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Do Polish men date black women??

Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Sep 2014   #31
Exactly, I'm a Polish man and I'm yet to see an attractive black woman. I've seen a few good looking ones but as usual they had an attitude problem: aggressive and big mouth. I'm sure rozumiemnic would be the first one if I saw her..... not! :-)
4 Sep 2014   #32
as usual they had an attitude problem: aggressive and big mouth.

If almost all of a certain group behave a certain way towards you, perhaps you might want to think about moderating your behaviour towards members of that group.
Wroclaw Boy
4 Sep 2014   #33
but as usual they had an attitude problem: aggressive and big mouth.

Really, thats strange, i find them normal just like most people. In fact if youre nice to a black person they are almost always extra nice back....once they realise youre not racist.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Sep 2014   #34
If almost all of a certain group behave a certain way towards you, perhaps you might want to think about moderating your behaviour towards members of that group.

Not towards me, I was just watching while uninvolved in anything.

once they realise youre not racist.

Again, not towards me, I was watching from the side.
Wroclaw Boy
4 Sep 2014   #35
How many times were you 'watching from the side'? Just the once? how many times do you need to 'watch from the side' to form an opinion such as yours?

You married a British girl didn't you? and have a family?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Sep 2014   #36
""n that case, Roz, are you black, and do many Polish men have the hots for you""

yes I look like Grace Jones and I have to beat them off with a s.hitty stick
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Sep 2014   #37
how many times do you need to 'watch from the side' to form an opinion such as yours?

surely more than once...

You married a British girl didn't you? and have a family?

English to be exact.

yes I look like Grace Jones and I have to beat them off with a s.hitty stick

That's what we thought. Sarcasm - the best way to avoid serious debate :-)
szczecinianin  4 | 317
4 Sep 2014   #38
English to be exact.

You seem inordinately proud of this fact. Are we allowed to guess her name? Was it 'Sharon' or 'Tracey'?
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Sep 2014   #39
Why do you think that someone's ethnic background is the reason to be proud of?

Was it 'Sharon' or 'Tracey'?

Wroclaw Boy
4 Sep 2014   #40
Again, not towards me, I was watching from the side.

Wroclaw Boy:
how many times do you need to 'watch from the side' to form an opinion such as yours?

Okay then.......
Bieganski  17 | 888
5 Sep 2014   #41
The evidence is what Rozumiemnic wrote. She wasn't suggesting what you said she was suggesting. You cannot ask someone to prove a negative.

All you have been offering is your own confused interpretation and quite frankly it is very chauvinistic of you to be answering for rozumiemnic when my original reply was to her and not you. If rozumiemnic didn't have the time or wasn't interested in responding to my post then it should have gone unanswered by her rather than you butting in and acting like you have the authority to speak on her behalf.

We know roz. And we (including roz) know Polish people.

And quite frankly it is very chauvinistic of you as well to be answering for rozumiemnic when my original reply was to her and not you. If rozumiemnic didn't have the time or wasn't interested in responding to my post then it should have gone unanswered by her rather than you butting in and acting like you have the authority to speak on her behalf.

In fact the exact reverse is true, as non-Polish men in Poland can tell you.

I already indicated in my original comment to rozumiemnic that Polish men and women enjoy long and healthy relationships together. So the suggestion that Polish men (or even Polish women) would much prefer to be with someone else given half the chance does not bear out. Poland still has one of the higher marriage rates and lower divorce rates in the EU. Compare that to your home country where not only is Britain an ongoing laggard with marriage rates it also has the dubious distinction of having the highest divorce rate in the entire EU thus placing it in the top 10 world wide. So what does that say about your multiculti Britain which you refuse to live in but nevertheless expect Poland to emulate? Obviously your fellow subjects who haven't abandoned Britain yet have nothing in common with each other. In fact social cohesion in your homeland is so dire that your fellow Brits can't stand each other long enough to enter or remain in a lifelong relationship.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Sep 2014   #42
That's what we thought. Sarcasm - the best way to avoid serious debate :-)

is this your idea of a 'serious debate'? really? - a mass debate perhaps
5 Sep 2014   #43
So the suggestion that Polish men (or even Polish women) would much prefer to be with someone else given half the chance does not bear out.

As any non-Polish man who has lived in Poland will tell you, there are more than a few Polish women who prefer non-Polish men. Seriously, when you are old enough to travel by yourself, you should visit Poland: even you might have a shot here!
Bieganski  17 | 888
6 Sep 2014   #44
there are more than a few Polish women who prefer non-Polish men.

Great, then you should have no problem putting a percentage from an independent source to your claims.
Katieisgrowly  - | 4
8 Sep 2014   #45
I date almost only polish boys,but I'm mixed race and don't look black at all,I pass as Italian or a Turk so maybe I'm not qualified to say if polish boys like black girls I think they do.
Bieganski  17 | 888
8 Sep 2014   #46
That's interesting. How does someone claiming to have such a diverse heritage personally become a "label snob" when it comes to dating?
jon357  72 | 23522
8 Sep 2014   #47
We will all tell you the same thing

Much more reliable than some statistic for the type of person who thinks a link to a website is a 'source'.

you could just come out here and find out for yourself.

The best way by far is real life. I do know couples where the man has black heritage and the woman is Polish (real Polish, meaning from Poland) however due to gender patterns in migration (and possibly a stranger being a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of Polish men) marriage between someone black and someone Polish tends to be the other way round.
Wulkan  - | 3136
8 Sep 2014   #48
That's interesting. How does someone claiming to have such a diverse heritage personally become a "label snob" when it comes to dating?

