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Do Polish men make good husbands?

carrie65  2 | 40
16 Sep 2011   #1
Polish b/f just proposed, lovely man but it's a big comitment as we are both divorcees and we are different races. Do polish men make good husbands????

Be great to hear your views/experiences.
Hiszpanka  - | 8
16 Sep 2011   #2
It obviously depends on individual but my husband is the best in the world!
Sara A R  1 | 9
16 Sep 2011   #3
My Dad is and Polish, and he was the most loyal, caring, and hard-working man I've ever met, and he was the most perfect husband to my mother.
beckski  12 | 1609
16 Sep 2011   #4
do polish men make good husbands?

I'd like to be able to answer that question myself someday. My mom would tell you, my Polish daddy was the most wonderful husband and father in the world ;)
urszula  1 | 253
16 Sep 2011   #5
I was married to one for 3 months until I found out he only wanted a green card. He was extremely jelous if I talked to another guy or if someone called me, he was very moody, one moment he was very nice, buys flowers, next he blows up for no reason. I also noticed Polish men think they are superior to women, they think women can't drive cars, can't do construction work, can't ride motorcycles and they have an opinion that women should do other stuff and leave cars and mechanical stuff to men, but in the US women do that stuff all the time which Polish men don't understand.

I say get to know the guy real good and don't rush into any kind of marriage because you will be stuck with him forever and if the marriage falls apart for some unforseen reason, it's a pain to get unstuck. Also people change after marriage. So get to know him before you do something stupid. Don't let your emotions get you carried away.
f stop  24 | 2493
16 Sep 2011   #6

I also noticed Polish men think they are superior to women, they think women can't drive cars, can't do construction work, can't ride motorcycles and they have an opinion that women should do other stuff a

Seriously? Where exactly are those observations from?
southern  73 | 7059
16 Sep 2011   #7
It is that bad because I noticed polish women expect from you mechanical and engineering work at home to be able to do repairs,slight construction etc.It seems polish men do that.
teflcat  5 | 1024
16 Sep 2011   #8
they have an opinion that women should do other stuff and leave cars and mechanical stuff to men, but in the US women do that stuff all the time which Polish men don't understand.

There are strong demarcation lines regarding what women do or don't do in Poland. I've seen a couple of women driving buses but I've never seen one chopping wood or fixing a car here. In the UK I've seen women working on road repairs (ok, only a few). A friend recently told my wife that he'd heard from someone that she uses a scythe in our garden to cut long grass, and wanted to know if this were true.

Poles making good husbands? The good ones are good; the bad ones are bad, like everywhere. If you can assert your position over the mother-in-law, you should be alright.
bullfrog  6 | 602
16 Sep 2011   #9
they think women can't drive cars

my polish wife does

can't do construction work

mine supervises all construction work we do

leave cars and mechanical stuff to men

she takes car of the maintenance of our cars

noticed polish women expect from you mechanical and engineering work at home to be able to do repairs

She also takes car of that (has been putting together IKEA stuff for our new apartment in Zürich)..
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
16 Sep 2011   #10
Polish b/f just proposed


lovely man but it's a big comitment as we are both divorcees

Your choice! :)

and we are different races.

Lection nr 1: Co ma piernik do wiatraka?

It's good to learn it

Do polish men make good husbands????

Hmm being a good husband is more about ones ethics then culture I think, how one was raised and how to look at evil/good etc
pip  10 | 1658
16 Sep 2011   #11
Poles making good husbands? The good ones are good; the bad ones are bad, like everywhere. If you can assert your position over the mother-in-law, you should be alright.

I whole heartedly agree with this.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
17 Sep 2011   #12
Polish men think they are superior to women, they think women can't drive cars, can't do construction work, can't ride motorcycles and they have an opinion that women should do other stuff and leave cars and mechanical stuff to men

It's not true. I would love to work with an Electrician-girl. In case of electric shock she can help me doing the first aid ;)

but in the US women do that stuff all the time which Polish men don't understand.

Looks like I should relocate to the other side of big pond immediately :)
urszula  1 | 253
18 Sep 2011   #13
Seriously? Where exactly are those observations from?

From my observations. I was mowing the lawn one day and a Polak comes and says he will do that. Like wtf? Can't even mow the lawn? It's good exercise, easy work and every woman in America uses a lawnmower. In Poland women don't work as hard as in America, that's why Polish men think they know everything, yet they know nothing.

