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Do Polish men make good husbands?

sister act  2 | 88
20 Sep 2011   #31
My experience all my friends who are married to non poles keep telling me how lucky I am to have such a good husband and I know they are so right. But for me is family have been nothing more that trouble makers who will never stop trying to break us up.
natasia  3 | 368
20 Sep 2011   #32
But for me is family have been nothing more that trouble makers who will never stop trying to break us up

You got it.
The family will at first be very nice to you, in the wary way a group of natives might circle a missionary and seem almost friendly.

But believe me, before long you will be soup in the pot, over the campfire, and most likely scalped beforehand.

Polish women in particular are very very very jealous of their men - even, eg, if their brother-in-law marries or is with a non-Polish woman.

And remember that to Polish women, anything you do that is in the tiniest bit different to them will be seen as outrageous behaviour. Not to be tolerated. And they will want to rescue their own from your evil (or inept) clutches.

There will be a turning point, when they will start talking to him about you, or criticising you openly, when he is there, but you aren't. Then they will start saying things like 'well, if you aren't happy with her, life is too short' (most likely after you and him have had an argument caused by their meddling).

Yep. That's the way it goes. Polish husbands are expensive, emotionally speaking. But can be worth it.
OP carrie65  2 | 40
21 Sep 2011   #33
don't have any problems with the family, but this could be because his ex was Polish and cheated on him! Argues a lot wiv his family too by all accounts. Maybe they think more liberally about foreigners! They do seem quite open minded people by nature.

And remember that to Polish women, anything you do that is in the tiniest bit different to them will be seen as outrageous behaviour. Not to be tolerated. And they will want to rescue their own from your evil (or inept) clutches.

My main arguments are over a particular group of friends, mainly male but with a couple of female hangers on, this lot are heavy drinkers and don't work much, I know they think I've got him under the thumb, but I don.t think he's so keen on them anymore now he's got a stable partnership, he tends to gravitate more towards family people now or non drinkers, but this is his choice, though if he has the odd wild night with them it does tend to make me cross as he usually forgets to ring if he's out late with them.

The two females are quite nasty about me even though I've helped them a couple of times. His non heay drinking friends are fine and have actively encouraged the relationship, I'm quite good friends independently with one of the wives! Your quote neatly sums up what his heavy drinking mates attitude.
15 Jan 2014   #34
I think polish people are fantastic. Although I have only ever met one polish person, they were without a doubt one of the nicest people I've met. I personally would not marry him. Why? Because I don't feel like marrying a polish person will work best for me.
ukangel  8 | 56
16 Jan 2014   #35
Natasia,the way you have described in your post above is the exact image of my in laws...
princessa  1 | 13
22 Jan 2014   #36
in my case i would say no at some points....

im not married but i have been with my polish boyfriend and lived together almost since day 1, been together for 5 years and have 2 kids. hes 21 and im 29..

he helped me out of a violent relationship back in the days and i was hiding at his moms house for 4 months, back then he was very careing, treated me like a princess and respected me..

he never been romantic tho hehe

as things looks like now.... hes is verryyyyy egoistic, he works 2 jobs (both good and bad) he promise me things allll the time and dont keep the promise... he now drink daily after he got new friends at work who drink, and then he started too :/ he never play with his kids, never really make a convo with them, he never change a diper, he dont even know where the shirts or panths in the closet is, he never pick them up from daycare, hes not really there.. he neverrrr helps at home never, not even when im sick. well he take the trash out after i asked him 20 times,, hes old fashion, think we live in the 1940's or so.. in his head its like. women take care of kids women shop women cook and do everything at home.... men work eat sleep and ****... thats his way of life.. its really sad he changed that much...

with both out kids i had c section.. at first 2 months i wasnt allowed to clean and lift and stuff.. he didnt help... i was crawling on the flor washing it while crying from serious pain, and he didnt help..

why didnt i leave may u all think... good question.... i cnat answer it...

like 90% of his polish male friends. have the same point of view , at first they are like the most careing person in the world... and booom back to 1940's

im not saying everyone is like that because i knwo some who aint...

so hard to say if your man will make a good husband.. you cant predict the future...... its a chance you gotta take and learn from mistakes
local_fela  17 | 172
22 Jan 2014   #37
hy didnt i leave may u all think

you have an option! I am not sure if you are English or not! But living in England, you have no right to be a slave of someone!
princessa  1 | 13
25 Jan 2014   #38
no im danish and live in denmark.... i do have options too. but first.. hes nice too. hes my kids father, i do love him, in love.. no..... and i havnt really been single since i was 15 :/ and i have never ever lived alone.. first serious relationship was 7 years.. after i had one on 1 year, and now 5 years. so i have no idea how i would manage to live alone with 2 kids and not die lonely very slowly hehe
ukangel  8 | 56
27 Jan 2014   #39
It's hard to answer this husband is the beginning I must say he was caring,treat me well,love me and after marriage,everything changed.he has time only for himself n his work.his game is his priority,his family comes first and then last is me.we r still together because I love him.but he is not as good husband as i wanted.
SingleFemale  2 | 55
27 Jan 2014   #40
With what I'm reading now, I'm beginning to believe that Polish men are not good husband material.....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2014   #41
Polish men are not good husband material.....

