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Indian citizen wants to marry Polish Girl and get settled there.

OP Vivek Roy
28 Oct 2010   #31
Guys don't fight..! Okay I will visit polish embassy here but you guys don't fight here. Thanks to all who abused, who supported me n who used the word "POOR GIRL" for my girl friend. I will meet you in person in Poland then will see you take care.!
chefneedshelp  2 | 37
28 Oct 2010   #32
you want my number???
you bringing me out for a drink??
How sweet
A J  4 | 1075
28 Oct 2010   #33
Want to marry Polish Girl and get settled there.

Yeah, me too, but everytime I propose she faints. Last time she had me worried she actually dropped dead! (I've been proposing for 5 years now!) So.. I think I will date a couple of Eskimo chicks instead, I mean, who doesn't dream of steamy nights in a melting Igloo??

OP Vivek Roy
29 Oct 2010   #34
you want my number???

Sure dude! I will meet you,give me your number.
Midas  1 | 571
31 Oct 2010   #35
Damn, another one of those "plz get me a visa" types. And an Indian Schwarzenegger to boot. Full package, really.

One can actually see, at this very forum, that the UK has slashed Indian/Paki opportunities for immigration. I assume a few blokes at Wesminster must have thought things over.

And now, lo and behold, there they are, all these nice Pakis and Indians so desperate for Polish visas. Damn, what a coincidence.
meagan  - | 18
31 Oct 2010   #36
Poland sux and there is nothing in this impoverished country.

Probably settling to Poland is far better than India.
Karl1983  8 | 41
31 Oct 2010   #37
I am happy that I belong to India as We Indians always welcome to all.

Completely agree, you are so kind you even send presents in the post to other religions, these were intecepted at various airports last week.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
31 Oct 2010   #38
And you already forgot how Indian people suffered under Brits?Ofc,it is because you are English now.

She's half Indian which would make her half English if in fact her mother is English..By virtue of being born in England does not make someone English (not having a go at Atosha, just pointing out a fact)..As for what we owe India, we owe them nothing, please look up the word "Independence" they gained this decades ago.

They stay here, live here and enjoy here with out any interference or any racism.

Really? Thats why you have a caste called the "untouchables"...

The fact is the doors are being closed on them in the UK. They are being priced out of university courses, and the numbers of skilled persons visa's have been slashed.

Please dont believe the hype - tier 1 / 4 visas are still readily available so are spousal / dependant visas..As for universities, most come and study micky mouse courses that they can pay for with the money they earn whilst working here (you think they stick to the 10 hours allowed?)..

Friends please tell me the best way to enter in Poland with out any problem.

Apply for a visa, there is a Polish consulate in Mubia and in New is your friend!

And stop saying English people are racist

A lot are and so are Indians..

Yea but only because you don't want to let him to England so he has to marry Polish broad first and then go to UK.

He doesnt actually want to come to England, he wants to set up home in Poland and have lots of kids and invite his family over to live :D
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Oct 2010   #39
While sending the wife out to work because he won't be able to find employment.

Saw a textbook case of this yesterday, actually.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
31 Oct 2010   #40
Thats there problem...

But seriously, its probably some internet thing thats been going on for 10 months, he's never been to Poland she's probably never been to India...The reality will hit when some weedy little minger gets off the flight..
OP Vivek Roy
31 Oct 2010   #41
Pakis and Indians so desperate for Polish visas. Damn, what a coincidence.

Again racism . the only F*** racism. Indians and Pakis .. Indian and Pakis.. Everyone is saying the same again and again, really don't know about your problems guys. What do you think of yourself and what are you trying to show here ? If I am asking for visa it doesn't mean I am coming there for my whole life. I don't want to live among you like people. I heard that Polish are polite and helpful but now I am seeing here how you guys are ! Anyway. You may think whatever you want, it wont affect me in anyway.
f stop  24 | 2493
31 Oct 2010   #42
A nation is a society united by a delusion about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbours.
William R. Inge
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
31 Oct 2010   #43
A Nation is United by its Ancestry and some delusionional wannabe neighbor comes along
and spews hatred.. Patrycja19 :))))

peace and love ;)
OP Vivek Roy
31 Oct 2010   #44
A lot are and so are Indians..

Thats how you think and see yourself once !

He doesnt actually want to come to England, he wants to set up home in Poland and have lots of kids and invite his family over to live :D

Hey. better you shut your mouth, it will be good for you and for you kind information I don't want to set up my home among such racist people.

While sending the wife out to work because he won't be able to find employment.

Really? How do you know that I won't be able to find employment out there ? Stop doing forecasting and give the time on yourself that would be better for you. We Indians are that much capable to get employment. So don't think much dude. Live your life happily instead of forecasting and pointing to someone.
Karl1983  8 | 41
31 Oct 2010   #45
Hey. better you shut your mouth

A real gentleman. Who is the lucky girl to meet such a well mannered young man like yourself - probably some bint from a village with a fake tan wanting something "exotic", like all the idiots we have in Nottingham (UK), when will they learn/get a brain?
OP Vivek Roy
31 Oct 2010   #46
Karl.. .......... Ain't you seeing these guys? How they are commenting and abusing only. but . anyway
forget it .. what to say you also the same as all.. better I should not ask you guys anything.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
31 Oct 2010   #47
I don't want to set up my home among such racist people.

Best stay in India then.

By the way you're welcome, you most people would have said thank you when provided with information..Evidently you're too thick to even click on the link.

A real gentleman.