Or maybe she just have a certain sexual preferences, that's why she's dating mainly Polish men. If the black color turned me on I'd be dating only black women, obviously.
Bieganski  17 | 888
8 Sep 2014   #49
Yes, there are people out there who are known to fetishize the superficial racial characteristics of someone different from their own. If this Katieisgrowly character said she preferred white men in general that would be one thing. However, anyone would understandably be left askance from her saying she distills things even further by dating "almost only polish (sic) boys". Indeed, her profile indicates she is in Australia; a country with a population of 22 million residents but where a quick search online shows there are only around 200,000 Australians who claim to have a Polish heritage. With this extremely low number (even lower when other exclusionary factors like local proximity, age and gender are taken into account) I can't imagine that she goes on many dates if at all given her highly selective preferences. What does she do if a successful, athletic, handsome chap chats her up and later admits he is of Slovak or Lithuanian ancestry? Does she jilt him over something like this and wait for another male who claims to be Polish to come along?
Katieisgrowly  - | 4
9 Sep 2014   #50
I really have a thing for polish boys it's not a choice,I think it's in my DNA I tested my DNA and my results were all polish instead of German I think this is the cause of it,many polish boys have cute button noses and wider faces which I like,the Anglo Saxon and other looks depresses me.

Everyone has there little preferences.
9 Sep 2014   #51
Great, then you should have no problem putting a percentage from an independent source to your claims.

I'm more than happy to provide independent sources which confirm what you can check for yourself in a few years.

Look around, dear readers, and you will surely see a lot of marriages between Poles and Brits (or other English-speakers), but why is it always Polish women and foreign men, not the other way around? Notice our immediate company: All of my fellow Polandians; Scatts and Island1 (both English), Decoy (Irish), and Brad (American), are English-speaking foreign men married to Polish women, and I could name several other examples among our frequent commentators.


There is no point in trying to dress it up. Poland is very much a hunting ground for the male tourist. The legion of Anias, Agnieszkas, Alicjas and Asias which invaded the EU like African Killer Bees when Poland got the nod in 2004 verified all the rumours of a stunning, nubile race of supermodels and their apparent lack of pickiness with regards to men was an unquestionable morale-booster.
Getting a date with a Polish girl is easy enough. The high competition makes all approachable and, for many, a foreign boyfriend is still the ultimate accessory, promising travel, money & jealousy from other women (not to be underestimated).
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 Sep 2014   #52

Much more reliable than some statistic for the type of person who thinks a link to a website is a 'source'.

24 May 2015   #53
Yes they do,I'm from African Canadian and I am dating a Polish guy,he went back to Poland,but we still dating,I'm going for visit in two months
Auspicious Star
20 Aug 2015   #54
Merged: Dating for the right reason

I'm a Black Hispanic women and I've been dating a Polish man for well over a year- I've met all of his family and friends ...everyone is kind and loving, just great people. I believe that if you love the person your with vice versa color/race should become blurred bc your FAMILY. I didn't fall for him bc of his color or race and his feelings are mutual and we both are physically attractive individuals but it's personality,love,laughter, respect and understanding of one another that made us see each other as human beings that are willing to take a chance for love. I hope you all find that;.... after all love is the goal.
16 Nov 2015   #55
I totally would! The blacker, the better.
31 Jan 2016   #56
I am Polish, and personally I have dated black girls while living here in the US and I find them very attractive. I have many Polish friends, living in Poland that find black women very attractive too. The reason they are not dating them is that: they don't know the language or there simply is no black women in Poland. So answering your question, Polish men definitely date black women, moreover many men find them very attractive but they don't have the opportunity to meet any.
Levi  11 | 433
1 Feb 2016   #57
The legion of Anias, Agnieszkas, Alicjas and Asias which invaded the EU like African Killer Bees when Poland got the nod in 2004 verified all the rumours of a stunning, nubile race of supermodels

This is non-sense.

1st: Polish woman are not all that beautiful. (Supermodels? Maybe they look like supermodels if you compare then to British woman, but then until my microwave oven would look like one).

2nd: Polish man do date non-polish woman, unfortunately not a lot of them discovered the places where their genes would be well rewarded. In most south american countries, a polish man with fair skin and blue eyes would be treated like a king, while a fat british would be disregarded.
25 Dec 2016   #58
Polish men don't date black women because there are only few black women in Poland.

I see sometimes black people in Warsaw but most of them are tourists or temporary workers, and most of them are men.

I remember only one black girl from my childhood - in first religion class. She had polish-don't know roots. I was interested just like a child, few times we played together and it was my last contact with black woman...

I like black beauties (most of them seen on TV...) but, if I met one, I could be ashamed. Poles are generally ashamed ;-)
However good looking is only a part of attractiveness. There are many attitudes to relationships.
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Dec 2016   #59
Poles are generally ashamed

What do you mean by that?
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
25 Dec 2016   #60
Poles are generally ashamed ;-)

I wouldn't say Poles are ashamed. Majority of us love money more than anything in the world.
We don't have time to be alerted and available. We think about the money all the time.

When some beauty approach us the first thought is what she wants? To steal our property or land or cars or everything?
I would say we are rather aloof and careful ;)

I always thought that I don't like black women until relocated to London. Some of them are really hot. One or two per week top class. *Of course there is an issue of their older brothers with menacing eyes ;)

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