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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

Ironside  50 | 12941
6 Jan 2021   #481
Don`t be silly.

You doing it again talking. Stop and think then came back AFTER you do that.

- people learnt to do things they had never done before.

Sure lol! You never left your comfort zone and your bubble you have no clue about people, yet you think you are fit to lecture them. Ego dude watch you ego. You are dumb ass all over the place with your argument here. You are nothing much what you can teach ? English gramma? stick to that.

That just hilarious. People before 1990 didn't know how to clean a house or wash the dishes lol! You couldn't make it up!
pawian  226 | 27453
6 Jan 2021   #482
People before 1990 didn't know how to clean a house or wash the dishes lol

Another silliness. You know nothing about how Poland has changed since you left 30 years ago. I do coz I have been living here all the time. HA!

yet you think you are fit to lecture them

Exactly. And I am doing it in my job and elsewhere and you can`t do anything about it, only rant in the forum. HA! See the difference???? hahahaha

English gramma? stick to that.

Of course not. I am a Universal Teacher, with national goals.
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Jan 2021   #483
Any equality starts with the sameness of construction. To all of you male feminazis: before you marry her, check that it's a she.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
7 Jan 2021   #484
Depends on which generation of men the OP is asking.
My older generation always thought the perfect woman was a hostess at the door, a good cook in the kitchen and a hore in the bedroom.

And there was one hell of a lot less divorce in those days as there is today so such "equality" was not necessary and things worked just fine.

Now look what a mess things are with the equality thing.
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #485
Really? In what way?

Listen, I'm not your mommy to hold you by your hand. If you can't be assed to read the posts then that's your choice
Ironside  50 | 12941
7 Jan 2021   #486
Listen, I'm not your mommy

You are not my mother I know it all too well. My mother had much more brains than you ever will.
Beside that is your claim, I'm asking you to elaborate on that. I think you talk crap. Given you benefit of the doubt - Maybe - I thought - she will come up with some compelling argument, maybe even it will change my mind. I should have known better. Do you get it now?

You know nothing about

You know nothing about most things you comment on here. If we would apply your logic. Just shove your old canard up yours. The bottom line is you have nothing to say, so you just yapp. In a vain hope the noise you make will hide - Plunk - a sound that your one bran cells make while overloaded.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Jan 2021   #487
perfect woman was a hostess a good cook and a hore in the bedroom.

Yes, and finally women said: No!

there was one hell of a lot less divorce in those days

Of course. Women said no and started kicking their good for nothing fake macho husbands out of their lives.

what a mess things are with the equality thing.

Yes, coz fake machos can`t accept the fact that women are independent and can decide for themselves and prefer to be alone than spend their whol,e life with a lousy loser who demands to be treated as a master only because he is a male.

Your sick dreams of the "glorious" past do not suit our times and reality any longer. The quicker you understand it, the better.
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #488
Beside that is your claim, I'm asking you to elaborate on that.

It was explained before. That's why I said you can't be assed to read yet you comment and try to make me repeat myself.
Ironside  50 | 12941
7 Jan 2021   #489
It was explained before.

You think? I think it was just bitching. Are you telling me that that bitching about men is what stand as a real argument? Sorry you got nothing then.
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #490
You may of course dismiss it as you dismiss anything you don't like but that won't change the trend.
Ironside  50 | 12941
7 Jan 2021   #491
You may of course dismiss it as you dismiss anything

I dismiss everything that is just a shallow crap without substance. Yes and I'm proud of it. YOU on the other hand should be ashamed of yourself for spreading such a crap!
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #492
Yeah I know, official statements were fake for you too.

In the end it doesn't matter as those things are out of our control. I can see the changes in the society and if you wan't to believe it's nothing it's up to you.

For the last time I'm not ashamed so you can save us both some time.
Ironside  50 | 12941
7 Jan 2021   #493
For the last time I'm not ashamed

I know you are not. You are shameless. I only said you should be... Working for the devil!!

