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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

pawian  226 | 27817
16 Jan 2021   #721
because of white flight.

You are trying to smuggle in those off-topic racial issues again, but stop coz you should know it is illegal in this thread.

feminism and wokeness took root in the US during the 1950s and 1960s.

Yes, luckily, and they are going to stay there for ever. I wonder why you are wasting so much time and energy doing this Sisyphean labour of trying to extinguish them. .

Polonia wins the match! Undefeated!

hahaha still too early for that undeserved triumph coz you withdrew from our nice male guards` criminal acts discussion.
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Jan 2021   #722
Polonia wins the match! Undefeated!

Knocking out one stooge at a time!

population has been falling systematically because of white flight.

Lets not forget it has been under full Democratic control for decades..

Elijah Cummings, Baltimore congressman and civil rights leader was a horrible example of hypocrisy as well. I cant think of one thing he did to help the black community in all his 23 years except turn Baltimore into one of America's biggest ghettos. Thats after Nancy Pelosi father ransacked the city as mayor.

Speaking of gender equality. Do you know what the best thing about having a woman President would be?????

We wouldn't have to pay her as much! Haha
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Jan 2021   #723
Yes, it is a joke which clearly shows we need to strive even more to achieve real equality.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
16 Jan 2021   #724
it has been under full Democratic control for decades..

And they are deluded in still branding themselves as "The Greatest City in America."

And despite the evidence presented the woke posters on here are still in full throttle denial that their toxic lefttardation doesn't work anywhere and actually chases Poles and their families away.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
16 Jan 2021   #725
It isn't wokeness but aspects of the u.s. that is creating this like the fact you are done there if you have a record and have to be pretty much homeless unless you have friends and family to help you. But you're just a norm who wouldn't know that or think that far. Look what they do to peoples reputations there printing full names in online newspaper articles vs like in Poland or Europe with gdpr and even before gdpr not even doing that. Not everyone wants to be a plumber or some construction worker or work in a factory nor has the physical body for physical labor as a profession.

Please back to the topic
kondzior  11 | 1026
16 Jan 2021   #726
Equality of the sexes doesn't make any sense because the sexes are clearly not equal.

I don't like to use the word gender due to the leftist connotations.

I don't support anything that can be achieved with affirmative actions or quotas.
I consider active attempts to alter status quo (for example by pumping resources into trying to give promising but underprivileged people equal start, but lowering requirements) or other forms of affirmative actions accomplish exact opposite of their stated goals.

The problem now is the lowering of the standard to compensate for women's inferior ability. I really have no problem with women wanting to be a part of anything quite frankly, but the same expectations should apply, with the emphasis being on the subject's performance. Like for instance, in most military institutions, they have a strict set of requirements on male recruits, so simply being a male doesn't guarantee you a spot. However, you then have females coming in, who literally perform at a much lower level than even worst of the males, let alone the ones that truly qualify, and these women get the spot solely because of their sex. If anything, this reverses the inequality spectrum of the two sexes, putting men in a huge disadvantage here, for having to live up to a higher standard of expectations while getting the same amount of pay as women who get by with mediocrity.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
16 Jan 2021   #727
" I don't support anything that can be achieved with affirmative actions or quotas."

you may not but every company in tech or big tech even startups and basically any company in us outside **** jobs like manual labour do. you'll soon be replaced by a female or a robot or some black person. or have to stay in Poland making **** wages and cant even freelance with us firms.
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Jan 2021   #728
This is how terribly unequal things are...When a guy wants to shower with the girls, the girls and their parents freak out.

If a girl decided to enjoy her hot, steamy showers with soap all over her body, not only the boys wouldn't object but even the filthiest slob would discover the benefits of being clean and smelling like a rose. Some would try to charge admission and if the price was right, there would be a line at the door.

See the difference or should I post pictures?
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Jan 2021   #729
Pictures of you charging admission to the shower???
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Jan 2021   #730
That equality bs continued....

In college means no kids, no kitchen, no broom, and no excuses, either. All seven were started by men chatting when not drunk. Zero was started by women. They were busy shopping for their wedding gowns, taking selfies, and relocating their eyebrows.

It must be those toxic masculinity vapors spreading via the dorm ventilation system. Yeah, that's it. That explains that 7 to 0 score.
16 Jan 2021   #731
want to be plummers.

Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Jan 2021   #732
Thank you. I am dummer than I thought.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Jan 2021   #733

Women enjoy plumbers when they visit, watch the adventures of a plumbers mate.

It stars Elaine Page and Arthur Mullard , was top entertainment and very educational for a young Polish boy growing up in Britain.
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Jan 2021   #734
Women enjoy plumbers when they visit,

...because they want to be plumbers or with plumbers?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Jan 2021   #735
or with plumbers?

Best Chekiem explains her position on this one .. the film tests the boundaries of genderism and equality , but love rules out at the end.

Maybe that's the simple answer to gender equality, relations based on empathy and love.
Lenka  5 | 3548
16 Jan 2021   #736

You got that right.
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Jan 2021   #737
but love rules out at the end.

