104
in the Polish countryside in Podkarpacie

...or in Kashubian interior. :)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #105
Now we are talking!

Finally somebody with good advice! Thanks Kania! Gdańsk is capitol of Kashubs am I right?
Paulina  19 | 4556
24 Jun 2023   #106
While local girls get nervous around me for no reason just because I have been doing more proper push ups lately.

I doubt it has anything to do with your push ups/body-build. Unless you really look like some thug or a low life kibol.

Even a daughter of a millionaire is beneath me.

Oh wow... "Beneath you"... ;D ;D ;D You got some overblown ego. I rest my case - whatever hits you, you clearly deserve it, so I don't care anymore :) Good riddance, "princeling" ;D

...or in Kashubian interior. :)

Now that would be fitting - a Kashubian wife for Kashub1410 :)) But, nah, it's probably going to be better if Polish women are spared the "honour" of having to deal with Grunni's big muscles and his even bigger ego :P He's clearly too much for them ;D
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Jun 2023   #107
Gdańsk is capitol of Kashubs am I right?

There's quite a few cities competing for the honorary title but, being a capital of Pomeranian Vojvodship, I suppose Gdańsk has the right to call itself that.

However, if you are looking for a conservative, Catholic wife, you need to go to the Kashubian interior. Forget big cities. Look in villages around Kartuzy, Kościerzyna, Sierakowice etc. Ladies there are still unspoiled and you can find some real beauty there. Good luck! :)

Grunni's big muscles and his even bigger ego

Some women like both these things, as I can attest. :)
Maximus2023  8 | 20
24 Jun 2023   #108
I believe there is some cheating going on but mostly by Polish men, either with Polish ladies that aren't so conservative or with Ukrainian women. But to say that women cheat more in Poland seems to be untrue. I think the men cheat more. As for mental cheating and fantasies, quite possible on both genders. I would say that a Polish wife, if treated normal, is going to be pretty loyal. Polish women seem to have good moral values once they are in a committed relationship. I am also sure that there are many abused women suffering at the hands of jerk Polish husbands, women who suffer in silence because divorce still has a stigma. Single mothers are also stigmatized in Poland. For sure in America, non-religious women will cheat whenever they feel like it. I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot "pole".
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jun 2023   #109
mostly by Polish men

What??? You are talking nonsense, mister! I have never cheated on my wife while she has been my wife.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #110
Well you entertain Paulina. I grant you that, why not feed "my" ego by telling me how egocentric I am lol

Hmm I will check it out then. Perhaps I get lucky finding a bride. I was thinking more in the line of largest city that Kashubians claim as their own, and not only as a Polish city. Gdańsk seem to win it.

Sadly I can confirm that many women find arrogant and self centred men to be attractive. Due to them being upfront about what they need and want and do their most to have it. It's easily conflated with competence and confidence.

Eternal dilemma for female nature
24 Jun 2023   #111
While local girls get nervous around me for no reason just because I have been doing more proper push ups lately.

Maybe you don't give off a very good vibe because I doubt it's the push ups.

was "venting" a little bit.

You have a habit of snapping at everyone that isn't in agreement with you from reading the posts in this thread. Quite clearly you cannot take any criticism at all. Drop the arrogant attitude and chill a little bit. You come across as being too intense.
Paulina  19 | 4556
24 Jun 2023   #112
@Feniks, spot on, well observed...
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Jun 2023   #113
seems like an arranged marriage work well.

He could always try the matchmaking in Lisdoonvarna. It's worked for many a couple.

"The streets ring out with music and song, buzzing with dance, the craic and love for life. Bars and pubs headline some of the top names in country music, and from dance floor to cosy table, the little town of Lisdoonvarna in the west of Ireland is full of the promise and passion of 'meeting your match'. This is the Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival - the biggest event of its kind in Europe and part of the rich tradition of rural Ireland. A chance to gather and celebrate life, love, good music and great times! "

@ Kashub, would you consider going to the Festival? Maybe not this year but what about next year? Write to Willie in the meantime and let him know you're on the lookout for a match as we'd say in Ireland. Willie the Matchmaker will find you a nice Catholic girl.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
24 Jun 2023   #114
I don't care much about vibes, being tense or whatever. I am simply passionate! It's just too much to most people

Thanks for the suggestion, my Norwegian mom did a DNA test and found a bit of Celtic. So I guess it wouldn't hurt to try some day. Thank you
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Jun 2023   #115
I am simply passionate! It's just too much to most people

I know what you mean. Sometimes enthusiasm, coming from a man, can seem like aggression. The problem is that Polish culture is quite formal, when you don't know somebody well. You can be seen as odd or eccentric if you don't conform to expected, rather bland norms. Balls to the lot of them, I say!
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jun 2023   #116
I don't care much about vibes, being tense or whatever.

Your problem is that you are trying to find a partner and that means you have to convince people you are a person that they would enjoy in their life. And they are not mind readers.

While obviously you have to stay yourself and find somebody who wants the real you you also have to accept that how you come across is very important for at least a year of knowing each other

when you don't know somebody well.

True but I would say it allows waaaay more passion than British .

Home / Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ?
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