Yeah I know,

You know nothing. When ?i ask specific you won't answer cause you cannot be bothered. However for spewing slogans and BS you evdicnlay have plenty of time and will. Figures.
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #494
Working for the devil!!

Oh my, that hurts...

i ask specific you won't answer cause you cannot be bothered

You never asked specifics. You only asked for something that was already said and I refuse to repeat myself cos you are lazy
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Jan 2021   #495
Yes, and finally women said: No!

No! You pulled this out of your... I mean you never heard a woman say that. What happened is this: the jobs capable of supporting a family of four started to disappear. This forced women to go to work. No woman married to a rich guy would ever give up her tennis club and lunches with friends and insist on a 9-5 crap job as a receptionist or a teacher. Rich women don't even like to be mothers and hire Guatemalan illegals to do the dirty work for them.
pawian  226 | 27453
7 Jan 2021   #496
When ?i ask specific

That is your tactics in all threads - you constantly ask the same questions even when they have been answered after the first time. Then you accuse posters they are not specific.

I have experienced it for years and now I know you are doing it on purpose. But it is useless coz we have seen through those infantile tricks.

You only asked for something that was already said and I refuse to repeat myself

Exactly. We need to remind him and other posters here about this tactics of Iron. Regularly.

Working for the devil!!

Do you believe you work for God? You are paranoid.,
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Jan 2021   #497
Do you believe you work for God? You are paranoid.,

Three yous here. Seven in the post. If "you" were a prohibited word, this forum would have to shut down, I guess.
Back to gender equality...
The basis for all those "inequalities" is that, statistically, men create wealth and women spend it. Yes, it's that simple and that's how nature made it so.

Before your heads explode, notice that statistically and chill out.
Ironside  50 | 12941
7 Jan 2021   #498
You never asked specifics. Y

I did. I asked twice or three times and as usual while asking highly educated elite in here the only answer was a silence or change of the subject.

Evidently education and elite here equals morons who cannot even answer a simple question.

That is your tactics

Yes, I do ask questions about specific, facts and I ask people to justify and explain their views. Evidently they are not able to do that regardless of their claims that they soo smart and educated and wise.

It works like a charm as it exposes them for what they really are. F peasants!
johnny reb  49 | 7926
7 Jan 2021   #499
You know the name of this thread is: 'How do men feel about equality' yet the Fem Club here repeatedly keeps bringing up the lazy good for nothing men. lol

To stay on topic of the thread title we should be talking about the worthless women that refuse to do the house work, refuse to get a job outside the home, run up the credit cards, waste the family pocketbook on themselves, have affairs while their husbands are at work, joins the local man haters club to learn how to fck over a man, and so on.

You want to talk equality then lets.
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #500
No woman married to a rich guy would ever give up her tennis club and insist on a 9-5 as a receptionist or a teacher.

Trump's wife was apparently wary good business women. And there are others.

A different aspect is that :
-it seems a lot of wealthy guys like to have trophy wifes and independence doesn't seem to be high on their priority list
-with their life styles their women has to be free. Business dinner without your wife because she is grading papers?

I asked twice or three times

Why it's society's problem and not just personal? Less new, stable relationships, old ones breaking up, further decline of birthrate...
johnny reb  49 | 7926
7 Jan 2021   #501
Trump's wife was apparently wary good business women. And there are others.

That's why the Bible says to yoke equally when you marry.
All women would like a man to give them financial independence but guess what, it dunnit work that way

-it seems a lot of wealthy guys like to have trophy wifes

Why would a rich guy go for a plumper when he can afford a race horse.

Business dinner without your wife because she is grading papers?

She can do that in her spare time when the house maid comes into clean.
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Jan 2021   #502
waste the family pocketbook on themselves

Which is exactly my point. Man brings it, she blows it and when he says don't, she blows up and screams abuse.
Then, every leftist a-hole out there gets teary and says, oh how awful while the criminal records show that it's the women who are the violent morons. The problem is that men don't report it because (1) they are ashamed and (2) cops don't believe them. Like, "this little woman did what to you?" Yeah, a-hole, because the man was strictly in the defense mode, trying to protect his face from those idiotic 2-inch stilettos and, at the very worst, tried to restrain the raving lunatic - made brave by too much booze.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
7 Jan 2021   #503
- made brave by too much booze.

