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Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive?

Adokas  1 | 2
22 Jul 2014   #1
When I'm telling this to people, they can't understand and they don't believe me. That's was the one of the reasons why I came in Poland actually, I wanted to focus on my studies, so since I don't find attractive Polish women, it's a perfect place for me. I really wonder if I'm the only one like this or not. Something in their face bothers me, I don't want to say something asymmetric but still something is wrong for me.
Schmiznurf  9 | 31
22 Jul 2014   #2
There's nothing wrong with not finding Polish women attractive, but you must be seeing the wrong women because there are a lot of very attractive women where I live and it's a small town.
Englishman  2 | 276
22 Jul 2014   #3
And how about Polish men? Are you finding them surprisingly attractive? If so, you're probably gay. It's the only reason I can think of why you might not find Polish women attractive :-).

Joking apart, of course beauty is subjective, and I guess there are some men who don't see it in some Polish women. But I think a lot of men consider Polish women to be among the most attractive in the world, so it's strange you don't consider them so.
Roger5  1 | 1432
22 Jul 2014   #4
Polish women come in all shapes and sizes. Perhaps you just aren't attracted to women. There's nothing wrong with that per se. It's just something you have to come to terms with yourself.
jump_bunny  5 | 236
22 Jul 2014   #5
You're most likely not the only one and while I believe this is possible to find Polish women unattractive this must due to the way they act, their accent or customs. It's not like they all look the same and you sound ridiculous saying it's something about their faces.

Where are you from?
22 Jul 2014   #6
Are you speaking from your own personal experience Roger?
Roger5  1 | 1432
22 Jul 2014   #7
No, I'm nuts about women, especially my Polish wife.
22 Jul 2014   #8
So you are saying that, if you dont find women from say North Korea attractive or say India, that you are in passing " par se " not that there's anythinge wrong with that ?.
jon357  72 | 23522
22 Jul 2014   #9
Come on. The kind of person who starts a thread like that would probably be glad if any woman or man under 80 let him use it.
10iwonka10  - | 359
22 Jul 2014   #10
Polish women are Slavic like Czech, Slovakian,Croatian,Serbian....I wouldn't say we are just so much different or unusual like with third eye or something:-)
OP Adokas  1 | 2
23 Jul 2014   #11
I'm seeing that some Polish girls/gays(which I'm totally okay with them) claims that I'm not straight. LOL. I'm straight as hell. The thing is I'm a backpacker and I've been in 20+ countries so far, which means I've seen thousands of girls and I've slept with some of them. My favorite is red heads for sure but I had some blond girlfriends from Scandinavia, brunette girlfriends from South America and some from Asia. I'm thinking maybe that's the reason. While I'm travelling I can see a lot of pretty girls around the world, but when I'm living in some place for a while, I'm seeing all kinda girls, cute ones and ugly ones. And also lack of education and general knowledge about world might be a reason. Honestly I can speak every kinda topic with a girl from Nordic countries. I can speak about history ( not only WW's), politics, world problems, art and scientific events. Yet I couldn't find any Polish girl who is interested in or has an idea about those topics. FYI this is really important for me. Lastly, we( educated people ) know that liking someone is all about biology. To produce better human race, we need better genes, and when we're looking for someone to have sex, our biological consciousness searching for girl who has good genes to make a child. Who knows maybe my genes + Slavic genes are not the best combination for an ideal child. Gene pool is very important folks.

And for the people who are wondering about me, I'm 21 y.o, male, who's doing sports for years. I've read over 200 books in 14 years. I'm a Theist, coming from wealthy family and lastly I'm from Turkey.

To sum up, redheads rocks! Long live redheads! Rock'n'Roll forever!
Wroclaw Boy
23 Jul 2014   #12
where do these weirdos come from?
maraz  - | 6
23 Jul 2014   #13
Hi! I don't know how you'd know that people who replied to your post are Polish... But to the point. First you say there's something weird about Polish girls' faces, then you suggest that we are all uneducated. Seems to me like you're forming very general opinions basing like on a few girls you talked to. And I don't know where you found them. I assure you there are many intelligent and well educated girls in Poland, who like to talk about history and politics (especially among students like me). And I don't think we all have one specific look in Poland, one that is so extremely different from say Skandinavia. To make such generalizations wouldn't sound very educated-like ;P

Maybe those girls you talked to could sense you are "looking for someone to have sex with" and that's why they didn't want to talk to you about history or anything else?

And lastly I wouldn't suppose it's our genes you find so off-putting. That would mean that for some reason all the people in Turkey shouldn't be attracted to all Polish people. And yet I've been to Turkey twice with various friends (though they always were female and Polish) and if anything we were getting too much attention (especially the blond ones).
Wulkan  - | 3136
23 Jul 2014   #14
My favorite is red heads

I like red heads but prefer natural blonds.

my genes + Slavic genes are not the best combination for an ideal child.

I've got the same feeling about myself

I'm from Turkey.

Nobody is perfect
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
23 Jul 2014   #15
lastly I'm from Turkey.

do Poland a favor and go back!

Yet I couldn't find any Polish girl who is interested in or has an idea about those topics.

