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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Paulina  19 | 4484
10 Jan 2021   #601
Can I join your team please.

Haha... dolno... lol I don't have any problem with you as far as attitude towards women goes, so, yes, you can join my team :))

No, I don't.

Gee, why am I not surprised... lol But thank you at least for admitting it. I wish more misogynists were more... open... about what they really think, like you :)

1. Women refuse to see the details of how abortions are done and their consequences.

1. Unlike men? You have any proof for that claim?
2. You're a funny man, Rich. First you advocate for women to stay home and men to work and now you claim that when those stay-at-home women spend the money of their working husbands they're somehow "evil/immoral"? Logic doesn't seem to be your forte.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #602
Yeah I'm in the team !!! , I really do love women , meeting my wife is the best thing that ever happened in my life.
Paulina  19 | 4484
10 Jan 2021   #603
3. Women want to control but not be held responsible.

Control what and be held responsible for what? And again - do you have any proof for that claim? Any percentage, statistics, polls, research confirming this?

meeting my wife is the best thing that ever happened in my life.

She must be lovely, dolno... :) But I guess good men end up with good women :))
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #604
No i'm just very lucky she had the patience to sort me out.
Paulina  19 | 4484
10 Jan 2021   #605
@Dolno, I guess she must have thought that you were worth the effort of sorting you out ;) :))
Novichok  4 | 8558
10 Jan 2021   #606
1. Unlike men? You have any proof for that claim?

The few men who had abortions told me that they regretted their decision.
Paulina  19 | 4484
10 Jan 2021   #607
@Novichok, you don't have to be a woman to "refuse to see the details of how abortions are done and their consequences". Men have eyes too. You also don't have to be a woman to suport or be against abortion - plenty of men in Poland support abortion.

So, cut the crap and prove your claims.

Btw, as a teen I've seen a documentary about abortion on Polish TV which was showing the details of how it's done, but that's not why I'm against abortion "on a whim".
Novichok  4 | 8558
10 Jan 2021   #608
Logic doesn't seem to be your forte.

After pawian, I am a walking brilliance in logic and everything else.
Spending wealth has nothing to do with staying home. You made a jump you are not entitled to. All service jobs - primary female - spend wealth. Wealth is created only by manufacturing, mining, and agriculture - predominantly male jobs. Please, don't not-all me.

Control what and be held responsible for what?

Control everything and be responsible for nothing. Marry one and you will not ask such questions.
Paulina  19 | 4484
10 Jan 2021   #609
I am a walking brilliance in logic and everything else.

No, you aren't, as has been proven quite a few times already.

All service jobs - primary female - spend wealth. Wealth is created only by manufacturing, mining, and agriculture - predominantly male jobs.

I don't know about the US, but in Poland manufacturing and agriculture are in no way predominantly male jobs lol I know that for a fact because I have family members who work in factories and half of my family lives in the countryside.

Besides, what would have being preferred for particular jobs, whether "creating wealth" or not, anything do to with being "evil" or morality? Have you lost your mind completely?

Control everything and be responsible for nothing. Marry one and you will not ask such questions.

Novichok  4 | 8558
10 Jan 2021   #610
Men have eyes too.

It is the ultimate in disgusting behavior by both men and women to be for what they do not want to see. I was for a stent shoved up my ass when I was having a heart attack and saw the whole thing on the screen next to me. And smiled when they unblocked. No woman ever smiled during an abortion. Would you?

Pregnancy is typically a blessing and that is why women want the pics of their "babies" - not "fetuses". No woman ever asked for a picture of the "fetus" she is about to abort. Like: OK, doc, before you remove that blob, let me take the last look at it. Never happened and never will because everybody knows - pros included - that the procedure is hideous.

The reason why I judge women lower on the morality scale is that abortion is anti-motherhood - the most basic of instincts a woman may be driven by. Men are basically sperm donors and often ready to just walk after wiping their injector off clean. The darker the skin, the higher the probability and frequency.


This is not a court of law and I don't have to prove anything. Don't like it? Don't read it.
I went through this "prove it" bulls**t before. When I did, NOTHING was good enough. F**k that. Never again...
Paulina  19 | 4484
10 Jan 2021   #611
why I judge women lower on the morality scale is that abortion is anti-motherhood - the most basic of instincts a woman may be driven

I'm not buying the crap you're writing anymore, Rich. You're generally prejudiced against women, I doubt it's about abortion. As often, you're bullsh1ting. Besides, there are different reasons for abortion. If your granddaughter was raped when she was 12 by, let's say, her father, and the doctors decided that it would be too dangerous for her to give birth, would you be convincing her not to get an abortion by showing her pictures of aborted babies? Would you be blabbing about maternal instinct then?