Don't forget all the new frivolous laws that women have creatively invented by the Feminist Man Hater Organizations.
Yelling at your wife is deemed 'mental abuse' and the man can be arrested on mere hearsay.
Yet a woman can yell at a man in front of the cops and never gets arrested unless the cops see her physically assault the man.

Equality you say........Bullshit !
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #504
Which is exactly my point. Man brings it, she blows it and when he says don't, she blows up and screams abuse.

Considering that women work it's not very good argument. The workforce, at least in Poland, is close to 50-50.

problem is that men don't report it

Not reporting domestic violence by men is a problem and we should fight against it. I'm curious though what is your basis for the claim that women are the more violent ones?
johnny reb  49 | 7926
7 Jan 2021   #505
Considering that women work it's not very good argument.

Some do, not all, and not all men are lazy good for nothing creeps either as this thread wants to portray them.

Women said no and started kicking their good for nothing fake macho husbands out of their lives.

Wait, did you or did you not make a oath to God Almighty Himself when you got married when you said, "I do".
(Through sickness and health and the good and the bad)
What kind of good old Catholic boy (hypocrite) are you to lie to God Himself and say, "nope, things are not equal so I change my mind." lol

And we have already proven by your own words what a hypocrite you are, remember.

prefer to be alone than spend their life with a lousy loser who demands to be treated as a master because he is a male.

They should understand that BEFORE they make the commitment to get married and have children then.
Men are much stronger physically so how can a frail little woman be equal to that ?
That is why the men do the heavy lifting and the women don't.
They may still be equal in chores though.
As crude as it is they must understand that equality gender in a marriage is nothing more than legalized prostitution.

Your sick dreams of the "glorious" past do not suit our times

No, your sick dreams has caused such a high divorce rate, single parents, immorality, fatherless children, enriching feminism, brainwashing our young boys to be pussies,
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Jan 2021   #506
From Wikipedia:

In England and Wales, the 1995 "Home Office Research Study 191" surveyed 10,844 people (5,886 women and 4,958 men) between the ages of 16 and 59, finding that for the twelve-month period preceding the survey, 4.2% of men had experienced IPV. Over a lifetime, this figure increased to 14.9% of men.

Every 7th man is abused eventually.

Add to this the extreme cruelty of women who murder their husbands purely for money by slowly poisoning them and that picture of a sweet life-giver is nothing but a fantasy.

Bottom line: women are just as bad as men except they lack the physical force to do it more often.
Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #507
Findings often indicate that the main or a primary motive for female-on-male intimate partner violence (IPV) is self-defense

Add to that all those man biting babies to death and the image of a man protecting his family goes out of the window.

I can do such bickering too so how far do you want to take it?
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Jan 2021   #508
fatherless children

I am glad we are on the same side.

In the racist fifties, 5% of black kids were out of wedlock. Today, with all that "progress" and "liberation", it's 70%! Whites - not much better at 35%. "Liberated" single women are factories where young fatherless criminals are made and the stats show this to be true beyond any argument from the feminists like pawian.

I can do such bickering too so how far do you want to take it?

Until we take that halo away from women. Which is what I just did:

Bottom line: women are just as bad as men except they lack the physical force to do it more often.

Lenka  5 | 3528
7 Jan 2021   #509
In the racist fifties, 5% of black kids were out of wedlock. Today it's 70%! Whites - not much better at 35%. "Liberated" single women

Work on your logic again. Out of wedlock doesn't necessarily mean single

halo away from women.

No halo. Women can be awful. But statistically man are awful more often and to a bigger degree when it comes to violence
johnny reb  49 | 7926
7 Jan 2021   #510
Out of wedlock doesn't necessarily mean single

Then shall we call them bastard children instead ?

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