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Polish - Pakistani relationship. How it works in reality? Are Pakistanis a good men?

Wulkan  - | 3136
3 Mar 2016   #61
I thought it would make sense to level the playing field with actual facts

Facts that indians are über alles, I understand :-)

I know this doesn't fit your rhetoric but just maybe this might make you second guess your ridiculous, retarded statements.

Perhaps I should make a statement first before you could classify it as retarded because so far I only asked the question.
Levi  11 | 433
3 Mar 2016   #62
Well considering the fact that this whole thread (and this whole forum) is basically about being gigantic bigots against south asians

Bigotry are prejudice against the unknown.

Since i live in a city with 350 thousand indians and 250 thousand pakistanis (pretty much 45% of the population), in my case i can say that this kind of relationship WILL MOSTLY NOT WORK.

And you cannot say that this is due to the lack of knowledge. I live among pakistanis. And i know how hardline they are. A relationship between a polish woman and a pakistani man most probably will result in a lot of pain and misunderstandings, if not violence against the woman.

The same applies to some indians (being Indian Sikhs and Indian Christians the exception, since most of them are quite educated and relatively in line with European heritage).
gumishu  15 | 6228
3 Mar 2016   #63
being Indian Sikhs

Sikh religion clearly states that men are equal to women
3 Mar 2016   #64
Sikh's very decent,honorable hard working people, they have contributed positively to every western country they have moved to.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90
3 Mar 2016   #65
Since i live in a city with 350 thousand indians and 250 thousand pakistanis (pretty much 45% of the population), in my case i can say that this kind of relationship WILL MOSTLY NOT WORK.

It's so pathetic that you still don't know, at your age, that marriage or relationships depends solely on the individuals and not the race, religion or political affiliation of the persons involved.

Are you saying that Poles who're married to Poles do not divorce or separate? Did you ever ask any Polish girl the number of relationships they've been through? The numbers most of them 'll give may sweep you away.
porky pok  2 | 127
4 Mar 2016   #66
Sikh's very decent,honorable hard

My dad was a sikh
31 Mar 2016   #67
Not about how much money the Muslim or Hindu has. Not about how white the skin of an Arab is.
It is about Strong Ethnic Pride. A love for ones very own White Race. Acceptance of ones Polish Heritage. It is about rejecting mixing White DNA with something that will degenerate and destroy Genetic Inheritance. If a female is too stupid to find an acceptable White Polish Male to be the father of her progeny, than she must be shunned at all costs to her. She does not belong. The Strong Polish Community, The White Men, must NEVER pay for her kids existence. These and their mother, are foreigners in Poland . Just as Indians and Pakis and Asian horrors are foreigners in White countries. India for Indians, Pakis for Punjab. Only White Polish People for Poland and Polish History. Blacks marrying Whites is going up in the world. But, for White women to marry Darkies is depression.

Here is a podcast that explains the female destructive mind:
= Scroll down to = "Why women destroy nations"

John Kaminski = 'On Civilization, Society and Women'
Levi  11 | 433
19 May 2016   #68
"It's so pathetic that you still don't know, at your age, that marriage or relationships depends solely on the individuals and not the race, religion or political affiliation of the persons involved."

A huge part of the individual is a product of his family creation, beliefs and culture.

As i said, i like in a city with 250 thousand pakistanis. Almost all marriages that i saw between pakistanis and westerns (only pakistani man, since pakistani woman is not allowed to marry non muslim) finished in fights, domestic violence and eventually acid throwed on the face of the woman.

As much as you (a muslim, as i remember) try to insit the opposite to convince people here to convert to your religion, it is clear that the inherent violence of islamic countries against woman doesnt just "vanish" when muslims move out of it.
20 Dec 2021   #69
i am pakistani and no matter which religion my gf follows i will always support her. yah i am told that i am muslim but it's pretty much a name tag only. yah i can say i am non practicing muslim and if my non muslim wife wants she can raise our children jew or Christian etc.whatever she wants
Alien  26 | 6527
20 Dec 2021   #70
Mannan, you are welcome!
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Nov 2024   #71
I dont' know how I'm just finding about this now.... Well I'd heard of the disgusting story but had no idea there was a Polish connection

Disgusting pieces of human filth, Urfan Sharif, his wife and his brother abused his daughter Sara for two years until died.... then the three fled to Pakistan and were arrested when they returned to the UK

Apparently the girls' biological mother was Polish....

