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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2021   #421
An article which advises women how to teach an uneducated male basic things. It explains that males have a natural tendency to view their female partners as servants who are only too happy to take care of chores themselves. Of course it is wrong and males have to be educated.

- set things straight from the very beginning - we have a partnership in sharing house chores
- be consistent, do not relinquish and do not do male`s part. Feel free to give up doing yours, too when necessary.
- educate your own sons
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jan 2021   #422
Yes it was 'tongue in cheek' as I imagine every else who read it understood

In the same context they understood my tongue and cheek humor.

f you can't show us where I ever called a Pole's "posses" then that would make you the blatant liar now wouldn't it. Liar !

I am not going to look for it coz you are not worth it.

Cop out !
You are not going to show us because you can't show us because it was just another one of your lies, admit it.

Do you really think that quoting me from 2011, nearly 10 years ago, will help you wiggle out of trouble which you got into here?

Absolutely as your nasty remarks about gender equality with women show your true colors.
You must feel totally ashamed of yourself by the way you are trying to wiggle out of it.
Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Jan 2021   #423
Honestly all this bickering and bitching all about nothing. Geez people read your BS sometimes. F pawian are you really keep quoting all the time some dumb nonsense about domestic chores who and how and why? Is that your end all?

Like who cares? IF you (any of you) have a problem sort it out in your own home ...yapping on PF doesn't change a thing. It is up for any family or a couple to deal with those things and more by themslefses and between themslefses.

Why don't you mind your own bussies. Making ideological issue out of some petty BS is another level of stupid. How stupid you strive to be pawian ?
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2021   #424
You must feel totally ashamed of yourself

You are imagining things, darling. But I already told you about your imagination. :)

And, you didn`t answer my question about teaching your own sons.

have a problem sort it out in your own home

We sorted it out long ago. Actually, there was no sorting at all coz I always knew what to do. I became independent at 22 and then lived on my own for a few years before I got married. So, doing the chores is so natural to me and I feel great with it. And I teach my sons to do them, too. .

Why don't you mind your own bussies

I can`t coz I live in this country, and I see it is a hot issue which provokes divorces or contributes to an increasing number of incels. Sth must be done to stop it. You haven`t lived in Poland for 30 years now, and your kids aren`t going to live here, so you enjoy the privilige of not caring about the situation.

How stupid you strive to be pawian ?

That infantile question from a biased opponent like you only proves that I am doing the right thing fighting for women`s rights and cause. Thank you very much for giving me strength.

I wish this forum had more pawians

hahaha thanks. Ok, I will do my best to make you happy in the forum by being a relentless opponent so that you can practise discussion skills.
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2021   #425
I am doing the right thing fighting for women`s rights

The single best gift a father can give his daughters is assuring that by the choices they make they will be financially independent. All else is merely the consequence of that gift. If he hates them, he will let them be what they want to be while pretending that money does not matter. At the age when the life-altering choices are made, to a young female idiot, it's her "friends" and the bum she loves "so much".
Lenka  5 | 3548
5 Jan 2021   #427
to a young female idiot,

Idiot is an idiot no matter if old, young, male or female

I agree about the financial independence
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jan 2021   #428
Myself would say that assuring a young daughter a choice of walking a spiritual walk with Jesus would be the best gift a father could give his daughter.

All the rest would naturally follow plus that gift would last for eternity.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jan 2021   #429
If my daughters dad told her to take a spiritual walk with Jesus she would probably pee herself laughing. And then not contact him again.

Lol I am sure she is not alone.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jan 2021   #430
Did your daughters father/mother ever take her to church to give her a chance in life ?
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2021   #431
Idiot is an idiot no matter if old, young, male or female

True, but to a loving father nothing else matters. His "idiot" is the only one he cares about and can send him to his grave too early.

He also knows that women are naturally vulnerable and can be more easily manipulated because of their natural desire to love, nest, and have kids. There is a reason why it's always some pos guy who leads, exploits and abuses his "flock". Add to this "because God told me" crap and we have a fenceless prison that includes offering young girls for sex. This is when I like the death penalty more than ever.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jan 2021   #432
That's why a good spiritual foundation from daddy can teach their daughters to recognize the wolf in sheep's cloths.
Lenka  5 | 3548
5 Jan 2021   #433
He also knows that women are naturally vulnerable and can be more easily manipulated because of their natural desire to love, nest, and have kids.

