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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Ironside  51 | 13083
14 Jan 2021   #691
That's why I added social attitudes to "laws and opportunities".

I don't get why you needed to talk about laws and opportunities, there are no laws and opportunities are there for grabs (or not ) regardless of the gender.

Still what laws you had in mind?
What attitudes in a society? How would you change them and why would you change them in an artificial manner? That is what I have been questioning all along because it sounds like a wet dream of a Marxist and that is bad. For everyone.

Rich, you are

A troll! He just keep this going because he gets reaction.

how on Earth is women's lower self-esteem connected to biology

Paulina it you know how the system of quotes works in here F! OK - problem with asking for a raise at work, That agreeable people not people with a low self esteem. A low self-esteem is a trait you get from your childhood, that different and has little to do with asking for a raise at work.

Well , when puberty kicks in women their level of neuroticism rises and stay high for the rest of their lives. What that means?
Men are overrepresented in alcoholism, drag abuse, anti-social personality, attention deficit disorder, while women are overrepresented in depression and anxiety.

One more thing why do you focus only on women needs or problems. Women this or that and men should be this or that. Both genders have their problems.

I think focusing only on women's problems is wrong! Very wrong!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 Jan 2021   #692
here is some truth for the retards and normis on this forum like johnny boy and Paulina and basically just normis or all of u:

shaming people, or disenfranchising them, having the biggest penal system in the world, and constantly punishing men, often young men, and almost always way worse than women doesn't work. what goes on in the u.s. which Paulina is just so fond of and loves doesn't work.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2021   #693
I guess you can't understand that, because you're not normal.

...and so proud of it. The gray masses out there are just useful idiots the system needs to move that grinding wheel, pay taxes, and vote.

My point is that for biological reasons women are wired differently than men. Any attempt by the feminazis and pawian to deny this simple truth is doomed to fail.

That is why women are not abstract thinkers; a crying baby is here and now. Men have to think in the abstract to find and store food and kill the enemy before the tribe dies from starvation or get slaughtered. This forward anticipatory thinking is mostly absent from women's daily routine; it's what's on the stove.

The crap I read how women don't invent because they are in the kitchen is beyond laughable. They don't invent because they are not interested or capable. Microsoft was started in a dorm by a couple of pimply guys. HP - in a garage. Facebook - the same pattern. Nobody stops women who are students, unburdened by kids and the kitchen duties, from writing apps for Android phones.

Women are physically weaker. To compensate, they manipulate, flaunt, and scream when things don't go their way. In extreme cases, they lie and accuse.

While men compete, women seek consensus. That is why they are such easy vicitims of the gurus with communes. Never in reverse.
For the same reason, they also forgive easily when men want to hang the pos. That's how the two who gave us the Brown's Chicken massacre with its seven dead escaped the death penalty. It was a woman who saw enough good in these m-f**ers to spare them. Men would want to shot the bastards themselves.

Back to washing dishes and vacuuming...
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2021   #694
While men compete, women seek consensus.

Yes, and it has cost mankind billions of victims so far. It is time we returned to matriarchy - with women at the helm, we will live in peace and prosperity.

To compensate, they manipulate, flaunt, and scream

Yes, but it is one hundred times better than wars and crimes by competing males. Don`t you think so?
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2021   #695
Don`t you think so?

Couldn't agree more, pawian. The purpose of my posts here is to state the obvious: there will never be equality in the feminazi fashion because God or nature would be seriously pi**ed off if we imposed it.

Where we fail women is not in the kitchen. We fail them by not educating them early enough on how not to become victims, starting with "f**k off" as the most appropriate response in 99% of situations. Instead, we train the girls to be nice, trusting, giving, and so naive it takes your breath away. When they act on those and hop into a stranger's car only to be raped and murdered, we are shocked. I was probably the only parent in Illinois who called the State Police to find out if it is a legal requirement to get out of the car after a routine traffic stop. It is not. Or after a rear-end bump.

Just one example...Carjackings are up 135% in Chicago. I called to find out if driving schools teach kids what to do if that should happen. Nope. We don't, was the answer.

Back to dishes and who vacuums...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2021   #696
- with women at the helm, we will live in peace and prosperity.

Yes, give all those little boys Prozac to make them sit still in class to make them more manageable like the little girls that wear halo's.

Make those little boys like zombies to submit to control them.
Makes them easier to brainwash with your Progressive Marxist Commie Agenda plot.
I am waiting for the next mandatory draft into the military at war time and see if this will include females and see where your equality goes with that. Hoot !

Back to the laundry and cooking dinner.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2021   #697
Make those little boys like zombies to submit to control them.