Also, not all women are fit to be mothers, imho, not all women have that maternal instinct right away, especially young women, some men talk women into and pay for abortion of their girlfriends to "get rid of the problem", parents tell their young daughters to have an abortion or they'll throw them out of the house into the street, etc.

Btw, it looks like both mothers and fathers can develope "motherly instinct":

When I did, NOTHING was good enough. F**k that. Never again...

Oh, poor Rich... I'm not buying that either, sorry. Bullsh1t after bullsh1t. You're simply trying to weasel out, as you already did in the past.

This may be an internet forum and not a court of law, but it doesn't mean that you can't be caught lying, bullsh1ting, twisting things, etc.

Whenever you don't provide proof for one of your outrageous, stupid claims, me and everyone else has every right to call you a liar and write that you're talking out of your ass.

So, Rich Mazur - you're a misogynistic LIAR and you're talking out of your ass.
Novichok  4 | 8558
11 Jan 2021   #613
you're a misogynistic LIAR and you're talking out of your ass.

No dear feminazi, lying can be only about facts. Those were my opinions. Don't like them? Tough sh*t.
johnny reb  49 | 7985
11 Jan 2021   #614
Women can demand to be treated like a queen all they want however most of them that do end up being a miserable old spinster.

Most men prefer the innocents of a woman to care for and protect.
Mouthy controlling demanding woman are for the soy boys who need a mother figure to tell them what to do.

johnny_reb, I'm deeply moved by your and Rich's genuine care for the fate of women

Our pleasure, hope you learned something positive.

more of them have problems with "getting it up" or simply don't want to have sex altogether.

Most of the time caused by having a dick shrink'er woman in their life.
See Paulina how course I can be too so save your sarcastic man hating one liners for your girlfriends.
Sounds to me like you have had a very bad experience with some loser and now you are taking it out on all men.
Get over it and quit taking life so seriously.
Novichok  4 | 8558
11 Jan 2021   #615
Speaking of women and morality... Just as they are capable of murdering their husbands slowly and with that special cold-blooded premeditation that involves poisons, they are just as fine with inflicting near-death experience upon their unsuspecting and trusting children. Not for money, fame, career, or anything we can relate to. Just for 15 minutes of attention.

Only women assault their kids and later play stupid with the medical staff. Predictably, the definitions of Munchausen by proxy use gender-neutral terms like parent or caregiver, while ignoring the statistics that the syndrome is entirely a female mental disorder. Some of the sick bi*****es are nurses. Unbelievable.
Ironside  50 | 12955
11 Jan 2021   #616
hey everyone !
How about definition of gender equality and how each of you understand that term and how in your opinion his practical implementation would look like if at all.

Your merry go around men this women that is pointless. I'm just baffled that you can't see that.
Maybe you enjoy it too much. If so just says so.
WE normal people will stay away from this thread.
Novichok  4 | 8558
11 Jan 2021   #617
How about definition of gender equality

Brilliant idea....Gender equality should mean only one thing: equality under the law. For example, voting rights. Everywhere else genders are not equal because if there were equal, God would stop at Adam and Steve and watch his grand plan go to s**t.

Under the law should not mean in the courts of law. In custody cases, the only thing that should always matter is the welfare of the child and nothing else. To give the guy full custody of a 17-year-old adopted daughter would be just as insane as a 17-minute-old child of any gender.
pawian  226 | 27568
11 Jan 2021   #618
WE normal people will stay away from this thread.

Exactly, I took a leave from it coz it is infested with nasty women-haters. I am going to find me another thread.
Novichok  4 | 8558
11 Jan 2021   #619
it is infested with nasty women-haters.

FYI, the worst women haters are women. Why do you think women invented gossip, 2-inch-long claws, and down to the waist cleavage?
pawian  226 | 27568
11 Jan 2021   #620
Yes, but at least those women-hating women perceive the objects of their hate as humans, not objects. Ha! While male women-haters perceive women as objects. Simple. That is why those males are much worse and should be contained coz their attitude is inhuman(e). .
Novichok  4 | 8558
11 Jan 2021   #621
While male women-haters perceive women as objects.