Maybe because your boring and uneducated and say mean things to women who really don't find you attractive and might even not like things about your face.
OP Adokas  1 | 2
23 Jul 2014   #16
It's not your business I can go wherever I want, whenever I want, I have enough money to do that ;)

Maybe you're right but I don't understand one thing; if they're not find me attractive, why they're coming and asking me out, and even asking me about sex?

First of all, I don't talk about art and history when I'm looking for someone to have sex with, I'm talking it when I'm having a friendly conversation. I didn't say you're uneducated but I strongly believe you need to read more books to understand what you've read.

If you could read that part, you'd see that I talked about genes, not only out look differences between Slavic and Nordic, I'm guessing you couldn't understand that part :/

And about my genes, I'm from Turkey but I'm coming from Greek family. We were here before the Turks, so we don't have same genes.
jump_bunny  5 | 236
23 Jul 2014   #17
where do these weirdos come from?

it seems like they're from turkey.

i'm a polish female and i'm not attracted to turkish men... why's that? must be something their faces...
Roger5  1 | 1432
23 Jul 2014   #18
Adoka. I think the answer to your question is clear. Yes, you are the only one who doesn't find Polish women attractive. It might now be a good time to take your good looks, extensive library and huge financial resources to another country.
Englishman  2 | 276
23 Jul 2014   #19
Gene pool is very important folks.

So now you think Polish women are not only unattractive but also uneducated, and a poor genetic match for you?

There is another possible explanation for why you and Polish women don't 'click'. Human beings pick up on body language and pheromones produced when another person is attracted to them. Men in particular aren't that good at consciously spotting these things, including when people flirt with us, but we respond to them subconsciously.

It may be that the 'problem' is that Polish women just aren't that into you, possibly because they find your approach somewhat arrogant, talking about your money and education and the quality of your genes. There are better ways to win a woman's love...
maraz  - | 6
23 Jul 2014   #20
I've shown the lack of logic in your thinking and in return you tell me I can't read. Nice. I understand very well what you wrote, but that doesn't change the fact that I think most of it is ridiculous. If every time someone doesn't agree with you, you think it's because they are uneducated and don't understand, then in that sense I'm kind of glad you found Polish women unintelligent. And I think it's so funny you consider yourself "well-educated". First of all it doesn't come across from what you write at all, secondly how can you be well-educated at 21, especially since you spend so much time traveling and looking for sex? Are you even studying anything? Cause I don't suppose you work much, moving from one place to another.

And to be clear, I don't write this because I'm offended that you don't like the way Polish girls look (so what? there are other girls around the world, and you obviously can afford trying them all). I don't even care that you think they are uneducated, or that I can't read. I just found this strange that someone can be so delusional about themselves and so judgemental of others.

If you could read that part, you'd see that I talked about genes, not only out look differences between Slavic and Nordic, I'm guessing you couldn't understand that part :/

PS. if you read more, you'd know that phenotype (looks) does have something to do with genotype....
Roger5  1 | 1432
23 Jul 2014   #21
Adokas. If I lined up five girls, one of each from Poland, Germany, Czech, Sweden and Belarus, would you know which one was the Polish girl?
maraz  - | 6
23 Jul 2014   #22
Of course he would. First, he'd look for something strange in their faces, then he'd try to talk with each of them about history. That's the most scientific method one could come up with ;)
jon357  72 | 23522
23 Jul 2014   #23
That or asking to see their passports...
PC_Sceptic  - | 69
23 Jul 2014   #24
That's the most scientific method one could come up with ;)

or use gene radar/scanner :D.
He is wealthy and can afford experimental gadgets :D

I saw the thread earlier but I ignored, but his replies irritated me.
If Adokas wants to debate with me, I'll be more than happy to comply :-)
Less777  - | 48
23 Jul 2014   #25
I don't know and I don't care unless it is some kind of competition?
Schmiznurf  9 | 31
24 Jul 2014   #26
Lastly, we( educated people ) know that liking someone is all about biology. To produce better human race, we need better genes, and when we're looking for someone to have sex, our biological consciousness searching for girl who has good genes to make a child.

Hahaha, oh my Lord you are deluded! The fact that you believe that shows you are not an educated person, because an educated person knows that finding someone attractive is just something that happens, and whilst we can say we prefer certain traits and attributes the person we fall in love with might not necessarily have any of them.
24 Jul 2014   #27
And about my genes, I'm from Turkey but I'm coming from Greek family. We were here before the Turks, so we don't have same genes.

Lots of Greek surnames of Turkish origin support your great genetic visions
3 Aug 2014   #28
There are beautiful and plain looking woman every where. I have to say however that the polish woman and girls I know are very attractive. Slavic features are stunning, and very amazing. The polish face on average is very attractive.
3 Aug 2014   #29
You say that u find polish women uneducated and bad looking... I see where were you looking for this girls I'm sure it was night clubs and such places, what is strange that in such places all the girls are uneducated and just look for guy who will pay for them, they have nothing to give exept body.

Sorry guy but you sounds like a typical ego, guy who
had milions of girls on one night and boast about from how rich family he is.
Spirit  1 | 26
3 Aug 2014   #30
All the Polish (descent) girls I dated were beautiful in my eyes.

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