Which wouldn't be so bad except that not every country will follow pawian's prescription for perpetual happiness. Then, we would be looking for ways to turn the zombified boys into mean killing machines very quickly.

Did you read that the US Navy is now a flotilla of love boats? Allegedly, at any given moment, 10% of those brave fighting women are pregnant and puking?

Yes, I know, they have been raped, poor babies...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2021   #698
And then send their little bundle of joy home to their husband or boyfriend to take care of until she finishes her decorated career seeing the world as a Swabbie (cook) on the Nimitz performing her duties.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 Jan 2021   #699
what about how the trend nowadays for young women to use men and even be very selfish in bed? demanding it all but not giving any though? How do you answer that Paulina? I mean women that just want to be serviced and **** and even put your face toward their ass.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2021   #700
as a Swabbie (cook) on the Nimitz performing her duties.

What seriously pi**es me off is that bs line with "men and women of our armed forces". I will buy it when women will have to meet the same physical requirements and are expected to carry the same load - ammo and the wounded. I think it's like 80 pounds.

Back home, I have seen two guys in a squad car, a man and a woman, but never two women. Why is that? Never mind...

Back to equality, the mops, and the brooms...
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Jan 2021   #701
Allegedly, at any given moment, 10% of those brave fighting women are pregnant and puking?

Is sex forbidden in the army and are man soldiers celibate?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jan 2021   #703
are man soldiers celibate?

Most are if they are Christian and married.
Remember, it was Eve who tempted Adam.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2021   #704
Is sex forbidden in the army and are man soldiers celibate?

Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Jan 2021   #705
Women in the army, at the police stations, and in the firehouses are a net liability and a threat to the rest of us - women included.

A decoration to keep the leftist mobs stupid happy and away.
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Jan 2021   #706
No one knows exactly how many AmerAsians were born in Vietnam, but the U.S. has vetted and resettled nearly 30,000 children of U.S. troops
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jan 2021   #707
Remember, it was Eve who tempted Adam.

Yes, a typical frustrated male`s concept - woman`s fault.

10% of those brave fighting women are pregnant and puking?

Yes, a typical frustrated male`s concept - woman`s fault.
Ironside  51 | 13083
15 Jan 2021   #708
I would puke from the BS you spew. a Disgusting soviet way!
You do realize that is trolling don;t you?
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jan 2021   #709
We are not interested in fascist`s problems with his digestive processes. hahaha
Poloniusz  5 | 969
15 Jan 2021   #710
is sex forbidden in prison?

You have admitted that you are a former prison inmate so of all posters on here you should know that it is forbidden.

It's also obvious. Prisons all around the world are gender segregated for this reason.

Female guards are often falsely touted as being more effective in handling male inmates and deescalating situations. Perhaps in extremely minor situations and limited to docile inmates with the mental age of children but in most cases they are not.

Quite the reverse.

There are many instances where immature and incompetent female guards were complicit in sexual affairs with inmates leading to out-of-control corruption within the prisons where they worked.

Here is the most shocking account I ever came across and it happened only several years ago in the "woke" American city of Baltimore (evil lefttard Nancy Pelosi's hometown!) where Democrats have had a political stranglehold for decades:

The Baltimore case is the most disturbing case of prison guard corruption in recent memory. Guards allegedly snuck cellphones and other contraband to Black Guerrilla Family (BGF) prison gangsters and gave them free rein over their own prison. BGF leader Tavon White...managed to impregnate four guards, two of whom got tattoos with his name.

This scandal alone proves that gender equality is a myth.

It also underscores why Baltimore which was once a prosperous and respectable city is no longer a place where Polish immigrants go to and their descendants remain. Tens of thousands of Poles used to live there. Feminism and wokeness chased them all away.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jan 2021   #711
immature and incompetent female guards were complicit

I see. What do you usually say when they report about male guards who get involved in such criminal acts, including forced sex on female inmates?

Feminism and wokeness chased them all away.

Show us some official statistics or polls to prove that.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
15 Jan 2021   #712
male guards who get involved in such criminal acts

Unsurprisingly, you didn't show us some official statistics or polls or cited even one example from an independent sources like I did.

That's because you would be hard pressed to find any and you know it.

When it comes to female guards they most certainly can be and are assigned to carry out custody and control of inmates of either gender. Prison wardens and politicians make sure women are afforded unfettered opportunities. Women only limit themselves by calling off sick all the time and then only giving a halfhearted effort if that when they do decide to show up. Others as I've shown think nothing of abandoning their position of trust (a job which could and should have gone to a man) in order to facilitate and participate in criminal activity rather than preventing it.

