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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Jan 2021   #631
It is natural that women-haters hate

Men don't hate women. Men cringe when women men want to respect look like hookers.

Remember how the beaches looked 50 years ago? What has changed? The sand is the same. Guys look the same or better with shorts that replaced spandex. But to a leftist women lover like you, women flaunting their fat bodies that would violate decency laws of the past is, of course, progress.

I did notice how you smartly navigated around that rock of women turning themselves into objects. Uncoerced, on their own, with big bucks spent on big fake tits and even bigger Brazilian asses.

Yes, I know, it's our fault too.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
12 Jan 2021   #632
if they would treat you like crap, point fingers at you just because you were smiling to them or simply was horny and just got out of prison, if they demanded you to not sit newr them even if you asked nice while having the audacity of asking you to even move just to make room for them with some excuse like i have room somewhere else, how would you respect such scum? welcome to my cultural awareness or shock or reality when being deported to them in this country or how they are in warsaw. And Im talking about hypocrites like they are to the bone. ******* who themselves would stare or look or smile but with evil hearts or intends and selfishness just to feel or feed their egos.

whats funny is they are polish retards themselves who havent been anywhere and act this way. they aint **** and their country is or was should we say just a ***** of donald trump and the usa. and thrn thry talk **** about ukrainians or others like theyre better than anyone when the reality is opposite. theyre just mad about ukrainian women stealing their men.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jan 2021   #633
Men don't hate women

Of course not all. Only frustarated women haters do .Simple.

I did notice how you smartly navigated

You think it was smart? No, it wasn`t. It was a call from my heart, not mind.

beaches women flaunting their fat bodies

First mistake is that you go to beaches to look for women with perfect bodies No, beaches are designed for other activities.
Second is you critisize fat women. You haven`t got a perfect body yourself but nobody frowns at you flaunting it.

Men cringe when women men want to respect look like hookers.

Look. Yes. Does it mean they are hookers? Or think like ones? Why do you constantly stick to appearances instead of looking deep into sb`s soul??? Women have them, too, believe me.

big fake tits and even bigger Brazilian asses.

Why are you so obsessed with perfect tits and asses?
Ironside  51 | 13083
12 Jan 2021   #634
Second is you critisize fat

Rather their lack of self awareness...and ability to stop stuffing themslefses up.

Does it mean they are hookers?

If they dress like hookers misunderstanding is to be expected.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
12 Jan 2021   #635
what I don't get is why they look at you or look away if you catch the, but then act like youre the one looking at them or the culprit or the guilty party.
Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Jan 2021   #636
Why are you so obsessed with perfect tits and asses?

Please don't do that stupid thing about being obsessed. It's old and it can be applied to everything.
In fact, the opposite is true. I would really appreciate a day without Kim and other idiots like her that look part horse part female.

We are talking about women. The term T&A was created for a reason that had nothing to do with men's body parts. It's a multi-billion dollar industry with 99.99% of the clients being women who, of course, hate being objectified. That being the fact, women will still tell you with that note of joyful contempt that men think with their penises and get on the phone right after delivering this profound revelation to make another appointment to inflate some more.

Did you ever think about inflating any of your body parts? You didn't because you are not that shallow.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Jan 2021   #637
I would really appreciate a day without Kim

What do you watch that you see Kim every day?

Did you ever think about inflating any of your body parts?

Yes, I think about it all the time. It is my obsession to inflate my brain - but not artificially. I train it every day in the forum and I feel how it grows - like bamboo.

Please don't do that stupid thing about being obsessed.

Everybody has some obsessions - yours is perfect ass, mine - big brain.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Jan 2021   #638
boys who think they should be masters over women

Why do you keep projecting such a lie ?

Why are you so obsessed with perfect tits and asses?

Never have I seen Rich post about perfect tits and asses, yet another of your projected lies
Do yourself a favor and take the "Kick Me" sign off your back..
Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Jan 2021   #639
What do you watch that you see Kim every day?
But for the broads, it is the only decent source available to us here. The other being
I still don't know what you think about dental floss as ass wear. Like, it's really cool - except for the women I love and respect.

Would that be correct?
12 Jan 2021   #640
both parents work, but only one of them is doing all the house chores and is taking care of their children then it's simply unfair.

To me it shows a basic lack of respect. The men who are whinging and complaining here will no doubt say that they love their wives, but if that is the case, then why would they be content for them to do the lion's share of the work? Not getting to sit down and relax till 9 or 10 pm every night is just going to lead to resentment, whereas an equal division of labour means that couples will have more quality time that they can spend together.

In addition, why should it be mainly down to women to bring up and care for the kids? Is it such an ordeal for those fathers to take part in the upbringing of the children they presumably wanted?

who think they should be masters over women because they were born male

Unfortunately, some men still believe that women should be treated like they're second-class citizens.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
12 Jan 2021   #641
equal division of labour means

Fantastic sex.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2021   #642
Unfortunately, some men still believe that women should be treated like they're second-class citizens.

Because women allow it. But it gets a lot worse with men who are abusers. Women, like obedient dogs, will suffer for years even if the abuse is criminally prosecutable and the women have the means and the opportunity to run. Yet, they will stand by their man, as the saying goes.

Some will pop the sob and claim years of being "raped" as a justification. When asked why they didn't dump the pos after the first black eye, their stock answer is always because "I loved him".

In many cases - brace yourself now - that first black eye and the bruises came BEFORE she married the scum. All of this nonsense is happening because women want to nest with almost anybody as long as they get that phony "I love you so much" after she calls the cops. Weddings are planned at 15. The rest is just trying to fill the suit - preferably with a deep pocket.

