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Polish men tend on the whole to be tall in comparison, say, with Southern Italians, Greeks or certain Asians as well as Hispanics.
As a man, I can't honestly comment on whether I find them "handsome" or not, only that most are easily recognizable to me by their distinctive lozenge-shaped head and squarish facial bone structure along with light eyes and coarse, fair hair:-)
"Handsome" is after all relative, Dreamergirl & Co. I'd prefer "distinctive", in that they can almost always be spotted in a crowd. The same can no longer be said for many other European nationalities:-)
Hi. I was in some polnish Cities where i thought na ja, They are ok. But as sono we approach to non turistical cities. Omg 25% look Really hot!!!! No kidding, Beautiful Boys, hot Bodies without the metrosexual **** from zur west
Many traditional Polish men, both young and old, tend to hold themselves in a proud, almost gallant, fashion, particularly where the opposite sex is concerned! They seem to walk ramrod straight, well-groomed, maybe a trifle stiff, in comparison with, say, American men:-)
I'm only speaking about when they're sober! When they're not??! All bets are offLOL
Fashion still holds sway in Europe compared to the States. I was always impressed by how Italian youth dress while on vacation. Poles too tend to dress nicely. The exception to the above are the Germans, Scandinavians, and the Dutch. In Holland, the Marlon Brandoesque "bad boy" sixties' look is quite common, including some shoulder length hair among guys, ripped Levis, and peace belts. Someone who recently visited Amsterdam remarked all the guys want to look like a young Rutger Hauer:-))
True but you have some us brands like tom ford Tory Burch kors etc entering the euro market. Nonetheless I prefer euro fashion esp Italian over American French etc.
Also don't forget the brits. The guys dress really nice actually oftentimes better than the women.
Well when I was at the London exchange I can tell you that the men wore far better quality and stylish suits. No European trader would be caught dead wearing tennis shoes with a suit yet many people do here in the pits.
Surprisingly enough, there have been some attractive Polish actors in the last 50 years ... Anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some Polish men are attractive, some are not.
True, but those I mentioned had both class as well as (good) looks! Don't know of any Polish film star today with a voice like Lapicki's. Remember his performance in "Kanal"? It still gives me shivers.
And listen to him once read from Iwaszkiewicz' "Vox humana"!!
I am not. I am quite ugly, in fact. But I have a beautiful wife so there is a draw.
Yes, I am, especially when I eat hot peppers which are my staple veg. But I mustn`t eat them before the appointments with my wife coz she later complains about burning sensations you know where. HA!
Polish men look strong and perhaps that what polish women are looking for ? I have seen men with big bellies but big arms being young father. Do polish women trust only strong men to be fathers ? Or perhaps most men in Poland do body building even moderately.