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Gift giving for boyfriends mum for mothers day

5 May 2023   #1
Hi all,
My boyfriend is from Poland, and we've already been in a relationship for over three years.
With Mother's Day coming up, I'm unsure if I should order his mum a gift. We live in another country, and I don't see her that often. She doesn't speak English, so my boyfriend is the translator when we visit them. She's really lovely and always asks my boyfriend about me. The thing is, I'm not sure if it's appropriate, and I don't want to embarrass myself. She's in retirement and lives in a small village, so his family is always busy with their farm. Any advise?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
5 May 2023   #2
Send her flowers with chocolates.
Alien  25 | 6431
5 May 2023   #3
@Cargo pants
I don't know if she should give her anything at all. After all, it's Mother's Day. She should wait with the gift, e.g. until her Birthday.
Lenka  5 | 3541
5 May 2023   #4
I'm unsure if I should order his mum a gift.

If anything make a joined gift.

Home / Love / Gift giving for boyfriends mum for mothers day

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