And unless you're a Polish woman, you know how to use a guy, but American women tend to be more honest on the average.
pgtx  29 | 3094
18 Sep 2011   #14
every woman in America uses a lawnmower.

hahaha.... please, they don't even know how it looks like! hahahaa....
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
18 Sep 2011   #15
I've never seen ANY woman out in the yard with a lawnmower, actually I had my balls busted by my miss us the other day for mere suggesting that she could mow her own lawn after she hinted that I could do it!
Marynka11  3 | 639
18 Sep 2011   #16
American women tend to be more honest on the average.

And what observations led you to think that? Just curious.
tygrys  2 | 290
18 Sep 2011   #17
hahaha.... please, they don't even know how it looks like! hahahaa....

Depends where you live. In the country 70 year old women mow lawns and it's normal. My mom is 72 and she still likes mowing lawns. All my female friends love mowing lawns. If you live in the city, of course they won't know what a lawnmower even is.

And everybody has to shovel their sidewalk. Men, women, makes no difference.
It seams like people who are surprised women mow lawns, must be from Poland, which makes perfect sense because Polish women are lazy..
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
18 Sep 2011   #18
which makes perfect sense because Polish women are lazy..

because they don't move the law? I think you are wrong. First of all, Americans have larger lawns and longer driveways, so there is enough of work for both of sexes.

Yes, Polish women still wear hight heels and that doesn't go well with lawn, or does it?

Anyways, this is not about American women, this thread is about Polish husbands.

From my observation, Polish husbands like to be good providers and always take the garbage out, kitchen (especially for older generations) still belongs to women. With younger generation those gender roles are changing and both of the sexes are more equal when it comes to work division.

As for husbands- in general Polish men make very good husbands. Not all of them according to Urszula, but there is always a bad apple.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Sep 2011   #19
=carrie65]it's a big comitment as we are both divorcees and we are different races.

Are you both hetero at least?
Natasa  1 | 572
18 Sep 2011   #20
I think that in the hands of a skilled wife, sometimes miracles are possible ;)

Women mostly know this intuitively, I had to learn it having the male profile of cognitive disabilities ;)

So, the recipe for all the men on the planet is the same. And women, but they tend to be more aware of manipulations ;)

1. Find the 'mine fields'. (possible punishment options)
2. Ask him to do what is needed. (washing the dishes, cleaning the windows, dusting off the library)
3. If he says no, dance around the mines. Skillfully! (raising the tension...)
4. Step on one when the time comes. Sadistically. (Punish!)
5. Stop dancing.
6. Then ask politely for repair, mowing, plowing, bank account. (Punishment avoidance expected)
7. Show you affection verbally and physically afterwards (after! the job is done). (REWARD!!! )


Rewards and punishments are still the most economic way humanity learns. I tried during studies with my colleague and a good friend now, subtle classical or operant conditioning, (very intelligent guy), to test the hypothesis of possibility of conditioning him not to talk about his favorite subject (irony was the topic was behaviorism and Skinner he had great respect for) using subtle punishments like turning the music too loud, or interrupting the conversation with a phone call, turning the tap on to maximum so I couldn't hear him talking about conditioning. Consistently. He stopped talking about that subject after a while (very fast actually). I later asked him why don't you discuss behaviorism anymore with me? He didn't know the answer. He didn't notice the sabotage, yet stop communicating that, I told him what I did, he laughed. It works. They say that human brain is still primitive, easily associates two events close in time (Aristotle!!!), without our awareness. Like dogs or cats.

Use it.

Have in mind: Rewards are more efficient!!!!, but sometimes we simply cannot avoid some punishments.

pawian  226 | 27817
18 Sep 2011   #21
Have in mind: Rewards are more efficient!!!!, but sometimes we simply cannot avoid some punishments.

You treat men like dogs here. :):):)

Are their female partners bi..tches then :):):)
Natasa  1 | 572
18 Sep 2011   #22
No, men are divine creatures. As an Electra I claim that!

I was joking with possibilities to abuse psychology in various fields as it is its practice.

I was thinking about symbolic rewards men usually don't complain about. (What were you thinking about? ;))

Like touch. Like light hug. Like head on his shoulder. Like holding his hand. Like kissing his eye.