No. That love is skin deep, as convenient as a box of chocolates on Feb 14, disappears during divorce and custody hearings, and turns into unimaginable hate that includes lies about daily abuse, frequent rapes, and child molestation - with none ever reported to the cops.

Women are very creative and great actresses for that every day "I love you". Showing "love" when things go bad is a lot harder. That day, all that love, flowers, and gifts are erased just like that. In many cases, the woman and her parents hire a hitman to show the obstinate guy how unloved he is.

Back to equality... Women just can't accept that their exes may actually get alimony and full custody. Not ever and over his dead body.
16 Jan 2021   #738
It stars Elaine Page and Arthur Mullard

Never heard of them! Or the film?
I can take a wild guess though, from the title, that it's along the lines of the 'confessions' films from the 70s?

the film tests the boundaries of genderism and equality

If it was made in the 70s it definitely would!

Maybe that's the simple answer to gender equality, relations based on empathy and love.

You got it Dolno. It's really not that complicated. From reading this thread it's clear that you and Pawian love and respect your wives :) Bit of fresh air on a thread filled with misogyny.
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Jan 2021   #739
clear that you and Pawian love and respect your wives

A man who is not able and ready to defend his wife is a hybrid - a man-girl-child. This, of course, is a moot point where there is no crime.
Czarek91  - | 5
1 Feb 2021   #740
Poland is a matriarchy and polish women are put on a pedestal too much. Every time polish feminists pretend Poland is some misogynistic place where violence against women is common you have to laugh because of how ridiculous and untrue it is but they go on pretending for political purposes. Poland is homogeneous(for now) so the best way they can crate divide between polish people is using feminism and turning polish women against men, By every single measure, domestic violence rates, rape rates, women in the work force etc Poland is one of the best places for women IN THE WORLD. With much better statistics then places like Sweden, UK, France etc which the self hating polish mind would think is better, it isn't.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2021   #741
Poland is a matriarchy and polish women are put on a pedestal too much.

You have watched too many comedies like Seksmisja.

where violence against women is common you have to laugh

It isn`t so uncommon. You can read more and more about it - before you didn`t because women were embarassed to ask for help or when they did, they were ignored. Now the attitude is slowly changing.

Poland is one of the best places for women IN THE WORLD.

It is a myth. Stop spreading them.
Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Apr 2021   #742
It isn`t so uncommon.

That is beyond embarrassing even as a mental fart.
No numbers = bs.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2021   #743
No numbers =

Ha! You didn`t reject czarek`s post coz it suited your ideology. You reject mine coz it doesn`t agree with your views. Unfair approach.
Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Apr 2021   #744
You didn`t reject czarek`s post coz it suited your ideology.

Because he is not the accuser!!! You are. Your burden of proof.
JacekthePole  1 | 51
3 Apr 2021   #745

makes about as much sense as half the posts in here
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2021   #746
This site with state poll results says:12% women experienced household violence from their partners. 6% of them regularly. That is a few hundred thousand women.

But it isn`t about numbers, it is about closing an eye or downplaying such incidents not only by the police or courts but the society in general. As I said, it has been slowly changing and the problem has gained proper publicity in the media.
Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Apr 2021   #747
6% of them regularly.

Which only supports my opinion that women are idiots. Nobody sane gets abused "regularly". Or raped "regularly" and, when the cops arrive, say: Everything is fine, officer, and I love him soooo much... You get the fu*ck out, file charges, and never see the sob again - no matter how many roses the pos sends you.

But, as I said, women are forgiving idiots. Rinse and repeat...hence, "regularly".

BTW, did you detect any attempt to dethrone you as the clown-in-chief in this post?
chrisshrew  1 | 7
3 Apr 2021   #748
I think when it comes to feminism, most people would agree with the concept of equality and people being judged according to their actions rather than their gender, race, or anything for that matter. Also that women (and men) deserve to be treated with respect and not harassed or assaulted.

The difficulty arises when some feminists start claiming that men are solely responsible for the misfortunes of women and the notion of collective guilt. I've read a few articles recently which state that 'men do x' while later on stating 'we don't mean all men' (implying perhaps that its still the vast majority) when in reality its only some and a small minority. Quite rightly this would be called out as sexism or racism if it was against a marginalised group, just because its about a group in society that has had more advantages doesn't mean generalisations are ok.
Novichok  4 | 8677
3 Apr 2021   #749
doesn't mean generalisations are ok.

Generalizations are the only tool to judge the situation until we meet, which may never happen. When we do, it's time to drop the statistical data and discover the wonderful nature of the person in front.

men are solely responsible for the misfortunes of women

...because women, statistically, are not capable of ever saying: I fu*cked up. Sorry.
Most don't even know what self-deprecation means and how to spell it. Have you ever met a woman who would put herself down and laugh about it?

Only a nuclear war would register higher than a stain or a rip on the wedding dress.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2021   #750
Which only supports my opinion that women are idiots.

That`s a typical deflection of yours. I provided you a number to prove that household violence is a real problem here yet you instantly blamed it on women. So, in your view, regular violence is women`s fault.

did you detect any attempt to dethrone you

Yes, it is pure clowning but through pathetic deflection.

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