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Online matrimonial - a good way to find a true Polish man/woman on the net?

wildrover  98 | 4430
19 Dec 2010   #31
have more than one wife.

Never understood is more than enough trouble for any man....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Dec 2010   #32
And more than one wife also means more than one mother-in-law! My case rests.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
17 Jul 2011   #33
Wildrover - what's the latest with you and your Russian леди (lady)? Still getting married in May and moving to Russia?
teflcat  5 | 1024
17 Jul 2011   #34
If you created a virtual online world for people before they got married, were they could co-exist in the vitual sense and make the day to day decisions about life, maybe there would be less divorce out there.

Already exists. Called second life. There's an interesting documentary about it available through the Documentary Heaven website.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Jul 2011   #35
I know some RC-bashers will fret and fume at the prospect, but for young adults a far safer bet of meeting someone sincere and suitable would be at a Duszpasterstwo Akademickie (Campus Ministry). No, I'm not that naïve toi believe those are all angels. Hell, even the throngs of pilgrims that flock to Częstochowa each August are peppered with pickpockets, thieves and assorted con artists. But on balance, chances of meeting someone decent for a serious relationship leading to matrimony are much better in those circles than at a pub or club.
22 Jul 2011   #36
Hell, even the throngs of pilgrims that flock to Częstochowa each August are peppered with pickpockets, thieves and assorted con artists.

Condom sales in Poland are at their highest during the two weeks when people are walking to Czestochowa.
22 Jul 2011   #37
fret and fume

P3: No-one has fretted or fumed about anything since the late 1950s. Do keep up.

young adults

This is 2011. Even RC-compliant young adults are, as a rule, not looking to tie the knot at age 18. Or are even thinking about it. And to a [wo]man they're very resistant to paternalistic vademecums about how they should approach this.

When my boy turns 18, I will be nearly 60. I have about as much chance of successfully influencing his decisions in this area (if I haven't already done so, which of course I hope I will have to some extent) as you do of getting a groove on to the latest Lady Gaga club mix.

I am constantly amazed why moralists of all denominations refuse to accept the basic premise that younger people may be capable of making enlightened moral decisions in their own right - we have to intercede, always, on their 'behalf'. Which is a very 'give a man a fish' approach. Our duty is to teach them how to fish, right?
IKrash  1 | 19
22 Jul 2011   #38
internet is a lie its nothing more then that if you want a life that includes dating money etc try real life . Like someone above me said that its full of con artists or depressed people with lack of social skill some just come to brag etc to each his own . You can take internet seriously because you have no way to test whether the other person is fake or real so try not to indulge in it
szarlotka  8 | 2205
22 Jul 2011   #39
You can take internet seriously because you have no way to test whether the other person is fake or real so try not to indulge in it

Er, weren't you the one that started the 'testing' thread which opened with the revelation that you had a 'testing' online Polish girlfriend?
anabella  1 | 8
22 Jul 2011   #40
I think it can work. Worked for my friend. So, best of luck!!
Marynka11  3 | 639
22 Jul 2011   #41
everybody would be converting to islam or the mormon faith to have more than one wife.

Did they show the series "Big Love" in Poland? It was a very interesting insight into a modern day polygamist family.

FYI, only fundamentalists Mormons still have multiple wives. The Church of Latter Day Saints only allows one, and they are the church that is commonly understood as THE Mormon church.
3 Nov 2015   #42
Merged: I am in love with a Polish man

Help.. I am In love with a polish man only we have never met in person.. there have been many years of texting and phone calls and pictures.. I am fat now and I am afraid to go see him because of my weight... he texts me all the time about sex and tells me I'm beautiful but he has not seen my belly or my ass in a recent picture... I'm thinking I should back away and tell him I'm not interested.. I do not want him to feel like I led him on... what to do??
jon357  72 | 23518
3 Nov 2015   #43
Are you:

a) Planning to meet him in real life any time soon?
b) Unsure about how easy it is to lose some weight if you want to?
c) Unaware that he might be fine about your appearance as it is?
d) Sure his pics are genuine?


e) Aware that there are easy apps for phone/tablet that can slim down photos of people? Karen Danczuk, the awful 'selfie queen' uses them. In real life she's a lot fatter than she looks in the pics.
Sczur  - | 28
11 Nov 2015   #44
I want to put my son up with a Polish girl and he is 16 years old is there a site for pre arranged marriage from respectable families not prostitutes
24 Oct 2018   #45

Are Polish women not into Internet dating?

Many polkas I've met in real life have been flirty. Slovak and Czech girls are far less flirty, they're more reserved in real life. Same for Russian ones (as they care about a man's money only). However, Polish women seem not into Tinder or Fb chats, they're reserved online. Is that true?
Alexbrz  3 | 78
25 Oct 2018   #46
If they are you're not doing it right.
Sparks11  - | 333
25 Oct 2018   #47
You might have to talk to one in real life...
6 Feb 2022   #48

Which website to speak with polish woman ?

Hello !

Which free website or application in English or French are good to speak with polish woman ?
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 Feb 2022   #49
Condom sales in Poland are at their highest during the two weeks

and a huge majority of people who are born die - they probably die because they are born - it happens so that the month the pilgrimages occur is the time of summer vacations so yeah it doesn't matter
Novichok  4 | 9000
7 Feb 2022   #50
and a huge majority of people who are born die

...while the rest are aborted.
pawian  226 | 27539
7 Feb 2022   #51
they probably die because they are born

No, mere birth isn`t enough to die. You also need to live a life, which is a lethal disease. Sexually transmitted.

Home / Love / Online matrimonial - a good way to find a true Polish man/woman on the net?
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