as long as you accept that in getting married you are also signing up to be someone's personal household slave, you will be fine.

sorry if the truth hurts wulkan sweetie, but that is how it is.
that is why so many Polish women would rather be with British or Irish men...:)
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Jan 2014   #42
that is why so many Polish women would rather be with British or Irish men...:)

so why my English sweetie prefers to be with me then :-) back in the days I used to get tired of her talking how crrap some English men are sigh
27 Jan 2014   #43
as long as you accept that in getting married you are also signing up to be someone's personal household slave, you will be fine.

Back when I played the game it was almost unfair to let Polish women find out that one could not only cook and iron but that one actually did both those things too.
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Jan 2014   #44
and hiding the lack of ability for changing the bulb and doing other home maintenance staff must have been pain in the a55 too.
27 Jan 2014   #45
You don't seem to have thought that comment through: how could one hide something which doesn't exist?
However, your comment does bring us onto another thing I heard more than once from Polish women which they liked about me and which in their experience not all Polish men displayed: thinking before speaking.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2014   #46
and hiding the lack of ability for changing the bulb

that is OK we can do that ourselves...:)
Cardno85  31 | 971
27 Jan 2014   #47
Polish b/f just proposed, lovely man but it's a big comitment as we are both divorcees and we are different races. Do polish men make good husbands????
Be great to hear your views/experiences.

I would say that, if you are airing these questions to the internet, you should say no.
SingleFemale  2 | 55
27 Jan 2014   #48
So does that mean that most(I say most because I'm not sure in general) Polish men are ultra conservative and traditional(read : ancient) when it comes men-women gender roles in marriage(and household)?

(I know how to change the light bulb and some home maintenance stuff but I still prefer equality of the sexes-both have to do their share in the household(and maintenance if possible) chores)
Snowflake  - | 71
27 Jan 2014   #49
Do polish men make good husbands????

It's strange question. Like "Is outside is cold or warm" It it depends.
Some of guys are good and some aren't.
If you have any doubt about marriage with this man, you must consider the reason of this doubts.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2014   #50
I still prefer equality of the sexes-both have to do their share in the household(and maintenance if possible) chores)

yes well good luck with that
f stop  24 | 2493
27 Jan 2014   #51
Polish men need strong women.
Then everything will be fine.
SingleFemale  2 | 55
27 Jan 2014   #52
yes well good luck with that

(sigh). now I will have to ask my Polish friend if he still lives in the ancient times(you know, "you woman, I, man, you do household chores, I work") and knows how to even change a light bulb(lol). Otherwise he won't stand a chance with me.

Polish men need strong women.
Then everything will be fine.

Strong in what sense?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2014   #53
you woman, I, man, you do household chores, I work")

yes something like that only of course you will be working as well and still be skivvy, picking up his socks and pants and so on, cleaning his skidmarks off the loo.

This is a serious warning!
f stop  24 | 2493
27 Jan 2014   #54
Strong in what sense?

in this sense:

Otherwise he won't stand a chance with me.

(making clear what's acceptable and what's not, instead of hoping for a miraculous change)
SingleFemale  2 | 55
27 Jan 2014   #55
yes something like that only of course you will be working as well and still be skivvy, picking up his socks and pants and so on, cleaning his skidmarks off the loo.
This is a serious warning!

Oh dear. I guess that's a global thing :(

(making clear what's acceptable and what's not, instead of hoping for a miraculous change)

Ah there's still hope. =D
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Jan 2014   #56
but fstop is right - you have to establish what is on and what is not right from the beginning! do not leave it until it is too late!
Wulkan  - | 3136
27 Jan 2014   #57
You don't seem to have thought that comment through: how could one hide something which doesn't exist?

Do you call British women liars?

thinking before speaking.

Just make sure you don't think too long, otherwise it can make you look slow :-)
SingleFemale  2 | 55
27 Jan 2014   #58
but fstop is right - you have to establish what is on and what is not right from the beginning!

Well I will give the Polish chap the benefit of the doubt.

do not leave it until it is too late!

I'm still trying to learn more about him. He seems alright, though at this stage can't determine whether he will turn out to be a good future husband or a crappy

future one.....
6 Jan 2017   #59
They drink tooo much and think they know everything. They work hard and can be sweet at times but generally do not make good husbands in my opinion. they are stilll living in the 1800's. it's hard living with a polish man if your not a polish woman . I should know.
DominicB  - | 2706
6 Jan 2017   #60
They're easier to pu$$ywhoop than any other men on the planet except for Koreans and Filipinos. You can string them along and bleed them dry for years before they catch on, if they ever do.

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