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Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive?

local_fela  17 | 172
4 Aug 2014   #31
No disrespect to anyone...

I don't find attractive Polish women

I love woman. But Polish women are attractive...maybe not 100% my type but they are. I'd prefer British chick over them..

Yet I couldn't find any Polish girl who is interested in or has an idea about those topics

Yes, this is quite common here. As most of them are pretty much interested about just what they know and dont want the opportunity to open up a bit more.
Englishman  2 | 276
4 Aug 2014   #32
I'd prefer British chick over them.

Are you seriously saying you prefer British women over Polish ones?

OK, there's the occasional British woman who's amazingly beautiful, kind, clever, cultured etc, and the occasional Polish woman who's the opposite. But on average, I'd say Polish women trump British ones. As someone else here wrote recently about Poland, it's where the woman in your local bakery looks like a supermodel from the West...
johnny reb  49 | 7943
4 Aug 2014   #33
First of all I can't believe I would stoop to such ignorance to even respond to Don Juan. (ilias: Adokas)
It is a culture thing Don Juan, you are out of your elimate.
Greek men totally bearded and dressed in black and picking up women to take back to their hermitages sitting around at taverns while the women in black wait on them and make cooing sounds doesn't entice Polish women.

Polish women like to rock with a little femanism and don't really get into Geek boys.
This may be why they have that look on their face, the GO AWAY LOOK once you open your mouth.
Rejection is hell on egoism.
Once you take a long hard look in a mirror you will understand that "Denial" is not a river in Egypt.

This thread has answered question, "Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive?"......YES !
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Aug 2014   #34
Are you seriously saying you prefer British women over Polish ones?

I do

OK, there's the occasional British woman who's amazingly beautiful, kind, clever, cultured etc, and the occasional Polish woman who's the opposite

British women have beter sense of individualism, better sense of humour, are more ambitious, and emotionally more stable while Polish women are very often a moody cows. The only thing that Polish women beat British women on average is obesity problem, but since fast food is getting more and more popular in Poland they will catch up them quite soon.

As someone else here wrote recently about Poland, it's where the woman in your local bakery looks like a supermodel from the West...

There are loads of British super models while only few Polish ones, the numbers don't lie.
Meathead  5 | 467
6 Aug 2014   #35
British women have beter sense of individualism, better sense of humour, are more ambitious, and emotionally more stable while Polish women are very often a moody cows. The only thing that Polish women beat British women on average is obesity problem, but since fast food is getting more and more popular in Poland they will catch up them quite soon.

I prefer British women also, but more ambitious? Being ambitious and being British doesn't exist...and there's no one more ambitious than Polish women.
Wulkan  - | 3136
6 Aug 2014   #36
Being ambitious and being British doesn't exist

I have never even heard a stereotype like that. Do you talk about uneducated British chavs who prefer to stay on benefits instead of doing lowest paid jobs? There are minorities like that in every country.

and there's no one more ambitious than Polish women.

That's also a new one. But there is quite true stereotype about Polish women that they don't work and like to be taken care of by their men, how is that ambitious?
Meathead  5 | 467
6 Aug 2014   #37
I have never even heard a stereotype like that. Do you talk about uneducated British chavs who prefer to stay on benefits instead of doing lowest paid jobs? There are minorities like that in every country.

The British lack self confidence to be ambitious.

That's also a new one. But there is quite true stereotype about Polish women that they don't work and like to be taken care of by their men, how is that ambitious?

No way. Polish women are shrewd and ambitious and love to work. If you like a working wife marry a Polish girl. If you want a stay at home Mum take an English wife. English and Polish women are as different as chalk and cheese.
Wulkan  - | 3136
6 Aug 2014   #38
The British lack self confidence to be ambitious.

That's why they colonised half of the world, because they lack self confidence...

If you like a working wife marry a Polish girl. If you want a stay at home Mum take an English wife.

I think you got the things wrong way round buddy
Szalawa  2 | 239
6 Aug 2014   #39
That's why they colonised half of the world, because they lack self confidence...

