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Is Marriage Or Seriously Relationship With Polish Ladies Worth It?

Videobroker  11 | 22
9 Oct 2022   #1
Greetings, Google about Polish ladies, and most of the results are all positive, great wives, smart, loyal, great cooks, intelligent, educated, etc. etc. But that is not my experience. I am going through hell.

My live-in Polish lady partner is driving me crazy. Single mother. Spoiled child. Demanding and she only knows how to talk by yelling and gesturing. I am finding that being in a relationship here is actually worst than in America. Tell me more about Polish women, especially single mothers (with full rights to kid). Tell me about spoiled Polish children that do not know the meaning of the wordno, not now, or you can't have this.I feel like I have wet shoes on the edge of a cliff. I pay for all the bills only to get yelled at. Is blame shifting characteristic of many Polish ladies? They destroy you verbally then come back...Oh, you know that I love you. I am starting to feel used and abused in English and in Polish. But, I had worse problems with Ukrainian dating, but that's for another thread. Maybe the issue is some women, not cultures. Help, if you can. I don't know how to live with or deal with a Polish woman and I am getting ready to bail out. Just don't want to hurt the child's feelings. Although she's starting to act just like her mother. What a child sees, the child does. Thank you.

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Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
9 Oct 2022   #2
Really? What the hell is that? Trolling, Rant, Immature rumblings or all three in one?
Alien  25 | 6442
9 Oct 2022   #3
Change your partner.
cms neuf  2 | 1881
9 Oct 2022   #4
A few months ago you asked for advice about this kid. I wrote you to consider it carefully and talk to a lawyer before making a commitment, hope you did that.

Polish women have lots of qualities but don't expect them to put you over their kid and don't expect a medal for paying the bills - you are a grown up and in Poland that ,means paying the bills (and also does in the US, certainly in Polish American households

But you are entitled to set some ground rules, if you had your own kids then you know what they are. If you didn't and came to parenting late in life then read up on that, ask friends and family and most of all discuss with your partner
Crow  154 | 9563
11 Oct 2022   #5
Licking is very important in modern marriages. Tell it to your sons in time.
pawian  226 | 27587
11 Oct 2022   #6
My live-in Polish lady partner is driving me crazy

That`s what you apparently love. Riding high on adrenaline in partnership every day.

I had worse problems with Ukrainian dating

Exactly coz you choose troublemaking women intentionally. Or subconsciously. You need them like oxygen.

Licking is very important

Yes! Important and pleasant, too!
OP Videobroker  11 | 22
23 Oct 2022   #7
Thanks. I don't know if I stay, walk or run back to America. I am not a doormat and don't intend to become one but it seems to be a pattern that Polish girlfriends and wives, once they have the guy, they begin to treat him like their slave. Pay the bills, take care of me (or us), sit down, listen to me yelling at you in public and demeaning you and shut up. But I love you so much... No thanks.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Oct 2022   #8
Licking is very important

I have seen tourists doing that in salt mines lol.

if I stay, walk or run back to America

RUN BACK TO AMERICA is your best bet.
Paulina  19 | 4505
23 Oct 2022   #9
listen to me yelling at you in public and demeaning you and shut up. But I love you so much...

It has nothing to do with her being Polish. It looks to me that she's simply a toxic person (assuming that you're telling the truth).

Btw, Videobroker, in May 2021 in one thread you wrote that you're in your "later 40's" and just one year later also in May you wrote in another thread that you're 59. Did you grow old a decade in just one year? lol

You just described the Polish women here on this forum to a "T" !.

No, he didn't.
pawian  226 | 27587
23 Oct 2022   #10
Did you grow old a decade in just one year? lol

Yes, hanging around toxic people makes him age faster than normal. :):):)

(assuming that you're telling the truth).

This assumption is based on really thin ice. Actually, on the sand. :)):)
Paulina  19 | 4505
23 Oct 2022   #11
Polish feminists

But Videobroker's girlfriend doesn't sound like a feminist - he wrote that he's paying all the bills :)))

Btw, I don't yell at people in public and I don't demean people I care about.

Yes, hanging around toxic people makes him age faster than normal. :):):)

Haha lol This could be the case, I guess :)))
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
23 Oct 2022   #12
doesn't sound like a feminist - he wrote that he's paying all the bills :)))

So? Those are feminists. They hate men but still want their money.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Oct 2022   #13
I don't demean people

Neither do I.
See I can lie just like you do.
Little girls watch their mothers, especially single gold-digging mothers.
The apple dunnit fall far from the tree and by the time they are teenagers they are aware that they are sitting on a gold mine too.

Mention the word "pre-nup" and you are suddenly history.
Paulina  19 | 4505
23 Oct 2022   #14
Those are feminists. They hate men but still want their money.

In your head maybe lol

Neither do I.
See I can lie just like you do.

Unlike you, I'm not a liar. And I wrote: "I don't demean people I care about."
29 Oct 2022   #15
What you are describing is not a good relationship in my eyes.. She lives on your money and then yells at you all the time? How dare she treat you like that and why do you put up with it? The 'but you know I love you right?' is pure manipulation..

Womans advice to you: Learn her to speak and not rant at your face with her emotions.. Women are emotional creatures but that doesn't mean like a man should take yelling to his face all day, there is supposed to be some kind of balance :0
pawian  226 | 27587
29 Oct 2022   #16
why do you put up with it?

Some people are addicted to toxic partners. Simple.

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