Not so with male guards. Either female inmates get a female guard to oversee them or if a male guard is present then a female guard also has to be present.

Additionally, most men perform their work with professionalism. Not just because it come naturally but because men also know they are held to a higher standard and face more severe punishment than their privileged female counterparts.

Show us some official statistics or polls to prove that.

Can't you do your own homework?!

You can simply look up demographic trends, crime statistics, and then add which political party ruled year after year.

Here's a start for you:

Last time a Republican served as Mayor of Baltimore: 1967 (it's been a Democrat ever since!);

Height of Polish Community in Baltimore: 1940; approximately 15% of the city's population;

Last count of Polish Community in Baltimore: 2013; only 2.5% of the city's population;

Crime and despair in Baltimore:

The feminist cult of political wokeness where men in law enforcement are always to blame:

pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jan 2021   #713
That's because you would be hard pressed to find any and you know it.

No, I just waited to see what you would say and you fell for it again. hahaha

Actually, I was talking about a real case which happened in Poland in 2017 - male guards organised a regular brothel in their prison for themselves and male inmates. .

So, what do you think about male guards who force female inmates to have unwanted contacts?

Can't you do your own homework?!

No, I can`t, you are not worth it. We want to see your lies and manipulation provided first handedly by yourself.

And here they are:

Last count of Polish Community in Baltimore: 2013; only 2.5% of the city's population;

hahaha You cheater. :):)

You said that feminism and wokeness chased them all away. I asked for statistics and polls proving that FEMINISM and WOKENESS did it. While you are playing stupid and offering us useless data about demographic trends. That`s certainly not what we expected, so stop evading and cheating.

Again - we want you to prove that FEMINISM and WOKENESS drove those Poles away from Baltimore.

PS. It seems I got you. hihi
Strzelec35  19 | 830
15 Jan 2021   #714
"So, what do you think about male guards who force female inmates to have unwanted contacts?"

Are you sure it was forced? That is hard to believe and if so would be more akin to human trafficking and really life sentences by us standards than regular prostitution or a brothel like the title suggests.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
15 Jan 2021   #715
we want you to prove that FEMINISM and WOKENESS drove those Poles away from Baltimore.

I already did! Don't just memorize words, understand them!

How many prominent Poles are there in Baltimore politics? None! They are demographically locked out from being considered despite the city having no problem taxing them!

And go look at the biographies of the three recent female Democrat mayors who ruled Baltimore while crime soared and Poles fled.

For starters none have a Polish heritage and they did nothing for the aging and dwindling Polish community who remained. Indeed, two of these three woke feminist mayors have criminal convictions earned while serving as mayor! One was indicted on 12 felony and misdemeanor counts, including perjury, theft, and misconduct while another was was indicted by a grand jury on 11 counts of fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy. The only claim to fame of the third female mayor who served was getting a recognition award from the city's black gay community and being included in a fashion magazine's top 10 list of best-dressed mayors.

Mayors have a responsibility to the entire community they are supposed to be serving. And in the dystopian feminist City of Baltimore the woke mantra is always "diversity is our strength."

But clearly Baltimore's Polish community was never on any of any of these female mayor's priority lists and never were going to be either.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
15 Jan 2021   #716
Hey Paulina, are you truly woke? and do you agree or identify with women in the west like the one who wrote this?
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jan 2021   #717
I already did!

Nope, you didn`t.

biographies of the three recent female Democrat mayors

No, that still isn`t any reliable statistics. You were expected to provide proofs that feminism led to Polish Ams` flight from Baltimore. So, you blame female mayors who started their terms in 2007. But very conveniently you didn`t mention the fact that Baltimore`s population had been falling systematically since 1950s.
Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Jan 2021   #718
I already did! Don't just memorize words, understand them!

I feel sorry for you, but don't give up.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Jan 2021   #719
but don't give up.

Actually, it seems the poster has given up coz my question concerning male guards remained unanswered.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
16 Jan 2021   #720
But very conveniently you didn`t mention the fact that Baltimore`s population had been falling systematically since 1950s.

And very conveniently you didn't mention the fact that Baltimore's overall population has been falling systematically because of white flight.

You also very conveniently didn't mention the fact that feminism and wokeness (the cancerous byproducts of Neo-Marxist Critical Theory) took root in the US during the 1950s and 1960s.

It's undeniable that these malignant ideologies and their consequences have been a disaster for generations of Polish immigrants and their descendants.

Nope, you didn`t.

Yes, I did! And with a total knock out!

Polonia wins the match! Undefeated!

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