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Polish girls' attitude towards different kinds of sex

5 Apr 2011 #1
My experiences might be unique, but the few Polish girls that I have been intimate with all seem to have a real liking for anal sex. Some even tell me they prefer it to vaginal sex. I've never gotten this impression from girls of any other nationality and I am really wondering if the girls I meet are unique, or if this is a real common thing amongst Poles.

I really apologize for the crudeness of my question, but it's one that has been on my mind for a while.
southern 73 | 7071
5 Apr 2011 #2
This is true.I think it comes from the catholic tradition.(like preserving main entrance virginity).
smurf 39 | 1951
5 Apr 2011 #3
yea, i agree with ya, they're fĂșckin mad for it up the jacksie
southern 73 | 7071
5 Apr 2011 #5
I like when they say.I know you want my ass.Or anal?Bardzo lubie.
PennBoy 76 | 2432
5 Apr 2011 #6
the few Polish girls that I have been intimate with all seem to have a real liking for anal sex

Polish girls? are u sure
JonnyM 11 | 2609
5 Apr 2011 #7
Maybe he was drunk and they were actually guys ;-)
dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
5 Apr 2011 #8
My experiences might be unique, but the few Polish girls that I have been intimate with all seem to have a real liking for anal sex.

Whatever Mod is on....didnt one of you guys suspend me once for this subject.....? lololol

I shall now step aside biting my lip :D

3 lucky men and counting?

How nice to see you have entered this thread...... ;p ;p
5 Apr 2011 #9
Wacko !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fake post for with rotten imagination
Ice cold - | 43
5 Apr 2011 #10
Polish girls? are u sure

Yup, had it offered by 2 different GF's. I declined. Not my thing.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
5 Apr 2011 #11
Wacko !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fake post for with rotten imagination

Maybe he is just "wacking" one off.....
FlaglessPole 4 | 654
5 Apr 2011 #12
My experiences might be unique, but the few Polish girls that I have been intimate with all seem to have a real liking for anal sex.

that's Polish hospitality for ya...

aphrodisiac 11 | 2437
5 Apr 2011 #13
How nice to see you have entered this thread...... ;p ;p

never miss such topics. I like when men brag.

Wacko !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fake post for with rotten imagination

why so offended, eh?

Flaggy followed the suit with a nice youtube presentation too lol
dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
5 Apr 2011 #14
never miss such topics. I like when men brag.

Well, let me pm u a few of my life stories.... lol
aphrodisiac 11 | 2437
5 Apr 2011 #15
oh, really? are not traumatized, are you lol. Kiss and tell is not your thing;)

all right: what luby have you used and then I will establish if you are telling the truth:)

was about to have an early and uneventful night;)
OP Noii
5 Apr 2011 #16
Myself, I view it as something natural and enjoyable - just not something enjoyed by everyone. People like different things, and it seems there are trends among what people from certain countries enjoy. I am by no means asking if ALL Polish girls like this, but maybe if it is something enjoyed by a larger percentage than in other countries.

I have no real experience with Polish culture, I can only speak about the few Polish girls that have passed through my life. It might have been a very strange coincidence, but 4/4 of these girls have admitted to loving anal sex. It makes a guy wonder

And in your question about lube, we used Astroglide, haha
FlaglessPole 4 | 654
5 Apr 2011 #17
Flaggy followed the suit with a nice youtube presentation too lol

But of course, but the real question here is; do Polish girls have huge vaginas?
On the second thought Noi in Thai means small which could also mean that... Polish girls are very considerate towards Noii's plight.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2437
5 Apr 2011 #18
And in your question about lube, we used Astroglide, haha

thanks for the info lol


to answer your question: How would I know, it is not really my department, but.......I can investigate, anything for a friend;). Perhaps you can do a research yourself, then I would not be in an uncomfortable situations and I don't want to be slapped by a Polish woman;)
dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
5 Apr 2011 #19
Kiss and tell is not your thing;)

How do u know that???? hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!! Have I my very own FB stalker :P

But of course, but the real question here is; do Polish girls have huge vaginas?

You *******!!!! hahahahahahahahaha I'm crying with laughter:D Only cos one of my patients told me the other day she was scared of having a shower cos they thought their "fairy might swallow the towel!!" pmsl
OP Noii
5 Apr 2011 #20
On the second thought Noi in Thai means small which could also mean that... Polish girls are very considerate towards Noii's plight.

Hahaha, nice one. I knew Noii is a Thai girls' name, I had no idea it meant "small"
aphrodisiac 11 | 2437
5 Apr 2011 #21
How do u know that???? hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!

well, I don't. The only thing I am interested on FB is playing Farmville lol
dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
5 Apr 2011 #22
Ah well, your guess was right. I never kiss and tell, not really the gentleman way :)
FlaglessPole 4 | 654
5 Apr 2011 #23
Wacko !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fake post for with rotten imagination

so I take it you don't take it up the... excuse me, an urgent call, brb.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2437
5 Apr 2011 #24
excuse me, an urgent call, brb.

er, no, you don't have my phone number.
PennBoy 76 | 2432
5 Apr 2011 #25
Wacko !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fake post for with rotten imagination

Yea he started this to get a thrill. As far as I remember you have to date most Polish girls for a while for them to let you stick it (in the vagina), unless she's the neighborhood *****.
5 Apr 2011 #26
Is this so arresting subject to talk about ? Some wacko fantasizing about polish girls ! Never been with any, so that`s why he has no idea about Polish girls and what they like .
FlaglessPole 4 | 654
5 Apr 2011 #27
...ok sorry I'm back, t'was my mum... so, do you?
6 Apr 2011 #28
If you want to talk about this subject I will tell you something : for this wacko and others like him it may be the last and only " reservoir " of pleasure . You know why, coz boys with small ones can`t get a pleasure the normal way. So my guess is that he has got the small one .
JustysiaS 13 | 2238
6 Apr 2011 #29
Ah well, your guess was right. I never kiss and tell, not really the gentleman way :)

no not at all :P (apart from what you told me, but don't worry I won't tell anyone ;)

for gods sake, people still coming up with theories like this one??
dtaylor5632 18 | 1999
6 Apr 2011 #30
for gods sake, people still coming up with theories like this one??

life goes in circles....seems like pf does too ;)

Home / Love / Polish girls' attitude towards different kinds of sex