Picking on the weak, they say the bully lacks self cofidence
jon357  72 | 23400
6 Aug 2014   #40
I suppose you may well say that, with your decades of life experience and historical insight (oops - I forgot you're a teenager).

I think you got the things wrong way round buddy

Spot on, though not everyone is the same.

English and Polish women are as different as chalk and cheese.

Two rather similar nationalities, if anything.
local_fela  17 | 172
6 Aug 2014   #41
Are you seriously saying you prefer British women over Polish ones?

Yes, I would!

British women have beter sense of individualism, better sense of humour, are more ambitious, and emotionally more stable while Polish women are very often a moody cows.

Spot on mate!

The British lack self confidence to be ambitious.

You must be joking. British ladies are way better educated and capable to build their own path towards success. We can't really see many women here in Poland or anywhere else in the world having a good position at work compared to British ladies, they have more self confidence. Honestly, I miss those times when my British lady manager use to command our floor compared to managers (both sex) from there. (no disrespect - just comparing).

Polish women are shrewd and ambitious and love to work.

Love to work yes.. but no ambition to go further ahead.. :(
Englishman  2 | 276
7 Aug 2014   #42
I've met a lot of Polish women who are educated and ambitious and have good jobs. And even if they're doing normal jobs, I think they're more educated and interested in politics and world affairs, culture and history than most British women in similar positions. Also feminism is not a dirty word to Polish women whereas it seems to be for many British ones.
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Aug 2014   #43
I've met a lot of Polish women who are educated and ambitious and have good jobs. And even if they're doing normal jobs, I think they're more educated and interested in politics and world affairs, culture and history than most British women in similar positions.

I have exactly the opposite experience.
10iwonka10  - | 359
15 Aug 2014   #44

Your stereotyping is just painful- I only guess that you were rejected by some polish girl and it hurt !!!!

i think that all is about class- there are pretty, ambitious, clever, witty polish girl and the same about british ones.Again you can find chavs in Poland and England.

In same way with modern era, globalisation, EU there are probably less cultural differences now than 50 years ago.
noreenb  7 | 548
15 Aug 2014   #45
All my female Polish friends are well educated, clever, ambitious, just like 10Iwonka10 said. Some of them have several faculties and still think about further education, although they are over 30, having their own families.

Wishing you to meet intelligent Polish women then.
Maybe you will change your mind a bit.
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Aug 2014   #46
Your stereotyping is just painful- I only guess that you were rejected by some polish girl and it hurt !!!!

No, I have never been rejected by a Polish woman, not in a sense that you mean. I just say my opinion based on my personal experience and I agree with you that there are women like that in both nations.

Wishing you to meet intelligent Polish women then.

I have already decdided to spend the rest of my life with the British woman. It's just my personal opinion and the reason why it's hurting you is because you are Polish woman yourself. And that's bringing another stereotype about Polish women that they can't take the criticism.
noreenb  7 | 548
15 Aug 2014   #47
Nobody likes being criticised. It's not Polish national trait.
However I don't feel hurt at all.
Remember, that fate has sometimes our decisions and plans as nothing and may cause you to fell for not educated enough and not too smart, however, always sweet, Polish girl.

Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Aug 2014   #48
Remember, that fate has sometimes our decisions and plans as nothing and may cause you to fell for not educated enough and not too smart, however, always sweet, Polish girl.

I appreciate that you promote Polish man with Polish woman relationships but in my case it's just not going to happen.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
16 Aug 2014   #49
There are Polish women who are unattractive......but from what I see, there are more Polish women who are attractive.

So in my opinion, if this guy Adokas who started this silly thread can't find one Polish woman as being attractive....then I think most likely Adokas is Gay.
16 Aug 2014   #50
So if a man from China happened to not find women from say Australia his thing, he is gay ?
10iwonka10  - | 359
16 Aug 2014   #51
I appreciate that you promote Polish man with Polish woman relationships but in my case it's just not going to happen

I partly understand what you mean but it is harsh just to blame polish women. I think that problem is deeper it is cultural one.