Will look up more about this tragic story.... why was the girl put in an abusive home?
Crow  155 | 9699
18 Nov 2024   #72

The real question is, are Pakistanis a good woman?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
18 Nov 2024   #73
The real question is, are Pakistanis a good woman?

What is it to you?

They are only allowed to marry first cousins and have deformed or mentally retarded kids as a consequence.

But that's OK, they kept the wealth within the family.

Nuts is what I would call it!
mafketis  38 | 11260
19 Nov 2024   #74
allowed to marry first cousins

Was the fact that poor Sara Sharif had a Polish mother mentioned much in the British news cycle? How was custody granted to her dirtball father (who apparently had a record of abusing Polish women).

I know that noticing things is becoming illegal in the UK (see Southgate) but the more I find out about this case the angrier I get (and not just at the dirtball 'family' that killed a little girl).
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Nov 2024   #75
How was custody granted to her dirtball

That suggests a serious issue with the mother who isn't mentioned much and has a right to privacy.

She should never have slipped through the net however that's what happens when you have hardly any Social Workers or Educational Welfare Officers just so the already wealthy can get a tax break and be even wealthier.

That and a family who have a lot to conceal and are good at concealing things.
Feniks  2 | 857
19 Nov 2024   #76
Was the fact that poor Sara Sharif had a Polish mother mentioned much in the British news cycle?

It had been reported but I found reading about the whole case very distressing:
Alien  26 | 6527
21 Nov 2024   #77
Pakistanis a good men

Crow  155 | 9699
21 Nov 2024   #78
What is it to you?

Nothing really. I only didn`t like sexist tone of the thread.

They are only allowed to marry first cousins and have deformed or mentally retarded

They are sinners alright. Very very and deeply sick sinners hated by God. But, listen this. I mentioned this, I think, on this forum in past. See, I was shocked when sow, in my city of Novi Sad, how Italian tourist kissing his child in the mouth. I was on the verge of kicking the Italian and so many other Serbs that sow it.

Many sick bastards walk free and we all need to tolerate cultural differences. NOT when it comes to certain things. You want to marry your own sister? No problem. But go fu*k yourself out from here. You want to kiss your child in the mouth? No, not here.
Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Nov 2024   #79
Sara Sharif: Father claimed death was accident, says grandad in Pakistan
Just as in this case...

Your Honor, it was an accident. He fell on the knife six times.

Now, Euro weasels, if somebody is found guilty of premeditated murder, what would you sentence him to if it was entirely up to you. No lectures on British laws, please.
mark260958  - | 3
8 Jan 2025   #80
It varies because there are different kind of boys found in Pakistan. Their religion and culture promotes them to be loyal with single women but when it comes to reality in 2025, almost 90% of men and women are not sticking with it. Be ensure and check him through focusing on red and green flags. Never trust a man whether he is a Pakistani or whatever else on base of his words. Be mature and practical and take step while setting a safe zone for you. I am again warning you as a men, never trust a man's words and acts. Play with their physclogy to get out their real version whether they are playboys or gentlemen.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
8 Jan 2025   #81
A pole would pimp his mother for $100 mo, a pakistani would do it for fruit or meat.
Ironside  51 | 13083
8 Jan 2025   #82
A pole would pimp

you on the other hand are so noble and above all of them because you would pimp your mother for the whole 150$
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 257
8 Jan 2025   #83
Interesting debate between a German and Pakis 😁

You would never guess the favorite historical figure of Pakistanis

Damn it! I hate to have to side with pakis over a white German dude, but here we are. That guy is a cucked out retard.

That "German" is so illiterate not to know that Germany and Austria had been together in the Holy Empire for about a thousand years (until 1806) and even together in the German Association until 1866. Austrians are germanic tribes. And he is so typically - by the jewish-controlled media and education in Germnay - filled with self-hatred as to despise Hitler for what he, this illiterate piece of nothing, believes Hitler had done!

Pakis and most people outside of ZOG tentacles have far higher IQs than westerners.

Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Jan 2025   #84
You would never guess the favorite historical figure of Pakistanis

I would.

@Vesko Vukovic, what about you? Is Hitler your hero too? Because I'm not sure what makes you so excited about those comments o_O
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
9 Jan 2025   #85
somebody check out this forum, it's dinosauric

Home / Love / Polish - Pakistani relationship. How it works in reality? Are Pakistanis a good men?
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