Quoting or guessing?
I was hoping you would ask me about that cleavage? I put a lot of effort into it. And I agree. Women should never treat themselves as objects.

Women and morality continued...99% of parents cringe because of their daughters looking the way common street sex workers refuse to look. Dental floss was never meant to serve as a bikini bottom. Today, you have to look straight up not to see a sea of bare butts on the beach.

Oscars and other shows like that are no longer PG-14 and not because of the men. They are still as they were 100 years ago. It's the women trying to stick it to other women - see bi**tch, I got it and you don't - not to excite the men. They probably would pay not to see these edgy freaks and especially if they are related to them.h

The dress code or rather the lack of it reveals the men-women inequality. There is no men's equivalent of down to the waist cleavage and butt flossing in public. Not yet anyway.
Paulina  19 | 4484
12 Jan 2021   #622
No dear feminazi, lying can be only about facts. Those were my opinions.

Wow, I'm impressed, Rich, it took you a long time to call me a "feminazi" :D What did it take - calling you a liar? Or maybe it was some kind of revenge for calling you a misogynist? You know you are both and you revel in it, so what's the problem?

No, Rich, you weren't writing as if those were just your opinions. For example, it would be an opinion if you wrote: "I think women have a problem with facing the truth about abortion". It would be an unfair generalisation, but at least it would be an opinion. But instead you wrote: "Women refuse to see the details of how abortions are done and their consequences." This is a claim and you didn't provide any proof for that claim. You don't know whether all women refuse to see those details - you have no way of knowing that and you didn't provide any links to polls or research that would prove that. I am a living proof to the contrary - I didn't refuse to see those details of abortion, I watched a documentary about it already when I was a teen.

You also lie. For example, you wrote: "I don't know of any man who would murder his own small kids, with full premeditation, because he felt bad that day". A man of your age would have to live in a cave in order not to know of such cases.

you are taking it out on all men.

I don't know if you have no honour at all or whether you're that delusional or simply trolling again.
I wasn't taking anything out on all men. Whatever I wrote in this thread was merely a response to what some men wrote on here and there wasn't anything "man-hating" about it. It's your buddy and guru, Rich, who's doing all the hating here - towards women - and I was simply debunking his false claims, lies and "opinions". Unlike in his and your case, most of what I wrote was backed by proof - polls, statistics, research, articles, etc. You even thanked me for some of the information I provided - does that make you a "man-hater"? :D

There was also nothing "man-hating" in that one line you picked out of my sarcastic response to your ignorant comment about women and their voting rights - quite the opposite. Rich complained about women being too tired to have sex because of work and I simply mirrored it in my comment, it's just I wrote about men this time. Quite some time ago I've read a Polish article about it - that more and more men were experiencing problems with erection and sex drive due to the fast pace of the life nowadays - being overworked, stressed out by work. Of course, there are also other reasons like unhealthy lifestyle and resulting health problems, drinking alcohol, watching too much p0rn, etc:

According to the study mentioned in the article almost 50% of men in their 30s in Britain had difficulties in getting and maintaining an erection. Almost 50% of them blamed stress, 25% - heavy drinking, 36% - tiredness and 29% - anxiety.

Btw, my sarcastic response to what you wrote was "tongue in cheek", as you call it. I think dolno understood it and had a laugh along with me :) So maybe it's you who should quit taking life so seriously, johnny_reb :)))

And you didn't answer my question - would you mind it if men were stripped of the right to vote and would have to become stay-at-home dads - cooking, cleaning and taking care of kids 24/7? :)

Also, do you agree with Rich that women aren't equally as good morally as men are?

@Ironside, for me gender equality is, in short, about equal rights and opportunities. It's also about attitudes in the society, but changing them, unlike in case of changing law, takes time.

While male women-haters perceive women as objects. Simple. That is why those males are much worse and should be contained coz their attitude is inhuman(e)

You hit a nail on the head here, pawian. I think that's the underlying problem with attitude of a lot of men around the world towards women. I didn't realise that when I was younger, but I do now. Often they don't see us as equals as human beings and it also happens that they don't even view us or treat us like human beings at all. That's the main difference, in my opinion, between attitudes of men and women. Women almost never view men as objects. Even when they hate them - they hate them as human beings. They may be some women who view men as animals or monsters, but I think that always stems from some really bad experiences with men. In case of men, however, thinking that women are worse than them, someone below them that they want to lord over, control, seems to be some kind of default mindset regardless of their experience with women - all they need to do is to be born in the right culture and that seems to be enough to turn off any or much of the empathy towards women and girls. Of course, I'm not talking about all men, but I think you know what mean...