My husband is English and to be fair I find British men more attractive than Polish ones. In Poland it is often like in Italy men are a 'mummy boys' first looked after by mum then by wife. In England young people move out early ,share houses ,get more independent.

About women- It depends where they live- in small town/villages it is so big pressure to get married ( not get left on the shelf!!!) so they they don't always have chance to think about education,independence . Unless...they start university, move to bigger town ,get some independence.....
26 Aug 2014   #52
I was born in Poland but lived and worked abroad for 12 years in North America and Western Europe. I have also traveled extensively to Americas, Europe and Asia. I was fortunate to have sex with women of all races.

Imo Polish women on average are not attractive. They have asymmetrical faces with oversized noses and small chins. They look pretty bad without make-up (most of them overuse it btw) as their skin is pale and rather spotty.

Only today I was in the lift in the office building in central Warsaw. There were 7 females all of them bad looking and 3 of them overweight/obese. I know it is a small sample but hopefully it proves my point.
Englishman  2 | 276
26 Aug 2014   #53
Imo Polish women on average are not attractive. They have asymmetrical faces with oversized noses and small chins.

Asymmetrical faces? Oversized noses and small chins? Pale, spotty skin? How many Polish women have you actually met?

BTW the women you saw in the lift in Warsaw could have been from any country; probably a multi-national with employees from all over Europe and maybe further afield.
10iwonka10  - | 359
26 Aug 2014   #54
'I was born in Poland but.....' another frustrated I guess with big nose and big ego rejected by some polish woman :-)
26 Aug 2014   #55
to Englisman. Dude, for the reference I have been in Warsaw for 5 months now .Btw all females in the lift were Polish as they were chatting in their mother tongue. Polish buty is the biggest myth that exists. If you want to see pretty faces go to Sweden, Japan, Colombia, Ethiopia depending which skin colour you like.
Wulkan  - | 3136
26 Aug 2014   #56
If you want to see pretty faces go to Sweden, Japan, Colombia, Ethiopia depending which skin colour you like.

Talking about Africa, it's Angola I would choose over Ethiopia when it comes to pretty faces. Colombian girls are nice but imho Argentina would take the first place in South America. Korea over Japan but can't argue with Sweden, definitelly the best girls in Scandinavia!

another frustrated

Or maybe he just said his opinion and you are ego hurt? just my thought.
Englishman  2 | 276
26 Aug 2014   #57
@ Sven, each to his own I guess, but I couldn't spend five hours in Warsaw without having my head turned by beautiful women. Five months? You'd see more pretty girls than in a lifetime in some of the places you've mentioned. Plus, Polish women aren't just easy on the eye, they're also smart, kind, funny, and great company. How sad for you that you haven't set aside your prejudices and fallen in love with one...
10iwonka10  - | 359
26 Aug 2014   #58

It is nothing to do with ego. It is just completely idiotic ,narrow minded writing.People who write these kind of opinions have clearly hurt ego.

It is as if someone said- All British women are fat ,plain with rabbit teeth- is it true? I think your wife is British.....
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Aug 2014   #59
Five months? You'd see more pretty girls than in a lifetime in some of the places you've mentioned.

And the funniest part of it that you have never visited any of the places he has mentioned.

Plus, Polish women aren't just easy on the eye, they're also smart, kind, funny, and great company.

We are all very happy that your woman is so perfect for you.

How sad for you that you haven't set aside your prejudices and fallen in love with one

What a stupid thing to say, it's like: how sad that you haven't set aside your prejudices and fallen in love with the woman from your country of England just like I did. But the truth is that I don't think it's sad, nothing sad about natural selection...

It is as if someone said- All British women are fat ,plain with rabbit teeth- is it true? I think your wife is British.....

But he didn't say that they are all like that, it's obviously just generalising...
2 Jan 2015   #60
I agree yeah there will be attractive ones although any polish women I have met or seen in Glasgow seem to look physically unwell drunk addicted types and are all sluts

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