Yeah, plus girls are usually pressured more to be 'nice, polite, don't argue etc.' Which makes it hard to stand up for yourself.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jan 2021   #434
Wtf . Our religion is not your business JR. Step off.
If I went to church/mosque /synagogue /chapel /gurdwara...I certainly wouldn't share it here.

Yes women are socialised to be agreeable. That is why some people get so.upset when they join a discussion.

That's also why the 'trans women are women ' mob have got away with their attempts to erase womanhood but that's a whole other thread and probably nothing to with Poland.

Anyway JR your spite and hatred really don't make you good a good advert for church attendance.
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2021   #435
Yeah, plus girls are usually pressured more to be 'nice, polite, don't argue etc.

I couldn't agree with you more. That is why my best advice is to learn how to say f**k off a lot more often. If every girl and woman knew how to do it every time some a-hole gives her a line, this would be a better world and would produce much better results than "how can I help you" or "can you give me a ride home".
Lenka  5 | 3548
5 Jan 2021   #437
True, so so true
Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Jan 2021   #438
pressured more to be 'nice, polite, d

You mean good manners and some class are passé in the eyes of ideological Marxists. Figures. Nothing knew but.

I can`t coz I

You are a little pervert that is too nosy for his own good and like to tell people what they should do in the privacy of their homes. Totalitarian tendency right here and easy to spot.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2021   #439
like to tell people what they should do

Exactly. Once a teacher, always a teacher - don`t forget this motto.
Lenka  5 | 3548
5 Jan 2021   #440
You mean good manners and some class are passé in the eyes of ideological Marxists

Hey, they are great- why not teach boys more of it?
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 Jan 2021   #441
So, doing the chores is so natural to me and I feel great with it. And I teach my sons to do them, too. .

Being submissive to women is the fundamental condition of beta faggotry. It has everything to do with beta fags being "womanish". Otto Weininger figured this out a long time ago but nobody paid attention to him because all you god damn moderntards are too busy jerking off to your sophisticamated nominaltard bullshit to pay attention to anything based on the simple observation of concrete realities.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jan 2021   #442
Ah yes 'good manners and class'...or in other words #be kind as the trans lobby constantly exhort us women, while threatening to 'kill a TERF' . .

Or in other words 'put up and shut up biatch'.

PS TERF = trans exclusionary radical feminist
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2021   #443
Being submissive to women is the fundamental

Why do you view doing your part at home as submissive????

of beta faggotry.

Why do you associate doing your part at home with homosexualism????

You are funny. hahaha
kondzior  11 | 1026
5 Jan 2021   #444
Why do you view doing your part at home as submissive????

LEFTARDS= beta males. Simple as that.

The situation is this: dominant males don't give a sh!t about women, but still get all the sex. Beta males care about women, but get no sex. And who do you think is to blame here? Dominant males, of course! The mangina delusion in a nutshell.
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Jan 2021   #445
How about omega males who think they're alpha but talk so much rubbish that women are sick and tired of them so the alpha wannabes get no sex?
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2021   #446
but get no sex.

That is good for me. I have had too much sex in my life. I am a bit tired of it today. So when you say I get no sex, I am glad. hahaha
Lenka  5 | 3548
5 Jan 2021   #447
Love it :)
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Jan 2021   #448

Have a look at this - starring a man in love with one woman for years who cares for her - apparently a beta male according to some. Mr Jason Momoa ;)
Lenka  5 | 3548
5 Jan 2021   #449
Well, I can say that when my mom skin stopped her from doing the washing (hand wash) and my father had to take over after few days he asked her what a washing machine does and bought it
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2021   #450
Beta males care about women, but get no sex.

Women are not stupid when it is about their safety. They know instantly if a guy is an alpha or a pencil neck beta. They may scream at him if he gets into a fight, but they know that he would do the same to defend her.

Any man who would hesitate or freeze in that role is a pos who should stay single and childless forever. Or go to prison for a major overhaul. I meant the men's wing.

On the lighter side, pawian is correct about the chores. A man who voluntarily does them is giving his wife more than a clean sink. He gives her a gift that beats everything else, including those once-a-year fattening and obligatory chocolates on Feb 14 - her time and the opportunity to do what she wants, not what she must. Unfortunately, we tend to wait until we are "nagged".

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