For me personally it's scary and depressing, because as a girl and a woman I've experienced this lack of empathy and being viewed as an object by some men in real life, so it's not just internet theory for me. It's real life and shouldn't be a joking matter for men, because, in turn, it influences the attitudes of women towards men.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
12 Jan 2021   #623
Almost 50% of them blamed stress, 25% - heavy drinking, 36% - tiredness and 29% - anxiety.

I have suffered with all the above honest :)

Must say its always the guy who is expected to perform can be a bit tough sometimes.

I will add one to the list "couldn't be bothered", the chase is sometimes more fun than the actual act if you know what i mean.
Ironside  50 | 12955
12 Jan 2021   #624
because as a girl and a woman I've experienced this lack of empathy

How empathic are women or girls towards dudes they are have interest in? Also I bet often it just your perception not facts. Personal experience is sometimes misleading as you read into situation something that is not there...

about equal rights and opportunities.

So there is no issue. It has been there for a long time. Neither you nor me remembers times when women had no equal rights in law.

bout attitudes in the society,

In what way? Meddling into Society works is not a good things. Especially if we are talking bills, and laws.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
12 Jan 2021   #625
paulina claims she is hot and complaining about men seeing her as an object but doesnt even realize how it would feel being completely invisible in the world or to the opposite sex. i bet shed much rsther be an object than that snd would even relish being an object in such an existence being a man. or her existence and i seriously doubt she looks good vs being someone who cant identify with the culture they are in or deported to plus only visible for money or constantly asked what you do by virtually every female or ignored. which existence would you rather take? plus that isnt even tkaing account the new liberal trend at least in the west or us to only hire females and screen people based on diversity and having it much easier paulina. plus aleays having to pay for everything if you ever go on a dwte just for being born with a cock. imagine paulina... just imagine being me or your average male these days.
pawian  226 | 27568
12 Jan 2021   #626
Of course, I'm not talking about all men

Most men or even all are poisoned with this strange attitude. I had been,once, too, but fortunately I read a few wise books and decided to change my ways. It wasn`t easy, I had to work hard on myself but the results are amazing. Today I not only perceive women as humans but also determined to defend and support their rights whenever necessary. It is natural that women-haters hate me too for my determination, but I pee on them with my warm urine. (Polish saying).
Strzelec35  19 | 830
12 Jan 2021   #627
do regular humans ask what is your job or how much money do you make as literally the first question and demand free **** like little children at bars just because youa re born male and they arent or even care about such trivial nor i bullshet like fems do? or sit there expecting you pay for their crap even after barely meeting them at skme meetup? only they do this hence why they arent ws you call normal humans. just parasites and users.
johnny reb  49 | 7985
12 Jan 2021   #628
Ialso determined to defend and support their rights whenever necessary.

If they are a equal gender as you claim, why would they need gender help from a menfem defending themselves ?

I pee on them with my warm urine.

I poop warm poop on menfems.
Man haters bring a lot of what we have debated upon themselves.
pawian  226 | 27568
12 Jan 2021   #629
If they are a equal gender

In theory. But practice is often different.

why would they need gender help from a menfem defending themselves ?

Are you sure you wanted to type themselves? Coz it changes the meaning. It should be "them" most probably.

Man haters

Primo, I don`t hate anybody. Ergo, I don`t hate men. I only oppose those fake alphaville boys who think they should be masters over women because they were born male. They view themselves very seriously but they are ridiculous in fact.

bring a lot of what we have debated upon themselves.

I don`t mind their pathetic attacks. They are like flies bothering a lion. Simple.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
12 Jan 2021   #630
youre full of s-t. are you saying those Warsaw fems at trendy spots dont act superior to being born females and like complete bydlo when they move your drink or even spot just to make room for themselves or your friends if you turn away for a sec or use the restroom and come back? who touches other peoples **** besides garbage people full of themselves who think they are entitles to everything like children? or how bout how hypocrytes they are when they dont want me to sit near them but think they can sit near me to make room for their garbage kaka friends anytime they want next to me? scum i tell ya scum.

I can tell what sort of people normies are here in Poland by just going to twitter and that scares me enough of interacting with them and choosing to harass you people or annoy you for fun instead. No I will never be a normi or integrate well within this society:

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