Aint she a lucky girl ;0)
ctek  - | 2
31 Oct 2010   #48
I am a Polish American living in Poland. I adapted well to living here but I will be difficult for you to adapt to living here if you do not speak the language and are a foreigner. Poland is opening up more and more but I imagine it would be much easier for you try a western European country instead... UK/Ireland etc.
Karl1983  8 | 41
31 Oct 2010   #49
Karl.. .......... Ain't you seeing these guys? How they are commenting and abusing only.

Then just ignore it, why stoop to their level offering to meet up??? Anyway whatever you want to do either way I hope you make the right decision.
espana  17 | 951
31 Oct 2010   #50
from India

I am in relationship with a polish girl since 10 months

good luck , try not to hurt the girl.
meagan  - | 18
1 Nov 2010   #51
We Indians are that much capable to get employment.

If you are capable of getting employment u guys why do you need to go abroad.Why not

call your polish gf to your country and build your dreams there,not to go to Poland anymore.

If you think twice of what they're saying here,maybe it's not about being racist,it's

about protecting thier country.I'm sorry to tell you this,Indians looks like terrororist.When

there's a problem around you can see Indians were involved many times.So you can't blame

Polish/non-polish in this forum who were against of you to go to Poland and even in Uk.
Midas  1 | 571
1 Nov 2010   #52
Love it, absolutely love it :-) Although it would be a better experience if vivek here actually wrote in proper English...

Still, step by step... Dear vivek:

1) "Again racism . the only F*** racism." - I stated a fact. There seems to be a lot of gentlemen from India and Pakistan on the prowl for a Polish visa nowadays. This wasn't visible at all back when Poland wasn't in the EU.

Funny, isn't it?

And it got even worse a few years back, when the UK decided it won't let you ride their coattails anymore and cut down visa opportunities.

Like it or not sunshine, you are not the only special indian boy nowadays looking for a Polish, sorry, an EU, visa :-).

So, I stated a fact. You pulled the race card, as you boys usually do in almost all instances. Since I have now proven it was unwarranted, please take the said card back.

2) On a rather humorous sidenote, why is it that your women ( Paki and Indian ) aren't so keen to apply for EU visas? Oh, wait, they're still stuck in this whole hijab and arranged marriage hell, sorry that I asked :-)

3) Indians are amidst the most prejudiced people in the world. First of all, their social system actually makes it "ok" to completely **** over certain members of their society - the untouchables, as it was mentioned.

Then comes that whole race thing... Their attitude towards black people, for example, is usually nothing short of despicable.

4) I heard that Polish are polite and helpful but now I am seeing here how you guys are - I happen to be Jewish. So don't take it out on the poor Poles if I'm dissing you.

5) Hey. better you shut your mouth, it will be good for you - I see you are looking for a reason to get banned.

6) We Indians are that much capable to get employment. - you Indians are often a bunch of stuck up pricks that consider yourself superior to everyone else, as your sentence has proven.

7) All in all, this seems to be a typical visa scam. Dude met some dumbo "girlfriend" in a chatroom with the sole purpose of moving to EU.

Poland is in a unique position to avoid certain immigration mistakes that older EU states have made ( UK is closing down doors on Indians and Pakis for a reason ) and IMO it should start handling this matter.
Wroclaw Boy
1 Nov 2010   #53
I'm sorry to tell you this,Indians looks like terrororist.

Considering Poland's not on the terrorist hit list who cares?

Although it would be a better experience if vivek here actually wrote in proper English...

How would it be better? Lets remember that he's a foreigner and English wouldn't be his first language.

For the original poster, ive met a few Indian families in Wroclaw and they seem to be doing quite well for themselves.
grubas  12 | 1382
1 Nov 2010   #54
You may think whatever you want, it wont affect me in anyway.

Maybe not now but it will once (if) you put your feet on the ground.

One can actually see, at this very forum, that the UK has slashed Indian/Paki opportunities for immigration.

Then Polish passports should go up in price.Anyway I find it sad that mainly 3rd world males go for sham marriage.What about females?I would be happy to get one to EU for just euros 15k(cash).Any takers?
Midas  1 | 571
1 Nov 2010   #55
How would it be better? Lets remember that he's a foreigner and English wouldn't be his first language. - it would be better since we could actually understand 100% of what he's writing as opposed to, shall we say, 70% :-).

English isn't my first language either. Yet You don't see Me spouting jibber-jabber and butchering it like there's no tomorrow.
djayzamri  - | 1
17 Oct 2011   #56
im living in uk ...want to marry a polish for EU passport...will pay..?what u say....?im talking abt a real deal....?if u are loyal bla cut the straight forward....Thank u...
Mark B  - | 9
17 Oct 2011   #57
That scam has been widely reported and investigated in the UK.
hythorn  3 | 580
17 Oct 2011   #58
the moment that the Brits allow gay marriages to count, then the floodgates will really open

middle aged poofs from the UK marrying queens from Thailand and Brazil

who knows, perhaps it happens already

can't see that happening in Poland quite yet somehow
20 Dec 2011   #59
i,m searching a girls for marriage me or help me i,m Mazam 23 year old any girls interest me so reply my i,m waiting how interest me a girls is a rich so help me and my famly my id is ghjkla83@yahoo.
Midas  1 | 571
20 Dec 2011   #60
You forgot to include a price you're willing to pay for your fake marriage.

This is a scam, mods should delete his post.

Home / Love / Indian citizen wants to marry Polish Girl and get settled there.

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