One in four women will be sexually abused at least once in her lifetime. Men are luckier with one in six. Women are easy prey for too many reasons to cover in a short post. Yet, to you idiots, equality means who is does the dishes and who vacuums the floors. You are sick.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jan 2021   #643
The men who are whinging and complaining here

LOL - Except it's the women and fem men here that are the ones doing the whining, not the men that you are trying to portray.

Just go read the brow beatings posts by the females here by trying your damndest with your guilt trips that it is all the mans fault.

If woman would just learn how to listen we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
Like Rich said, "Take off your halo's girls."

but if that is the case,

Well it isn't the case as all the guys here are very happy with gender equality in their lives.
You SINGLE girls here that are getting up in years are the ones stroking out, not the guys.

why should it be mainly down to women to bring up and care for the kids?

I don't think anyone here said it was.
Why do you keep projecting such nonsense ?
I have not heard one man in this post suggest that women should be treated like second class citizens.
What ever happened in your last relationship with a man must have really been traumatic for you to be so bitter towards men.
How about sharing with us so we can help you out with your problem.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2021   #644
Why do you keep projecting such a lie ?

What lie? That you, m(uch)acho supremacists, believe you should be masters over women?? It isn`t a lie but a natural conclusion from your multiple chauvinistic posts in this and other threads.

E..g., in this one you sickly claimed that pregnant women should stay barefoot in the kitchen and have no voting rights.

Tell us, muchacho, what would you do as a master in the above-mentioned scenario??
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2021   #645
you sickly claimed that pregnant women should stay barefoot in the kitchen and have no voting rights.

Taking things literally leads to nowhere good. FYI, that barefoot in the kitchen is a short version of that empowering without preconditions is a stupid idea. How about kids' voting rights? After all, they are citizens and taxpayers when they buy LOL's.

Conveniently, you didn't notice a brilliant post next to his which contained this amazing bit of wisdom. Quoting:

Seriously, the right to vote should require minimum qualifications that would include a test. If one needs a license to clip toenails, know the rest.

Plato would be proud of the author...
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2021   #646
the right to vote should require minimum qualifications that would include a test.

What kind of test?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Jan 2021   #647
An IQ test perhaps for all ? Men and women?
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2021   #648
No. IQ does not equal skill or knowledge.
I meant a test like the one even morons can and must pass if they want to drive. It is sheer idiocy that a pulse and age are the only requirements to decide the course of a nation. In the US, some vote without a pulse which leaves only age as the sole criterium.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Jan 2021   #649
Yes 'democracy' isn't all that tbh
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2021   #650
I meant a test like the one even morons can and must pass if they want to drive

That would be wonderful. All morons who vote rightards in Poland would be excluded. Do you really want it? You know, you have to be consistent - you can`t opt for such a regulation in the USA only.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jan 2021   #651
Taking things literally leads to nowhere good.

He knows it was pure sarcasm with no intent but that is what stiff lipped Brits and insecure Polack's play on.
They take American sarcasm figuratively, intentionally, to diminish and shame with.
And if that doesn't work they call you a liar to diminish you to try and make you defend yourself.

why would they need gender help from a menfem defending themselves ?

That is American English however it gets diminished with, to shame, as you can see in the following.

Are you sure you wanted to type themselves? Coz it changes the meaning. It should be "them" most probably.

Probably not and yes, I was sure.
You Polish and Brits need to learn how to laugh at yourselves and not be so critical of others to save face.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2021   #652
Yes 'democracy' isn't all that tbh

First, "democracy" is for the naive idiots who never want to see the Wizard and what's behind his curtain. Second, as I already posted, if elections mattered they would be illegal. If you insist on playing word games at the Civics 101 level, take it to pawian's kindergarten. There, you can even do it in English.

Back to equality...Women made themselves not equal by the choices they make. There is no male equivalent of Real Housewives, with the screaming and the embarrassingly stupid subjects being bi**tched about all day long. I was going to say "debated" but I caught myself in time.

In the last couple of years, I have seen about a hundred receptionists and nurses. All women. I also have about a dozen doctors - all men. And then I read how the evil men discriminate and pay women 75 cents for every dollar they pay men without explaining why those evil men are stupid and pay more rather than less for the same work. Duh!
Lenka  5 | 3548
13 Jan 2021   #653
60% of doctors are female in Poland
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2021   #654
How many receptionists and checkout clerks are women?
Ironside  51 | 13083
13 Jan 2021   #655

Stop bitching here its embarrassing.

in Poland

clue in that, They talk about USA and they have a many of good reasons to *****. You look at Poland and don't understand them. Just stop it.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2021   #656
Your contribution is duly noted.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Jan 2021   #657
He knows it was pure sarcasm with no intent

Excuses, excuses. Like a kid......
Sorry, it is too late so stop denying now. Those were your own words in the heat of another discussion about female rights. You spoke emotionally, sincerely, what you really thought.

It is useless to deny it now.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jan 2021   #658
Your contribution is duly noted.

60% of doctors are female in Poland

That's because all the Polish male doctors migrated to countries where they get paid lots more then they are able to make in Poland leaving many openings for female doctors in Poland. Simple.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Jan 2021   #659
That's because all the Polish male doctors migrated

Thanks, JR. I owe you one for that. For a moment I was speechless.
Women are clingers and risk-averse so they stay put. Good point.
I don't know a single woman who would leave her country alone with nobody awaiting her on the other side. Men do it often.

It was Mr, not Mrs. Columbus, as far as I recall.
That equality again...
Lenka  5 | 3548
13 Jan 2021   #660
Any data supporting that?

Wydział Lekarski Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego przyjął 75 proc. kobiet. Warszawski UM jeszcze nie policzył, ale w zeszłym roku studentek było 61 proc.

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