Ok, if men are divine women are heroines :)))

Dogs are OK. Not possible to insult using them.
southern  73 | 7059
19 Sep 2011   #23
I also give Balkan rewards but Polki like pienadze.Anyway the positive behaviour has to appear before the reward is given(as now the case with Greece and euro bail out).
Olaf  6 | 955
19 Sep 2011   #24
"Do Polish men make good husbands?" - As everywhere, it takes two or sometimes three to make one decent. :)
Natasa  1 | 572
19 Sep 2011   #25
Anyway the positive behaviour has to appear before the reward is given

Yes, but with operant conditioning you can form the wanted behavior. Skinner demonstrated it on a congress of APA I think learning the pigeon to walk making loops. Small reward after each step to form the desired behavior.

You know :)) (Bravo, yes, no, no, that way, ahaa, you're wonderful, yes, yes, YES!.....;))
southern  73 | 7059
19 Sep 2011   #26
Polki use tak and jescze.They appear to be preconditioned in the view of banknotes,comfort rooms,big houses,good furniture and Balkan power.It works wonders an unbeatable combo and the reflex is a quick self undressing and lezec.
OP carrie65  2 | 40
19 Sep 2011   #27
Thanx for all the views, interesting reading!!!!!!

they think women can't drive cars, can't do construction work, can't ride motorcycles and they have an opinion that women should do other stuff and leave cars and mechanical stuff to men,

Tend to agree here, the b/f does seem to think that men are genetically programmed to do these things in a superior way, which is annoying becos I enjoy electrical/electronic repairs!

like to be good providers and always take the garbage out,

very true in my B/F's case

Have in mind: Rewards are more efficient!!!!, but sometimes we simply cannot avoid some punishments.

So far the rewards do work better!!!! Polish men do seem stubborn!!!

As everywhere, it takes two or sometimes three to make one decent. :)

I'm probably being thick but I did not quite get that???? please elaborate it sounds intriguing


Poles making good husbands? The good ones are good; the bad ones are bad, like everywhere. If you can assert your position over the mother-in-law, you should be alright.

My potential mother in law seems very nice so far ?
though the rest of the quote is very true probably!

Don't want to rush into anything although he is wonderful!


He was extremely jelous if I talked to another guy or if someone called me

Don't have any problems with this at moment, B/F never minds me going out with my friends.

What i do find a bit odd is that quite a few polish men in the local area seem to have a 'good girl/bad girl' attutude to women.

Where there are groups of men drinking together there are often one or two women who hang around but are never invited back
to the family homes, quite the opposite, the men certainly don't appear to be 'playing away from home' but there just seems some sort of

line drawn as to which women are acceptable to invite to meet the family.
B/F never really explains this one, just says 'some women are okay to have a drink and laugh with but you'd never want to be alone with them

or take them in your house/meet the family'
Not sure i like that attitude, even though it doesn't affect me personally!
cheesymac  4 | 60
19 Sep 2011   #28
The best husbands are Polish. Two of my friends so happen to have Polish husbands, they are gay, by the way -_^
Olaf  6 | 955
19 Sep 2011   #29
husbands, they are gay, by the way

Hahah, good one.
natasia  3 | 368
19 Sep 2011   #30
The obvious answer is that it depends on the individual, but actually it depends on how the individual reacts to the culture in which they are brought up ... which in this case, shapes men to be quite difficult for a woman from a more 'emancipated' culture.

Men are men, women are women. Quite refreshing for those of us from cultures where we were all supposed to be 'the same', and quite sexy in a way, but also means that if you aren't making the guy open sandwiches with ham, gherkins and egg mayo for his bedtime snack every night, then you are a bad woman ... all Polish men, however intelligent and well-educated, expect you to be the perfect 1950s housewife, as well as being cool, different, free-thinking and incredibly sweet and nice. I am ok with most of that, but have had to work on the 1950s housewife bit ; ) ... but I just pretend to be the mother from Bewitched, and it works ok. Oh, and there is also absolutely no being in the tiniest bit fat. Ever. Just not permitted.

Seriously, it will take you years to understand what standard you are being held up to. You will at some point probably feel outraged that such things are expected of you. You will probably also rebel in one way or another. And then, maybe, for the sake of the children you will probably have had by then, you might just start making the open sandwiches. If you really get into it, you will cut the tomatoes into little crown shapes as well ... and in return, you will have a deeply protective, jealous, proud, demanding, energetic, frustrating, stubborn, emotional, funny and generally alive sort of husband, who is most likely also very warm physically, and somehow strangely forgiveable, despite all his massive faults. You will have a Pole.

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